HE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER. Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance of The Ureal omoicy momiumu , TyaR '- NO. 20 Tpi WAYNESVILLE, N. C. THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1943 (One Day Nearer Victory) $1.75 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counts ,,rTY.." . - : ' : : : C. Of c Campaign Continues Committees Working To pe $3,000 For Work For Current Year; To Open Office June First. .(.ort, from committees making Wou- , horehin to the 1-.... TOT Illm" r - , number of "T K-p- 1 if q inn -fnv the cur- T'na . rive km J .... will be pushed to com. r!i0n ac soon as possiwe, n u- tinuuw V,o Present plans r: e D;l,)ir,o. flhnnt, June .,me to the woi'K i" -w , ... i,, first will be on J t'l uwv 'ill-lime basis. fanton Officer Captures 20-Gallon Still On Saturday j g Wootcn and his son Clar ke Woott-n. were bound over lor rial at the July term of Criminal . t nt tViP nrnhi- bitioti law. following a preliminary hearing before Magistrate Ralph Mease in Canton on Tuesday. Million still was cap tured at their place on the road wtween Canton and the Haywood County Home, on Saturday night jv Bill Langston, of the Canton Citv Police department. The beverage was making its last Tun. It was intr mot wine civiivi if the two men, both well known bricklayers, had been apprehend ri for any offense. It is said' tLat :hey claimed they were making the :(-m whiskey for personal consump :inn ar.d not to sell on the market. The men. were brought to Way-sesvillc- and lodged in jail. They are both out on bond each one hav ing met the $200 bond set for them individually. Gets Commission i 1 1 i II . v. II II W,-', II j i i I iiiii 1 1 it it -ir i 1 I Sixty Draftees Left In May Quota Here On luesday Sixtv men left Wavnesville Tues day morning under the selective service system from this area to report to Camp Croft for physical examinations. The boys received instructions in the draft office around 7 o'clock and the buses pulled out around 7:30. James Ralph Dunn was npmcd leader of the group on the trip to camp. Assistant leaders were: Frank Rowe Williams, Jr., Paul Hiram Walker, Jr., and Robert McKinley Hawkins, Jr. Others in the group making up the May Quota were: Louie Ber nard Nichols. William Lawrence O'Neil, William Allen Withers, William Hiram Caldwell. Charles LaRue Boyer, Lewis Andrew Beav er, Johnnie rialdwin 1-erguson, Jack Cobrun Styles, Clifford How ell Underwood. Alvin rainier, James Robert Whitehouse, James Hugh Cun ningham, William Conley Me- PAUL DAVIS has received a I haffey, Charles Cameron Messer, I emission from the Navv ai- ! 1 r ,anK "v Jamos pointing him an ensign. He is mer Harris. Ralph Ford, Edward subject to call any time, as he has Haywood Plott, Robert Eugene already taken the oath. Mr. Da- Gibson, Clarence Jason Martin, vis is manager of the L. X. Davis John Green, Robert Edward Par Company here. ! s,,n' Inald Moody, William Ran- i son r i azu i , o i . j Ralph Benjamin Winchester, I VeiTin Nuton Setzer. Julius By- num Miller, Edgar Lon Amnions, Johnny Lee Lance, Jack Silas James, Ernest Warlick, Wallace Jackson Anders, Bill Ed Mathis, Robert Benjamin Chapman, Jr., Zeb Walton Curtis, Jr., James Junior Arlington, Carl Calvin Griffin, Lester Long, John Lloyd Mathis, (linton Jackson. James Lewis Wyatt, Harvey Theodore Nations, Cole Belice Sutton, Lonard Lewis Nichols, Mack Grooms, Henry Virgil Webb, Robert Dee Rogers, Theodore Lo gan Frady, William Rufus Rhine hart, Samuel Edwin McCrary, Jac1" Erastus Crawford, Albeit Lf'slie Ruff, Earl Calvin Hannah, Charles Wayne Parris, Josiah W il son Francis, Robert Miles Chafin, Dale Rathbone, Frank Clinton Brown, Jr., and Edwin William Davis. Capt. Bowles, State Guard, Promoted To Rank of Major XA!' J Paul Davis Gets Naval Commission Applications For Ration Book 3 Are Being Mailed Eeirinnintr today, heads of every household will receive forms for making application for War Rat ioning Rook No. 3. The forms will be distributed by "'he post office between today and June 5th. Any person failing to ?et a blank should call at the Gene ral Delivery window and get one. One form is sufficient for the entire household. The forms are simple to fill out, inly requiring the name of each Person, date of birth and address. The forms are already addressed and must be mailed to Charlotte by the head of the family. In due time, J ration book No. 3 will be set rom headquarters for each person named on the card. . The local board, or office, will not toe anything to do towards issu np the books, or fillinc mit. forms. Tne Personnel of the office, how fTr, will assist those unable to ad and write in making application. Paul Davis has received his commission as ensign in the Navy. The commission was sent him h'.st week. Mr. Davis is general manager of the L. N. Davis Company, hand ling insurance, bonds, real estate and rentals here. He has taken the oath, and is subject to call any time. Mr. Davis is a graduate of the Waynesville high school, and went to Wake Forest one year and three at N. C. State, of which he is a graduate. He has bt'-en active manager of thp L. N. Davis Company since June, 194 He served as president of the Chamber of Commerce in HM2, and has been director and active member of the Lions Club for some time. He has taken a keen inter est in ail civic affairs of the com munity since he returned from rnlletre in June, 1940. He is married and has two children. Captain M. H. Bowles, adjutant to Colonel J. Harden Howell, in command of the 2nd North Carolina Regiment of the State Guard, has been promoted to Major to till the vacancy caused by tiie resignation of former Major . A. Hradley, in command of the MM HUttalion. The appointment was made by Adjutant General Van Metts, head of the State Guard. Major Bowles has been in the local unit of the State Guard since its'tirganization in February, 15)41. He is now at Fort Benning where he is taking special training. No announcement has been made as to the successor to Major Bowies as adjutant to the 2nd State Regi ment. The appointment is expect ed to be made in the near future. Last Rites Conducted For Felix Erastus IJonham Students From NYA Center In Asheville Have Positions In Baltimore ti,0 fnllnwinu- students who have completed training at the N-Y.A. Center in Asheville have accepted positions as Cable inspectors w in the "Western Electric" in Balti more: Miss Quay Mauney, of Hazel- wood: Miss Verna lweea, oi .viai- okoll. an, MlSS Konnie V OOUS, iMI.-f , ..' A Ylioc Helen! settiemvre ail of Syiva. , Vacation Bible School Dark Picture Painted About More Gasoline I The personnel of the local rat iioninir office heard Frank Merritt. of Washington, exlain that press ing war needs for limited gasoline supplies in the east will demand that all applications for supple mental and special rations bo grant ed on the basis of hare necessity in the future. Mr. Merritt said the the gaso line situation on the Eastern coast offers little hope of increased sup plies for civilians this summer. Funeral services were held Mon day afternoon at the Payne Chapel in the Sandy Mush section of Buncombe county for Felix Eras tus Bonham, Haywood county farmer of the Henson Cove area, who died at the Haywood County Hospital at i o'clock Saturday morning. Mr. Bonham was a native of Haywood county, the son of Ne hemiali and Martha Sellers Bon ham. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. liattie Stuns Bonham; three sons. Will and Leslie Bonham, of Can ton, and Private Gordon Bonham, U. S. Army; seven daughters, Mrs. Gordon Whittled, Mrs. Hubert Rhinehart, Mrs. Garrett West. Miss Grace Bonham aud Miss Charlotte Bonham, all of Canton; Mrs. D. G. Parham, of Baltimore, and Mrs. M. L. Davis, of Craggy. Nearly 200 Attend Waynesville District Meet Here Approximately two hundred at tended the Waynesville District Conference of the Methodist Church u-hieh wA s held at the First Metho dist Church here on Tuesday, with Rev.' W. L. Hutchins, district sup erintendent, presiding. Reports from the 67 pastors in the district showed a gratifying growth and, without exception, all reported that obligations to date had been met in full. On thp nrosrram were a number of representatives from the agen cies in the church. Among tnese presenting their work were: Rev. M T Tlvpr. editor of the Chris- timi Advocate, of Greensboro; Prof. O. V. Woosley, superintendent oi th Methodist Ornhannge of Wins ton-Salem; Rev. W. M. Smith of the Chatham Memorial Hospital, Fit-in l?v. I it. Abernathv, of Charlotte, on Missions. Uev. U G. Allen, of Statesville ,.n Hvnthevhood. Dr. K. J. Col- trane. president of Brevard Col l.o-e- Airs. Miller, from Greens boro College: Rev. loy T. limits of Andrews, spoke on Evangelism; and Mrs. E. L. Mckee. of Sylva addressed the group on "Brother hood." An impressive memorial service was conducted at 11:45 in the morn ing, honoring the late Dr. H. A. Smathers, of Canton. Mrs. C. (). Newell, presided. Dr. E. T. Billup. of Canton, read the memorial ser vices and Rev. S. T. Roten. pro nounced the benediction. Mrs. Freil Martin accompanied by Mrs. W. L. Matney, sang "Going Home." A nowerful sermon was delivered following the memorial service by Dr. Ralph Taylor, of Murphy, on "Immortality.' A number of visi tors were present for this part oi the program. At noon those in attendance were the guests of the Woman's Society of Christian Service at lunch in the church banquet hall. Vocal numbers were given by Rev. and MrR. Phillip jreen and Rev. J. C. Stokes, all of Fruiiklin. Among the special guests of the conference were Rev. L. B. Hayes, of Greensboro, a former superin tendent f the Waynesville Dis trict, Rev. M. T. Smathers, of Ashe ville. and Rev. Hass, of Charlotte, secretary of the board of t mpor ance. All thi.e spoke during the day's session. Committee Is Named To Keep Tab On Food To Check Foods To Carefully Watch For Shortages and Surpluses On Local Markets. f...i .Usti-ihntors of Haywood County hfcve organized, and will deal with the food situation by working as a county unit in th distribution of foods, and keeping a close check on shortages and sur pluses. . R. K. Davenport, manager ui Pet Dairy Products Company, was named chairman of the commit tee, which will make a weekly re port to Raleigh on conditions. The group met here luesuay nignt, " in conference with W. J. Velsor, field representative of this area of the state loou advisory cummince. The committee for the county is composed of Mr. Davenport, chair man J. W. Ray, secretary, Grady Boyd. Edward Glavich, F. T. Peden, J. T. Bailey, R. H. Ruff, R- L. Sum I. eon Henry. Edwin C. Fincher, Jerry Liner, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Long, G. C Ferguson and H. R. Clapp. Others will be named later in order to represent all of Havwood. TVie rt liumittop will meet weekly to study the local food situation, and if problems cannot he soiveo, the state and district offices win do contacted for-relief . Another function of the local comittee will be to help put a ban rV mnvkets in meats and other produce, which may develop. R. B. DAVENPORT is chairman f tlie ln.nl fond advisory commit tee, whose outy it will be to watch for shortages and surpluses on the local market, and help keep the demand and supply on a level keel. Sister Of T. L. and L. H. Bramlett Is Claimed By Death Funeral services were held Sat urday afternoon at the residence in Canton for Mrs. A. V. McClure. r. who died in an Asheville hos pital Thursday afternoon follow ing a several weeks illness. Dr. II K Mustcller. pastor of the Can ton First Baptist church, ofliciated. miriai was in urtTii inn . - , fcfrtWjn or. .iJt-Twiw.v- - , , 1 I.J U.io a were Guy McCracken, Bruce Jos- wno,e,ierB '"""""" i- t i t w w Mitchell Corporal Jones and Patrolman lm. T L Jam.s,m, W W M.tcheli, p Harold Hansen, ami ( la de Coske 1 A thJ Mrs. McClure was an active I- bp abe, mber of the ( anion I .. st Bap- nHme of owner gn(i si rr i i ri li'i uiiiii ; i n, r- Patrolmen Seek Quinine To Give Men In Service The dire need of quinine by the government, has prompted a cam paign in the state by the Highway Patrol to collect all available oui- i- . nnlhMCITV "W umk -r i . PCJ'VIIIK is the sister ot I. L. ISramtett uay,;nt. anv ;;,, f Waynesville, town al.lernian, n(jt can h(,, the gov. ,, ,.. . Heamlett, well known (.,.nmi;nt bv Kting it one of llUS,m"" , ... 'these patrolmen, who will see that Cithers surviving Mrs. Met lure i hmnlnii.irt.Prf.. The oui- ii re hoi husband. A. V. (Andy) j, McCluie. who is connected with amount. Mrs. C. J. Reece On Fall Buying Trip Mrs. C J. Reece left Sunday for New York City where she will buy fall merchandise for Massie's De partment Store. She is expected to return the latter part of the week. Funeral For Harold Styles Held Satnrdav Funer jaoek on Saturday afternoon at e Red Bank cemetorv for Har- Jd Styles, three-year-old son of and Mrs. Rufus Styles, of runook, who died suddenly at the e Jlonday morning. The Rev. ftham Sorrells officiated. Surviving are the parents, one WhM, Joel Wayne Sorrells, W Pandfather, Ellis McMahan, and ? grandparents, Mi. and Mrs. wlmer Styles, all of the Saunook tion. ft m Massie Funeral Home was 10 charge of the arrangements. Jfst Rites Held For flrs. Rebecca R. Morgan Faneral services were held at b -rvt Saturday morning at the ClvZ ikety BaPtist Church, near for Mrs. Rebecca Robinson tu. 1''' w'uow oi Jason Mor- h Bryson City. wh 01 9 oT a,tteck Thursday afternoon o clock at the home of her Mrs. John Medford, of Clyde. M .,Vurvived by o sisters, s.f . "u bits, jusepniiit r oi necnew &nA nipr . IN ST .LOUIS Mr and Mrs. W. H. F- Millar are in St Louis attending the inter national Rotary Convention. Mr. Millar is president-elect of the Waynesville club, taking office on July first. Birth Announcements Parrott, of iur. niiu v - Waynesville, route 2, announce the birth of a son ai uim May the 15th. a rinrence Putnam, of Hyatt's Creek, nmxnce the birth of a son on May the 15th at their home. T?nnev Evans, of Jonathan Creek, announce the birth of a daughter at their home on May 16th. - -j nfo Tfnhert Gilli- sergeam, a"" - -- - , land, of Camp Blandmg, Fla., and Hazelwood announce the birth oi a daughter, Patricia Mae, at the Haywood County Hospital on May the 13th. NOTICE had no control, nsiutedl IV . .- .v. -wo nf the Daper to- auciion in ui - day, which meant a number of regu lar features were left out. -V,f . cmp regular size, rians are i" - . carrying all features news next week ine ruui" Ooens 24th At Lone's Chapel For Five Days Plans are being completed for ihn nnpninc of a VArnt.inn church , . school at xhe Long's Chapel Metho dist churth Monday, May 24. Daily sessions will be from 9:00 to 11:30 a. m. each day through Saturday; and there will be sepa rate classes for beginners, pri maries, juniors and intermediates. Miss Sara Long, using the text, "Our Happy World," will be in charge of the beginners depart ment. She will be assisted by Ruth Goodson, and Mrs. Grace Rood, who will tell a Bible story each day. Mrs. R. H. Terrell and Mrs. Robert Jones will have charge of the nrimarv department, and they will use the courses, "Learning from Jesus" and "Children and r"linrphp in Latin America." The junior division will be in charge of Mrs. Mary Williams and Mrs. Gracie Medford, assisted by Mabel McCracken. The books used win Kp "The Land Where Jesus Lived" and "Up and Down South Ameri ca." Mrs. Hugh Noland and Mrs. W. P. Leatherwood will be over v.o intprmpdiate room. 1 mir courses win be "Brothertown" and "Living Together in lodays World." Handicraft will be direct ed by J. B. Soesbee. The pastor of the church, Miles McLean, will serve as director of the scnooi. Miss Hollifield Wins War Bond For Suggestion Miss Myrtle Hollifield was awarded a $25 war bond by the Wellco Shoe Corporation for sub mitting the best suggestion on "How To 'Eliminate r Prerent Absenteeism in War Plants." A number of entries were made in the contest sponsored by the firm. Joe Howell Receives Slight Head Injuries Joe Howell, formerly of Waynes ville, who is now employed at the North Carolina Shipbuilding Com pany in Wilmington, suffered slight injuries to his head last week. Mr Howell was not seriously injured and did not have to miss any time from his work, according to his family here. Jennings Back From Ten-Day Buying Trip J. P. Jennines. manager of Belk- Hudson Company, plans to return tndav after snendine a week in New York buying merchandise. Hi cnent thp Dast four days in Char lotte with manufacturer's repre sentatives, and- booking otner mer chandise for his firm. Holding Revival WW. ' . V. ' YX?v ivy'' 'I REV. EV?RETT SFHINKLE, of -Mor.ail ioi nreacriinir daily at a revival at tie' Barberville Baptist Church. Services begin eacn nigm t ciirht o'clock. The revival will continue througn tne ivin. t John Dills Named On Canton City Police Department John Dill. 40, who was formerly connected with the Brevard police lenartment has been named a m m- k..m ,t tk.. rw.lw... ,lj.rv.irt. ment to succeeu 1'airoiman w. i,. - . .t :n u. . ..... i i I he e s r unera UnilK.IK'li, .'A -ir.nv u ... ...... cred his resignation to Police Chief W. N. Stroup, effective last Satur- iay. Mr Dills served for 12 consecu tive years as deputy sherriff under Sheriff Slagle of Macon County, prior to his connection in Brevard. Mr. T.anirston who had been with the Canton force as a fingerprint man and motorcycle patrolman re signed to enter military service. hi maintenance department of the I Canton division of the Champion Paper and Fibre Company for moie than ::(l years; two daugh ters, Mrs. Hugh L. Monteith, of Sylva, and Mrs. Charles A. Smith, of Canton; a sister, Mrs. George Allen, of Detroit; and four grand- Home of Can ton was in charge of the arrangements. nine must be turned in not laier than May 31. Mrs. James M. Payne Buried On Saturday Last rites were conducted at the Canton Presbyterian Church on Saturday afternoon at 1 o clock for Mrs. James M. Payne, 84, who died at the home of her son, J. Bryan Payne, on North Main Street, Canton, at midnight last Wednesday, following a long illness. The Rev. Geortre Bradley Ham mond, nnntor officiated and was as sisted by the Rev. Dr. H. K. Mas- teller. Burial was in the old andy Mush cemetery, near Leicester, in Buncombe County. Active pallbearers were: A. J Reno. Howard Harrison. I. A. Mc- Lain, Lon Goodson, Claude Holtz- claw, J. L. (Pete) Jones, Edwin Haynes and Thad McNaull. Applications For Canners Taken By County Farm Board Persons interested in obtaining a pressure canner should make ap plication at once to the County Farm Machinery Rationing Board at Waynesville. Application blanks may be obtaine d in Canton at Nan- tahala Hardware and Haywood Hardware, in Waynesville, at Mas sie' Hardware and the war board located in the county agents office. Since there is such a critical shortage of pressure canners, it is suggested that families cooper ate in buying and using the canners. Hugh Massie Returns From Buying Fall Stock Huirh Massie. owner of The Toggery, returned Sunday from New York City, where be naa spent several days on business. Mr. Massie visited the eastern markets to purchase fall merchan dise for his store. Crabtree Baptist WMU Has Monthly Meeting Th. r-ra'KfrM Ttantist W. M. IT. XJ- . - met with Mrs. Monroe Noland on Ma flth. with Mrs. Vinson Davis, president, presiding. v The next meeting wiu with Mrs. Fannie Noland on June 10th. Lord's Supper And Foot Washing To Be Held At Holiness Church Revival services are now in prog ress at the Congregational Holiness Church on Smathers Street under the direction of C. V. Parkstone, blind evangelist. The celebration of the Lord's Supper and Foot Washing cere monies will be held on Sunday evening. The public is cordially invited to attend. Federal Inspection Of State Guard Unit Postponed The Federal inspection of the local unit of the State Guard which was to have taken place this week, has been postponed until Wednes day, June the 9th. The inspection was to have been made last night by Colonel Thomas W. Pritchard, U. S. Army, who is stationed at Fort Bragg. The local unit is drilling on an average of twice a week now, and their program of activities in gene ral has been enlarged. Announcement has been made of the annual encampment of the State Guard which is scheduled to be held at Fort Bragg. Tentative dates for the encampment have been set from July 18 to August 1. New Plans Being Made To Issue Canning Sugar Thp rflHnnino. board bpra ban rp- ceivpd nrdpra t.bat. npw maphinprv - - - - - for issuing certificates for canning sugar is being set up in wasning ton, and will be in operation about June First. The local board announced that if any person has berries or any other canninir items that are on the verge of spoiling, that sugar will be issued in such cases. CHANGE IN PLACE OP JUNIOR SENIOR PROM OF ST JOHN'S A change has been made in the meeting place of the Junior-Senior nrnm of St. Jnhn'a ach'ool. It was first scheduled to be held at the Waynesville Country club but since has been changed to St. John's auditorium. ' Mr. and Mm. 3n TCmeraon Rose returned on Wednesday from At lantic City, where they attended the mar-nags ox tneir aaugnxer, Miss Carolyn Rose to Lt. James Kilpatrick. Virge McClure Reported To Be alightly improved The condition of Virge McClure, 73, police court clerk of Canton and member of the Canton draft board wii lnt ronnrtpd aliirhtlv im proved at the Norburn hospital hi Asheville, wnere ne is a patient. Mr. McClure suffered serious head injuries when he was knocked down on the sidewalk during an argument in Canton, with Harry Whitaker. 29. clerk in a Canton beer and wine establishment, Whi- taker had received induction orders and had been directed to report on May the 17th by the local draft board. During an argument eon cerning the induction order; Miw McClure was knocked down. ;

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