L-BSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1943 (One Day Nearer Victory) THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER Part 11 A Week Of The War WAR BUDGET President's budget message rl forecast federal ex ?tugrefo 1108 billion in the 1944 nd called for $16 C1 ' .... .11wHnna hv taza- . saving" ,ftA .. .r 1944 were set at100 IWD. War w w. totaled released oy ' V? m . co Killinn 3.8 times rJount Tp-ent in IMl-Jmt end of the year, they were run ' gt an annual rate of about kbfllion- . fffflphasizing: that meinoos Nion sr;;( con- Inirress, tie i . C to put taxpayers on a pay- voU-eO DSS1S, Di...i".y - J , .... ,.rti n reforms tern, ana e - -"V- the tax girut""- -j 106 . would include P Hpnletion-of-re- LTVovision, extension to all r"3 r ... .f limitation tome or we pi.. "".Ann nn earned income, f i .t tax exemption irom issues of securities and cur nt of the advantages of Z income returns stUI allowed krried couples in some bimvc. HY-AS-yOU-GO TAX PLAN A treasury department state ,t said the simplest and most thnrf of placine indi- gCVivc , Ijii navments on a rrent basis is collection of the tes at the source of the income, anley S. Surrey, tax legislative unselofthe Treasury Depart nt, explained that if income tax llections at the source were made plicable at the normal (plus . .rtv rata. t.h vast ijority of our taxpayers about i million ol tne esuma-iea ou llion income taxpayers would niawd on a current basis and Lid also have their income taxes itomatically budgeted for them. Americans are already subject ithhnldinir tax the Vic- tjr tax. Treasury officials have nto nnf that withholding, in iise case, is a collection devise Ither than a tax in itself, a ae o ibniimpd to helo the taxpayer L his 1943 Victory tax when it falls due in March, 1944. The methods developed for administer ing the withholding provisions were determined upon as the most equitabe for ail taxpayers affect ed, under the terms of the statute imposing the tax. WOMEN IN WAR This week, WMC Chairman Mc Nutt, announcing that 4 million women are now working in war plants, predicted that in a very short time one out of every four workers in American war indus tries will be a woman. To meet 1943 war production goals, the number of women workers must in crease, until by the end of the year, 6 million women will be en gaged in war production work. An intensive campaign is to be launched this month by the Red Cross Nursing Service, to recruit 36,000 graduate registered nurses for the army and navy nurse corps, 100,000 Red Cross nurses aides to assist professional nurses in civi lian and government hospitals, and one million students in Red Cross home nursing classes, teaching teaching methods of protecting health and preventing illness in the home. Mr. McNutt, as direc tor of defense health and welfare service, announced that if even minimum civilian and military needs of the nation are to be met, 65,000 young women must enter schools of nursing between June 30, 1943, and July 1, 1944. NOTICE OF SUMMONS In The Superior Court: forth Carolina, kywood County. Jeter WilhamB, vs. Jenett Williams. The defendant, in the above en- led action, will take notice, that action has been started in the ijperior Court of Haywood Coun State of North Carolina, for e purpose of securing an absolute ivoree from the defendant upon latutary grounds. That the defendant will further Ike notice he is required to ap par before the undersigned clerk said court for the county of ajrwood, at the court house in taynesville, North Carolina, on e 28th day of January, 1943, and swer or demur to the complaint led m said action or the plaintiff ' apply to the court for the flief demanded in said complaint KATE WILLIAMSON. Asst. Clerk of the Superior wurt lor Haywood County. 1269-Jan 7-14-21-28. May Warn of Disordered Kidney Action Modern life with iU hurry nd worry, insular habits. Improper eating mod tin! .!:"8 risk of ePomre d infee onthrows heavy strain on the work .. . kld!"'5"- They are apt to become "id laii to filter exceaa acid Wood lmPuri'' from the lile-ivin hYuma3f ,uffer nagglni backache, Mdach, diiimess, getting up nights. "weiliK 'Ml constantly '7ft. "wvous. all worn out. Other aigns " kidney or bladder disorder are some Stion""n!' """"y or 100 frmuent kdTn7'",,, Pilh- D' "P t SutU0 pf off 'ul exceaa body Jh,ey h.,re hd than half a A Vour neighbor! AGRICULTURE AND WAR Calling on farmers for unpre cedented production in 1943, Pres ident Roosevelt said food already sent to the people of Nofth Africa is saving the energies and the lives of American troops there. Food, he said, is a weapon in total war and the record crop produced last year by American farmers is a major victory of the United Nations. Year-end estimates from the de partment of agriculture show 1942 output of livestock and livestock products (for sale and home con sumption) up 12 per cent over 1941, crop production up nearly 14 per cent and total agriculture production up more than 12 per cent. But it is still likely that, due to unprecedented national in come and rising government re quirements, 1943 demand for farm products will rise well ahead of production. Attainment of the 1943 food goals would mean a 12 NOTICE OF SALE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF HAYWOOD Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in certain deed in trust executed on the 16th day of August, 1939, by T. W. Trull and wife, Nettie Trull, to the undersigned trustee to secure cer tain indebtedness therein describ ed which said deed and trust is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Haywood County in deed of trust, Book 25, Page 282 and the fault having been made in the payment of said deed and trust as therein provid ed and demand having been made on the undersigned trustee by the holder of the notes secured by the same, now, therefore, the under signed trustee will on the 4th day of February, 1943, at the Court House door in the City of Waynes ville, N. C,. at 12 o'clock noon offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said deed of trust the following describ ed property to-wit: BEGINNING on a Lynn tree on the bank of Anderson's Creek, and in Robert Haney's line, and runs with said Haney's line 8 poles to a locust on a small branch ; then with said branch 37 poles to a twin poplar stump; then south east 32 poles to a locust stump on Anderson's Creek; then with said Anderson's Creek 31 poles to the BEGINNING. Containing 4 acres more or less. This deed of trust is given to secure the balance of purchase due on above described land. This the 4th day of January, 1943. CHESTER A. COGBURN, Trustee. No. 1268 Jan. 7-14-21-28. FDR Looks At His Xmas Present from the Army ( ''' ' ' r ' Solemnly looking over a hofe globe given to kin by the army a a Chrfatmas present. President franklin D. Roosevelt fixes his gase on Africa. Measuring 60 inches Ui diameter and weighing 800 pounds, the big globe occupies a prominent position In the President'! office In the White House. Thte it a phonephoto. (CtrU Prttt) per cent increase (over 1942) In livestock and livestock products, a 4 per cent increase in total agri cultural production, and a total food production increase of about 6 per cent. If these goals are at tained 1913 will be the seventh consecutive year to set a food pro duction record. After government requirements have been met, the volume of 1943 food production left for civilians is expected to be about the same as the 1935-39 average, which was adequate to feed the nation five years ago but is 10 per cent below 1942. Mm Mm ms si OFFENSIVE IN LIBYA The Allies have opened an air offensive against den. Rommels re treating Afrika Korps in Libya. On Sunday, January 10, Allied planes bombed and machine gun ned the German forces on the coast road between Misurata and Tripoli. On Tuesday, January 12, they made a lightning attack on Castel Benito. 10 miles south of Tripoli, raining bombs on -the air field, setting fire to buildings and destroying at least five enemy planes on the ground . . . and on the way back. Flying Fortresses rushed into a 75-mfle running bat tle with German Messcrscrmitt fighters and without loss brought down 14 of them. On the 13th, Allied planes, in NOTICE OF SALE On Mnnday, January 25th, 1943, at 11:00 o'clock a. m., at the Court house door in Waynesville, Hay wood County, N. C, I will offer for sale nt nublic outcrv to the highest bidder for cash, the following lands and premises situate in Waynes ville Township, Haywood County, N. C, to-wit: FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING at a stake in the Southwest side line of Daisv Avenue 229.5 feet from the corner of the Oak Street in the Oak Forest Addition to the Town of Waynesville; thence S. 81 8' W. 200 feet to a stake; thence N. 68 62' W. 76 feet to a stake; thence N. 31 09' E. 192 feet to a stake in the side line of Daisy Avenue; thence along the Southwest line of Daisy Avenue 75 feet to the BE GINNING, being the same land de scribed in a deed from National RnnHholders Corporation to Alice Jackson, dated September 30th, 1938, and recorded in Book 102, at page 552, Haywood County Regis try. SECOND TRACT: BEGINNING at a point on Brown Street, corner of Lot No. 4 formerly belonging to J. N. White and runs thence N. 30 8' E. 160 feet with the line of said lot to the comer of Lot No. 6; thence N. 68 52' W. with the line of said lot 60 feet to the line of S. C- Satterthwaite's Lot No. 7, to a point marked by a stake; thence S. 20 66' W. 135 feet with line of )H lot to Brown Street: thence along and with said Brown Street 65 feet to the BEGINNING, ana being the same property described in a deed from W. G. Byers, Clerk Superior Court, and W. T. Craw ford,, Guardian, to Ralph Leather vrnnii nd wife. Doris Leatherwood, dated October 12, 1939, and record ed in Book , page , Haywood County Registry. Knlo made nursuant to the Dow ers and authority confered upon the undersigned trustee Dy tnat cer tain iWd of trust dated October 24, 1939, from Ralph Leatherwood and wife, Dons Leatherwood, ana Alice Jackson, to A. T. wara, irus too far Havwood Home Building and Loan Association, recorded in Book 42 of Deeds ol Trust, at page I'M in tho office of the Register of Deeds of Haywood County, to which instrument and record reference is hereby made for all the terms and provisions thereof. The two tracts above described will be offered for sale separately, and then as a whole if necessary. broad daylight, opened a heavy at tack on German positions in the Madi Zemem Area and in a fierce air battle shot down four Messer sehmitts and damaged others. The night before, bombers had attack ed enemy landing grounds at Mi- surata( which is about 60-70 miles north of the Wadi Zemzem de fense line) and had followed up by bombing Axis-held roads and fields and machine gunning transport convoys all the way from Misurata to Tunisia, 270 miles to the west. Allied fighter and bomber planes, the next day, again carried tho battle to Misurata and to Tripoli. Meanwhile, the activity in Tunisia continues with Allied air forces hitting hard against the Axis coastal towns and the French re porting gains in the southern sec tor. On the New Guinea, U. S. and Australian troons continue to close slowly in on the tight little Japa nese stronghold on Sanananda point. Hampered by torrential rains, Allied troops on Friday were still one and one-half miles from the main enemy positions. In a daring commando-type raid a picked force of jungle-trained Australians truck within one of Japan's biggest bases in northeast New Guinea and wiped out all the Japanese they found. The raid was at Mubo, 12 miles south of HOSPITAL NEWS Mrs. Chas. L. Hill, of Clyde, route 1, operative case, is improving. Mrs. Lester Moore, of Canton, operative case, ia better. Mrs. T. R. O'Lear, of Canton, operative case, is resting satisfactorily. Ben Janes, of Clyde, route 1, operative ease, ia improving. Frank Ferguson, of Clyde, route 1, operative ease, is resting more comfortably. Mrs. Everett Moore, of Canton, operative case, is better. Mrs. Walser Hawkins, of Way nesville, operative ease, ia resting more comfortably. Mrs. Tallie O'Neal, of Canton, route 2, operative case, is better. DISCHARGED Aamong those discharged from the Haywood County Hospital dur ing the past week were: Miss Lucile Dyer, Mrs. Carl Moody, Mrs. L. C. Christopher, Mrs. R. the big enemy base of Salamanua on the Huon Gulf, and was a two day operation by Australians who had been operating in the area for some time. JAPANESE PROPAGANDA After the navy identified as the Hornet the aircraft carried sunk in the battle of Santa Cruz Islands on October 26, 1942, Japanese pro pagandists attempted to exploit the American announcement by as serting that the Hornet brought the North American bombers for the air attack on Tokyo last April 18. A Tokyo broadcast recorded by the OWI declared that the sink ing of the carrier was "revenge for the raid," adding that Japanese air units had been concentrating on this ship. M. Scates and baby, Mrs. Ralph Riddle, Master Billy Young, Mas ter Billie Farmer, Luther Garren, Mrs. Milaa Curtis and baby, weoo Smathers. Mrs. J. D. Jones and baby. Wilfnrd Hooner. Mrs. H L. Hart ley, Ulna Inman, Mrs. Bobby rortner, Mrs. uuy aimma ana baby, Mrs. Joe Kirkpatrick, Misa Pauline Gaddis, W. M. Hall, Misa Marie Hyde, Emmette Eller, Mrs. William Rich, Mrs. B. L, Willis and baby, Amos Medford, Mrs. Alvin R. Deitx, and Miss Ursula Welch. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Willis, of Canton, announce the birth of a son on January 12. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Brown, of Waynesville, announce the birth of a son o January 12. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Trull, of Canton, route 3, announce the birth of a daughter on January 13. Mr. a.nrl Mra. Bill Pavna. of Civile, routa 1. announce the birth of a daughter on January 14. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Moore, of Hazelwood, announce the birth of a son on January 14. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Jones, of Waynesville, announce the birth of a daughter on January 14 . The government has handed the lowly doughnut a knockout blow. Due to the need for saving grease, dunk you I BEAT MEAT SHORTAGE WITH NEW RECIPES Mrs. Christine Frederick, emi nent expert on household efficien cy, shows ways of preparing ap petizing dishes despite difficulties in getting meat products. Look for this helpful war-time feature in The American Weekly The Big Magazine Distributed With The BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN On Sale At All Newtandi I, TAX L1M Lust Your irropertcy Give to Your Poll UN JANUARY Listing Begins January 1st All property owners and taxpayers in Haywood County are required to return to the list Takers for Taxation for the year 1943 all the Real Estate, Personal Property, etc., which each shall own on the First day of January. All male persons between the ages of 21 and 50 are required to list their polls during the same time. All persons who own property and fail to list it and all who are liable for poll tax and fail to give themselves in will be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. TOWNSHIP LISTERS I Waynesville J. S. Black White Oak.. LoydTeague Cataloochee Mack Caldwell Fines Creek Miss Lucy Green Crabtree ... .Frank Medford Jron Duff .Roy Medford CJyde ... . . . . . Mrs. C. E. Brown Pigeon E. A. Burnett East Fork Ken Burnett Cecil ..Ed Moody Ivy HiU Mrs. Dave Plott Jonathan Creek- Mrs. Troy Leatherwood Beaverdam . .Mrs. James Henderson p. This Decemoer zn, i4Z. A. T. WARD. Trustee. NO. 1266 Dee. 31 Jan 7-14-2L i

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