tf 'm-i-TUTl 1$T A VTkTC17TlT T ITT TuiTOiTT fVTHn A TAT 711710 t 1 flJD V V A 1 JCiO V IJljJUJCi 1V1HJ U H 1 jtlDi JCjJCjJL TO LIVC IBIlilMW wm. 7 Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park P-NINTHJEAR KO. 17 12 Pages WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1943 (One Day Nearer Victory) $1.75 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties Haywood Cominity (Soes One Killed Three Injured tf.Year-Old Girl jm W;il lUTTll J-ilCtlUlia Tf 111 Be Held On Tuesday As Above War Bond Qaoota io Leaves Highway Killed When Car Leaves Soco Road Three In Hospital Reported As Resting Fairly Well Yesterday Afternoon; Car Demolished. e,i - ISM : ' of an - currt: .... n;.n - Mi- (if G Clark. fcipr'-v;'.' Lie the v.!.; mir.e : Th- r tf-liii if. Jie.-viin- Malli'f- Fur..-r;d inn-., 7. ! abfu the iir ev. : Ma ,;t Maness, 17, of Horse ras been employed in ... killed instantly and , injured, as a result ,1-iK- wreck which oc V, mlay night around 11 Soco Gap highway i i ! pi nter Branch road tiie highway about 11 W.ynesville. was the daughter ,,,.) the hit,- Mrs. Annes e.-s. As the car in ujf ruling leu. ine mgn w.r.t over the five loot : and rolling nearly 400 he tire marks on the -nl was thrown from mi her body was found ance from the car, it ! by a reliable source, was heard by nearby he highway who came ,e of the party. Two ,w re called from Way tile body of Miss tabu to the Garrett I h " 'i and the three in .. i - were rushed to the ! fei treatment. m ;ivi! were: Fred Glavich. red cuts and bruises . said to have been v.-1 nf the car; Ruth Fress- ' suffered a shoulder injuries to her arms. . ! 'i d to tic more serious- .: the other two; and . . .I... .).. -'(-'- xva Tenth Casualty .JOK HI. A I N K .IAMKS. IS, sea man fust class, l'. S. Navy, and only m in nf I. B. James, of the Crabt ree section, who is reported missing in action. He was a grad uatc of the Crabtree high school and at the time he volunteered was only 17. The last communi cation the family hud from him was in November when lie cabled hi-; sister I hi :-lma - greetings from Irel and. 27 Local People Receive $1,901 Monthly Payments Twenty-sewn people in Hay wood County received a total of $1 .'.( 1 in monthly payments, ac cording to a report made by the re gional social security hoard. There are 2! retired wage earners in Haywood, the report shows, while there are 10 wives of retired wage earners and 88 widows, chil dren and dependent parents of de ceased wage earners. The 17 counties of Western North ;: t Mie reported yester . .. :!, to be resting more i.:. !.l '. at the Haywood Coun Ih r i d where they are pa It was learned that there - a n.i-sihility that young o . 'LiL'ht be discharged the ! nf tin week. Th' ,ar, ,i 1!41 Chevrolet sedan, ipi. tely demolished, it was m lii 'i ! i'"iii otticers of the sher- itf's iit'11;, 1 merit whn investigated the ;n(Mli!it X Ihicp annln tree 'he path of the car as it made It;; rti-h i nun th hnnlr attar Ipnv- ine the highway was sa d to have A aroima receive u,04 niunuuj been unroot., 1 n,) loro-o hnlps for the 1.4fi2 persons, the report were ul' m the trtniinH hv thp im- snowea. pact of the vehicle. D. W Lambert is manager ot Fred Ciavich is the son of Mr. the area office, which is in the Flat- am .Mr- h , ( : avwh nf 1 olru Junta, ivnn Km flinc in AsneVlIIP. uska Mi-C ProceliaF in tV oii(rn . "f Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Pressley, 1 Vavricvillo TVio fotVioT. nf Mi-- l.. ;.. l i u !- ... . ... l Vv J "ii I i vision of the Champion ami Fibre Company. Tht body of the seventeen-year-K:il was taken to Hartford, urn.. Tuesday afternoon where hna! riti - u ill kx,; plan Wi i ltn luct inio-lnf rt Ytn H the m'vi,.- tv,;- Tho lamilv ,,, .., ,lfi orrivol of a hroth,.,- i Miss Maness are her fathf'l n,l P(nr. -tl ' . itru iiiiiir!! . ui. Zelpha Moorp Mnnpae nf Horse ford Vm ... T' c- a 111 San Antonio. Tpxns. and Races In Clyde and Hazel wood Aldermen's Contest Only Ones Attracting Any Attention. Voters of Waynesville, Hazel wood, and Clyde will elect town officials next Tuesday in an elec tion that promises a light vote to be cast. The center of activity seems to be m Civile, where there is opposition for every office. The incumbents of Waynesville do not have any opposition and a light and M-attering vote is fore cast. In Hazelwood there is much inte rest being shown in the race for aldermen, with eight candidates seeking places on th" S-itian board. Clyde Fisher. Mayor of Hazelwood, does not have any opposition. No election will be held in Can inn this year, since a recent law was pass; d extending the terms of ol'ice of town officials to four years as of the last election. A similar law was passed for Waynesville, but t is effective with the election on 'I icsday. The Wayn. sville officials whose name-; appear on the ballot, and are wiiimit opposition, are: J. H. Way, .1 1 , mayor; ahlirimn. I,. M. Killian, '. 1.. Ilranilett and Hugh Massie. The can ialates for members of the board of aldermen in Hazel wood are: K. I,. Prevost, Carl Swaneor. (,rady Smith, incum bents; Thorn, i- Carrctt, Crawford Crea-mati. T. 1,. Itlalock. Lawrence lav:s ami Dewey Cockran. The ticket in Clyde is composed of; For mayor: M. P. Hayn s, J. M. Anderson and .. AY. (Mill) Har ris. For aldermen: Claude Jones. II. W. Knsley. Glenn 1). Hrown, Van C. Denver, J. Tom L -atherwood and Jack L. West. For police judge; O. Manson Cagle, Jr., and J ter P. Hawkins. Beloved Teacher "MO-.-, s W "W Major David Stentz Bombs Italian Ship MISS ANNA DKK K 1 RK PAT RICK, tiacber of the first grade of the Central Flementaiy school, whose death occurred on Wednes day night, April the L'ls.t, in an Ashevillo hospital where she whs rushed for treatment. Miss Kirkpatrick, Beloved Teacher, Claimed By Death 0e, and .lied lie ay M. R. I'l esby as in lcr iarl H. 3 Merchants Attend Atlanta Shoe Show Ree Noted Speaker To Give 3 Addresses In County Sunday Dr. Joseph Cohen, a world trav eler, author and Bible teacher, will deliver three messages in Hay wood Sunday, and give an eye witness account of Nazi athrocities. Dr. Cohen speaks at ten at the Oak Grove church, and at eleven o'clock will occupy the pulpit of the Clyde Baptist church. Rev. T. H. Parris, pastor, said he ex pected an over-flow cttendance to Charlie Ray, C. J Hutrh Massie attended a showing of fall shoes in Atlanta this week, 'hear Dr. Cohen Each merchant bought shoes for At eight o'clock Sunday night their stores. All shoe manufac- ' he will speak at the Canton Cal turers had their lines on display, vary church. Class Of 1943 Receive Diplomas From Waynesville Township High School Geoi g' Maness, Jr., of Horse Shoe; Graduates of the Waynesville j Ferguson in the high school con Tnwnshin hieh school, numbering test and Harriet Atkinson in the 107, were given their diplomas on junior high. Mnnrinv nitrht at thp closing pro- president of Mrs. J. C. Brown, the Auxiliary, made mm- M-ttrs, Mrs, Earl Gribble, of avneiil!e. MiK Jm-ra nd "iona Maness, of Horse Shoe, nd M,s Anne Maness, of Hart ford. Tern. Two Osborne Cows Set New Records uer gram of commencement held at the the presentations, high school auditorium. M. H. . Special recognition was given to Bowles, district superintendent pre- th fourteen members of the senior sented the diplomas. class who were not present to re- C E Weatherby, principal of the; uve their diplomas. Thirteen of high school, introduced the class ! the group are in the armed serv.ces to the audience that packed the ! and one is taking special intensive large auditorium. The Rev. M. R.'ork at college. Williamson, pastor of the Waynes- In the group of boys who have ville Presbyterian church, gave the lee teflS Dy .viaiy c. . Frl Tn1,n RiiWnpr nsey cows of the fa- j Wagenfeld the salutatory a xne saiumwiv. T. .,. t: i j v.... - . , , tvo rov mqt i iiiniru m .,fK n. rnm i'ffi ; herd C0.mP,eted neW ! Thl GJCll!lnS nW Jackson A. J. G.rrtain and William , o'.ius recently, accoramg i were presemeu i.u,.. , - h, Andean Guernsey Cattle j Bell Love Chapter of the AIW M," ylTh CnWiare A nCi v winners were- Mary knarles Henry and Charles Ray .f n Osborne. . Qumlan. The v .immmn i. Mary j " ' ((1(1 I .IArinnnn vrvAnf H I I JTI rwf till If . L1IC HUH' J -r - . .. 5ci n .CT-v.n - , ,,, David i -mm, - ioitixpnshiD awara: um (f l r unds of butter fat. This f eld and James , Bruce Jaynes, D. !? f'lf :ianna'e J -;-i Ia. R. Citizenship awards. ,; lanna's ntji nffiil tm. iA. ord. The v.. -. a oord of 13 174 4 pounds 0f r, , V ! 86.1 pounds of butterfat. "Tsia special Davidson College taking work since Christmas. Two members of the class, Rex K. Liuzenso.u "-; Hosaflook and Robert Clement, who ; The American . , abpent from school -cond cow, Haywood Dingle, the boy and girl of thee gntnj graae , g.nce wno naa inue . "Z j rnonitinr this CrpHitoKlo T-oxnrH t.bfl , r a neaitny can iut Mr James A. ' ""P-'ii, Del Gwyn, of Wil- arrives tomorrow Twt with relatives here. - t ,, A HTAvn m" iron cnoial ttfcmtifT durine the year were won Dy kod- j ' --- ert Russell and Elsie Jane Greenland introduced to the audience. The certificates and medals were A group of songs by the high ine c"w'"wr' . b w h. F. school chorus and a selection of presented the stW0f the Ifive service songs by the Waynes Millar, of the local post Tneivjle Xownghip high 9chool band Lefhenannual art awards given by ; under the direction of Charles Isley, the Aux"liary of the American (band master, were also featured on Legion post were won by Fletcher the program. Funeral -eivi.e- were held on l-'i i.lav all. i li.inii at the Kn -t l!a- list church for Mi-- Aim; Kirkpatrick. .lauclit.i .f M M i. W. T. Kii'knati iek. u h in an Ashevillo hospital on nesday iiiht at in : l.'i o'clock. The Kev. II. G. llainiiieU. tor of the church, olliiiated. was asiii-te.l by the Kev. J. Madison, pastor of th. First odist church, and the Kev. Williamson, pastor of th terian church. Burial as Green Hill cemetery. Serving a- active palllnan were: Claude Rogers. Johnny F guson. .lack .Mess r. (iiaydell gus.m, K'minett Haleiitine, Messer, John Bovd, and . Bowles. Miss Kirkpatrick, who was greatly beloved in the community, had taught the first grade in the Central Elementary school for the past l.'i years. Her former pupils reside throughout this area, and hold her in the highest esteem. The current first grade attended the services in a body. Miss Kirkpatrick had gone to her work as usual on Wednesday morning and had taught her classes throughout the day. She did not leave the school building until late in the afternoon, being busy with the arrangements for the closing of school. Upon arriving home she told her family she did not feel well, and her condition shortly after became critical and she was rushed to the hospital, where she passed away soon after arriving. Miss Kirkpatrick was a gradu ate of the Western Carolina Teach ers College and had taken special courses in education at Duke Uni versity . Surviving are her parents; one sister, Miss Winnie Kirkpatrick; a Drotncr, Lloyd ivirKparricK, anu a niece, Nancy Kirkpatrick, all of Waynesville. KombinK Trip Of Local Aviator (liven In News week; (Jot Direct Hit On Ship. Major David red lilt wit Ii Italian cruisei Sardinia in a over enemy a detailed Mueller, in Newsweek. Maioi Stent, tl lightning, a lighter now chi l ies bombs in N. against the enemy. Tiic plane which M; i:-ed ill the bombing identical to the la-t . over Way Mrs. Stent and son make their Ii Stentz is the son ,1. Dale Stent., w l.litors ot :NiW this newspaper print this nrti. winch is as follows Futiipped iih nines as Strategic All Fi ce cm-id. Table vei -a il, od- of attack. 1 be the US, of l.lglltll Bombs Cruiser Stent, made a di- "7L ? ;. y- bomb on a heavy j ' ; 4 V5?! ' ' at Maddalena in j W iccent "mission" I v SSj ' tellltorv, a.eoiilllig 10 f sa". account by Men ill J I V. the ellllelit l-slle of X I P t I , Lockheed i , lane, that1 W 3f uth Africa .y ? 1V laid was f s 1 X I,.,,, I lilt J ome I,.,.. Major 1 1 V' 1 of Mr, and Mrs.J - If, IJ I lio al.-o live nere. y ,f a -., k giaufdii rf ;l' pel mission to re- "" ""5a" Ii' in it s cut iret y , ... .1 1,111 1 1 . II' r i i . , i . i Lockheed 1- W; pot : i i ill iponde Light -coils, the develop. .1 n il- m. t:i the newest . as bondo 1,,-t neck by W-Week's c 'I .1" Mueller, nt at th. front. "(In the front you can see the operation- . and -ome! lines the effort of ( oiiiiighain's Tactical Air Force, toil yon have to go back to scattered 1 111 ed cities which (Continued i i Pr,"c 12) May Term Superior ; Court Scheduled To Convene Monday The May term of Superior court, civil actions, will convene here on Monday. May .'ird. Judge II. Hoyle Sink, of Greensboro, is scheduled to preside. The calendar is a light one and court attaches stated that it was doubtful if the court would hold over three days. Jury members drawn for the first week include the following: Claude 1. Worley, of Beaverdam; Deny Norman, of Waynesville; Charles Evans, of Pigeon; William K. Thompson, of Clyde; Karl Mes ser, of Ivy Hill; Frank tjumi, of Beaverdam. W. T. Kainer, of Jonathan j Creek; J. A. Burch, of Beaver idain; Waeber A. Green, of Clyde; Fred Saunders, of Waynesville; Casty H. Henson, of Pigeon; W. M. Green, of Iron Duff; Worley E. Free, of Clyde; L. M. Black, of Waynesville; Raymond McCracken. of Fines Creek. Bob Rogers, of Crabtree; A. Howell, of Waynesville; Tonimic Noland, of Crabtree; Glover Fer guson, of Fines Creek; Vaughn Fisher, of White Oak; Ken Bur nett, of East Fork; Ned Moody, of Cecil; Crow Hopkins, of ata ooehee,and Albert Howell, of Ivy Hill. Child Killed When Run Over By Big Truck Ma vine Woody, t w o y. :.r old. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .lack Woody, of the Mt. Sterling area was instantly killed around 10 o'clock Monday morning when her tutl ei acci;!' i'!y backed I, is tnjft loaded with wood over her, accord ing to I'r. J . I'l'aiiK raie, coiuiiy with wood over hoi Dr. J. Frank Pali roller, win. inv. stigaled the death. Mr. W Iv is reported to have driven the truck into the yard of Ins home near the lumber opera tions of Dewey Pless. While he was loading it with wood his small daughter came out to play around. When the truck was filled he is said to have looked around, and not seeing her, thought she had gone into the house. Ill the meantime the child had managed to get under the truck and as the father drove off, the wheels of the truck ran over the neck and Head oi tne cniiu. i ne coroner nein that "the child came to as a result of a fractured skull." Mr. Woody is reported to have driven some distance from the house before either the father or the mother, who was in the house, knew of the tragedy. Funeral services were held on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Panther Creek Baptist Church with the Rev. Forrest Ferguson officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery. The funeral arrangements were under direction of the MaRsie Fune ral home. County Total Is $418,493, With More Sales Coming Dayton Rubber Manufac turing Company Purchases $50,000; Canton Area In Lead. Total sales for war bonds in Haywood for the month of April stood 45 percent over the quota last night, with sales totaling $418,493. The quota for April is $290,:i00. With the sales of today and tomorrow to be added, some thought there was a possibility of doubling the quota b-'fore six o'clock Friday afternoon. The Canton area nosed ahead in the friendly and spirited campaign, in which they were challenged by Waynesville to s e which end of the county could sell the most. The figures last night gave Can ton $215,042.25, while Waynesville had $20:1,450.75 less than $12,000 difference between the two con testants. Dayton Rubber Manufacturing Company took a $50,000 bock of bonds this week, to boost the total, while Pet Dairy Products Company added another 1.000 to the pur chases. Selling agents reported several individuals had bought heavily dur ing the past few days, with more scheduled to be s"ld today and to morrow. A brief ceremony was held Tues day morning at Dayton liuDher Company, when Charles G. Mill, r, manager, turned the check for $50, 000 over to the bond sales staff, Charlie Hay. H. B. Atkins, Aaron Prrvo-t and J. K. Massie. In cooperation with the drive, the pupils of St. John's found y s terday that they had invested $!), 0!u;.:i(i in stumps and bonds -enough to buy IS jeeps at $'.'0() each. The faculty has stressed the pur. chase of stamps in the school and each wick the students were almost 100 percent in their purchases. The management oi the school has received a letter from the sec-i nctary of the treasury commending the purchase plan of the stamps which the school followed this term. Miss Anna Med ford Has ArtWork On Exhibition Among the art exhibits being shown at Greensboro College, is the work of Miss Anna Medford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Medford of Waynesville. Art students are exhibiting their best work done the four years at the college. Miss Medford has an eye for the her death unusual in the usual and Is strong- est when she works with black and white. Her lithographs, "Ballet Dancer," "Still Life," "Street Scene," "At the Casino," and Ne gro Singing," are very well done. She is also exhibiting two ink sketches of figures. A statue, call ed "Adolescene," and several oils, including "Woman Crocheting," Trolly Scene," and the portrait of a young girl, complete the senior's show. C. B. Hosaflook Heads Scottish Masons In West C. B. Hosaflook was elected Ven erable Master of Asheville Lodge of Perfection of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish of Free Masonry in the Valley of Asheville at a re cent election of officers held in Asheville Masonic Lodge of per fection. The lodge of perfection is the largest masonic body in North Carolina, extending from Shelby to Murphy, East and West and from Tennessee to South Carolina, North and South. It has a mem bership of more than six hundred from the fourth to the thirty-second degree inclusive. Mr. Hosaflook attended the Grand Lodge of North Carolina A. P. and A. M. in Raleigh last Wednesday and Thursday. At that time he was appointed District Deputy Grand Master of the 41st Masonic District by the most Worshipful Grand Master of Mason in North Carolina. Masonic Leader C. B. HOSAFLOOK, prominent Masonic circles, who has been elected to head the Masons m Western North Carolina. in i Ferguson B. White, ISon of C. R. White, Reported Missing I Ferguson Burnett White, 23, 'quartermaster second class U. S. Navy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roy White, of Waynesville and Darrington, Wash., is reported missing in action m tne perfor mance of his duty, according to a message received this week by his parents. Young White volunteered at Everett, Wash., and was inducted into the service at Seattle. He re ceived his training at San Diego, Calif. He was at Pearl Harbor when the Japs made their attack on the naval base there on Decemb er 7, 1941, and had also seen ser vice on Guadalcanal. He is a native of Darrington, Washington, and a graduate of the Darrington high school. He was attending Washington State Col lege as a member of the sophomore class when he enlisted. The father is a native of Hay wood county but had been living in the state of Washington for the past forty years. He returned here to reside last summer. Mrs. White is a native of Macon County. Other members of the family surviving are two brothers, Fran cis White, of Everett, Wash., and Verco, 20, of the U. S. Navy; and one sister, Mrs. Wilson Howell, of the Dellwood Road. Last Rites Held For Mrs. Georgia Meadows Sutton Funeral services were held at 11 o'clock Tuesday morning at the Shadv Grove Methodist Church for Mrs. Georgia Meadows Sutton, 23, who died at her home on Jonathan Creek at 11:30 a. m. Sunday. She had been ill for the past three years. Pless Boyd officiated and burial was in the Shady Grove church cemetery. Surviving are the husband, Pri vate Elford Sutton, U. S. Army, now stationed in Texas; her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Mea dows, of Jonathan Creek; one sist er, Mrs. Charles Gaddis, of Iron Duff; four brothers, Elbert and Millard Meadows, of Salem, N. J-, Carol Meadows of Cove Creek, and Virgil Meadows, of Luther section, Buncombe county. Funeral Services Held For Geraldine Chambers Funeral services were held at the Iron Duff Baptist Church at 2 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon for Sleraldine Chambers, four months Id daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mar vin Chambers, who died at the Hay wood County Hospital on Monday morning at 9 o'clock. The Rev. Forrest Ferguson offi ciated, burial was In the church cemetery. Surviving are the parents; one sister, Indera Chambers, one broth, er, Wayne Chambers, aD of the Iron Duff section. ' - Mil Mi

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