Page 10 THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER (One Day Nearer Victory) THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, Vjiz With Men In Service Genatus R. (Red) Easley Receives Commission Genatus R. (Red) Easley, for merly of Greenvilk, has been com missioned a second lieutenant in the quartermaster corps, U. S. Army, and is now stationed at Fort Sam Souston, San Antonio, Texas. Lt. Easley received his bars at Fort Francis E. Warren, Cheyenne, Wyo., where he also had his basic training. He will return there after completing 30 days of addi tional work at his present post. He enlisted in the volunteer officers class last spring and was inducted at Fort Jackson, on May 30. Lt. Easley attended Furman Uni versity and was outstanding in bas ketball. He is a member of the Greenville Rotary Club and before entering the service was gales rep resentative for the Acme Steel Company. Mrs. Easley, the former Miss Mary Barber, of Waynesville, who has arrived to spend some time with her parents, has been with her husband while he was station ed at Cheyenne. At Camp Bowie At Camp Hood Pvt. Robert Parton Arrives For 15-Day Leave Private Robert Parton has ar rived to spend a 15-day furlough here with his grandmother, Mrs. M. L. Pressley. He was inducted in the service at Fort Jackson six months ago. From Jackson he was sent to Kessler Field, Miss., and from there to Hammer Field, Calif. He ia now stationed at Tonapah Val ley, Nev. ; iff ; 'f AIR CORPS HATE! THE boys I make power straight for Kate when the brines oat their favorite Rumford Chocolate Cake or Cookies. No air-pockets in Romford texture ... no alum to spoil flavor. Trj Rumford. FREE: TJm Rmmfoid'a Timely Sacs pa Material. Write today Rumford Baking Powder, Box E, Rumford, Rhode Island. PVT. EDGAR SMITH, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, of Lake Junaluska. Pvt. Edgar Smith Now In Camp Bowie, Texas Private F.dgar Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Smith, of Lake Junaluska, is now stationed at Cam) Howie, Texas. He en- listid in the service on May 20, 1942. Pvt. Smith was first stationed at Camp Wheeler, Ga., and from there he was transferred to Camp Gordon and from the latter to his present station in Texas. .,; ' f PVT. ROBERT GUDGER PAL MER, who is attached to the 827th Tank Division Training Company. QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS due ro EXCESS ACID FreeBaokTellsof Home Treatment that f.'.ust Help or it Will Cost You Nothing 'vertwomJHIon bottles of the WILLARD i i(KATMNT have been sold for relief of v mpuims of distress arising from Stomach f ill Duodenal Ulcers due to EiceteAcId f oor Digestion, tour or Upset Stomach, Casilness, Heartburn, Sleeplessness, etc duo to Eicess Acid. Sold on 16 days' trial I Ask for "Willard's Message" which fully xplaim this treatment tree at SMITH'S DRUG STORE Sgt. Howard Bryson Spends Furlough Here Sergeant Howard Bryson, U. S. Engineering Corps, is spending a few days here with his wife and his parents. Sgt. Bryson has been in the service since June 6, 1942. He was inducted at Fort Jack son and from there was sent to Camp Claiborne, La., and from there to Toledo, Ohio. His last station was at Yuma, Ariz. When he leaves here he will report for duty at Needles, Calif. Sgt. .Bryson prior to entering the service was ths local represen tative of the Smith Transfer Com-manv. Pvt. Jack Justice, In Training As Mechanic In U. S. Air Corps Private Jack Justice ' of this county is now stationed at Ama rillo army airfield where he is taking special courses in air corps mechanics. Pvt. Justice was inducted in the sojvice on October 17, at Camp Croft. From Croft he was trans ferred to Fort Jackson, and then to the aircorps replacement cen ter atSIiami Reach. He was transferred from Miami to the Army Air Corps Technical School in Texas on December 7th, one year from the day the Japs attacked Pearl Harbor. Larry Cagle, Seaman 1C Arrives Safely Overseas Larry Cagle, Seaman First Class, at his destination somewhere in Southwest Pacific, South of Equa tor and West of International date line," according to a message to his wife, Mrs. Cagle. Before entering the service on July 2, 1942, Seaman Cagle was employed by the Bookmill Depart ment of the Champion Fibre and Paper Company in Canton. He is a former president of the Haywood County Young Democrats, and offi cial organizer of Young Democra tic County Clubs West of Ashe ville. He is a member of the Clyde Masonic Lodge and of the Scot tish Tire, of Asheville. Mr. And Mrs. Sam Fulbright Have Two Sons Serving Uncle Sam Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fulbright, of Waynesville, have two sons in the service: Private William Bryson Fulbright, who is stationed at Camp Croft, and Private Robert Medford Fulbright, who has been in Panama for the nast vpar. The latter has been in the service for more than a year. He was in ducted at Fort Jackson and from there he was sent to Camp Croft and from there to Charleston, and then to Panama. His location at the present is unknown. Prior to entering the service he was em ployed by lumber mill operators in the county. Private William Bryson Ful bright has been in the service for the past five months. He was in ducted at Camp Croft and was transferred from there to Fort Jackson and "then back to Camp Croft where he is now stationed. Prior to his entering the armed forces he was employed by the Waynesville Lumber Mill. Fines Creek News Plans are under way to plaster the parsonage of the Methodist Church charge. Each church in the charge was given their part of the work, according to the membership of their church. Churches in the Fines Creek charge are: Central Fines Creek, Pine Grove, Laurel Hill, Spring 'Creek and Baldwin Chapel. Rev. Melton Harbin is pastor of the charge. While a number of the members are now out of the county on de fense jobs, it is thought that they will be glad to contribute to the work. Private Mark Rathbone son of Richard Rathbone and the la1 Mrs. Etta Rathbone, is now stationed at Fort George Mead, Md. Pvt. Sam McCracken, who has been with the medical department and located in San Francisco for the past two years, is now on a fur lough. He is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCracken and other relatives on Fines Creek. Mallie Woody, who is now em ployed at Wilmington, spent the past week here with his wife and family. D. N. Rathbone left Monday for Camp Forrest, Tenn., to visit his brother Farady Rathbone, wh is a patient in the army ho Frank Ferguson suffe red a brok. en leg while he was dehornix, t.lp last. wmI & cat- Mrs. V. B. Gretn, who is . n , lent in th RiimAj P - - j v,ount iy H pital is reported as improving, OS. Food has many parts become so ,... of Creech ITT. m weeks that foreign observe - diet many natives will die of Nnrwwlv nnf. In 1 v r . iimger day for rural progress than the editor, 0( iarm journals and rural pen. newspa. Saunook News Mrs. Carl McCracken has visiting her husband who is located in Wilmington Cliff DeWeEse has returned to Norfolk after a visit with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. DeWeese. Hugh Mease, Jr., Canton, To Finish West Point Hugh Mease, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mease, of Canton, graduates this week from the United States Military Academy at West Point, N. Y. He will be commissioned in the field artillery. After graduating from the Can ton high school he attended Sewa- nee Military Academy at Sewanee, Tenn., for one year prior to receiv ing his appointment from the Sewanee honor school. During his second class year at West Point, he was appointed a cadet corporal and later attained the rank of cadet lieutenant. He tvus interested in sports and turn id out for boxing, soccer and gym nastics, winning monograms in the latter sport. He was also chair man of the Howitzer, cadet year book ; representatives, a member of the cadet chapel ushers, and on the honor committee. MARRIAGES Ernest Hooper has gorje to Mem phis, Tenn., where he is taking position with the government. Mrs. Janvs R. CcClure recently received information from her son, Robert McClure, he is now "some where in Africa." Mrs. John Arrington has arriv ed from Florida, where she has been visiting her husband who is in camp there. Mrs. Vaughn Rhinehart is visit ing her daughter, Mrs. Clifton Shook and Mrs. Dee Clark in New port News. Mrs. R. A. Davis spent the week end in Waynesville as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Robt. MehafTey. Mrs. Laura Rathbone snent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Bob Hooper. Bonner Rabb and Bill Stephens are leaving with the group of draf tees for the army on Friday. John Melton and his daughter. Miss Willia Nell Melton, of Cow- arts, are now making their home with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Whitner. n n narrs n n n jzsk III lujsGsiu r u ruu i m res See Us We Will Pay Cash For Used Furniture W IP i P Massie runnmre u. Main Street Waynesville ''SSSSSBBSSBBBBBSBBBSlSasSSSBBBBBBSBSSBBSSMSaBSSSS Replaces Henderson George G. Fish to field, both of Canton. Gladys Ben- Consumer expenditures for com modities during 1942 are estimated by the department of commerce at $52 billion. NEW TAXI CHARGES Effective January 21 Due to our increased operating cost; the scarcity of accessories essential to our operation, and lack of many replacement parts, the undersigned taxis will be forced to make the following charges on all trips from Waynesville, on and after January 21, 1943: New Rate Schedule Hazelwood 50c Barber's Service Station $1.00 Balsam Service Station $1.50 Allen's Creek (end pavement) 75c Plott Creek (Lee's) 75C Piedmont Hotel 75c Barberville Church 50c Liner's Store, Dellwood Road 65c Dellwood $1.00 Maggie $2.00 Hemphill $2.00 Jonathan's Creek (Palmer's) $2.00 Underwood Novelty 65c Lake Store 75c We $1.50 Francis Cove (Old Mill) .50c Pigeon Gap $1.00 Howell Mill Road 50c Bethel School $1.25 Woodrow Store $1.75 Hospital and Nurses Home 35c City Limit 35c Dirt Roads (City Limit) 50c fftf msmM --.i.sffiTtNiiiTlfttrllif LJ : This Applies To Following Taxis .-. . Scott Reeves Paul Younf Gtis Cochran James Clarke SpiUman McClure Homer Messer Frank Jones Hill Matney Howell Freeman Leo Buckner Sam Freeman Ray Belt Nominated by President Roosevelt to take the place of Leon Henderson, O. P. A. director, is Prentiss Brown, former senator from Michigan. He is known as a loyal New Dealer. The Senate is expected to quickly con firm the appointment. (Central Prett) WANT ADS FOR SALE 200 bushels of tur nips 50 cts. a bushel at the field. D. V. Francis, R-l, Waynesville. Jan. 14-21. FOR RENT Three-room apart ment, steam heated and furnish ed. Call 353-W. Jan. 14-21. WANTED Will pay cash for used Eagle ranges regardless of con dition. See Massie Furniture Company. Jan. 7-14-21-28 WANTED Three farm tenant families. General agricultural and livestock. Refers nces required- Apply at the United States Employment Service, 114 N. Main . Street, Waynesville. Jan. 21-28 FOR SALE Farm and orchard with 2 houses and barn at bar gain. Se owner at 312 Walnut Street, Waynesville. Jan. 21 WANTED Day worker for private heme. Housekeeping and care "of. one child, $5.00 per .week. Apply at the U. S. Employment Service. Jan 21 Tax Pao This is to give notice that PENAL TIES will be added to all unpaid 1942 Taxes on the first day of February, 1943. Pay Now And Save The Penalty J. L FERGUSON Tax Collector and Tax Supervisor Of Haywood County