fHE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance of The Great moky Mountains National Park $1.75 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Cotuttiea ryfHYEAR NO. 18 12 Pages WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1943 (One Day Nearer Victory) SaywdDdl CdDifliiiity Foots Williamson To Head Explosion ?ed Cross Chapter j"?' Red Cross Head ... . Settled Reported Missing Malcolm R 1 Ts.orlo,, L of the Rid 1 ross lucou"' the rxK-utlve committee, who i ii- r,.vtiH Pncs as vice busmen w . u" iairman. ir Vi!ii:uni!! v:s br. s:nee ;n fcmme" so r . i iarU-s t. Quintan 1 Mn:ie;!V (l vice V , u Ai 1! remain a mcmOer ox tne execu' cmm'tnec. mmt'tie re-eieclea ivirs ,-ccreta ry and H. B. The kr Sloan as kkin as treasurer. The new chairman announced r i, v.cifi w5fh If C"'llHUoee uolllu mm, " 'vii unci place to tie announced A (urtis Kuss Named yie Chairman For Local Chapter Hy Executive Committee. Williamson was nam- ,if the Haywood Ghap- succeeds L. N. lias oeeu acuiug uioii- i'l'al ignation of H. G. months ago. Mrs. has served in chairman, and iiiiiiMiiiiBaiiaiiiMtiifrriaftmlifiiifflfliiii il 1 '1ir 1 " M. R. WILLIAMSON has boon named chairman of the Haywood Chapter of the Red Cross. Mr. Williamson, was cnairman the war fund campaign which recently with this chapter Vnc- their quota of more than .00!'. Other members ot the committee vdis'hr officers named above m. t if - c.'ianmeii: Mr?. .Im- L'.'u r. home service; T. L. (iivyn. publicity; J. C. . , . , ....... U; Carlton K. Weatherby, life ducted Sunday afternoon ivimran.l water satety; uen bioan, i o'clock at Long's Chapd me ami jarm accident, preven- ; t , , , , . i km: Mrs. . It. r . .Millar, nome .e ami udunt .er services (two .: : Mrs. L. M. Killian, Memorial To Be Held Sunday For Jack Kathbone .ill i"a; Mis. EeJ. s enuitt, jvi-l,.'?, pea! ln-s;n(r and Alys. John r ,,ilii' h.u . pellagra control. 011 2:30 Lake 'a'.hbone. war from Hay iastor, the Rev. McLean will on, duct the s -r-ssisied'hy Rev. .Joe S. John- Junaluska, for Pvt 9th casualty in tin wood Count v. The our Enter War iVork After NYA ourse Finished f"ia Haywood people recently '"'! at ih,. VYA Production "t" in A-lievillc have been Parol in war industries nceord- !." II. .Mauley, project man- Tin elilin vice son. The choir will lender special music and I lie congregation will sinir "Am I a Soldii r of the Cross?" l!ohby l.eath rwood, of I he high school hand will sound Taps. Pvt. Rathlione was inducted ;n the service at Fort Jackson 1t t September. He was a graduate of the local high school and at the time he enured the army had just received his diploma from Brevard College. From Fort Jackson he was trans ferred to Fort .McClellan, and from the latter to Camp Miles Standish, Staunton, Mass. He was reported missing in action on February 2, and a few- week ago the War De partment notified the family that he had lost his life. The last time the family heard from him his address was "care of the postmaster," New York City. Surviving are the parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Rathbone, of Lake t 1 1 1" : x He Tn. urv Su van a Hriirp-iKt Junaiusna; nve sisters, iuis. deny J 1 T-V It retmncd here anH will he with,lner. -vlls- (1 rsanenger, Fifteen Divorces Granted Here In One Day Of Civil Court, Number Cases Heard. Eight property damage suits, growing out of the explosion of storage tanks uf the Standard Oil Company here last July, were com promised at the May term of Su- j perior court which convened here on Monday and adjourned sine die yesterday afternoon. Judge Clarence E. Hlackstock. of Asheville, presided in place of Judge H. Hoyle Sink. Greens boro, who was scheduled to be here for 'I:.1 May civil term. The amounts involved in the set tlements with the light plaintiffs was : made public. Ai records were broken on M- alay by the number of divorces !" -nted in one day, the number .idling fifteen, with the total for lie term of sixteen. A compromise was 1 inched 111 he case of Mrs. Emma l.edford against the Smoky Mountain Stages for $2,000. Mis Ledl'oid is alleged to have boarded a bus 111 (aiium and while waiting for her change, the driver is said to have started the vehicle and she was thrown down, receiving sri i,,u injuries. In the case of Ray N. Uavis af..ii'i' Edwin Jack.-un, which in volved damages to the plaini ill 's car, which was said to have been caused by a run-away team, judg ment of S2IMI was rendered. Hazelwood Voters Re-elect Board Of Aldermen j 1 ; V lint li'Utc includes: Lawson And 1. Canton, trained in w with Chamnion Fibre "' : Ethel Hoeien. Mav furr Reek and Martha Jane Roe- Clyde, route 1, and all ia"lei in !;,, ;1 ,0 in tVio Naval waft Factory in Philadelphia. ir. Harry Sullivan Is ack At Smith's Drug Dr. Ha Willard Moody, Mrs. Mary raittl Prnir St firf X-Vl D VJ Yta. WO a k several vears. Sometime ae-o liarns a11 of Lake Junaluska, and as transferred and for t.hP nnst ! Mrs. Hilliard Higgins, of Hia- N has been in the Spartanburg lwassEe Dam: two brothers, Dallas pre of the firm 1 Rathbone, of Harrisburg, Pa., and Mr?. Sullivan and vounp son williGobel Rathbone. U. S. Army, sta- pve soon to ioin Dr Sullivan tioned in New Mexico. Hazelwood voters re-elected their board of aldermen out of eiirht candidates on Tuesday. Mayor Clyde Fisher was with out opposition. The results of the election gave Mayor Fisher 211 votes; W. E. Prevost 240, Grady Smith 1,"H, and Carl Swanger 151. Other aldermen candidates re ceived: Lawrence Davis l.'iX; C. I). Creasman 128; T. L. Blalock 90; Thos. Garrett 78 and Dewey Cochran 27. Mayor Fisher is assistant plant manager of the Dayton Rubber Co., R. L. Prevost is president of tt i r r ijrs i nagusia .Hanuiaciuring i m-W'il- Panv' Grady Smith is a foreman at Uuagusta and Carl bwanger is of the standards department of A. C. Lawrence Leather Company. F E R G V S O N It C R N ETT WHITE, S-'. ipiai tei 111a -tel. sec ond class, V. S. Na. son of Mr. and Mis. Charles Key White, of W aynesvilh and Dai 1 imrtoii, Wash., who was repoiUal missing in action by the Navj Department last wiek. Young hue ohin teel ed in F.Veidt. Wa.-!i., wbde a member of t he sopholiioie class at Washington State Cim et sit y . His father, -a native of lawood I'oiin ty, rt-ided 111 Washington state bo 40 years, returning to a ni'sville last sumnier. Towns To Stage Clean-Up Campaign The towns of Waynesville iiral Hazelwood will stage the1 most elaborate clean-up. paint up week in years, the officials of the two towns announced yesterday, as the starting date was set for the Mill of May, and will continue through the 20th. Special truck crews will be used by the two towns during the period to haul off the trash. Mayor .1. II. Way. Jr.. of Waynesville. and Mayor Clyde Fisher, of Hazelwood, are working with other town offi cials and will have complete details of the campaign in the , next issure of The Mountaineer. (LflDD Ruling Is Similar To New State Wide Laws Towns Of County Expected To Follow Suit At An Early Date, Is Belief. In accordance with a ruling passed by the' recent legislature, the Haywood county boa I'd of com missioners prohibited the sale of beer and wine over the weekend in the county outside the eoiporate limits of the towns. The action was taken by the boa id meet nig hen' on Monday. The hours restricting' of heel and wine are fi o'clock Saturday night to o'eloik .Monday morning. Violators of the new ruling be nunished and their lin iis voked, it was announce board of commissioners. Trie legislature set I'm 1 It 111 tin bill giving the county eoiiimi-sion tis this power, thai tin- town of ficials in the ;ounties would b riven the same rights of restric tion of sales. It ir thought 1 he tow ns of t he cmint y ' soon take act ion n ca 1 ,i 1 ng matter. Beeir Saues Bond Sales In County Is Nearing $700,000 County Auditor it their ill, m sale 1 1 :.'!() 7 :00 w i , bv the i1 j ' SN ) ' 11 1 , vi I T. J. CATHEV to serve a foui y ty audit. 11 1 1 1 a-u has held !'o: llu a 1 t I'a been 11: 1111 a - a posit o t tin e be Haywood More Than Doubles April Quota Of $290,300 In Purchase Of War Bonds. War bond sales for Haywood county stood at $C77,4f)6 yesterday morning, according to figures com piled by Charlie Ray, chairman at sales in the county. This is against the April duota of $290,800. Small purchases during: the past week has sent the total skyrocket ing. The average sale has been $2." and $100, according to the First National Hank here. Farm ers and industrial winkers have belli buying in large numbers dur ing the week. In the spirited contest betwon the Waynesville - lla.dwood area and Canton, the score stood last night : Way-Hazclwood $:i4.r),74.r..O0 Canton Area 331,71 1 00 that this Power To Be Oil Early Sunday A. M. Cathey Given 1 Year Term As County Auditor T. .1. The pow i from Lake ,1 1111 west, ncluding the REA lim ho oil from four until d Sunday nioi lung, aei"i ding ( 'aiobna .Power and Light nam . The shut olf in t he iluska s, will 'clock t i the Com-earlj (I to morning hoiu.J is not expected inconvenience main- patrons. The shut down is necessary in older to make slight repaiis on the main 1 1 in . Anderson Elected Mayor Of Clyde llllle four-yea i county o Mi. l year as , of Api ll. I'l ioi he Was ai!,. y i, hlo i 1 1 I 111 tieeii mum by the boa id i-ollipl.'ti and. Ioi d bl- I on the 111-1 to taking the oilier ! 111 c liaige of pay i oils the ( haiiipion I'api r and F ( ompaiiy at llai ' loi d. T-nn. was w it h t he HanK of I 'anton six yenis, ami I'm a nuiubei yra i - w a a.-soriat rd with Teiine-see and Noith Cam Railroad Coinpany. Dolos Doan Coini To M Anderson was elected mayor Vasliinr(oil To Work vile iv ,s vines uvo o. t, . for ibl'e He for of the Dr. Sisk, Delegate From Haywood To State Medical Meet Dr.. C. N. Sisk, district lualtl officer, will leave Sunday for Ral eigh where he will attend the an nual meeting of the North Caro lina State Medical Society. He will represent the Haywood Coun ty Medical Society in the house of delegates. of Clyde bv 3 votes over (Hill) Harris. The third candidate, M. P. Ilaynes. received 6 votes. The election was on a non-partisan basis. D. Manson Cagle, Jr., was elect ed judge of the Clyde police court w ith a vote of 138 to 76 for his op ponent, Jeter P. Hawkins. Clyde voters also elected three aldermen. They are; Claude Jones, who received 133 votes; Glenn D. Drown, 129 votes, and Jack L. West, 113 votes. Their opponents were: H. W. Knsley, 100 votes, Van C Deaver, 104 votes, and J. Tom Lca therwood, 105 votes. Delos Dean leaves Sunday for Washington, where he has accept ed a position with The Pullman Company. For the past few years he hi'.s been traveling representa tive of the Atlantic Heer and Ale Company. HV was connected with s vera! department stores here for nianv vears. Mrs. Dean and son i Charles, will remain in Hazelwood for the present. County Total $677,45CO0 The treasurv department an nounced that ocudiuar'rs were far behind in tabulating' the .sales, and that all bonds sold through May 8th would count on the April ipiota. If sabs continue at the same pace during the week, it is expected that Haywood will go far above the $7110,000 mark for the period allotted to go against the ii.iginal April ipiota. The total for l he nation is -ev-i ral billions above the thirteen billion which the treasury asked Grandson of Local Citizen Rescues Boyhood Chum In n feature carried in Virginia papers entitled ''Old Dominion Od ditii's" is a story of Hurwood Hul lock and a schoolmate. Young Mul lock -is the son of Mr. F. II. Bul lock, of Falmouth. Vn. Mrs. Bullock is the former Miss Sallie Kate- Jones, of Waynesville, .laughter of Henderson Jones and the late Mrs. Jones. Her son, who is in the l S. Navy, has often visited relatives here. The story telling i the experi ence of the two boys is appropri ' atrly illustrated in the feature which carried the following: "Two buddies, Robert Johnson and Harwood Bullock, went j through Falmouth high school to gether. Both served delivery Four Eating Places Sgt. Jack Smith, of Camp Bland ing, Fla., is home on furlough to visit his wife and parents. Miss Do, js (;,.Hhi ipff stv'nr S. P. Gav Returns M'hinpton. D. c, where she .From State Dental Meet j "Department. .Miss Grahl is Dr. S. P. Gav returned yester- e daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lin- day from Raleigh, where he attend J1 Orahl and was a mem her of ! pH Hip North Carolina State Dental ! floating class this yar Society which has been in session '"m the !r'cal his-h school. , there "this week. Ski tifk4A: fSrS ' 1 Vj U j 4 ' 'Am. f L: i s U' kJ "Here's $50,000 For War Bonds . An Ayvard for 100 Bond Buying i II mi Linn. - . ,, f' ' - -vw,..As- - g ji ii 1 1 m .f' I !U I-III q I1: Hn routes for the Fredericksburg Free Lance Star. Both joined the Navy before the attack on Pearl Harbor. Johnson became a first class petty oflieer on the ITSSi CHlhonn a Have New Sunday Hours j transport. Bui lock became a sea- 1 man first class on the William Four Waynesville eating places i Waf I!llllowSi a transport, are ann incing today that effective A y(i.u. W(,nt by wjthout the Sunday, they will not open for boys S(1(,inf, each uthe). The (,a, business until one o clock. j un i.,lmh,..l nH ,nl ; iw The firms adopting the new Sun- minutos. After stayinir afloat for hours, Johnson was sighted by a United States vcssol. A life boat day hours are: The American Fruit Stand, The Tavern, The Tap Room and The Taxi Stand. was lowered and It husky hand ; pulled the weakened sailor out of the cold water. 1 'How are you feeling, old man?' asked Johnson's rescuer. 'Pretty good, Harwood,' John replied as he threw his arms rho returned at once to his post ! about his boyhood chum, Seaman of duty. Harwood Bullock." Mrs. Kermit Murray has return ed from Camp Blanding where she has been visiting her husband, ' Serjeant Kermit Murray. She was ; accompanied home by Sgt. Murray, son "You're Doing A Swell Job . ,.:U.R' PREVOST, chairman of the committee working in 2T Knt for the sale of war bonds, hands Miss Hazel Wyatt .-wi's from the Treasurv Department, thanking the employees ' Hllc,, Shoe Corporation for their 100 per cent participation m titf... . "l wal Donas. arren muis, e bonds. Warren Mills, - h I such was the remark of Charles G. Miller, manager of the Dayton Rubber Manufacturing Company here, last week as he gave i-narne Ray, chairman of the bond sales committee, a check for $50,000 for war'bonds. The picture was made in front of the Dayton plant, and those shown are left to right: J. E. Massie, Charles G. Miller, Charlie Rav, Aaron Prevost and H. B. Atkins. A Mountaineer Photo. i says Charlie Ray as he hands Leo Weill, president of Wellco Shoe Corporation, a certificate from the Treasury Department thank ing the management of the corporation for their part in buying bonds and the plan in force in the plant enabling their employees to buy bonds systematically. Heinz Rollman, plant superintendent, is shown on the right lookintr on. A Mountaineer Photo. Itiok: on.- -A Mountaineer Photo.

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