Page 4 i tf I Interesting Lectures Mark This Week's Program At Lake Junaluska The followin program is sched uled this week at the Methodist Assembly at Lake Junaluska: July 6 (Tues.) 10:30 a. m. Lec ture, "My Asia, Japan." Prof. Henry G. Barnett. 8:30 p. m. Lecture. Pageant and , Kodachrome movies of Camp Ad venture, Prof. Harold M. Patrick., July 7, (Wed.) 10::S0 a. m.. Lec ture, Dr. M. T. Smathers. "Why, the office of district supi rinteii-1 dent." 8:30 p. m. Lecture, "My A-ia.' Prof. Henry (;. Harnett. July 8 (Thins.) ()::;() a. in. Lec ture, "Does Asia Need V'!" Prof. Henry G. Barnett. 8:30 p. in.- - Lecture, with person al moving' pictures, "Africa today , and tomorrow," Prof. C. t'. Nor ton. Julv I (Fri.t 10:30 a. m. Lecture, "The' World i Y..umr." Dr. 1). K. Carnal:, 8:00 l. m. Lecture, "Do We Need. Asia?" Prof. Henry G. Bar nett. July 10. 8:30 Music under direc tion of Walter Vassar: 8:50 p. m. Moving pictures of Greensboro College. A patriotic address by Governor I Joseph Melville Broughton. of , N'oith Carolina, marked the peak of, Juualusl.a's Imlepend nee day cele- j lration. The Governor spoke at j 1 a. ni. in the Assembly ;iul i r- iuni and in spite ot the rain a good I crowd, a ppi -ovinia' ely 1,000. gath ered to Shard f oi in wi Dr. V.. Ileal d Plans Visit to U. S. a member of the Baptist church : and active in its work. He teaches a men's Bible class and its broad cast is a regular Sunday morning feature from Raleigh, ; The Rev. Dr. E. P. Billups, of Canton, shared a Fourth of July speaking program Sunday with Governor Broughton, and pleased a Monday morning audience in a dramatic lecture recital. "The Poetry of the Bible," was the theme of the Monday morning minister-lecturer poetic forms in anil recited lofty poetry. giving examples recital and the discussed briefly the Bible writing passages of Bibk lli.-cussing and of various types of Hebrew poetry, the spi aker traced the origin and f irm of the folk poetry which is incorporated in the oldest hooks and the historical hooks of the Bible. The second period of Hebrew poetry, In- said, is that of the older prophets, Jeremiah, Isaiah and others who wrote during the per iod from 7ijo (i.e. to r,K0 I!. ('. "Tiie writing of the prophets," said the speaker, "is characterized by - rat emotional emphasis. They were national in their outlook, wroie of social oppression and in-ju'ie-. They were dramatic in matters of judgment and were loyal exponents and dof. riders of Ya- liwell. The speaker- concluded by giving examples from the sav ings of Jesus, whirl, he said, followed delink-v If AZELWOOD METHODIST CHURCH Joseph S. Johnson, Pastor 10:00 Church School. 11:00 No Morning Worship. 7:15 Youth Fellowship. 8:00 Evening Worship. 8:00 Wtdnesday. Prayer Service. 7:30 Thursday, Woman's Society of Christian Service. P. Kill-;) him. fourth ,- Govern S. of ui'ig ! 'f Jul U-. til plat-b'ev. !.;p C" -t f.. II', Hi land. 11- M. ibi G f HE UNITED STATES will be a "Good Neighbor" in the role of host thu month when President Higino Mor inigo of Paraguay arrives in this country for a visit. The trip is seen by diplomats as nn important move in furthering wartime Pan-Amcr- the pattern of Hebrew poetary. Speaking specifically to young people attending a Young Proof's Assembly her,.. Dr. Billups ii his .Sunday night eu--ed, "Youlh-'s it nn " and pointed on WAYNESVILL1 J. C. Madison with classes 10:00 o clock METHODIST Pastor for of the church, service will be, " Hook for Daily ing the service forum will be he room. I IKNT BAPTIST ( II I lt( II plan irnn relations ('hli (nfcrriationu!) -poll -dom nl In I rieted and afeeai: hi d live 1!'- t will 1.1 Inm p. B f Governm 1 iie t lr me Fourth of July sioll of t he Chill He -Mossed tl. lion (.hurcli to 1 ism and Christ which America litili'.'-n seleeieii .. his Sunday morning addles. "The Mis- eh in Time id' War." (ki'y of the Cirri-' veep alive the ideal la 11 principles upon was founded and to in i ! il. n 1 1 oil ,l -111 I And v t hope and e int'-riLit innal -"We cannot 1 I,, - g i i m 1 1 u ' I l asioii on t here is I e e e Day in : and in oke to e vi a glow III! lit- uiMiiiniifu meet the challenge of taking an im portant part in formulating the. peace. Planned participation ami not passive concern, he said, should be the role of the church and of liackK'i'ounl , of the hi-l-i i lirale today Deelarat ion .nd Hi even as wi f l(ld May Warn of Disordered Kidney Action Modorn lifp with ita hurry anl worry, irrt'tjular ha hi I s, improper eating anil drinking its risk of exposure and ind-c-tion throws heavy strain on tht work of the kidneys. Thi-y are apt to become over-taxed and fail to filter excess acid and other impurities from the life-giving hood. You may suffer nagging backache, hfaila'-he, dizziness, getting up nighH, leg pains, swelling feel constant ly tired, nervous, all worn out. Other signi of kidney or bladder disorder are some times burning, scanty or too frequent urination. Try Down's Pills. Doan's help th. kiiineys to pass off harmful excess body wante. They have had more than half a century of public approval. Are recom mended by grateful users everywhere. Ask your neighbor! brave gesture mad feeble colonies 1(17 represent the hopes of a people u ho ha of the e.l'cuinstanee which we cele rememher de pendence -t hat ik i rl d:-t dr. -tan I w o ween I'l . All I, is re ihili' v s. "Cod " he told nell tliill;'- a ly in-line!, a III fellow-hip. gnoil.'' nday evc-niii'. a-ll by a -pel i given by I Ii elndr under Henry Mai ling on tin- pi solos rondcroi "The Attrartite -Christ," and 'finding (Jd Where w r Lost Him." are the subjects of tin- pastor's ser mons at the morning and evening worship respect iely. The hour s of thise worship services are 11:110 sermon dis-ja. m. and 8:00 p. m. Sunday. ' for free- All age groups will find an at . i i-n' . , - , , . . i ne din ereri- rac ive n ace am a eoino i nd un iversal f Horn, lie.ex and implied bondage to ids (,U- free ing audience, m-eii nee, t ne the need Cr - coal i- i place the study of I, necessity, at lhUo a. m. Old and y iiti'l devehiji tli! ni 'lie Training I'nio: d'- Wo Sel 1 group , lit' t !': I gr nk W U NKSVII.M: IAN ( II I'ltl SBY I f K-v. Malcolo; i; iiii;. the -eiviee milsical mlon Mi dil eel loi ip- ri- fa.Mlell. "A and the anlln () Come," bv I ni ver, 111, "Holy Marl in. "!.! e the Mac- by Cuyon Spirit Come r ayili-n. 'gram wei by Mrs. tiy inirteen years ago, to ind as)irat ions come to this country st eking three things: Free dom to worship (ioil; u government that operated with the sanction of the people, and economic security and c(ual opportunity for all. Those hardy, liberty-loving, (iod-fearing men and women wanted those three things with a passionate devotion. From it they developed qualities of self reliance which is today the basis of American life. "As v(. louder the problems of war and post-war and peace, let us remember the church of the liv ing Cod must have a part in shap ing the new world order. We have tried to write peace through diplo macy and in the spirit of vindic- tiveness ami we Have tailed, today we express the hope that the war will be fought anil won in the spirit of our forefathers and that the peace will be formulated in that -anie spirit. So may we add new glory to Old (Jlory." Governor Broughton is a 1 NOTICK XORTir CAROUXA HAYWOOD COCNTV IX THK SLTKKIOK C'Ol'RT BEFORE THE CLERK C. X. ALE EX, Administrator of th Estate of W. A. Withers, Jr., Deceased. vs. NELL Y. McCLtJRE. ET AL. The defendants Hazel W. Mor gan, Claude 15. Morgan, Robert Lte Withers. Ann V. Shipley and Mur phy Shipley will take notice that an action entitled as above ha? been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County, X. C., to sell lands to create assets; said defend ants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court within ten days after the .'!0th day of July, 1 04.?, and answer or demur to the petition in said ac tion, or the plaint i IT will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the said petition. This dune ,'!t, 1P-:S. C H. LEATHER WOOD, Clerk Superior Court ayman 1 l:il2 Inly H-lS-'Jl'-L'l' Aug. 5-12 W Ii i t eller 1 ' i a v l , S dent ot Sunday S, le-ol. Sunday School ,, o:liu o'clock. .Morning U'.n -I, p. 11:1., o'clock. Sermon Snbjer!. "OCR CXIIA- TIOXKD COMMODITIES.". Pioneer hoys and girD and Young People will meet at 7:00 p. m. Prayer service on Wednesday evening at 8:00 o'clock. Daily Vacation Bible School each afternoon through the week at 15 :00 o'clock. 11 8 11 ; ST JOHN'S CHI RCH I Waynesville, every Sunday, a. m. I Bryson City, every Sunday, a. m. Highlands, every Sundav, a. m. Franklin, every 2nd and 4th Sunday, 8 a. m. Cherokee, every 3rd Sunday, 8 a. m. Sylva, every 1st and 5th Sunday, 8 a. ni. Fontana Dam, every 1st Sundayt 8 a. m. C. W. T. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE LESSON SERMON The assembly rooms are located on the second floor of the Masonic Temple. The reading rooms are open to the public each Wednesday after noon from 2 to 4 o'clock. "Sacrament" will be the subject Report Of Condition Of The FIRST NATIONAL BANK Waynesville, North Carolina At The Close Of Business On June 30, 19 13 ASSETS Cash on hand and in Banks ..$623,691.25 United States Bonds 789,300.00 N. C. and other State Bonds 157,156.78 County and Municipal Bonds of N. C 285,335.47 Total Cash and Bonds Federal Reserve Bank Stock Loans and Discounts Banking House Furniture and Fixtures Other Real Estate .$1,855,483.50 3,000.00 . 518,056.10 5,500.00 8,000.00 6,676.00 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $50,000.00 Surplus 50,000.00 Undivided Profits 72,587.83 Reserve for Contingencies .. 25,000.00 TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS $ 197,587.83 Dividends Payable July 1, 1943 6,000.00 Deposits 2,193,127.77 TOTAL ASSETS $2,396,715.60 TOTAL LIABILITIES $2,396,715.60 Total Rc-ourees June :)0, 1030 $8fi9,825.00 Total Resources June 30, 1910 T $1,042,220.70 Total Resources June 30, 1941 $1,232,43354 Total Resources June 30 1942 $1,536,762.01 Total Resources June30 1943 2,396?715.60 Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation THE FRIENDLY BANK"--ORGANIZED 1902 of the Lesson-Sermon on Sunday. The Golden Text will be taken from 1 Corinthians 10:17, "We being many are one breiad, and one body, for we are all partakers of that one bread." Among the citations comprising the Lesson-Sermon will be the fol lowing from the Bible: "Moreover, brethren, I would not that he should be ignorant, how that all our fath ers were under the cloud, and all passed through the s-a; and did ull eat the same spirual meat; and did all drink the same spiritual drink; for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them; and that Rock was Christ." (Corinthians 1(1:1-4.) Church School all agi's opens at the convenience of parents with small children, the Nursery remains open during the church hour. In the morning s.rvice the pas tor's theme will I.e. "Saving One's Soul.'' The evening hour is dedi cated entirely to the young people lie tneme ot that i'he liible, A Guide Living." Follow 1' or-hip a youth d in t :.( recreation A DM IN ISTKATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of E. B. McCrack i n, deceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Clyde, North Carolina, on or be fore th ord day of July, 1 0 14, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please mak immediate payment. This the 3rd day of July. l'.U:;. vv. c Mccracken, Administrator of the Estate of E. B. McCracken, deceased. I ll:; July S-l 5-22-29 Aug 5-12 LOST OR STRAYED W ! One Red Male Cockerel Spaniel 6 Months Old. REWARD L E. SIMS Waynesville Gulf Service Phone 486 Smant . cauonery a style and size for every purpose We have stationery made for those who like fine papers The Mountaineer Mason JAR s Sale! All Equipped With the Famous -3-l'iew Seal Closure Tops. ON SALE Qmarts Doz. Buy Your Supply Now! BELK-HUDSON CO. 'Home Of Better Values' a