: t. ' ,. ; ...'. V': . myitis, . ; - i ',V; ,7-. ..... u;; ::--. J1 -I' ' 'i . I- 1 .II;.', Ml;,. : ;; ! II: I Ki-HV-k .-wf-'iv:'. :".,;,-, zmmm 1 ;! .v: r'i" 'J . I t !t .a,H;-fi.r-U.ivl;.?l t 1-..' ,J; 1 i :'. '.'j .-'! .' ?. .9. Page 4 THE WAYNESVHLLE J10UNTAINEER (One Day Nearer Victory) TUUKSDAY, JULyTT Methodist Church Youth Caravan To Close Friday The Youth Caravan Program at the Methodist Church is proving of interest to many young people of our town. In the well-rounded pro gram of instruction, worship and recreation, which has been in pro gress each afternoon and evening since Sunday, the leaders are suc ceeding admirably in making Re ligion vital and interesting and in making recreation wholesome. Among the five visiting Caravan leaders, four different states are represented. One is from Alabama, one is from Tenn ssee, one is from Arkansas, and two are from this state. Mrs. Connie Cope, the counsellor, has had extensive previous exper ience with Caravan work and is of fering a stimulating course for adult leaders in the organization of a youth program in the local church. The other four are college and uni versity students who have been given special training for this work. Tin- week's program will come to a close Friday evening with a Communion Service, beginning at 8:15. This is to be a carefully! planned consecration service not only for young people but also for; the adult memb'is of the church.; As in the other services of the week effective music will be rendered by : th Young P.ople's Choir under the. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ! Having qualifien as administrator of t:;e estate of '. A. Withers, Jr., deceased, late of Haywood County North Carolina, this is to notify al! persons having claims against thf estate of -aid deceased to exhibit same to the undersigned at Hazel wood, North Carolina on or before the 20th day of May, 1944, or this no'ic.. will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate pavment. This 2th day of May, 1943. C N. ALLEN, Administrator, Estate of W. A. Withers, Jr., Deceased. No. 1304 May 20-27 June 3-10-17-24 Dellwood News Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sheehan, of Newport News, Va., are visit ing relatives in Dellwood and Mag gie sections. William Howell and his brother, Wilson, of the U. S. Navy, are home on leave. Ronnie Howell has been u pat ient in the Haywood County Hospital. LeRoy Setz' r, of the U. S. Navy and two shipmates, Jack Taylor, of Iowa, and Dale Griffiths, of Ne braska, spent a leave here recent ly at the home of the former. Mrs. Henry Campbell, who is a patient in the Haywood County Hospital, is reported to be improving. STRIKE UP THE BAND-FOR U. S. SUB HEROES Private John Moody, who is sta tioned at Fort Bragg, is home on a furlough. Mrs. Dave Plott is much im proved after an illness of several days. Joe S' tzer is home for a short visit. Private Paul Sneehan, who is sta tioned at Fort Penning, is home on furlough. 1 r. -S-"-- ,1 .Jar-ZZ:f' Jkml l " Local Presbyterian Church To Hold Daily Bible School A daily vacation Bible school will open Monday, July 5th at the Way nesville Presbyterian Church and will continue for two weeks, it h?.s been announced by the Rev. M. R. Williamson, pastor. The school will be under the di rection of Miss Teck Reina, a stu-. dent in the Assembly Training School in Richmond, Va. She will be assisted by a group of volun teer teachers, and -ner. church. ftorof. Classes will be hdi f , of beginner, pnmury CH aire trronn a-i aIl(I in each afternoon f,, ... . nwne. f .r 1 1 1 o:uu o clock. All pnt Ufa im. 1 ic1jur!,tj children in the se'r. Judge Th after he fired a ?.'t' run from his chick,-,!' tj' Sambo Jone H. 't ' mistaken, jedg... , wuz running. j , someone else wL.- bles me. THE BAND PLAYS VALIANTLY and the welcoming committee Is lined up at Dutch Harbor, Alaska, as a United States submarine ties up at her base after a successful foray into Jap waters. The submarine sank three of Tojo's warships and two cargo vessels on her raid. After the surprise welcome, crew mem bers rested up for another thrust at Japanese life-lines. This is a U. S. Navy photo. (International) ' Miss Elizabeth Ferguson is visit ling her sister-in-law, Mrs. Fred ! Ferguson, and cousin Mrs. Dick fSetzer. of Canton, wh are at Lak--: Logan. Mis- Minnie Womlv h:n returned diiictior of Mrs. Fred Martin. Everyone is invited to attend this service. In in effort ' conserve the values of this week's vital program, be ginning n-t Sunday a series of youth services will local churc'i. The be held in the main will take the place evening service. be held at the ! programs will 1 auditorium and j of the regular leone after spending two months in ; Waynesville. j Will Allis..i, was the leccnt guet j of his sister. Mr-. Y ili'i Kvans. ! I .ii-s Itoroiuy .lean Hall is assist ii.'j Mrs. Ware in the operation of the Dellw ! store. 1 MARRIAGES Walter F. Yan-im, of ( hatta- ; noi.ga, to I'.erlie L. Pallaid, of A.sheville. I.t. Thomas L. lilah.ek. of Ha.el wood, to Helm Tioiil, of W'aynes ville. William L. Idack, of Asbeville. to Joe Ann Singleton, of Waynes-dle. B I R T 11 S Ml. and Mrs. Malcolm Jaxne.-. of Dellwood, announce the birth "I a daughter, Kall.leeti, on -lone ilMii, at their home. Personally, we are not inclined to worry about the terms of th peace-to-come until we have won the deci.-ive battles that lie ahead. NOTICE OF SI MMONS Pl'HLICATION BY ' 1 SPECIAL CGtFIFEE Mother You know, darling, Ruth is In years old now so today I had a frank talk with her about the facts of life. Father Well, did you learn anything? Mr. and M r. Nelson Julius Peek, of liaKain. announce the . , 1 t h c, a son. M 1 w ai I l!a . 011 June 17th at their home. M r. and M i s. I n id 'anc: . of Waynesville. route I. .mnnuneo the birth of a da inhter. Frances Pearl, at their home on June 22nd. Mr. and Mrs. Kufiis Carrett Hill, of Waynesville, route 1, an nounce the birth id' a daughter on June 17th. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY The undersigned having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Mrs. Annie D. McClure, deceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against said estate to present them to the un dersigned at his office in Sylva, N. C, on or before the 4th day of June, 1044, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 4th day of June, 1943. HUGH MONTEITH. Administrator of the Estate of Mrs. Annie D. McClure, de ceased. 130fi June 10-17-24 July 1-8-15 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Leather wood, of Goldsboro, announce the birth of a daughter, Patricia Ann, on June 14th, in Goldsboro. Mr. Leat herwood is the son of the Rev. and Mrs. Frank Leatherwood, of Waynesville. He is an instructor at the air corps field near Golds boro. Mrs. Leathe rwood is the for mer Miss Nema Holt, of Goldsboro. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HAYWOOD j IN THE SUPERIOR COURT IDA PARKS vs j WILEY PARKS ' The defendant above named will jtake notice that an action has been 1 commenced against him in the Su perior Court of Haywood County by the plaintiff for the purpose of : securing an absolute divorce on the grounds of two years separation, I and defendant will further take inotice that he is required to be and appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County not later than 30 days from the 19th day of July, 1943, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff, or the plaintiff will demand the relief sought in her complaint. This the 22nd day of June, 1943. KATE WILLIAMSON, Assistant Clerk Superior Court. 1310 June 24 July 1-8-16. The World Is Depen dent Upon the Harvest From now until Fall, Haywood farmers will be busy harvesting crops. This year, more than ever, it is important that e try single item be harvested in time. If you need money to pay extra workers, come to see us. We are ready to help you help Tncle Sam. If you have extra money, we sukhi-m that you put it into War IJonds today, and you'll never regret doing your part toward the war effort. "The Friendly Bank' First National Bank Established 1902 Member The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 5 (UfjlJB IS YOUR SIP TOR LONGER USE OF Now . . . more than ever ... it is essential that you give your car and truck the very best of care and constant attention. Our reputation is our best recommendation, and we absolutely guarantee satisfactory results in overhauling your car. We are prepared to do any type work on your car or truck, from minor adjustments to a com plete overhaul job. Our Trained Mechanics Are Specialists In Their Work Bring Your Car Here For Satisfactory Work Watkins Chevrolet Company PHONE 75 MAIN STREET Complete One-Stop Service Gas Oil Greasing Washing Battery Painting Fender and Body Work. We Pay Cash For Used Cars Just Received - -A Huge Shipment of- MASON QUART A RS M ... THESE NOW ON SALE ALL EQUIPPED WITH THE FAMOUS 3-PIECE SEAL CLOSURE TOPS QUART JARS 75 doz. GET YOUR SUPPLY NOW BELK-HUDSON COMPANY "Home Of Better Values"