BSPAV. SEPTEMBER 9, 1943 (One Day Nearer Victory) THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page IS w w ee Her Private Hargrove! oy nurxuu nargrove CHAI Is' ' )( ' ' a. oPSIS ; Edward Thomas ' ' v Hargrove, feature Charlotte (N. C.) ., ,v, ... : it ice from his draft . , :o be inducted into r fore he begins an ,', : - actual experiences ,1 l p he issues his quota I'd vice io prospective in f i i his induction Har-in-: new buddies, leaves , where he is to re- Wm u. IUViCI get Tnc out to me as I lour, and I slunk in k, r,,r. brag,. -lip (opTEK 11 rnvace nargrove 4 of the physical exam, me nrsi . j? Vi-viif Via xtra a nut. it days hi aim., l-tiul'h Vi i s uniform, and how on 1 sixth day he received his first tpdatv. Hc'is classified as a semi- IjJleJ cook. ( II UTER III ip:,H( into the squadroom so Vt... sergeant wouldn't notice j,; I was wearing fatigue clothes t voice ran use J his Mty. The sergeant's lace snowea mat It was hurt. iuu were on a.r Ipin today, weren't you, Har- lP"r . J ..J... lowered my eyes hiiu acuueu my ,against the floor. "Yes, sir." Oh, I Ret so discouraged some- ,'. ., i. :j ut i. JUS, me sergeant omu. i ny hard to make something of you ml what pood does it do? Every aelgo through the kitchen I see m in there scrubbing the sink! iot many tinns have you been on IP this week?" Only three times, sir," I said biding his eyes. "It was all the corporal s fault, Su," I said, looking around to make an that the corporal wasn't there hi defend himself. "Just because I alt-faced a few times when I was jjfpostd to left-face, and I zigged jitai I should have zagged, and be m 1 forgot and smoked in ranks -ind a few other things like that." "And," said the sergeant shaking head sadly, "you just turned iwnd casually every time he or jmd 'about-face.' And you kept pitching your feet all through drill, lid you stayed out "of step all Mming and you took those plow- tod strides of yours and walked all man in front of you. And pi sassed the drillmaster three s. And you generally spoiled W whole morning's drill. Why you he a good bov and learn It drills?" 1 don't mean to be bad, sir," I i, "And that's another thing," the tpant moaned. "Why must you aF 'sir' to the noncommissioned iter- and fore-et tn anlnfa. f-Vio T.;-i .ne, ..nes?" He manned f reh, ad wearily. "Do you know s: :he t..p sergeant told me to- worst physical condition I've ever been in! I ought to be busted for tne way I ve allowed myself to fat and flabby! I'm ashamed''' You look at the exercie sergeant V. .1 1 1 , . . . . 1.1 . auu woiiuer wnat ne s leading up ! -"rough our paces u. 10 you tie looks like the "after I "Hargruv ' . Pn 01 a mailed yeast ad- sweetness, "where is the balance vertisement. He could probably lick 'of vour rill,?" his weight in police dogs. " j ..'Tw ;. n ,1 , ,,. 'n i- is all the supply sergeant His next star ment explains ev- gave me, sir," I said. "I thought erytning. "Now I'm going to show 1 it was all here " State Wood Pulp Becomes "Armor" For Deadly 105's Wood pulp from North Carolina is playing a vital role in supplying , the raw material for essential war items. As an instance of what North Carolina wood pulp can contribute to national armament, 73 million of the paper "suits of armor'' encas ing tile 105 mm. shells used with such deadly effect against the enemv in Africa could be obtained School Attendance you an exercise that s so simple it's almost ridiculous. Even I can do it. Now, I don't want to hear anybody down there admitting he's in worse shape than I am. If I can do it, you can do it or else!" He outlines the exercise and you oegin wondering how a contortion ist happened to wind up at Fort Bragg. This self-styled "fat and flabby" calisthenics master doesn't have any knees or elbows. You stand there waiting to hear his spine fall apart under the strain, but he conies up all in one piece. "That's the way I want you boys to do it," he says, beaming cheer fully. You begin to feel your face getting gray and you wonder why a bolt of lightning doesn't come to deliver you from the prospective torture. "One. Two. Three. Four. Five Six. Seven. Eight. One. Two" The first three or four times are the hardest. After that, vou iret the swing of it. It's really tame stuff, you decide. "The next exercise," says the ser geant, "is what we call the quar ter, halt and full knee bend. It goes like this." He shows you. When you see it, the corners of your mouth go up in a sneer of derision (unless the corporal is looking). Ho Hum, you say to your self. Why do they take up time with this play? "Exercise one, two, three, four" Quarter, half, full recover. Your knees get That Tired Feeling after the third time. After the sixth time, you feel your eyes get ting glassy. After the ninth, you're floating in space. By the time the exercise is over, nothing matters any more. -A messenger from the battery or. derly room mounts the platform and talks for a while to the exercise sergeant. The sergeant's face falls. He turns to the ranks with disap pointment written all over his face lan anyone tNe. Private tutoring, always tell the boys. We were at work the other raorn-lfrm'tl,., i?u th, ,.,. I ..., ,.f .v.., ig learning how to handle a rifle, ni-.terinl nmdneed ,inninilK' i " J "v sergeant was putting us, cording to estimates ammived bv the Aniiiican Paper and Pulp As he said with infinite I Sociation. The slim-w aisted 105 mm. shells were used to reduce enemy emplace ments in Tunisia to rubble, stop infantry attacks and knock out the Panzer MVI tanks, regarded by the' Nazis as one of the most in vincible weapons, dispatches from the front stated. The technique of devi loping mass production of the paper containers which guard the 105's until they go into action from the mouths of long-nosed howitzers originated in peacetime food packages, such as cartons commonly used for cocoa, salt and other products. The sergeant slapped his fore head and mumbledsomething fur iously und r his breath. "Wonder child." he said, "this (pointing) is the balance of your rifle. I can't imagine why they call it that, un less it's because when you hold the rifle there with one hand, it's bal anced.' He then went on for a few minutes, explaining a few of the things I had still failed to master. "Now do you understand it?" he asked, beaming at me with a look made of all sweet accord. "No, sir," I said. The sergeant sighed wearily. "Private Hargrove," he said, "right down by the next barracks there's a group of young people who are practicing with rifles for the first time. They haven't had theirs for three days like you have. Run along down there and see if you can keep up with them." I tried. There was some confu sion about the orders, however. At the end of a movement where I wound up with my rifle on my left shoulder, the rest of the detail had theirs on the right. I noticed also that I usually finished a command long before the others. The sergeant in charare of the detail commenced on this. "You know, Shorty," he said, "vou have all of these routines worked out much better than the War Depart ment was able to do them. Where it took them sixteen counts to com plete the sixteen-count manual, you always manage somehow to com plete it in twelve.'' I was still blushing modestly when he called the corporal over. He said something to the corporal, who took me bv the elbow and guided me gently around the build ing at a spot where, he said. thP battery officers wouldn't see me drilling and thereby be discouraged. "This," he said, pronouncing each syllable slowly and distinctly, "is what we have come to call a rifle, Fines Creek News By MRS. D. N. RATH BONE Carl Story and his Rambling Mountaineers made their appear ance at the Fines Croik school last Wednesday night. The event was sponsored by the P. T. A. The benefits received will go toward financing the lunch room. Esco Justice, of Severville, Tenn., is visiting with his aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Caldwell at their home here. "Sorry to tell you this, boys," he j1 "'"f"1"e 11 is used for the purpose I said, twisting my a aiimg the worst. ;i ami don't 'sir' me ' battery commander ' the carpet yesterday ' a leaning on the table. -'..ft i-d your feet eight with every : "i saluted four times IKroup said, "but we'll have to stop here. No more exercise this morning. All play and no work you know what that means. You have to take vour typhoid shots now." Before you have marched off the drill field you notice that you still haven't collapsed. In fact, you find to your disappointment that you're beginning to feel good. All lim bered up. Quarantine has been lifted for us of the July 17 contingency. If the sergeant wasn't looking over my shoulder, I'd say it's about time. Before our release from isolation. Army style, I was able to get around and swap lies and gripes one of the bovs in our k to : "i Voir 'Ho;v tekf-d .j -and when you sa-j A little under 100 per cent of a European heel-1 'hem came up w ith the same ae-; 'I. And when theicount which reads as follows: "Ouri d you, you told him, j battery has the worst food in the rgeant' and forgot i Army. W e've got !he worst er- ' you left." geant in the battery. N',. ki !d,ng. d it on the wav though, our platoon makes all : o i racks, sir," I ex- "'hers look crummy. Here two I went all the way weeks air ady and I haven't pulled: h'rly room and sa- KB or 'iai1 tm' sergeant jump me a: ily." time yet. Don't tell a soul, but I ng Jehoshanhat.".(h-nk they're going to make me a r,U f CI Or. rer..v. "re i. . ''tnni;.. 'is; tg-ant. , corpora '" anything else, sir?"not a,r aisper. Hargrove," he said, drops of perspiration "' head. '" sir," I said. I sa ' - 'iiy heels, and turn- All of which is a lot of 'Ha Actuallv. they re fighting to get into the mess hall first at every meal. They're gaining weight and tanning where they used to blister.1 They're snssing their sergeants,! i-V,r Jiml oen tVier,-, nc tVin enrrieef !.'tl' bunch of rookies they ever sweated he tired voice said. over. Every one of them has b en I ,m K P .it prist once As tor hpinf of shooting. Primitive man, we are told, did not have a rifle. Primitive man was forced to bring down his supper with a knife, a spear, a stone, a bow and arrows or his own little primitive hands." I nodded automatically and paid scant attention to all this. I al ready knew it. "Today," he continued, "civiliza tion has been improved upon to the extent that" and he went on and on. After that we began at the be ginning of the manual of arms and took each command slowly. The corporal sweated for forty-five min utes. "Are there any questions now, Private Hargrove?" I thought for a while. "Yes, sir," 1 said. "That is, 'yes, corporal.' What um' will I have for a rifle? I'm going to be a cook." The corporal mopped his brow. "Well. Private Hargrove," he said. !'.'i"ing nie lovingly on I he shoul der, "you'll find use for it. Ha! ha! In the firt place, you can pool po witoes u i:h a bayonet. And in the second place if you're as good a eook as you are a soldier you'll ' ' ft I it eel y day. A iter break 'o '. lunch, and supper you'll ! ol )' o prote, t yourself from at the hands of your eoni n arms." Miss Lorena McCrary, who holds a position in Dayton, Ohio, has re turned to her work after spending a weeks vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B. McCrary. "Uncle" Jimmy Led ford, one of upper Fines Creek's oldest citizens, passed away at the age of 86 at the home of his son, Cordell Led ford, last Tuesday, after a long illness. Funeral services were held at the Pine Grove Methodist church cemetery. He is survived by four sons, Cor dell, Wiley, Newton and Tommie Ledford and one daughter, Mrs. T. C. Ledford and several grandchil dren all of Fines Creek. Mrs. Frank Rathbone of New port News, is visiting her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. II . L. Rath bone and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Rathbone. By M. H. Bowles District Superintendent The lil-13-44 school term opened Monday. August 30th. In spite of the difficulties of operation impos ed by present world conditions we hope to have, and can have with the cooperation and interest of school patrons, a successful school year. i R gular attendance is the key to the success of the individual pupil and the school as a whole. Pupils who are irregular in at tendance soon lose interest in their school work; it is impossible for t "a in to "keep up" with the class as a whole and they soon develop a feeling of inferiority -a feeling that they can't accomplish as much as the other members of the class. Every child wants to feel that he is identified with others of his age and size; one big "gang" so to speak. If for any reason he feels that he is an outsider his first re action, in the case of school, is to quit. School promotion and attendance are closely associated. It is the policy to this school district to pro mote a child if there is any hope that he is qualified to do the work of the next higher grade. How ever, if a child has not been in school it is impossible for him to have mastered the basic skills so that continued progress may be realized in the next higher grade. The school has only two choices: either retain the child in the lower grade or lower the standard of work of the majority of his class in the next higher grade that he may be able to do the work assign ed. School organization and atten dance are also closely related. The State School Commission allots teachers to the school district on the basis of average daily atten dance, using the following formula; six teachers for the first one hun dred eight in average daily atten dance, and one teacher for each thirty-six in average daily atten dance thereafter. To illustrate: A classroom assigned 40 pupils must maintain an average of at least !)0 percent to meet this orga nization requirement. If the ave rage daily attendance is less than 90 per cent then more than 40 pupils have to be assigned to the classroom as the number of teach ers allotted by the State is reduced. The result is over crowded condi tions in many classrooms for the first half of the school year. The majority of pupils are again hamp ered in their progress by those who fail to attend school regularly. The State alloted this district 4 less teachers this year than we had last year. Unless school enrollment is 'down considerably, over crowded classrooms are necessarilv the re- suit. j We hae set our attendance goal f or the coming year at .)5 per cent. This means that a pupil cannot be ', absent more than one day each school month in order to meet this standard. Please k ep in mind too that if a child enters school and then drops out after attending a few months, the effect is the same as non-attendance. Tiacher allot ment is based on average daily at tendance of pupils in membership, not enrollment. Lake Logan News Corporal Horace Singleton, son I of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Singleton, of East Fork townshp, is spending a i.i -tlay iuriougn with his parents. Mi. and Mrs. Singleton have four sons in the armed forces. Mrs. Jas. A. Gwyn Wins Golf Championship Mrs. James A. Gwyn, the for mer Mrs. Bess Lee Page, of Way nesville, who is residing in Wil mington, Del., recently won the championship flight in the final play of the Championship WTeek tour nament held by the associate wo men golfers of the Dupont Country Club of Wilmington. The playoff was followed by a luncheon at the club house during which time prizes were presented the winners. Mrs. Gwyn, who is a well known golfer, was in competition with some of the best women golfers in the state of Deleware. The Wil mington Morning News carried, a lengthy story of the contests at the Dupont Count cy Club. Mrs. Gwyn, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Lee, is the wife i)f James A. Gwyn, who had retired from DuPont Companies, and had resided here for a short time after, until he was recalled by the company for the duration. Mis. liige Wild and daughter, Mrs. Mill Tucker, and baby, Billy, of Newport News, Tenn., spent the past week at Lake Logan with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller- Mrs. Tester Lovelace, of New port News, Va., visited her mother at Lake Logan recently. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Green, of Waynesville, route 2, had as their guests Sunday Mrs. Jim Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pace, Mrs. Bige Wild and Mrs. Mill Tucker, of Lake Logan. Silage Furnishes Economical Feed Silage furnishes one of the best and most economical home-grown roughages for cattle and takes the place of green grass during the critical winter feeding period, says John A. An y, Extension dairyman at N. C. State College. Silage is economical because a large guantity of the feed can be grown on a limited acreage with a comparatively small amount of labor and because only small loss is sustained during the harvesting and feeding operations. If all of the silage is not fed during the winter months, it can jbc used during the dry periods in summer as a valuable supplement to grazing. Arey says that silage is a very necessary feed for dairy cows since it is a succulent and palatable feed, and it also finds a place, in the feeding program of Lived Modestly, But Had $400,000 TOPEKA, Kan. Fletcher Hay ward, retired photographer, lived in a modest frame house and shop ped carefully. He sometimes point ed out to neighbors the savings a cautious shopper might make. An appraisal of his estate has disclosed he had more than $400, 000, most in gilt-edged securities. The Doctor's five-year-old girl answered the doorbell: Caller Where is your daddy? Little Girl Oh, Daddy is out on nn O. B. case. Caller What's an O. B. case? Little Girl Oh, that's where Daddy goes out and stays all night. producers of beef cattle. The proper time to cut corn or soghrum for silage, according to the specialist, is when it contains the maximum amount of feed nutrients and at the same time enough mois ture to make it pack well in the silo. Under the exceptionally dry conditions prevailing this summer, growers have been forced to add water in putting in their silage. With corn, the grain should be denting and the shuck slightly yel low, when the crop is ready fo: the silo, Arey advises. This stage of maturity is reached about a week to ten days before the corn is ready to cut and shock. Soghrum should not be cut until the seed in the head are firm. Elmer Green was recently given an honorable discharge from the Army. He was at Camp Hood, Texas. He left Friday, accompan ied by his wife, for Newport News where he will be employed. Mallie Woody, who holds a po sition in Wilmington, was called home last week on account, of the serious illness of his small son. Charles, who is a patimt. in the Haywood County Hospital. Wayne Ferguson, who holds a position in Newport News, spent last week visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ferguson, at their home in the Turkey Crc k section of Fines Creek. begun bis rounds, f or ns 1 1 eel off II v demons! i at , I e was waif ing air guard. The its impatience . I ami . Si apposed to salute a r.ed Never mind, ''I' go to bed." jmade corporals davs ho hum. -'-ant r "h at me,' 'the exercise a 's in a voice that would 1 n.s against the wind. 'uok: t wpfo-i, ., i j j Jfp-unds and I'm in the in the next few here. Private Hargrove." the sergeant sighed. "Can't you try once to do something right? Don't you want to be a credit to the platoon? You don't want us to be the worst bunch in the battery after we've been the best for so long, do vou PeDSl-CnIa Pfimninv I nn Itlanri Citv. N. Y. epsi-Cola Bottling Company of Asheville "Please, sergeant," I begged him, By the time Congress says I may i"uldn t I just stay inside for this go home and be a mere civilian Thev d never miss me at again, I suppose I'll be the best sol- !"fle inspection. I d be very quiet dier at Fort Bragg. At least I seem !a"d ""body would ever know." to get more individual attention . He ignored the request. "Try hard , to remember, private, these few simple things. When the officer j reaches the man next to you, open ! the rifle. When he grabs your gun, don't hang onto it or youll have a bellyache for two weeks. When he throws it back to you, don't catch it with your chin. And when you get it back, snap the trigger. And heaven help you if you ball this thing up!" The forces of Destiny placed rne second in the front rank at inspec tion. We stood at attention for three minutes before the inspecting officer approached. For seconds after we brought our riflles up for inspection, a fly which seemed to be a little larger than a June bug landed on my forehead. The ser geant shot a warning glance across my bow and I decided to humor the fly. It would go away soon, I told myself, although I knew it wouldn't. The inspecting officer still had not by stepping up to double-ipiiek jn its pacing. "()h, if I only had you alone;" I 1 hough:. The itching nos,, lieeame more insistent. A gnat made a three-point landing on it and be gat playire ah-nt the l,.f no.! , j), I gav the sergeant a glance which said distinctly, "Tils can't go on much longer. Some-hing's going to pop;'- His return glance saiil, in italicized words, "Mat just one eyelash and I'll break your neck:" Suddenly the inspecting ofTie-r grabbed the rifle from the hand of Grafenstein, who stood beside me. His lightning woop on the gun, coupled with the speed with which Grafenstein relinquished it, com pletely paralyzed me. And almost inaudible groan made me look at the sergeant. He was making fur ious grimaces at me and his face looked as if he was going to burst a blood vessel. He kept wagging his eyes down, to the bolt of my rifle. A split second before the officer reached me, I managed to pull the bolt- I could see the sergeant unload ing freight carloads of potatoes for me to peel. I could see the next 1 week-end, with me restricted to I quarters while the rest of the plat- j oon enjoyed themselves in town. The officer reached me several lifetimes later. He looked at my face and sighed wearily. Then, with infinite tenderness, he gently lift ed the rifle from my grasp. He inspected it and handed it back to me as though he was laying a brick on an orchid or giving a hundred pound weight to his aged grand mother. He sighed again and pass ed on to the next man, whose rifle he grabbed with the confidence that the man wouldn't fall apart when he snatched it. (To be continued) MEN 1345 ESSENTIAL WAR WORK Learn Welding or Shipfitting. Good Pay While Learning. Employer's representative will interview inter ested applicants on September 13 and 14 from 8:30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. -APPLY TO- U. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 114 N. Main Street Waynesville, N. C. Workers now employed full time on War Work at their highest level of skill will not be considered.