Lbsdav, lDAy, AUGUST 5, 1943 (One Day Nearer Victory) THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 11 ffnwe Taylor Crockett Tells Of Jeriences In Africa In Letter Private Howe ltf't', d Cnrckett, of Hazel- it s: '..... in the service hafalo He has been i" . , i and nas Deen prnle Heart. He is Note May. ,;.J 111 an'"" VioarlpH hv first Ui 1?iu" hr t- Allen and Gen. Gf V s'torv of the outfit ltf ' . ".. ent copy of Time TV, fallowing letter :.. r. his hister, (j S,rth Africa, of Mrs. Edge- June 25th. , i,-Got ynur letter today ,1 ,m the inn. ten- ..a, , , O,uof P .. i ... toll th n ares IOJ X re ir, nn,l the we nc belonged to. As i batties ...,ti,in we have guesseu, i m rit Division ana lanueu uii I ' . o.U T woo lilt Novemoer out. " ,)sv ot tne uaiue. c L moved from place to place M the front, moving "," Dv Hay, auutci'iiuw Most of the fighting rtav ioo. . i-.inrh mountains. jcg was i 1 1 e , - .l.'t and finmp in ltin tne u,- --- vou nave gucascu, i am m i k Tunisian Campaign cover- Lfood Jeal of territory; some- lit ie II'"" " k?h the aiuaimia uu uicai. ; and aoiM miuugu v, lerland? to Chattanooga. As taw the Atlas Mountains ,to over 13.000 feet; and the ,erv varies from the cork oak covering the slopes nearer Mediterranean and the nign to plateaus which the Arabs talmost exclusively in giain. . for miles all you can see is fcost unDroKen giani neiua fclcar to the top of the big dome hills with the exception of i pasture land and the spurs U ridges which are too rocky and i to cultivate. I rondered how so much land iturned until I saw forty big i plowing in one field. Five the plow. I also noticed kormick binders and a few com- i and tractors. In this well bred country I also saw the t cattle and finest horses. A Imresque sight was to see a up of Arabs silhouetted on the Sue riding single file through jreen graintield; all astride ute stallions saddled with big n saddle blankets and high saddles, all wearing white The Arabs here were more uperous looking than any others the Sahara side there are krse pine forests blending into pie sage, and then cactus as (mountains and the desert meet. i the scene changs to a huge mass of barren cliffs and d. grotesquely towering res and slabs of rock; with the lei barren valley floors lying be- l-en the ranges. Such was the fitry we fought over. lAfter the Battle of Oran the reg is" 1 am m first went into action pt the Axis in the Ouselitta i.ey: where a German Panzer I'M had broken through. The i nsgnt we moved into a posi- P rtere the French had a fitrht lights before. We lpff- our !Mes ami the battalion start- N tll'iVc into rHp nmr nncitinn twelve o'clock. A wo P-nt UiT ICE OF SALE '1 MullllaV. Allo-llsf TfkvA 1 Q.I Q even o'clock A. M., at the court doer in V avnpvillo T will t' at pub in outrrv to -r f0! tin, , ' w d- K- Morgan, Dmr 17. 1937 nnra err,a registry. 11 X! LPUrSU,ant to thiowe- rsim,J ' errea upon tne behest bidder for cash, the lands, beino- in Wnvnos. e Tnvnshin nin.w r-,. " mr,re partieiil ... uuuuucu eo KIN'XIXC, on a stake, which lf 15 six fcef frnm tho nsvp. a' 011 Pigeon Street, and is the West comer of Kn 9 rA e s. sir w. 11 n fppf . thence S. 00 W. 80 feet Jtale; thence S. 27 30' E. Ieet t" a stake; thence S. 27 1 feet to a stake, westmost "f Josephine Love's lot; ' with Josephine Love's line, 4S lo E. 2:'i w i, .A , , vl tt sianc, stake is six feet from pave n'0 P-geon Street, and Jose icp v s. , ""rthmost corner ; La , , -' be,r,g all of Lot No. . i" teet off the northwest :..M,Lnt No. 2 of T. S. Brown fil lands. Tr:? the s.imn if i ""'eyed n a deed frnm 4 T tru: S1?ned bv that- uated Fphmo oo moo Moses sborne !tMnstr, : 7 "rtT. to Pee is i "'""i ana record ref- k " Hhwebr made for all the and cotlj:t. ., e will u ""3 tnereoi. aaia ." be maHo 0vii . resaid iJ , tniSt on the land3 t u' n favor nf w r iThi. J. CorPoration. July 22 lQ4o 131 RGAN, Trustee. 14uly 29-Aug. 5-12-19 break down the guns and get out of there. It seems that we had been led to the wrong place. At this time mortar shells began drop ping all around us. The gun I was with had been moved only about five seconds when a shell hit exactly where it haH nhv,A closer to the enemy position we began to see signs of battle a dead horse or mule, abandoned equipment, and then rows of Fortunately no one was hit at that rencn and Italian and German spot. The battalion made, to put helmets mostly French. I think i it mildly, a precipitate strategic the t rench were caught here by 1 withdrawal, hastened by shells some mechanized equipment and ! which fell among us constantly un buffered heavy losses. They caused til we had made better than two the enemy to retire to a position '"''es. There weren't as many higher on the mountain though. I casualties as vou would expect We set up our guns and got prettv I though. A shell would land near Wt t dug..ln b' daylight. I nosed! a group of soldiers and when the about a little and found some Ger- 1 smoke and dust cleared you could mans with bayonet holes in them. ! see most of them still 'on their 1 he French did a lot of their work 'feet. When we had gotten away at night with the bayonet. I didn't from their shell fire the battalion like the looks of this place. The 1 reorganized and prepared for a Iranians nao the habit of giving i counter attack. up a position and withdrawing t one which dominated the one they had left. When Allied troops moved in they would receive pun ishing fire and generally a strong counter attack which was apt to force their withdrawal. This place looked hke an ideal set-up for this kind of tactics to me. Just as it was getting good day light one of our rifle patrols ran into enemy machine gun fire It wasn't long before things began to happen. We got an ord- tn We moved out of this position that night and into a sector of the front that the Italian Marines had just been driven from. An other regiment of the First Divi sion had slipped up on their posi tion just before day and had given them the cold steel, bayoneting a large number and taking quite a number of prisoners. This place was where I picked up the Arab soldier's saddle blanket for a sou venir. The French fought here first. The Italians and Germans made a strong counter attack, but had to fall back suffering heavy losses. They used everything they had, including flame throwers. A flame thrower is carried on the back and shoots a jet of flame seventy-five feet. We were told that Rommel's troops were expected to attempt to break through here and the posi tion was to be held at all cost ; however, we spent the easiest twenty days here that I experienc ed. They shelled our position so near the same time every day that you could about tell what time it was. At this time and place enemy planes were practically all we saw. They would strafe the troops once in a while. It was here that some humorist started the parody of "His famous last words It's a Spitfire." In other words, it did not pay to make a mistake in iden tification. It turned out that Jerry chose Kasserine Pass to break through instead of our position. We were moved around to counter attack (the 16th). The success of this counter attack was said to change the complexion of the whole North African Campaign. It was com paratively easy for the infantry, as the air force, artillery and me chanized force did most of the work here. We did a lot of hard walk ing but did not suffer many cas ualties. The Battle of El Guettar was tough. Tough country, Tough op position. Heavy casualties. The strong positions outside of Mateur held by picked German troops were where the American troops followed one attack with an other until the Germans broke. The ground was so hotly contested here that the dead could not be buried and the stench became so nauseating that it was difficult to eat. I missed out on the fighting around Hills 523 and 609 because I went to the hospital with an infected arm as soon as the Battle of El Guettar was over. When I got out of the hospital I was sent almost at once to the front. I rolled up in my blanket out in the middle of a wheat field about a mile and a half in front of a bat tery of our big 55 rifles. Every time they would fire it seemed that the ground would shake and the flash lit the surrounding scene up like day. As far around the hori zons as you could see, the sky was lit up by similar flashes; every minute all night long. This was part of the great barrage laid down before the final drive by the Allied forces. We are allowed to tell about any thing we want to that happened during the campaign; but nothing about our activities since. By the time this letter reaches you I pre dict the papers will be telling plenty. Remember me to all. One nice thing about being too thin is you can eat all you want without gaining an ounce. FOR TAXE The Law Requires That We ADVERTISE and SELL All Property On Which 1942 Taxes Have Not Been Paid. The Names Of AH Delinquent Taxpayers Will Be Published EN AUGU, And Sold On 1st Monday In September No Extension Of Time Will Be Given! Notice is also given that we will garnishee and levy on all personal property on which taxes are due. FERGUSON, Tax Collector and Tax Supervisor Of Haywood County People aren't as likely to no tice your old clothes if you're wear ing a smile. Rectal Soreness Gt lUIUf Hw Easy Way Sit In Comfort ProUnnoti Retl to Quick, dpnfebl rlirr of Itching pinful rectal orcncM symptoms which may also aooompany ptim and hemorrhoids. Brines soothing mbm of comfort apoa contact form pro tectinc film over sore area, hsips destroy Infectious terms, aid Nature heal op raw, hroken tissues. No oQ no trrsase to stain slothing. Sold on money bach guarantee. Oat this modern relief today , . . ask for PROLARMON RECTAL SMITH'S DRUG STORE The Army, the Nary and the Marines are doing everything they can to see that Japan's military plans are carried out on a stretcher. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified at administra tor of the estate of Joe Wyatt, deceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this ia to notify all persona having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at his office in Waynesville, North Caro lin, on or before the 23rd day of June, 1944, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 23rd day of June, 1943. T. L. GREEN, Administrator of the estate of Joe Wyatt. 1311 June 24 July 1-8-15-22-29 STATEMENT STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK, N. Y. Condition Dc.mb.r 1, 194i2, At Shown By Fll.d. Amount of I'upILl wid In i-anh ' .50it.000.00 Amount I ..'.ItriM Assets, I ltx Slt piewous 9.1 4 1 ; .. Total, V, 1 i, i 1S.J1 In. onif Krom l'nll.- hol.lers. . 1 7 t,l7 1 .2 7 ; Miscellaneous, 2-i!,-tlt:t.70; Totsl, 8.407.7J4.9T ltilursVni',ii( - i, lli, hoi,i,T, ji.DSS.l 1 3.70 ; M iscellsneous, $4,977,- 54, 27; Total, 5,665.a5.97 Kire I'tTniluiunllwiitleii or renouiM duriiut yeiir, $S,.r4,n.V.M ; In Kon-e, ,0S2,S87.34 All Other I'remiunis Written or renewed duriiut year, 1 1 ,!:(, 11 P. 611 ; In Fnrve 3,191,029.2$ ASSETS alue or II. .ml ami Storks J.74 leoMti'd in Trust foin.:inies mid Banks not on interest S,t! 1 .17.04 Aleuts' twliinoes, representing business written subsequent to October, 1!14'2 874,'.tv2 33 Aa-euts' halHiu-es, represeiMluiK business wntteu prior to October 1, UM2 4.S.221.51 Ite.luot t'eded Reinsurance Untunes Payable 2:1. :li 2.34 Illlls receivable, taken (or fire risks ID. 046 .71 Interest and Hents due and accrued 30.1126 13 All other Assets, as detailed in statement 3H.606 3 Total Jll.a.i.i.115.53 Less Assets not admitted 7 1 1 .i 7 1 .7 9 Total admitted Assets H,200.7 43.74 LIABILITIES Net amount of unpaid losses and claims 1 1 ,11 :i. t 1 t .50 I 'nearned preniuims ' ' ' " Vn i Salaries, rents, expenses, lolls, accounts, ices, due or accrued j, 000. 00 Kslluiated amount pawhle loi I'edeial, si. tie, coulitv and municipal taxes due or arc ued : 134.000.00 font l, ore,, I commissions, or oilier , half's due or accrued 12,uuu.uu other liabilities delailed ill statement 103, 718. 05 Total .on. Mini of all liabilities Capital artualli paid up in cash Surplus oier all liabilities eied Capital .$1, 5011,000. 00 . 2, 47, 511.70 . $5,203,153.04 Surplus ns regards I'olic 8,997,500.70 .19,200.743.74 Total Liabilities BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1942 Klre Risks written $.S9s,l)r,8.IIO; I'reuilunn Kereived $9,414.10 ll Other Hisks written 51111,738 00; Premiums ReoeWed 7,182 00 Losses incurred Klre 2,554 00; Paid 1,323.00 Losses Incurred All other .... 2,771.0(1; Paid 2,827.00 President. Ross McCain; ScreUry, P. W. It. Jones; Treasurer, (Jeo. L. Burnliam. Home Office, so John St.. New York. N. V. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, Raleigh, February Iflth. 19 4 3. I, WILLIAM P HitlluFX, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the aboy. is a true and correct abstnirt of the statement of the Standard Insurance Company of New York. N Y ., filed with this Depart ment, showing the condition of said Comiaiiy, on the :i 1 sit da of Derember, 1942. Witness mv hand and official seal, the day and year above written. WH.I.IAM P. HODC1KS. Insurance Commissioner. STATEMENT STAR INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK, N. Y. Condition Dtctmbtr 31. 1942, Al Shown B Stat.m.nt Fll.d. mount of Capit I paid in cash $1,000,000.00 Amount Ledger Assets. Iec. :( I l previous year. $, 5,82 II .58 ; .. Total, 6,095,829.68 Income Krom I'olioihol.lcis. t.ii.MI. 1 7 7 1 ; Miscellaneous. $299,039.71; 3,899,817.91 Ilisburscno-iUsTo Poll, .hold, is, $ 1 ,82 4 .3H4.II2; Miscellaneous, $1,696,- ll.-,3.t '. Total , 3,520,418.01 r'lre Premiums- -Written or renewed during year, $4,018,84 1.07; In Force, 7,194,408.33 All other Premtum - Written or renewed during vear. $:t, 8(17, 598. 77 ; In Force t 2,2 15,626.41 ASSETS Value of llollds ami Slocks 6. 081. 111. II Deposited in Trust Companies and Hanks not on Interest u-,-,,ls balances, repiesct ing business written subsequent to October 1, 10 4 2 balances, representing business written prior to Or(ol ( eded Hell, surui, re Mala, ices Payable . liable, taken for file , sks -' i'l,a ble, taken for oil,.-, ilsks and Itr ids due and , ued i 1-s-lv as d'-t. tiled I, .statement 'Total Total -Inn, I.--1 els LIABILITIES 499.Ss0.98 473, 362. 78 14,215.94 . 19. Otl 1,83 8,283.39 1,009.02 27,181.83 60,120115 . $7, 1 48. 433. 87 497.120.48 .$6,619,313.41 r( .,ii,.o,,.t of unpaid l-.-st-s and I i.e. unc i . -mo mis Salain-s, rents, expenses, lulls, n Ksl ini. tie. I a In . oil 1 1 p.n able fo, 't 667,700.07 units, fees, due or accrued dotal, State, county and municipal taxes I 'out tils''' Ml otli.-i 1, CO, li, Missions ,,, liabilities. ,s ,,.. 'I' :ii ml of 'In, IK i,. up ,1 ft -el liabilities oilier charges due or accrued I I in slalement 1 0 3.1 8 2. 50 2 1,781.51) 1 58,410.80 ept Capital . it 1 .111)11,000 oo . I .H9s,()'J).60 .$3,651,218.83 ,p as M' I'.ih. iliolo 19-1,0:11.60 I lsl Liabilities ,49,3U.4J j BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1942 I n- Itisks written $ 737.39tl.ilil; Premiums r vd $8,101.00 l "I!,.-, Itisks wnllen 6,142,922.00; Premiums receiied 5.089.00 Losses i, H inted Km 1 s, 1,09.00 ; p.ud ls,o;,y.oo Losses in. iirred All other .'. . . 2.81.1111; Paid 2,78100 Pi , 'si. I.-,,, , Harold Warner; Secretari, C, A. Nottingham. Home Office, 151) William St., New York N Y ! STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, I INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. ! Raleigh. Feb. 25th, 1911 I. WILLI M P. HOIU.I'.s. Insii,.,,!,- Commissioner, do herein eertifi that the aboie j is a tnie and , orrert al'stt.ol of the st at e, tie, it of the Star Insurance Company of ; iti'-ii, .1 of New Y ork. N . tiled wrltii this llepirtment, showing the condition of said j I ouip.ifiv. "I, the Hist dil of December, 1:42. Witness nil hand ,,1 1 flu ia! seal, the d.iv and vear above written. WILLIAM P. nOPOES. I Insurance Commissioner. STATEMENT STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY, BLOOMINGTON, ILL. Condition Decenber 31, 1942, At Shown By Stat.m.nt Fll.d. t Amount of Ledger Assets I, mber -list of pievious year. $25,835,368.19 i Total, Income From Pol ic hollers. $25, 61.-., 992. 51 ; Mi'a)Uneojit $1,303, 7s9 71 ; Total, l,sliursenii',.ts To Pulp in, biers, $ 10,727,209.16; Miscellaneous, $12, ;i; Total, ASSETS Value of Real lislate Mottgaye Loans on Real Lstale aloe ot lion. Is and Sto. ks Cash in ( ",p.i,l s llfti'e Iteposits in Trust Companies and Hanks not on interest I)ep..s.ts in Iftis, Co, up,,, in.- in. Hanks on interest Premiums ! course of Coll'-' lint , Interest and Rents due and .c 'Tiled All other Assets, us detailed in statement $25,635,386 19 28,949,782.2s 22,817,073.79 1,489,830.07 1,377,707.08 22,457,283.04 27,141.88 3,091,648.71 600,000.00 215,602.08 520,415.1 8 8. 856. S3 Total . ess Assets not Total admitted As-ets LIABILITIES and Adjustment of Claims I'npai'l Claims Kpense. Investigation I'nejrned Premiums . . I 'omrriissi-.ti. Hrokerage and other charges due Salaries. Rents. h'xiehses. Hills. Accounts, Fees, etc., due n' -i'-I Lstimated anion, it or reoerul, state, county, and municin . .. All other loan nines, as detailed in statement i '1,483.25 Total amount of all Liabilities eicent Carji,' ,t7.863.07 Capital paid up Surplus over all Liabilities - ; , t , , j ;u surplus as regards Policyholders .$30,288,434.83 655,839.37 .$29,8.3 2,345.44 . 8,085,379.97 181,914.64 . r, 89,127.31 t, 053 85 : . 906. 2 4 .996 05 abilities BUSINESS IN NORTH CA1L Total I.i a 1942 Premiums Rac'd Auto Liability .130 977 00 Auto Property Damage 8.930.00 Auto oiimwn 30,376.00 Property Damage and Collision Other than Auto fat Comprehensive .-. . 18,73 3.00 8.994.932.39 -9,632.343.48 Losses Paid $ 7.426.00 1.707.00 16.814.00 9.293 10 Totals $88,022.00 JJ5.241.0l) President. R. P. Mecherle; Secretary, O. E. Mecherle; Treasurer, Aalai H. Rust. Home Office, East and Washington, Sts., Bloomfneton. III. 8TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. Raleigh. Feb. 22nd. 1941 t, WILLIAM P. HODCE9, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the aboy. is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the State Farm Mutual Automobil. In surance Company, of Bloomington, III., filed with this Department, showing the condition of aaid Company on the 31st day of December. J942. Witness my hand and official seal, the day and year above written. WILLIAM P. HODGES. Insurance Commissioner.