hffi Waynesville mountaineer Pnblished In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park JrnfYEAR NO. 25 12 Pages WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1943 (One Day Nearer Victory) $1.75 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Co on tie fkfltm few (Drops Sttaois SB11 dot); lyde R. Hoey Will Re Speaker At Lake On Sunday Morning Hotel Gordon To Open In Next Few Days, Says Owner V. C. Dasher, New Man ager, and Crews Here Preparing Hotel For the Season. Formal Opening Of Season At Lake Junaluska Gets Underway Saturday. n. annual summer program of 1 r -Vi A ceomhlir nf L,Vt'fiOU15t LIU""-" """'""'J h hraluska will open on Sat- ! .. . 1 HIT.. lire, for .ue aim jiy I the comeay -rieiu T. Clark will speak ase-" n. F -lit ke 11 o clock nour ai me u r":am n Sunday morning. His . !i -'The Pbiflncs of Si." R'v- L- HUtcnins, sup- endfr.t el the waynesvine. t:r.oi:?t District will preach at s o'clock evening service, ms Hec' wll he, ine nengiuuB m- at: el Man. i ne cnoir ui jjuiig a ,ptl will provide the music lor evening service. On At Lake Sunday fit 'fl a ' r.f H Business Will Suspend On 5th Practically every firm con tacted so far have signified their intention to close their places of business all day on Monday, July fifth, it was an nounced by the Chamber of Commerce yesterday. Closing all day Monday will in no way affect the usual clos ing at on jn Wednesday, it was said. Further details will be given next week. The Hotel Gordon will open with in a few days, according to L. S. jGaulden, owner, and V. C. Dasher, ! manager, who arrived this week to .prepare for the season's opening, j Last night the owner and new manager announced the hotel would be operated on the American plan, i The dining room will be opened at the same tin t- a? the hotel. I I Mr. Gaulden said that inquiries! 1 about reservations have been flow-! ing in heavily during the past month. All indications are that I A -'rouP of ,nos'' " '"' ,1,lVl' b,'on good patronage will be realized working toward qualifications for from Julv firs, to October first, he !it'rvil1' 0,1 tht' Civilian Defense Isaid. It looks like a season of committee will receive certificates i'-long-staveis" they said. ,a,ul s"PPli's 0,1 Friday evening at George' L. Martin, former mana-'8 o'clock at the courthouse, it has ger of the hotel is now serving in bl'l'n """"""eed by Sam H. Kelley the navy. 1 chief air raid warden, who will Mr. Gaulden reported a banner im;,ke the presentations. Federation To Build Frozen Food Locker Unit In Waynesville County Chairman Civilian Defense Workers To Receive Certificates I season in West Palm Beach this Those who will receive certifi- EX-GOV. CLYDE R. HOEY will occupy the platform at Lake Junaluska Sunday, when annual Haywood County Day will be ob served. The program will begin at eleven o'clock. large Alhambra Hotel. New Regulations For School Buses Lions Club Will Install New Officers Tonight Rnv Pnrkmnn will Vie Install, rl as president of the Lions Club at Cesser. Their conservation and past winter, where he operates the cnie hav to their credit fifty hours w wuik "u irtiiiiiiig as iouows: 20 hour course in Red Cross Firsl 'Aid; five hours in chemical war fare; five hours in fire defense and ,ZU hours in lecture and drill. In the group will be: G. C. Fer- 1 rkrvmi- ' " L.nmpiiii, iun am- Announced By OUT onfi,;!lSam H- Kell- l. com. Frank James, E. E. Fuller, Leo J. New regulations relative to bus ! Mart.l,, Gilbert Reeves, Dr. N. M. transportation of students to and j U'(lf,)rd' W- T- Crawford, M. G. from schools have been received Stanu'v' C- V- Lt'on Henry, from the Office of Defense Trans-Arthur Fuller. portation. it was learned this week L HuKh Jolk'v' Lynwood Grahl, from Jack Messer, county superin-1 John L- Edwards, Floyd MehalTey, tendent of education !Mlt Cagle, Bob Gibson, Jr., Miss School buses r present over fifty !I(,a J('1,n Brown- Mrs. Fay Toy, per cent of the nation's passenger ! ,Mrs- Muble Brown Abel, Ben Col busi , was pointed out bv Mm'"' R- H. Clark, Tom Gilliland, f'lM J r-. . v irm rnijjnaiu, w . r . arrange, John West, 0. L. Noland, Sam Mondav night at 8:30 Dr. ,rk will give an illustrated lec- re cn, A .ueiiiouisi vioits un- Hp will speak and show ..- j i o.on f tft efleuly injiiit ai o.ov w arden? in Europe and America :d Friday night will give an il- fctrated Kcture on "South Amen- The program for the remaining Lings of the week offers popular lotion pictures shown at the au- !orium. One of the highlights of the pro- each year is Haywood County lay, when Josephus Daniels makes principal speech. Mr. Daniels, ona? a cottage at the Lake, was seamed to be pre; -nt thip yar, it has recently notified the offi J oi tne apsemhlv that it. will .u .. .l.. i..i t nroner nsp Unns the nmoont impofsiWe for him to be present. I r:,.r, t. t p.r,, t,;,ri,t ut emergency are of maior concern. i llk'v Janes, Roy Tuttlo, 7:M o'clock, with Francis Massie, sch001 b"ses fan be procured retiring nresident in charge of the ,"nl-v in ,ne nist urgent cases. ....-....l.,,,. , , " ToniL'ht H irrnim nf V,., l,.vD,l V '.'art Ex-Governor Clyde R. Hoey will rk in place of Mr. Daniels. The wing Sunday Governor J. M. -T.ton will be the main speaker e July 4th observance. A laige ntimber of the summer Erwin (harle Othprs who will fnkp nfficp at the same time are as follows: first Pu.P'.ls can bt' transported with the minimum number of bus milei. Side trips off the main truck routes Lcatherwood, Hub RutT, es l.uddis, Mrs. ( lara Ripne- Bus routes are to be arranged t'""" George bisk so that the maximum number of L.r... .. . ..1. T 1 i V 1 ' ' ei Liihe tiunaiusKa riave .i ,, .. nvpcwlpnt Rill C'A tiher -rived and opened their homes for'thir(1 vice president, Henry Davis; ta.-f.r,. ,i well as a number of .,(., a i;n iv,i, tQ5urr at the guest houses. Wayne " Franklin; Tail twister, sheville Groun Rudy Canning Operations Here A group of county officials from -atwrnbe and Asheville civic lead Jt and other? ?pent part of Tues afternoon at the Haywood :n:y Mutual Cannery, where J. -. Ban-. m.-,n,mrpr n-f v,o t nr,,i r h., - ' "A IIIC XjCtllU J l.le SkV Coonprativpc cvntoino working of a cannery. The purpose of the trip by the :rcP was to get first hand infor :.a::on on the best methods of ope ""ig a commiinitv usTixsn or,A r,fain information not only as r"Ncai set-up, but also the cfary standards in production fi'Ja.;-ty foods. 5lr. Earr xnlainprl lin I"- W Prepared for .BnnSn nA and mileage without pupils are to -be eliminated under the new pro gram. Transportation will be. provided only for students, teachers or school employees who would have to walk more than two miles to school or ' vear term Other directors who mu, "laT1 a m"e and a halt to a i carrv over 'are C E. Weatherby and Pcho"1 bus truck route- G r p-pro-iKson i L nnecessary stops will not iUi. fill Lilian. lUK.ni hummc;: man, - r 1'jivn- T miiu f1, : ' one fourth mile no nt and nnt lees 1 a-V n Lou,s (,ray. is our oj. Lot nvt: eiiniie;! iiicniucia - - , n-. of the organization. Charlie Woodard; Lion Tamer, Bill Prevost. ' Lloyd Kirkpatrick has been nam ed to serve as a director for a three a citizens who have completed the! fifty hours training period will be! given their pocket card certificates and equipment also, in an appro-; priate program held at the school I house on the Pigeon Road. The public is invited to attend. Mr. Kelley will be in charge and make the presentations. In the group to receive recogni tion will be- Welton T?evnnl,! i Edith Casey, I.en Love, Mall'ie Cul-,fl" , nil.-,, 'Linj u .Heryoimeil, Jlsle U i oi ne, Jessie Stewart Narcissus than one eighth mile stops. I "rm,e (,,"ls- i'atton, Ella Pupils who have to walk less'?11,1' Copney, Ma Bell Mitchell, than a mile and a half and live off l"e . "aV 's Amy Lce' lnex Brv imin iiuck line or one ana one r ".. miles from the end of the i L anne A11'n- Annu' Lenoir, Leona LaSt KlteS Held :thP main truck line or one and one ""' . Virginia Sisk, Ester Casey, This Morning For Ector B.McCracken half main route must come to the main line to catch the bus. School buses shall not be used for the transportation of any group to any special event except for the of pupils to and McDowell, Marion Jack Kemp. Howell, and Masonic Lodge Hold Special Meet Funeral services will be held at 11 o'clock this morningt the Rock transportation Springs Baptist Church for Ector from home. B. McCracken, 75, Haywood Coun- Mileage and gasoline allowances ty farmer, who died Tuesday night certified after February 1, 194.1, at 9 o'clock at his home in the Crab, will depend upon demonstrated tree section of the county. proof, presented in application by "W ' iil :: :; 1 ring the Entered Apprentice De r - ni -he various peak crops, will be assisted hy the Rev. Pink transportation service in accord rv fln -f v vt" 1 r .:n u ; att 1: A I Ul(. JM "f.1 Ulll IV. J v" " " " Master, J. S. Davis, Senior Warden, W. H. Owen. Junior Warden, S. E. EjnrnmK0 .:n ' n-:i,;: j n:, u ,n nr-n-u ... u t ' i Connatser, senior deacon, K, C. ae carp of .n e i, j j n t. j McBnde, jurior deacon, K. M. r le v- till Slim 111 a rnckrt anrt on son- fnr nil Knc Hnvnro tr ofrtfiri J V -u tcnieve aCt:r. I'r.ta:iv maximum plans are for a ope-pro- The Masonic Lodge of Waynes ville, Number 259, A. F. and A. M., will meet on Monday night at 8 o'clock for the purpose of confer- gree on Floyd Albert Fisher. The following will be in charge ; church cemetery. Mr. McCracken, a native of this can- county, was the son of the late Mr. Messer. Spicial bus drivers school will start on July 12, and will last from ervc mall growers, sn that Serving as nallbearers will he: the school and become oualified to I one puind of the 1943 crops ! Andrew McCracken, Gay Bradshaw, handle the buses. Those wishing A cuiuerence lor Jim ri, uuy .Ie!.eI, jaes to appiy Liie juus are asKeu 10 tJn y ,ofSc!als and interested i ser, Theodore Messer ;:1;t';' e ne,d in Asheville ; Nease. "" ng tne results of the inspec-! Granddaughters and nieces will :be in charge of the flowers. erintendent. Surviving are his widow, Mi, senior stewart, and W. F. Sprinkles, junior stewart. F. C. Conipton will present the working tools, C. B. Hosaflook will ni;..A- V, lr.flfnrfl nr. A TP A Wil at his office in the courthouse, or ,. 4V, i.v .. , ,. . . . , , ' liamson will present the Claud y M. H. Bowles, district school sup- , , , a a j HOOK. .-All jL,nieieu u III eni ii,e, and Fred get in touch either with Mr. Messer ('. X. AI.I.KN was named chu mil!) ul' Haywood county I'oi the coming Tinted War Fund Drive. Mr. Allen was nnniiil chairman by Governor Broughton. A district meeting 01' all county chairmen will be held in Asheville on July 2 to get details of the coming drive. Charlie Ray is a member of the state board of directors of the or ganization. State Guard Busy Getting Ready To Go To Fort Bragg The local State Guai d are biry making their plans to take in the encampment at Fort Bragg which will last a 1 1 in ml 1(1 days, but the local company will rj'main about 14 days. The local unit being hcadiiiiarters for the Second State Regiment will have to be at Fort Bragg mi the l'itb in order to have things sot up and in re.uli-n'-. fur (he training period. Waynesville is also headquarters the Hth battalion. Viler the tell days inlen-ive Iraii'ing the Slate Guards will be qualified, as the officials state, to take care of anything that might happen in North Carolina." There are fifty men in the local unit, and unless it works a real hardship on a man each member of the unit is expected to attend the training period. Captain Frank ('. Byrd, of the Waynesville unit, is expecting all personnel of the company to go to Bragg, unless he is ill or his job is such that it will be impos sible for him to be excused from his work. The local unit will bo ahead to got the administrative affairs of the Second Regiment organized for the period, which has four j branches, administrative, intelli gence, communications and sup plies. The regulation cotton kahki uni forms are expected by the firs! of July, which the men will wear on their trip to Fort Bragg. The trip to Bragg will be made by school bus and the local guard expects to leave in the early morn ing of July 16. Plans Are Going Right Ahead To (iive Area Quiek Freezing Service On Foods. One of the three quick-freezing1 units, frozen foods lockers and meat i curing vaults, to be rented to in- i dividuals or families will be built in Waynesville, it has been an nounced by the directors of the Farmers Federation. The1 other two units will be in Ashovilie and Hi'iulersonv ille. Henry Francis and Arthur Os bourne, both directors of the Fede ration, are ni.mltrs of the central committee to work out details of' the units, including selection of the site. 1 Plans are going right ahead to set up the units as soon as possi- ble, with war priorities considered. Engineers have been in the area 1 studying the plans, anil have been ! in conference with the officials of the Federation. j Present plans are to name a , committee of 10 or 12 local peo-1 pie to act as an advisory committee in establishing the unit, an official told The Mountaineer yesterday. Much interest is being shown here in the plan, and a number of I farmers have already sought defi nite information as to ost of rent ing one of the lockers. Under this plan food vaults or t lockers, which will be kept at a temperature of about zero, will be provided, in which farmers and other patrons may store frozen I meats and vegetables and take them out as needed. Each patroR will be provided an individual ; locker. j The Farmers' Federation will provide an expert meat cutter who i will cut up a hog, a beef, or other incuts into convenient shapes and sizes and cuts. These cuts may j thin be wrapped in heavy hoisture ; proof paper, quick frozen, and plac. d in the lockers. The locker I patron may call once or twice a 'week and remove what is required ; from bis -locker. " Vegetables, fruits and berries may also b- frozen and preserved. The gardner w ho grows more as-1 paragus, corn, strawberries, or other such products than he uses i in season can take his fresh vege- ' tables to the freezer unit, have! them properly packaged in wax containers, frozen in the quick j freezer chamber, anil then placed m his locker. The quick freeze chamber will be an important part of the lay out, for it is there that meats and i vegetables will be quick-frozen at i sub-zero temperatures before being placed in the lockers. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis and ,- . ,. I 1'lli'wi.iflii mill .'itt.iLti .iio.mii.i e i u . . .j--.. ... The drivers are reauired to iivp . .. , . , n-:i.:4 j - i ,. . . j , . , , " mvitea to ne present, as wen as irom v nnnngiuii w sjienu a -up- U1IIII1C X Uli .Ul.iai.lwi, ui- VJ u il lltQl Lljr cm Ul llir 31.1IU01 UU3 Mrs. . ,, -....ha loiKItt rtmiirMor l.u n.. T Tnf.i:T . ,,v,l I, : i My ) - JZIJiri?., ,Uin. lltaiUV UHiei , J.vai.llll KlUll'S rtS IJIISIUIC. IL IS IIOL lltfCCS- ilmirl . Jerry Colkitt, of ICove. Mrs. D. V. Orrell. of Greens- sarv for a driver to have nrevious- ille i . - !f,rmeriy of Waynes- ;boro, Mrs. W. H. Green, of Canton, ly had experience in driving a bus annt yu tr ncie anai.Mrs. C. B. Allen, oi (.raotree, ana as they will be given instruction Before" ,Y . Mrs- Ben Colkitt, iMrs. Wayne McElroy, of Crabtree; at the school. There are 39 school five sons, Gaines, of Wilmington, buses used in transporting pupils in Claude, of Crabtree, Thomas K., of Haywood County. Canton, Linton, Petty Officer U. S. " . Navy, now overseas, and Ensign H. Condition Of Mrs. Cabe J. McCracken, TJ. S. Navy, station- i ed in New York City. 28 grandchil- Js Iore Encouraging aren ana 7 great granaennaren, anu one sister, Mrs. Jane Messer, of Crabtree. all visiting Masons are welcome to 'pie of weeks here with friends and attend. relatives. Funeral Held For Miss Juanita Cioodson Funeral services were conducted on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Allen's Creek Baptist chinch for Mi.-s Juanita Goodson, 19, who died at the home of her mother, Mr--. Marshall Mull, on Allen's Creek at 2:30 Thursday moining, following a brief illness. The Rev. Kay Allen, assisted by the Rev. William Sorrells officiated. Burial was in Green Hill cemetery. Surviving are the mother; one 'sister, M ).'' Etta Mae Smith, of Monroe, Wa-h.; four brother. Wilburn, Hubert and Marsell, all i f Gastonia, and Harry T-ee Good son. U. S. army, now stationed in England. The Massie Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements. Cannery Plans To Begin Operating About July First Good Prices Will Be Paid For Beans Under Land O' The Sky Contracts. During the coming week the ma chinery of the Haywood Mutual Cannry will be tested for any pos sible leaks that may have develop ed during the months it has been closed, in anticipation of steaming up for rracking the 250-acre bean crop of the 18 Haywood County farmers who have signed contracts with the Lan O' The Sky Coopera tives. The 250 acres of string beans will total around 570,000 pounds of beans and will bring thousands of dollars to the local farmers. It is expected that the cannery will be ready for the 1943 crop around the first of July, when can ning operations will start up along with the first picking of beans, ac cording to J. E. Barr, manager of the Cooperatives of which the local plant is a member. Beans will be the only product canned in the Haywood plant this season, due to the fact that the government has rationed the numb er of cans allowed the cannery. The pack for the year is esti mated U total around 26 car loads, and the cans alone will cost around $10,000. Number two and number ten cans are packed in the cannery here. The government has requisition ed 21 per cent of the 1943 products, based on the output of the can nery last year, plus four per cent of the output, to be set aside which they may take or not take as need ed. The Haywood farmers will be paid five cents a pound for the fancy beans which are used in the "Our Betsy" pack, four and one blf cents for the extra standard' and four cents a pound for the standard. When the cannery is going at full tilt there will be between fifty and seventy-five persons employed. The snipping machine will run day and night, and in the peak opera tions period, there will be night shifts in other departments. The crops in Haywood are look ing good in most vicinities, accord ing to Mr. Barr, who feels that on the whole there will be a good ave rage of other peak years of pro duct ion. There are four canneries in the Land O' The Sky Cooperatives. In addition to the Hazelwood plant are: Murphy, Gi'en Mountain and Cranberry. The total contracted acreage for the four canneries for this year will be approximately 875 acres. The value of the cann ed pack for the four canneries has been estimated s' $205,000. When reduced to number tw,o cans will fill 105,588 cases, or 39,000 cases of number of ten cans and 750 cases of two and one-half cans. The cost of cans in the four co operatives will run around $45,000. Beans will not be handled on the green vegetable market this year as the present support of can ned beans is mora profitable. past week, r- anil At,..- t... , , . atd ,'. vuaoipn.i;arsweij, iritircr , "!lren who have been M3lpn " '"ltiVfs m Augusta and have ' lor the Te turned home. r 'n n r rnill'Ps. of Wash na, ' ' has arrived to visit hilh m:- Mr- -and Mrs. Roy lu ' ', ai tneir --wa road. v .Mrs ti cl';W'en of tr tson and three ts rt l,Hen3ersonville, are the saM on p. iUrs- Curtis ktson 1 1 rwn Avne- Mrs. TU- home on the Congressman Zebulon Weaver Likes Idea Of Special Edition To Service Men Last Rites Held For W. P. Lamb Saturday Notice To All Employees All employees of every firm, have until July first to fill out a "With holding Exemption Certificate," form W-4, and return to their em ployer. These forms are the first step in starting the 20 per cent withhold ing tax on July first, which will consist of 17 per cent to apply on in. come tax and 3 per cent on Victory tax. Details of the tax, together with the schedules and amount of de ductions will be found on page 4 of this Newspaper. Editor The Mountaineer: Mrs. John F. Cabe, who has been quite ill at her home here, was Wells Funeral Home has charge reported late last night to be some- of the arrangements. what improved. Mrs. Lucy Reagan, of New York : City, is visiting her sister, Mrs. D. ; Mrs. Alden Hall and her son, 0 Plott Dick Hall, have recently returned ' ifrom Wilmington, where they vis- M- B R Pilaiski, of Cocoa, ! ited Mr. Hall, who is now located Fla., Vs spending a fortnight here there. Miss Luella HaH remained k. ., Mr and Mrs. . for a more extended visit with her niui . 1 . 1 f " . . 1 . - , . Funeral services were held on Saturday morning at the home in Canton for W. P. Lamb, 64, who tl -1 C tlDOn ill frl t Vt noat Pnn ltaaic I have read with a high degree of interest the announcement of ' at hig resj(jence tnere- His deatn a special edition of The Mountaineer to be dedicated to the men )n !oceurre( at 9:3o o'clock on last service from Haywood County. Thursday evening. I wish to express my unlimited approval and appreciation of this Thg Rev Joe -niujamg anj the work on your part. I certainly wish for you every success in this;Rev c R Tjpton officiated. Burial fine undertaking. was in the Locustfield cemetery. I am naturally proud of North Carolina in connection with our For 23 yearg he wfts gll0e re war effort. Haywood County has contributed so greatly, notn 'nipajman in Canton and 13 years the .number of men and support of the war program in every way. I before had been emploved by the Champion Paper and Fibre Com pany, I am very proud of such a county. Sincerely yours, ZEBULON WEAVER. Washington, D. C. June 17, 1943 Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Nell fcamb, a daughter, Mrs. Stella Mae and a sister, Mrs. Hariett Sherlin, of Swannanoa. Virge McClure Dismissed From Asheville Hospital Virge McClure, 72, a member of the Canton draft board and clerk of the Canton police court, has returned to his home from undergoing treatment at the N01 burn hospital in Asheville for in juries received several weeks ago when struck and knocked down, al legedly by Harry Whitaker, 29. Whitaker, who was arrested by the Canton police after he is said to have struck Mr. McClure, has remained in the Haywood county jail since that time pending the outcome of Mr. McClure's injuries. Mr. McClure is a former Waynes ville resident. vi mrs. kuss. E. J. Hyatt. j father. I

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