jfl-RSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1943 (One Day Nearer Victory) THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 5 t- XT T?oVoi fpfl K. 11. VULVAL Sess To UDC Ltine Friday H-'.VA H1 Chapter, Daugh- held tne I- ' Ml Legion Auxiliary To Meet On 3rd Tuesday With The President " Lr (1f the fall at the "j, X. Barber on Fri Mrs. G rover C. ; .ii r ores ided. The . ai ranged in quanti- ! ...mmier flowers. I I!,,yd had the paper , ,;. her subject being, I 1 laughters of tne Mrs. Boyd traced r, of the group and . .,. i .'.-ting sidelights f the chapters. t. Garrett was named ; i . L. nominating com v v T. L. Bramlett "i V- R Ball)er as mem" ... U(iv given of the sale -Knit. tlags which totaled " j y .j.nii. of the candidates for of 'Vthe general organization ami endorsement made North Carolina canaiaaie. fn:Wrs were urgea u hi,:iiu i .i,...y,nr o-roun meet- n,Mre olieii, its me tto jly in need oi wmia i- . :i-a : Burlier was ussileu m i -, l limhtir Mrs (len. ...KIT nV t'l UUUE,....v.. , '',. raiity. Special guests of the Beach jiicy, of Daytona Beach and Iimesville. f Sarah I.ee Davis, daugh i;cf Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Davis, .:(l,v,- Creek, was among the 3ivood county students to enter 1,'iuni Carolina Teachers College a xk. t );. (I. ('. Kelley, of Dayton, has lined Mr. Kelley at the Waynes rile Country Club for a several ays visit here. Mr. Kelley is an i'tial uf the Dayton Rubber ?int, Miss Alva Joe Moody, daughter JMr. and Mrs. Clifton Moody, of a Dellwood Road, leaves today '(Western Carolina Teachers Col She is a member of the sen .r class. fos Rnherta Moody, daughter of fe. and Mrs. Hilliard Moody, of the Mood Road, leaves today for iowhee, where she will resume xr work at Western Carolina sellers College. She is a member if the sophomore class. The regular meeting of American Legion Auxiliary be held at the home of Mrs". J Uiown, th the will . C. Rev. R. G. Tatum To Speak At DAR Meeting Friday Lev. Robert G. Tatum reetor of president, at her home I : race Fe.on-.l ; tv,.. (in Pifreon itn.nl .... V, . . L. :. . i i- u ..... , " unru i ues- -Mountains, will be tile speaker at uaj in tne month. 1 he members are a-ked t. o'clock. luble at 3:30 Rell 1 Mrs. Curtis, of and Mrs. Chas. Time to Cook with Gas the Perfect Fuel Economical Clean Quick Essotane Metered Service City gat convenience Installed anywher Grading Gas Service Hal ry seend el a 12-da Mr. and Crackeii, of Lake Junaluska, has returned to his hac, I'. S. Naval Air Station. Daytona Reach, Fla. 1". Mel i aekeii. seaman I . S. Navy, who spent leave uith his parents, Mr.-. Weaver II Me- gdllO Miss Virginia Jackson t'l I Ullowhee whete she Will he a student at Western Carolina Teach ers College this year. Rex HosaHock. son of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. HosaHock, has entered Western Carolina Teachers College where he will be a student this year. pea. initial meeting of the Dorcas ve I hanter of the DaUL'li- 'i ot the American Revolution h;ch Mill he held tomorrow after i ion with Mr. Harry Marshall at :S::!0 o'clock. Mrs. S. H. llushne!!. ncciit. will ! ! .le am! Mrs. .1. 1'. Abel will evicw t!H rational magazine The speaker of the afternoon will e introduced by Mrs. W. F. Swift, chairman of the programs for the coming year-. All members are urged to be present. Mrs. Carroll liianchard. of Hert ford, the former Miss Lillian Fer guson, daughter of the late Judge and Mrs. Garland S. Ferguson, is -pending a month as a guest at Blink Bonnie. i Mr. and Mrs DuBreuil Residing On Pigeon St In Rotha Residence Mr. and Mrs. A. H. DuBreuil are now occupying the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rot ha on Pigeon Street, sine? they moved to Burns v:lle. They plan to reside later in Hazelwood in the home of Ensign and Mrs. Paul Da i-. which they have leased. Mrs. D-iBreuil is the former Mrs. Ruth K g Craves. Mr. and Mrs. Ha Rotha Now living In Hurnsville Mr. and Mrs. liaiiy Rotha are making their heme in Bari.vil'.e for the next several months. Mr. Rotha holds a position w.th the manufacturing company that is making pipes from dogwood and rhododindron burls. They have with them, their daughters, Mrs. Charles Carter and Miss Tillie Rotha. Miss Edna Ferguson, daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. W. M. ol Haynesville, route 1, has enter ed Western Carolina Teachers College- j Claude Christy, Jr., who has been visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W- L. Matnev. left vester- erguson, I . . ... , ' ,- v iwi in.i IHMIIC III 'IllWlfl'. 111.1 mother is the former Miss Louise Matney, of Waynesville. Miss Gladys Walker, daughter I ,, UbS , ' ,' Stanley, uaugnter oi of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walke re- I ... ' ;rs- J- M. Mamey, oi n ut-M mi-, ioulc i, ieii .lumuuy for Cullowhee, where slhe will be a member of the freshman class of Western Carolina Teachers College. sumes her work at Western Caro lina Teachers College this week after the summer vacation. Miss Walker is a member of the sopho more class. Miss Fannie Howell went to Cullowhee this week where she en tered Western Carolina Teachers College. She will be a member of the freshman class. Miss Thelma Ann Jones, daugh ter of Mrs. Sam Jones, of the Bal sam Road, left Wednesday for Bris tol, Va., where she will enter Vir ginia Intermont. Mrs. Kate Morris, who has been in Asheville for the past few months, has returned home. Miss Evelyn Pearce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pearce, left Monday for Cullowhee, where she will enter the freshman class at Western Carolina Teachers Col lege. Miss Pearce will major in science and foods. Miss Louise Rotha left Wednes day for St. Mary's City, Md., where she will teach in the science depart ment of St. Mary's Seminary. Mrs. Sam McElroy and Virginia McElroy, of Norfolk, Va., former ly of Lake Junaluska, stopped here for a visit en route to see the for mer's son Cadet Sam McElroy, Jr., who is now stationed in Decatur, Ala. Want Ads Mrs. C. H. Chamblee, the former Miss Nan Sentelle, daughter of i the late Rev. and Mrs. R. A- Sen telle. left this week for her home in Florida, after visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Will K. Boone, and other relatives. Clem Satterthwaite, Jr., of At lanta, was the recent guest of his sister, Mrs. Ernest L. Withers. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Prevost and daughter, Joan, and son, Ralph, Jr., have gone to Myrtle Beach for a couple of weeks. Their young daughter, Lane Prevost, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Prevost, during the absence of her parents. Miss Carroll Bell returned home from Macon, Ga., this week, where she visited Dr. and Mrs. William Green Lee and Mrs. Madison Lee. Dr. and Mrs. Lee and their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Lee were the re cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Car roll Bell, and Miss Bell accom panied them home for a visit. W- R. Francis, who is on the personnel staff of the North Caro lina Shipbuilding Company, will arrive today from Wilmington to spend a few days with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hardin, of Mocksville, spent the week-end here with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hardin. Mrs. Frank Powell and daughter, Kathryn, of Morganton. visited Mr. and Mrs. Sam Knight last Friday. They were accompanied home by Mrs. James Knight and daughter, Gail. Mr and Mrs. Clyde Jordan and son, Darwin, spent the week-end in North South Carolina, with the latters mother, Mrs. Ellen Hooker. They were accompanied there by Lum Southerland of Canton. Mrs. H. C. Shumacker, of Spar tanburg, spent several days here during the past week with her mother, Mrs. T- N. Massie. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hyatt of Washington, Mr. and Mrs. David Hyatt, of Wilmington, and Mr. and Mrs. Lachlan Hyatt and small son of Newport News, have returned to t hoi r homes after visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hyatt at their home on the Fairview 'ioad. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Minchen lave leturned to their home in New York after visiting relatives here. They were accompanied by Mrs. Milas Ferguson and Mrs. Clint I.upton. who will make them a visit. Miss Anne and Miss Corrio Kerr, f A-hoville. were the guests on i ae-day of their niece, Mrs. Hugh Massie. They were .ueompanied home by their sister. Mrs. John K. Boone, who will visit them for everal days Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Tate hnd as I heir guests over the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Homer Scruggs and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Tate, of New ton. Pfc. Charles G. Miller, Jr., with ihe engineer corps, returns today to Brooklyn. Mrs. Lawrence Jones left last week for Fort Myers, Florida, where she will reside for an indefi nite time with her husband who is stationed there with the U. S. Army. Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Moody and son, Howard, of Knoxville, are vis iting the Misses Howells and oth er relatives here. Makes Debut V. -v . I I r -1- -i. . INTRODUCING "Ilex", black pan ther kitten who U making her debut at the San Francisco Zoo. Al though her appearance is anything but mean, the black panther is termed the most vicious of cats. Hex is no exception, having already clawed a keeper. (International; Mrs. XV. T. Crawford returned Monday night from Durham, where she received treutment at Duke Hospital last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Miller have as their guest Miss Louise Jennette, of Raleigh. ! Methodist Women To Hold Annual Picnic At Bradley Home The circles of the Woman's So ciety of Christian Service will hold their annual picnic next Wed nesday afternoon, the loth, at the home of Mrs. W. A Bradley. They will meet at 5 o'clock, after which supper will be served at 6:30. Family night is being observed and I the members are expected to ask j their husbands to supper. ! j Clinton MehatTey has returned to his home in Salem, 111., after ! spending several days here with I hi luiivnts. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson MehatTey. at their home on the Fairview Road. Mrs. Paul Davis and two chil dren left last week for Shelby, where they will reside with Mrs. Davis' parents for an indefinite time. HOW THOSE MURDER MOVIES ARE MADE Experts in Hollywood combine trick photography, phony heads, rubber weapons and many other dodges to bring realism to the screen. Read this interesting ar ticle in the September l'.Hh issue of The American Weekly The Big Magazine Distributed With The BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN Order From Your Newsdealer Wo file! oil cmin cVipots 'iiirii. i s Mountain Fire Tower : V.inl:i.-,2, and R. E. Cald- N'". Y-.'ini.'JOT. Finder please to ;.1. lis office. Sept. 9 Rubber-tired baby in good condition, nahle. Phone 291-M. Sept. 9 '.N'TTJi TO BUY Automatic ili' g machine. Will pay Write Box 511, Wavnes- M?T-'! Hation Books No. 1, is ;v " t iinie- of Dell Lanning, Tanning, Athel Gillett. ;' !' please return to Mrs. '-:'tr.ing, Clyde, route 1. Sept. 2-9-16. Ilaiioi Book No. 2, issued f ;.av" "f Halice Ann Cole "' !'li :io return to Dr. M. fI Mahal, Waynesville. Sept. 2-9-16. OST p. I Miss Charlene Rotha left during the week for Burnsville, where I she will visit her parents, Mr. and ' Mrs. Harry Rotha, for a few days ll..r..l-,. n-.onn. 4.. AT . .1 -..i...,v --oif- o, .noi iinum Kir me. Fuel oil coupon sheet, is- ' winter. Miss Rotha has a teaching FOR RENT Home by year, across street from Central Ele mentary School. Call 2."il)-J after T p. m. Sept. 9 LOST sued in name of Mrs. Cash Cald well, No. V.'iOTliWl. Finder please return to this dlliec. Sept. 9 position at the North School for the Deaf. Carolina MEET YOUR SHOE NEEDS AT RAY'S; OUR PRIDE J A UlEIITIlER-BinD ,,r Qelvrs cJ'hoii ci?i in SHOES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS For FT...for COMFORT ...for WEAR. ..HIDDEN QUALITY. . .the reason wise parents will huy these nationally famous children's shoes which ij nut an tee the best ruluc through and through. mm What the WEATHER-BIRD S -Point Standard of Value Means to You I. 10NCER WEAR BrO mulrxolt aa, lubl. pprl workmonilup PIUS t'liu rttntoiiemtnli in vital hidden paiti 2. LASTING FIT Ihoy hold ilip(( hoPe bfin-t 3. fOOI FORMID LASIS Amplr loomol boll nod to, fighl height heel aid noimnl loot dc vf lonw nl. 4. C0MF0RI ABIE HIXIBIIIIY Due to lui.. construction fpolurrt 5. CAN ALWAYS 6L HH'AlHtU Brcaui ot tiurdy innff (onitruft'on STOLEN 1 bicycle wheel, i tire 1 tube. The one who got sann can return now and there will ( class at W. "Jtrar Ration Book No. 1, Rathban name of Oliver Jethro p r nj i i u. 1 oiuci piease return Aug 26 Sept 2-9 Vf''A Ration Books B and A E!i name of Mrs- w- c-p"-cy- Kinder please return. ?""n street, Waynesville. Sept. 2-9-16 II5T T ' .'-rjgar and "((1C Ul iUlB. Drown TlJ l turn in pi 1 "mer P'ease re" r 111 ranner Ave., Waynes- Aug. 26 Sept. 2-9 UrAL PEOPLE-Rooms'Tr ;mems- furnished or unfurn. Wmi' "L town on beautiful App ;fn ?lhts- Co1 a"d quiet. Aae ol c n Howell, Jr. J!' -6 S:pt. 2-9-1 fi. I-Ost r " ' -annmg sugar certificates Er'k vIound and one 5-pound. m.-, ,1- 670374-322. 670375-322 5T03- mi W6 '4"322. 670375-322, t . , 322. RPf,,PT, f r tj r e5'. 36 Pigeon Street. Aus 19-26-Ront 2 ple trep , logs ana ap- Spot JU es or shuttle blocks. itM ,f del'very to my mill ti "Wi,d Rad- For spe- mill a vnees ge me at fc 412' nr Wnte me P. 0. li Waynesville, N. C 19-26 SepS0" ' .Alis Kuhy Frances linnvii goes to Cullowhee this week, where she will resume her work at Western li'-.a Ten, h,o r,, 11, M,v. not he any further investigation. liw attended the summer school I have serial number of tin . tube .,, ,), rniv. rsj. v of North Caro-, and wheel. Howard Stton. i,a ., r,,n ,,,,,,,.,,- ,)f hor 'pt 9' work theic spent a brief vacation here with her parents, Mr. and FOR SALE--One used Marrellus Mrs. .1. ('. Iirown. She will he a piano, in good condition. See menih. r of the junior Sarah Stone at Raler.tinc's Gro- C T C eery. S' pt. 9 T'vt. Scott. Allen Mehaffey has villi bALh-l'UU acres, the best returned to ( amn Swift Tevns stock farm in the county large after -pending some time here apple orchard, tobacco allotment, veiling relatives and friends, plenty water, mica prospects, newly surveyed and new fence Si an" Sergeant Roe Hill hi re all way l'ound. Enough pulp- i u rncl to ("a ?n p Afa xcv TVxas wood and timber to pay for after spending a 10-day ic'ave here' place. Near Cruso and paved M ,s. Hill and daughter will mm.lJ ?12.0fi0.00. H. R. Milner. here for the nr,t tv, v. ... 6ept. 9, .,.n with Sgt. Hill in Texas for the nnt thrpo mnntho LOST Sugar ration book No. 1 SCHOOL SHOES - - YOU BET We offer this Fall. School Shoes (hat are exceptional for the war conditions existing. In price, type, and size we believe that we can meet vour needs satisfactorily. FOR HOYS- road. Phone 100. issued in name of Miss Debrayda Fisher. Finder please return to Employment Office, Waynesville. Sept. 9-16-23. VOR SALE One large refrigera tor. Apply Wayside Lodge. Sept. 9 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright have returned to Newport News after spending a short vacation here. Miss Hazel Davis and Marshall Mitchell, of Newport News, Va., have returned home after spending a week here with the latter's moth- LOST Pocketbook Between1 Gulf ! er- Mrs' Robt- Mitchell, and sister, Filling Station on Main street I Mrs. Annie Love Mitchell Talia and Paul L. Young Taxi Lot. ferro. Contained between $18 and $28 in cash, army registration card, ' Mis Hilda Way left Tuesday fire department card, T gas book 1 for Kannapolis, where she will in name of Eugene Wright, teach in the schools of that town, chauffeur's license. If finder will mail pocketbook and cards and 1 R- B. Davenport, manager of . other contents, they may keep ' Pet Dairy Products Company here, money. Address Paul L. Younar, has returned from a business trip Waynesville. Sept. 9-16-23; to Bowling Green, Ky., and other 1 points in that area. THE GABLES Attractively fur-. nished apartment, conveniently arranged. Five rooms. Adults. Hazelwood. Sept. 9 LOST Brown billfold containing classification, Social Security, and Registration cards. Finder please return to William A. Hurst, Rt. 1, Box 432, Waynesville. Sept. 9. Miss Juanita Noland, of Lake Junaluska, has returned home after spending the summer in New York. For the past two and a half months she has been employ ed by the Westinghouse Electric Company in their offices on Wall Street. Miss Noland plans to enter Berea College in Nbvember. 8 '.a to 11 OXFoKhS S'i to 11 DRESS SHOES . IP to J OXFORDS IP2 to 2 DRESS SHOES 2 to 5'2 OXFORDS 2 '2 to 5' 2 WORK SHOES 2V2 to 5'-2 DRESS SHOES FOR GIRLS- 8V2 to 11 OXFORDS 8V2 to 11 DRESS SHOES 11 to 3 OXFORDS 11 to 3 DRESS SHOES 3 to 5 '4 OXFORDS $1.69 $1.79 $1.98 $1.94 $1.98 $1.98 $2.89 $1.69 $1.69 $1.69 $1.94 $2.49 up up up up up up up up up up up -LET US MEET YOUR NEEDS- s wii vnr EVERY DAY in EVERY WAY! SHOES for MEN Doing their part for the men )n flic home front . .shoes that are as hunky a a Marine, as Binoolh-as .1 brand new Sergeant and cocky as a sailor's wink . . ) shoes that make " three -pa irs-a-year" a rincli. Conic in for a "try-on" today. AND FOR FEET THAT LABOR Ray's WORK SHOES QUALITY-BUILT-WEAR-TESTED FOR THE MAN ON THE WORKING FRONT mm iff ill 2.98 You fellows who produce the materials that "keep 'em figbtin'" need shoes that , will keep you going. That's why America's ! working men are choosing Peters Work Shoes . . . the Quality-Built, Vi'ear-Testtd Shoes that will give you more days of comfortable wear per dollar invested. ; IT'S EASY TO SHOP AT RAY'S STORE Help Haywood County Meet Her War Bond Quota 1

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