, JUNE 3, 1943 (One Day Nearer Victory) THE W1AYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page S '.nntv Home Demonstration Agent VwlinPS f run mining iuciiiuus i who felt like rook- Hncr 11D frUlt On vt"1 1 ...ill cwinc a r- t'l Ug' rSt aniline this second war f? he assurance of vet d m.w hands at home I"-' ,ii h-.vt an easier ume, ri:rg ',y i-rpv, according to r :;:-',Rl'.11 caret Smith, county a?r.KKls that worked best ,;n oint . osr veai w in d. ,carJ!i ; " jjome eCo- -m t i nil v. S. Department War 1 noint for a home- .:ne is to get this! .. .., r well in mind. ar" ;nni.,- may get up to' 10 iCini o-'i.r for each person :ru' . .... w none stamps aniii - , - ' If shp needs tot pui , .;, than that she may 3(!v to hr local war price and it . . ., trpt coupons .; .i;,.v her to buy up to addition Mill v using the sugar i . j. All nur tV fame as iasi ci . , ,. .,., to each 4 quarts :PwVV.-r..it If desired. 5 .i.rar per person may '..h, for making preserves fruit butters, but tnis within the nrlPli: A t 1 Gas Drill m '. i,.. iichulcd I- u.a:iv takes 3-4 to 1 cup u io each quart jar of fruit .( ,51; j,, an.um! the solid food and .. ,lV,r i: wtl!. nt r,n;, aiming sugar ration ,''. ;.i.ut '- cup of sugar to t ,'ah .-.uct jar, as an aver- AN IDEA Of WHAT HAPPENS when JeUow takes off his gas mask too goon during a drill is ably demon strated by Sergt Roger W. Holmes of Ithaca, N. Y. The sergeant g his nose full of harmless gas ci' a practice session in the tes' ber at the Army Flying s Enid. Okla. atif Agnes Kuykendall, Ablert Arring ton, Mrs. H. K. MasteJler, Mrs. Margaret Capps, Hilliard Jones, A me Gibson. Mrs. David Grasty and baby, Miss Palethia Green, Mrs. Corbett Crawford, Barbara Jean Messer, Mrs. E. C. Jenkins, Mrs. Denton Browning and baby, Mrs. Sidna Cole, Mrs. V. R. Rhinehart, Mrs. Henry Vance, Master Frank Pope, Mrs. Mabel Buchanan, Mrs. Ever ett Clark, Miss Peggy Carver, Mrs. James Warren. 1 Mrs. Charles Erwin, Mrs. Thorn- ' as Trull, M.ss Mabel Ensley, Mas- i ter Ralph Singleton, Miss Ada j McGaha, Mrs. Noah Sanford. Rov I Stephens, Carl Best, Mrs. E. C. I Rainey, and Mrs. J. V. Dills. BIRTHS Mrs. Smathers, Former Resident, Claimed By Death Funeral services were held Sat urday afternoon at 2 o'clock at St. Lawrence Catholic church in Asheville for Mrs. George H. Smathers, of Asheville, former Waynesville resident, who died at her home in the Longchamps apart ments Friday night after an ill ness of several months. Burial was in Greenhill cemetery here. Serving as active pallbearers were: William G. Adams, Irving Mason, Richard Loughran, W. J. Damtoft, William E. Smathers, and James Rickeit. all of Ashe ville. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Messer, of 1 Honorary pallbearers were: Dr. Hazelwood, announce the birth of j Bernard Smith, Tom Clark, Chas. a son on May 24th. ; ; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Caldwell, of Waynesville, announce the birth of a son on May the 27th. 7 of Canton, announce the birth of a son on May 28th. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Eckenrod, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cochran, of Waynesville, announce the birth of a daughter on May the 31st. S. Bryant, Reuben B. Robertson, Dr. W. M. Hollyday, J. Bat Smath ers, all of Asheville, Dr. Robert Sample, of Hendersonville, George Ward, G. Lyle Jones, Earl M. Mof fett, Thomas J. Harkins, A. C. Brendl, John G. Deshler, W. W. Candler, Ralph Arbogast, C. Ward, and Piercy Carter, of Ashe ville. and E. L. Withers, of Way nesville. Mrs. Smathers was born De cember 12, 1860. Before her mar riage to Mr. Smathers on January t, 1882, she was Miss Daisy Rice, daughter of Judge Samuel R. Rice, chief justice of the Supreme court of Alabama prior to the Civil War, and one of the leading attorneys of the South. Her mother was Miss Amanda Pearson, of Winns boro, S. C. Mrs. Smathers was graduated from the Loretto Con vent of Loretto, Ky. Mr. Smaiiiers, who has practic ed his profession in Asheville for many years, was prior to his mov ing there, a local resident, and the family lived here for many years. Surviving are her husband; two daughters, Mrs. Henry T. Barlett, of Asheville, and Mrs. James S. Wiley, of Westport, Conn.; two grandchildren, A. C. Claugh, Jr., of Glendale, Ohio, and Mrs. J. Harry Sample, of Raleigh; a half brother, Sam Rice, Jr., of Mont gomery, Ala.; a half sister, Mrs. J. N. Baker, of Montgomery, Ala., and a nephew, S. R. Bethea, of Faundalc, Ala. The fighter eats two-thirds of his food out of cans when on com bat duty. Advertising may have to b lim ited daring the war; this maaoa, gentle reader, that subscription prices will have to go up. Time to Cook with Gas the Perfect Fuel Economical Clean Quick Essetane Metered Service City om oonvMilcnc liuUllad anywtwra Brading Gas Service pi2 "Handle with Central Care" . Cleaners Your clothes are precious to be entrusted to the tender mercies of any but an EX- Main Street PERT Cleaning Establish ment. We HANDLE WITH CARE. That is one reason Dl n 119 we have so many satisfied JL IlOnC XJ.tJ customers. HOSPITAL NEWS is from the home v, ar.. 1.,. inter ifrr.,-. and other summer nuns l c nil along, so that the 'rui:-. t he sugar ration, and the io eanner herself may all keep 5 ,:h. have been pointed out by S;s? Smith. Sr.n't the sugar to fit the fruit. Sour fruits may demand and get -more than the average. In that ;Ste. von will count on giving tort-ratiwis "f sugar to some ot - .1 r. f.Mll'fc TKrvtry juicy aim vrtt umi.. Often veu can taste the natural lavir -weet fruit better when Mipar is used. i. Tut up some fruit without iipar, if necessary. It's true that 1 ln',v Migiir helps canned fruits r h'-ii! ii'ii' and flavor. But the ifar :.-!i't essential to keep the fruit ! 10111 spoiling. Fruit r i:t making is often canned r;:r,iui: sugar-, by choice, so is iVr diabetic diets. . if vim have more good fruit ttari sugar at any time this sum Mr. iier.'t let it go to waste. Can :r.t:ru;t and mark the jars plain s' 'a .r.ilnate "no sugar." Then y'U can cju n them and sweeten f:ii;! to taste when the family t-t snare sugar from its etM' ration. Trunok fruit for canning. Yf'ii cat; heat the f ruit in fruit Jnhmiy Sis! mi du al case , i-fortablv. i'f Waynesville, rei-ling iiHiic coin- Edga.r Buchanan, of Canton, op erative case, is better. Mrs. J. B. Underwood, of Way nesville, operative case, is improving. Mrs. Roy Plemmons, of Waynes ville, route I, operative case, is better. The condition of Roy Gibson, of Wavnesville, nu dical case, is only fair. Sherman Brown (colored), of Waynesville, medical case, is improving. Master Benton McCrary, of Clyde, route 1, operative case, is resting more comfortably. Miss Bonnie Rathbone, of Clyde, route 1, operative case, is better. The condition of Miss Martha Jane Holland, of Canton, opera- j five ease, is good. Jimmy Cogdill, of Canton, medi cal case, is some better. Mrs. V.. J. Carswell, of Canton, operative case, is improving. -1 i"u 1 1, or water. Adding erativ Mrs. J. F. Sams, of Canton, op- Wfwv neatinir the fruit will leif rhaw out juice. Some fruit 'litis tivatid yield enough juice f tt-ir . wn so that no additional (! is hc( ded. ttri reason for heating fruit befoie it goes into the ' r. 1'iecookiiig shrinks the tiilpmg yon to get more in i'.!'. jar- w hich is good wartime ' ri'.y ( f i:lass jars and metal and economy of shelf space, Howi-ver never cram the ' 'vi! tight, of course. Allow proportion, of liquid to e case, is resting more com fortably. Margaret Lowary (colored), of Canton, operative ca.-e, is better. 1 Miss Hazel Harvery, of Canton, operative case, is resting more comfortably. Mrs. Ben Cutshaw, of Maggie, operative case, is better. ti: Miss Juanita Gaddis. of Way nesville, route 1. medical case, is resting more comfortably. The condition of Vaughn Kuy- ikendall. of Canton, route S. oper- iiti oi- moderately thin sirup j t'P witti the sugar ration. si: r,p, use 1 cup of sugar 1 atjve ca?e) js 0Mi 1 f water or juice. For . ,;,'v sirup, use 1 cup! Mrs. Horace .lohnxm. of Camr-n. ' 2 cups of water or j operative case, is some better. ': - '';r cherries or other! ;"'.:r f :uits require a med- Miss Edith Rathbone . of Clyde. K'k Mrup' use 1 cup of sugar 1 route 1, operative case, is improv- water nr lnirci 10 extract juice: Crush and .vour softer juicy :" boilinp. Use very low -t tr.e pan over hot water, 'I' - tut wo't Ptick to the pan. --re ,,(. friit use(j fo, juice M"i'hct as any fruit you put , 'Jt out any trace of bruise :ec;y. for the canning saying '"oii: " tit of decay mav ; f- atch." When the juice '". strain it. if desired. t F;ace of ci,rror llco vfyi ffM of a mild-flavored sirup ' rr,.y cr corn simn. TTsp f " icjiiace up to half of your a r-e-third of your sugar. A 1 "'portion of the sirup mask the delicate fruit Three ,k,n'ts to end with: ;, in your canning any ;hat have high flavor of '-'" r.tt-n ci,l. ire 1 -. mapie, sorgnum, 5SeS. in't mg. Bob Phillips, of Waynesville. op erative case, is resting more comfortably. Mrs. Joseph Gold, of Canton, op erative case, is better. DISCHARGED Among those discharged from Sweeten the Haywood County Hospital dur ing the past weeK were tne iouu ing: Miss Nancy Morrow, Master Perry Morrow, Mrs. John Rath- Use ! bone, Mrs. Jack Rector, Miss rar.a- lee Webb. Mrs. Jonn .Messer, .ui.-s use brown Ilea en J . lf you do wish to use ii it""6 t0 SWeen canned fruit, Just before s . , aJ take on a bitter taste. fr!"16 ''Limey" for the British ritd lii th.e,fact that Bailors car 2es . ' u,th them o long voy- ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of Allen and Emma Messer. deceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to j notify all persons naving claims against the estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them to the under signed, at Cove Creek, North Caro lin, on or before the 28th day of April, 1944, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This the 28th day of April, 1943. KENNEDY MESSER, Administrator of the Estate of Allen and Emma Messer, de ceased. Xo. 1300 April 29 May 6-13-20-27 v. Sfmorra " WEBB r -w-Y m m m is -FOR WOMEN WHO WORK- An extensive group of Slacks, Slack Suits, and Coveralls especially designed for industrial and farm use. HEAVY SLACKS $1.98 -$2.98 if 1 -COVERALLS- $2.98 - $3.98 SLACK SUITS 2-Piece $1.98 -$2.98 $3.98 Easy-Wearing . . . Good Look- ing . . . Economical. -Featuring For Haywood Workers- -SMARTLY MATCHED- Pants and Shirts LOOKS BETTER COSTS NO MORE Matched Khaki Suit Blue Twill Suit Blue Herring- (P bone No. 1 Blue Herring bone No. 2 Olive Drab Herringbone Teal Army Twill Anvil Army Twill $2 mKM 350 wyi $476 , iK $55 SC25 H u A NEAT WORKER DRAWS MORE PAY LITTLE BOY'S Slack Suit Sizes 3 to 6'2 $1.19 - $1.29 Shirt and Long Pants JUNIOR BOY'S Slack Suits Shirt With Shorts -$1.79 Shirt With Long Pant 1 .98 Sizes 4 to 12 WORK SHIRTS Men's - - 89 up Boys' - - 590 up AN EXTRA BUY Men's Vat Dye Work Pants only $1.49 Khaki Shirt 1.19 Remember- -We Feature- Duxbak- -Clothing- -"The Genuine" Shop Caps - 350 To do With Your Uniform Drivers' Caps - - 97J up Gardening Gloves 150 and 190 Overall Pants -Anvil 8 Oz.- Boys' --$1.49 Men's - $1.69 2.20 Wt. Pants Boys' --$1.25 2.20 Wt. Pants Men's - $1.49 BOY'S BROADCLOTH Sport Shirts Sizes 6 to 16 890 to $1.69 Match these shirts with long pants to make your own ensemble Coveralls By ANVIL LEE POINTER 2.79 - 3.30 - 4.29 Try our Anvil top quality with zipper fly. An extra value at $3.30 IN OXFORDS- A Big Selection 2.49 UP IIB Compo Soh -Work Oxford $2.49 -$3.50 Peters Raw Cord MEN'S 4.50 SEMI DRESS OXFORD BOY'S -Raw Cord Soles-2.98-3.49 C RAY'S SONS --PARK --SHOP --SAVE . i . ' . ' f : 1 ,- "4 : a s . i ' i 'I' r 1 , . f r 4 ; i. I, 1 1 ' ' jit . lit ! 1 " . -j;. .---tui. cu Prevent I ' '. -:. ' s, - r- II: 't ' . Citrus i-.e necessar Vitamin 1 June 3 j i r j .