(One Day Nearer Victory) THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 2 - t J a: 1 i f t 1 l 1 f H f i'4 . ,t. .t. -I i 1 The Mountaineer Published By THE WAYNESVILLE PRINTING CO. Main Street phone 137 Wa.wi-esville, North Carolina The County Seat of Haywood County W. CURTIS RUSS Editor Mrs. Hilda WAir GWYN Associate Editor W. Curtis Russ and Marion T. Bridges, Publishers PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year, In Haywood County $1.76 Six Months, In Haywood County 90c One Year, Outside Haywood County 2.50 Six Months, Outside Haywood County 1-60 All Subscriptions Payable In Advance Entered at the post offire at Waynenvillo. N. C. u 8nf OUm Mail Matter, as provided under the Act of March I. 187. November 21). 1MW. Obituary imticea, resolutions of respect, carda of thanka. and ,11 notices of entertainment for profit, will be chanted for at :he rate of one cent per word. NATIONAL 6DITCKIAI.- I -I ."itorth Carolina vv MSSWSOCIATIcfiJPl THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1943 (One Day Nearer Victory) Looking Ahead In our mails during the past week came a letter from a printing press company ask ing us to give them some ideas as to our printing press equipment needs for a period of four or five years after the war. It sounded on first glance as a pretty big order, and a shot in the dark, but on second read ing we recognized the sound business policy. Any business of today that is going to survive the future ups and downs and the present problems will have to look ahead to planning after the war. The manufacturer of machinery and sup plies will naturally want some idea of what will be needed. If this idea of planning ahead is followed by the business world in general industry can be geared to meet the needs, rather than be forced after the war to slow down for lack of foresight of the future. More Women Needed With the large number of women who have left homes for jobs outside since the beginning of the war we were surprised to learn this week that there are still more than 4,000,000 women under 45 without small children who could go to work, if necessary. If the selective service continues to draft men for the army, the women might as well make up their minds, even though they have never sought employment before, they will have to be drawn into the factories. While the War Manpower Commission has threatened to draft them, Paul V. McNutt of the Commission contends that they will have to be "persuaded." Maybe you are right, Mr. McNutt, it might prove to be the better policy, to appeal to their patriotism, rather than drive them. Large Opportunities We have heard for many years of the struggles that the graduates of our county schools have when they enter college in competition with students from other sec tions who have enjoyed the privileges of at tending a nine-months school term. Their complaints have been justified, for only in rare exceptions with a brilliant pupil has the lack failed to handicap the student. It has been a hard fought battle in North Carolina to get this extension of the school term. It is rather surprising that even in this critical era this greater opportunity should come to our children. Perhaps it was the emergency which helped the legis lators and the public in general to a realiza tion of the benefits to be derived from this nine-months term. The state has given this advantage, but whether or not it is reflected in the educa tion of the rising generation remains with the parents and the students. It should mean a greal deal, both to the student whose education in the school room will be closed when graduated from high school, and to the student who will continue his education in college. No Worse Still, the destruction of life in the Orient is no worse than that in the Accident. Newark Ledger. Blessed is the child whose parents never lied to him. What Does Payment Mean? We were interested in an editorial which appeared in a recent issue of the Christian Science Monitor, excerpts of which follow: " 'Victory and secure peace are the only ; coin in which we can be repaid.' This state ment by President Roosevelt brings the question of war debts right down to funda mentals. "It is time now that lend-lease is run ning at the rate of $1,000,000,000 a month and has already greatly exceeded the total of war debts incurred by American Allies in World War One that heroic efforts were made to fortify American opinion against inroads by demagogues and isolationists after this war. Lend-lease books now be ing kept in Washington may otherwise be come the 'Mein Kemps' of many politicians who otherwise could not find a platform on which to stand. "President Roosevelt in his latest report on lend-lease goes farther than he did when he described the proposal to the press in December, 1940. At that time he warned against the concept of repayment in money, offering as a substitute the hope of repay ment in kind. "But the important thing for the Amer icans to remember is that repayment is be-; ing made every day a Russian, or a Briton, or any member of an Allied nation makes the supreme sacrifice for the common cause. "To pass from the morsal aspects of the question to the dollars-and-cents angle: Do Americans want to be paid, either in money or in kind, the enormous amounts now be ing consumed on battlefields? They did not show themselves ready to accept payment last time. Unless Americans show greater willingness to accept goods from other na tions in the future they might as well de cide they do not want payment. "The latest statement by Mr. Roosevelt forges ahead of both the concept of pay ment in money and payment in kind. It puts the emphasis where it belongs on the necessity of victory and the value of a se cure peace. A generation of Americans reaching military age in another 20 years will thank their predecessors more for these things than for keeping the financial ledgers neatly balanced between wars." INVASION POINTS HERE and THERE By HILDA WAY GWYN We wonder if people ever grow bus riders ... it seemed that Bob too old to find themselves failing jbie McElroy was the last to leave to respond to memories of the past the bus on his route. . . In when they see small children going to school . . . just the sight of the little first graders last week on the Institutional Population S. H. Hobbs, in a recent issue of the Uni versity News Letter, points out that getting married is good insurance against getting in prison or the poorhouse. This deduction is made from a survey made as of April 1, 1940, of institutional population in North Carolina, which shows that 59 per cent of all the inmates of North Carolina prisons, reformatories, jails or workhouses, mental institutions and homes for aged, needy and infirm, are single persons. Two thirds of all inmates of homes for aged, infirm or needy persons are single. j Another interesting deduction is that1 when the survey was made, only 100 college graduates were in all the institutions men tioned while one half of the institutional inmates in North Carolina had not gone be yond the fourth grade. One fifth had had no schooling at all. Inmates of State institutions on April 1, 1940, totaled 25,680. In prison were 8,81(5; in jail or workhouses, 3. ."03; in homes for aged etc., 2,176; in other institutions. 83. The Smithfield Herald. opening day of school gave us a passport into the past . . . and in a flash we were back in the old red (and we mean red) brick build ing which once stood on the grounds of the Central Elementary . . . Miss Sallie Roberts was our teach er .. . that first day stands out as one of the longest we have ever known ... we wore a blue checked gingham dress our mother had made especially for the occasion . . . it had a pocket in the folds of the gathered skirt . . . and we re call that we had a large yellow apple . . . from the tree near the barn at home ... we were simply scared to death ... for fear we would do something to make the teacher call us down ... as she was having to do some of the boys . . . we thought we had never seen so many children . . . somehow the smell of chalk on a blackboard makes us remember that day even now . . . when we got home it seem ed so good, but we had taken our first step into the world . . . and we felt a grave responsibility over being a member of the first grade. Monday we visited the Hazel wood and Central Elementary schools . . . then later in the week we took a turn in East Waynes ville . . . and we saw just that look on many little faces . . . they wanted to make good . . . but it was all so hard to understand . . . there was so much to learn that it was all confusion at first . . . Haz tlwood had just dismissed for the day . . . but the teachers were in their rooms . . . rather going back and forth from the office of Law rence Loatherwood, principal . . . with arms full of books . . . get ting organized for thiir work . . . 15 teachers . . . with 549 students enrolled . . . running into Mrs. Ott Ledbetter, she said, "Just think after H) years I have been promoted from the 1st grade to the 2nd" . . . we felt very much flattered when one little girl shyly came up and asked with a smile . . . "Are you one of the new teachers?" . . . leav ing we noticed a poster on the wall . . . "Till we meet again," a soldier waving farewell . . . "Buy War Bonds' . . . and the thought came, would there be another tvar . . would these children grow up to be forced to take up arms . . . as those who came on during the First World War were having to do today. . . Then we came over to Central Elementary ... we love the trees on the grounds . . . perhaps it is because some of them were planted on Arbor Day when we went to school there in the "old building" . . . there were 49 first graders . . , all settled down, as if they had been going to school a month . . . listen ing to a story read by Martha Way one minute . . . and taking a bit of exercise under direction of Miss Patterson the next . . . little Mar guerite Russ looking very much at home, after her kindergarten ex perience . . . Bill Crawford intent on drawing . . . and two small girls, twins in blue, reminding one of that old song . . . thn ,into Miss Mar garet Burgin's room ... to find that she had stepped into the office about something . . . but not one sound in the room in her absence . . . those who has brought lunches were given permission to eat . . . teacher back, they sang for me. . . Then into the room of the prin cipal Claude Rogers. . . who teach es the Cth grade . . . they were deep in the outline of a geography les son . . . we made a casual survey of what they wanted to do some day ... 8 boys wanted to be pilots and two girls . . . but in the crowd I much to our surprise there were , no would-be doctors, lawyers, mer 1 chants, and farmers . . . the latter they claimed was too hard work ... one boy wanted to join the navy, anil 2 the marines , . . and the j nursing profession was the major field the girls chose. . . Then we 1st upped by to say hello to Stephanie ; Moore ... in the !!nl grade . , . anil her pupils were deep In the study of vowels ... In the en tire school the enrollment reached nil the tirst day. . . A Serious Problem There will be 13,000 class rooms in the United States closed this month that should be open, according to a recent survey, all because of lack of teachers. They have left their professions to enter other and better paying jobs. They have their side, and far be it from us to pass judgment on them for leaving the academic halls for the hum of industrial plants. We do feel that after the war, while many of them will come back into the teaching profession, as in other fields, there will have to be adjustments made. Teachers will have to be recognized for their real worth and the vital part they play in the life of the student. Perhaps there will be a silver lining to the adjustment period. Those who really are "called" to teach will return and those who are merely following the profession be cause it happened to be the line of least re7 sistance, will drop out and find other forms of permanent employment. "And on the other hand," says Optimistic Olive, "this is a kind old world because it doesn't expect pretty girls and women to have much aense." We made the rounds taking in the auditorium, which is a very attractive room ... as we viewed the lovely light blue of the walls and woodwork . . . and then con trasted it with the usually neutral tones of the walls in school rooms, we wondered why class rooms can't have more color . . . perhaps we are all wrong . . . maybe in stead of giving an uplift of spirit . . . somebody might be allergic to a certain color . . . and from the psychological influence it would be all wrong to turn to colors. . . In the kitchen things were being put in order . . . mammouth pots and pans being scoured for use . . . the Hazehvood school is by far the most pretemtious elementary school in the district, but after all. what held our attention longest were not the buildings, but the children . . . they were all so nice and clean . . . even the little bovs hadn't had time to get that muse'd- up look that boys just get after tussling about ... a large number were waiting on the bus to take them home . . . some up at Balsam Gap . . . Allen's Creek ... and Saunook . . . but in the crowd were many who lived right in Hazel wood . . . but they were loath to leave . . . they had come to school for the day . . . bringing their lunches and there was simply no point in going home to eat . . . so they sat on the steps and ata . . . and talked about school ... a lot of fist fighting and challenging looks between small boys . . . they . . . r, t I 1 1. 1 ju" "iue use mat . . we Way . and Wo did not get out to East nesville until Thursday . . by then things were settled in regu lar routine . . . here they have 215 girls and boys ... It look d strange to see Frances Robeson . . . from Central at East Way nesville . . . but we found that the children love her just the same, no matter wh re she is teaching . . . and some of them were so proud to tell me that she had taught other members of their family ... in her grade we found Charles Bridges . . . with his hair brushed back like a "teen ager" . . . we were intrigued by the large bell on the desk of Frank Rogers. jkWASHINGTO Six Years of Warfare Have Oriental Allies Parter Westernized the Chinese National Life ih Women of China Gain Near Equality W.J h WASHINGTON Six years of defensive fighting agar,., anese have driven the Chinese people further and fl Oriental life until now it appears that the nation may completely westernized by the time the United Nations t a the Nipponese invaders. The Chinese have invested almost their entire faith m i as their savior and the process of patterning their hfe a- along American lines proceeds with every passing dav " Movies from the United States have become the i medium of entertainment and diversion. The buxom M easily the No. 1 favorite of the fans a-' have always been sell-outs. The transition, begun nearly four ei , China from an empire into a republic tat6' about far-reaching effects upon the w0nnr. Th mHnnnl QArliifiinn nf that co. i nas uisaip VI? . . U tirrt (ritual Aniiallt.r r,ai,U.l ;., ''"Y vvuuicii nave uu njwuiitjf , paiui-uiaiiy wun the nt'v ' itance laws which provide that girls shall inherit equally v. ';th b ers in the division of parental estates. 0 " '" ' Extensive provisions have been made for the education of Chi girls. English Is a requirement in their colleges with the result the Chinese language Is slowly passing. Educators estimate tiial every 10,000 Chinese who can write, read and speak English "t are only 100 who can handle the Chinese language with equal facl The classic, aitnougn true example, is that of the gnl fro prominent Chinese family who was entertained by an English c on a visit. The lady had applied herself to the task of lea i -,tj - n . v.- .1,1 . . 9 enougn vnmesc ay mat one vuuiu uuyc iu tunverse, at least slizl with the girl. Over the dinner taoie me English lady labored to Iierseil unaersiooa, wnicn omy emuarrassea tne gin Finally, the girl asKea in peneci n.ngnsn, "l m sorry, but I da understand tne language you are speaKing. ine niiieae wumau, nuwcvci, t,um.cuca mtu western dress im to becoming to her. usually making her appear awkward ar.JF gainly. The most fashionable attire today is the long coat and t; ers. made of dazzling Drocaaes, wun me narrow skirt, slit ta knees on either side. Chinese tradition has it that a man s spirit will not rest ur.tl has had a son. The urge for a son is so strongly rooteJ with: people that polygamy is exercised in cases when the original does not bear a son. The wife often urges her husband to av another wife if she did not bear a son. The first wife remains the mistress of the household and any eequent wives assist her in the duties of the household. Theni not infrequently complaints from wives that their husbands dl wrarry a second wife so that there will be more hands to help out in housework. The advances of western ideas are pushing this marriage system into discard on the practical basis that the average Chinese husband has His hands full In supporting one wife. For instance, if the No. 1 wife decided that she wanted a new dress, the No. 2, and pen other, wives would clamor for a new dress which might be than the man's pocketbook could stand. From the war China expects that her conquered provinces v$ restored. The Chinese have already made known to their allle: they want the island of Formosa returned. Chinese statesmen have also expressed a repeated hope thi rich provinces of Manchurland Korea, which have been expl by the Japs, will be returned to her. The government has agreed to the principle of exclusion an not ask for the right to send her peoples into other of th tf Nations, However, it is hoped that close economic and politic -witohr. rillei. will, become permanent part of China's nations Polygol losing In Chii heard Miles Stamey read . . . and much to our surprise found that geography was their favorite study . . . we predict the teacher, Mrs. Edna M. Ensley does a good job with her students this year . . . we ran into Emily Palmer Nesbit, who says she likes teaching in town fine . . . and comes and goes each day to the farm. Voice OF THE People At East Waynesville there was a great distraction . . . and we are sure you will agree it was disconc erting . . . the aroma of fresh gin gerbread . . . and apple sauce . . . we took a look in the lunchroom . . . and the mothers need not wor ry about their children's lunches at East Waynesville, if last Thurs day was a sample . . . Mrs. Nelson Galloway seems to have things well in hand ... is is a most inviting room . . . with tables painted Chinese red on top and black enam el legs and frames . . . and black benches . . . They were serving beef and vegetable stew . . . and slaw ... in addition to the dessert . . . mentioned. As we visited these schools and we thought of our American chil dren . . . and how life is going on for them .. . we thought of the children in the war scared nations . . . and we realized anew the bles sed privilege of being an American, Do yoit tin Europe will mas? Mrs. R. .V. think it will." that Judge IT. if it will be to think so- Tyson A. the progress months, am sible for us Christmas.'' ('nth. Th? scenes at the three schools brought many pictures of different personalities . . . and each will find expression in different patterns . . . we thought of the parents . . . and of their ambitions for their chil dren . . . and how those boys and girls must learn for themselves . . . lessons not only in books but from life . . . that only experience can give them . . . but visiting near- principal ... in the 4th grade, wel' 1.000 children is a fascinating THE OLD HOME TOWN" are talked with Max Henry, who comes to school in a wheel chair, is now in the 6th grade and Douglas Smith, his next door neighbor who pushes' him about ... up comes Jimmy Swift, and says, "You know, Mrs. Gwyn, I'm going to be a farmer someday." . . . Talking with the -1 POST OFFICE fer 1 no,doc, eo Does nt come to the- post OFFICE EXPECT ANYMAJL HE SAYS HE OUST LIKHS TO WALK HOME WITH )Mt WAie WORKERS - - IT SORT O PERKS UP HIS MORALE .' By STANLEY 5 r i 1 W - ; TiSi CflK"L MO U.C la.. r 1 WASHINS fOU HIS W1F-B IS Sss. V-. k WAft EFFORT Pe52" ' Dill U,-rVl- think so. and I i-'. be." O. Ti. Hob, ! war in Kin -j" v ('in i-lma- 1m- -..:. (iei inany i .i'. '' I'uul ' think m.. a- i' ful oni'iie.1. t ' nir.g b tw.-s- ' 1 ir. C. AH- "Ti going t" !a-t ' English and An; will finish Beiin b are kept up at tin going now, I l'1' should be over by Thomas L. ("n- ' not think the war n over by Christina not going to sum : she is certain shi u sia. When Russin torv will come in ',; Gt-rni ,i.T t'1 ,:;m: 1 h, r sec Graydev F f;;-'--'- " think we can h-pe 1 Germany collap n" . not be before Chnsim Sam Cabe- Xe, I "1 . :n tVi.i war :n reL: ' : n- 1 feel 1 lore inn--""" . have just begun t.i f.gnu , ,,i soldier you going to marry nl man in know yet. T.ittle Amy fully) Well. I (cmfessir-? do. ami H .. weddir-?- 1 see i :: ' .and see you nna hant how our schools are b. ed

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