pywood Must Invest $600,615 In War Bonds To Reach Quota i hffi Waynesville mountaineer Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park YEAR NO. 37 16 Pages y r to live Iftffi r eeps, 1 I I WAYNESVILLE, X. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1943 (One Day Nearer Victory) $1.75 In Advance In Haywwid and Jackson Counties Bombers, Parade. Premier Movie. Entertainment Part Of Today's nS Srkraf t Has Contract o Make Many Toys Promoters Of Today's War Bond Rally fill Take Services of 90 People To Complete Job By February. :u-trics at Hazelwood the munufacture of (... -cale, it was re V. Krk, owner, here Ertia!' I! L on a h U by I! tit plant has contracts to manu- Lm twu items ir one 01 u.c Lt tiv distributors in me Ljtry din contract, imis iui that will retail ior U $2. 1 ,u'""s are maue v f wood, ana paimea in Union army colors. inothcr contract calls for 10,000 U to retail at auout is w beach. Tlif items will appeal ijoungsters from 4 to 8 years life, it was pointed out. ir Eik said work has already Ltd on production, and he has ti February to complete the tracts. Some GO women will used and about 30 men. About IK this number are now at work, today's paper he is adver- iio; for others. He two toys were designed toy Wing New York toy maker, Mheis scheduled to arrive here f.n further consultation Ilk Mr. Erk. My-TwoMen ft Here Friday Sept. Quota Sixty-two nu n under the selee- ft service system making up the fltmbcr call from the Waynes- area, left here at 7:30 o'clock morning for Camp Croft, wt they will be given examina- pi. B. Siler was named leader of group, with assistant leaders teimg, Foster Milburn Fergu- W. Jam's (Veil .Tpnnino's and Houston Wvatt. Here wen. eight volunteers in frroun as follows. Clarence htt Arrington, Robert Lester pin. Jr.. Edward Sherrill, Clyde pan! (iri'.T. Arthur Ray Over- M. EllL'ene knvkendsill Tr HIpm n Wyatt and Charles Fre-Vaughn innsft rrcd from other draft ' N LUC iUliUVVIIIg i Fart Frank PI P"0n, frm Hilton Village, Va.; rrd Carl Dills fm - Kmp.. r., nn..i t . '-""'"u, irora iewport Ws' Va .; and Rov Bert Hnrrell Citv 1,,.,, -. , iuhiur were: James FMGrastv. Alfred nMor. Ttk Medford David Caldwell, "We Edward Phillips, Weldon Henry, Robert Allen, Jr., w tarl Cochran, Earle Rufus " -nun, narry Liee M r Mmore Noland, . .uorrow, James W'llard Rufus Setzer, Lucius k- '"Mm. Kay Douglas Mor- Ifherr 1(1 LePard. Syble Iber p: "'nroe Bradshaw, Hugh Frt r waiter Scroggins, li uraaipv. iiovp First National Opens Facility At Fontana Dam The First Nat ional Hank opened a banking facility at Kuiitana " . last Friday. The bank i the first, institution to lie granted prini's- sum by the I'liited States Treasuiy to operate such a facility out.-ioe of a naval station, an army post, or a marine base. Permission was given the local institution because of the fact that o rrnr - , uie i v is a governniental ag. nt it was learned from the president J. H. Woody. The facility cashes checks ane receive deposits, but no loans wi be made at the office in Fontana. There are two employes at pres ent, but others will be added- The building in which the facility is located is situated at Welch Cove in the village, about two miles from the dam. The offices are fur nished the bank by the TVA. The facility is proving a great convenience to the residents of the area. There are 4,500 persons em ployed at Fontana and the popula tion is around 7,500. As, ,s v-1 . I - I x v-.:v -W m chaige of I " - ' SLOAN is e a lade and yesterday indica u ore that at least L'iid peolile would take part in the parade, which forms at the court house at six and starts moving at (i:;lO sharp. Last Charter Member of Grace Church Passes riffith,Lery Ha"e. Carl hi, i,ernv fraona I na r., Jack Edwan Homer Caldwell. Mehaffey, Lemuel B. - HP I l . Jht. ti '. JacK Edward r-ic u-;ii- ... Ball. fiti vja v,lllett. Joseph Ed f')nBhtruCa? Cagle Marvin R Davie ,.ne'1' wunam Le- P Mann, in H0yle Price' Clar" Kl cCOTard'.A- D.Hughes, Lnambers. r. County Baptist Sunday School Group To Meet The Haywood County Baptist Sunday School Convention will meet on Tuesday evening, the 21st, at 8 o'clock at the Bethel Baptist church, according to R. K. Sentelle. superintendent of the group. The following newly elected as sociational officers and group' lead ers will be installed: associational superintendent, R. E. Sentelle; evangelism, Rev. F. H- Leather wood; training, Rev. Thomas Er win; supervisor, Elmer Green; pastoral work, Dr. H. K. Masteller. Library work, Miss Nell Collins; secretary-treasurer, Rev. Avery E. Peek; cradle roll department, Mrs. Pauline Goodson; beginners. Mrs. Howard Hall; primary. Miss Ade line Boone; juniors, Miss Virginia Holtclaw; intermediates, Virgil Sizemore. Young People. Mrs. Hobart Rog ers; adults, D. D. York; extension. Rev- T. H. Parris; vacation Bible schools, Mrs. Claude Francis; Bethel group superintendent, Prof. I. A. McLain ; Canton group, Fred Pressley; Clyde Group, Miss Pearl James; Waynesville group, Rev. James H. Christie. All Sunday schools are request ed to. send delegates to the meeting. Mrs. Kohina Brown. !)8, wifi liam ('. Brown, wood eonnty, died at the home of hei Baptist Church Completes Big Painting Program The First Baptist church has just completed a renovation and painting program that included every room in the church and Sun day school building and auditor ium. The program took three men about four weeks to complete. Alvis Norwooc of the late Wil formerly of Hay ! last Friday night m, .lames ,or- j wood Liow n. in Pressley, (ia. 1 Funeral services were eoniluct d at I o'clock Sunday afternoon it the ( 'oinmun .1 y Church in Press ley, and burial wa in the Mountain t Scene cemetery. Mrs. Brown was born in Way nesville on June 8, 184.", the daugh ter of Sarah Bonnets Norwood and .lames Alvis Norwood, pioneer settlers m trns area, who came to Haywoof county from Hills bo ro. Mrs. Brown, who was considered a remarkable person by all who knew her, retained her facilities to the last. Her death was very sudden. She was the last suivivinir charter member of Grace Episcopal church, which was organized it t the home of her parents. The Norwood residence was located on the grounds of the Ernest J. Hyatt home on the Balsam Road. Mrs. Brown is survived by two sons, James Norwood Brown, with whom she made her home, and Walter Scott Brown, of the Cni vcrsity of Athens, Ga-, who is head of the agricultural extension ser vice of the state of Georgia; nine grandchildren, including five grand sons who are serving with the armed forces and a large number of nieces and nephews, residing at various points over the country. i Relatives attending the funeral from here were: Mr. and Mrs. j James W. Killian, Miss Nancy ! Killian, and Captain and Mrs. W. j F. Swift and son, Jimmy Swift. Directions To Owners of No. 3 Rationing Book CHARLIE RAY, county chair man of war bond sales, has worked for weeks on the War Bond Rally which will be staged here this afternoon at 0:30. Hazelwood CutsTaxes The new tax rate for the town of Hazelwood has been reduced 15 cents for the fiscal year 1943-44. it was learned yesterday from the town officials. The rate has been set at $1.45 per hundred dollar property valu ation as against $1.f() for last year. The municipal capital reservt fund for tlo town now totals $4, (100.00, according to the officials. Burning of Notes Marks Payment On Legion Home The local post of tht American '.egioti has issued an invitation to the public to attend their joint nooting with the Legion Auxiliary hich will be held at the Legion lome on Depot street Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. The committee' in charge of mak ing the last payment on the prop it v will present the notes which will be burned during the evening. The Legion Home and grounds were purchased in April, 1936, by the members of the local post and has been financed by them since rthat date. The building is the for mer residence of the late Robert Gilmer, one time attorney general of North Carolina, and the late Mrs. Gilmer. Commander Henry Lee, retired, U. S. Navy, is commander of the Waynesville post, and William Shoolbred is adjutant. i... ' -,Jrs L.""unr. the 4 -V.V0 UNCEMENT James R, Moody xties Bl, i alTIVal of a son, Au y' on SePtember e,a. Numerous applicants are taking their Number 3 books to the local office to get validating stamp at tached, it was learned this week from the clerk of the board. If the book has stamped in. cf 00i, nf thp square in red where validating . Dunne the first week oi me i the pupus, ; . ; Johns valid l.o.i., wie m-i ed to sign and put on own aa- ; St. John's School Invests In Bonds And Stamps This Week Tall Corn Crop In Evidence This Year In Haywood Some of the tallest corn ever grown in the county has been found this year. Evidence of some of the tallest is now on display at Pet Dairy Products Company here. Hub Caldwell had four acres, which grew 18 feet high. The corn filled a silo 36 feet high and 12 feet in diameter. Glenn Palmer, of Crabtree, was J. E. MASSIF, owner of the Park Theatre, is donating the film, use of the theatre and all facilities in the interest of the third war bond drive which is now u nderway. Judge J. H. Sink To Preside Over September Court The September term of Superior court (civil) is scheduled to con vene here on Monday with Judge J. IToyle Rink, of GrinsMilfo, re siding. .Judge J. II. Clement, of Walkertown, was to have presided, bm an exchange was made between the jurists. The calendar is reported to bo a light one, and it is thought that the court will not be in session many days. Drawn for jury duty for the first week are: Chester Owen, Jon athan Creek; llerschell C. Shook. Clyde; T- M. Pressley, Beaver dam; Verlin Noland, Waynesville; Guy M. McFlroy, Crabtree; ''rank ! I. lieigcr, Waynesville; Dewey R. ! Goodwin, Boaverdam ; Dave Brow n, Jonathan Creek. James H. Haynes, of Clyde; L. I ( Moot lv, Cecil; W. B. Burnett. Fast Fork; Lee Caddy, Jr., Way nesville; S. J. Recce, Waynesville; Luther J. Hall, Boaverdam; Joe Kuykendall. Pigeon; Z. V. McFl roy, White Oak- Ralph D. Kelley, Pigeon; John P. White. Ivy Hill; Will Bryson, Iron Dulf; Fred R. Noland, ( rab 'rec; Charles B. McCracken, Fines "reek ; C K. Ilosaflook, Ivy Hill ; Glenn Smathors, Boaverdam, and Tom Chambers, East Forlt. Drawn Tor the second week were: Char.'es J. Palmer, Waynes ville; Henry Davis, Waynesville; W. B. Byrd, Feaverdam; Bradford K. Mease, Pigron ; Allen C. How e. Boaverdam; L. J. Conard, White Oak; Charlie Woodard, Waynes ville; Lewis Cogburn, East Fork; Frank West, Pigeon. Hubert E- Wells, Crabtree; T. C. Morris, Waynesville; R. J. Smath trs, Beaverdam; J. C. Patrick, Waynesville; Willis F. Rector, Fines Creek; Laborne Winchester, Ivy Hill; R. F. Davis, Iron Duff; Dennis Singleton, Pigeon; and Herman Noland, Fines Creek. Parade Starts Moving At 6:30 Huge Crowd Is Expected To Attend One of the largest crowds ever to gather in Waynes ville is expected here this afternoon for the War Hond Rally which will include a military street parade with about 250 people representing local organizations; elaborate entertain ment; demonstration of huge army bombers overhead, and a premier showing of "They Came To Wow Up America" at the Park Theatre. The parade will start promptly al o:JU, ana me iukh School band concert will be in the theatre at 7 o'clock. The picture will start at 8:15. The rally is being staged in the interest of selling more war bonds, as Havwood will have to average $50,000 daily from now until October first in order to meet her Q"ta- Admission to the picture at the Park today will be only by a war bond of some denomination dated ii!4i, n,,mt.iiH(ii'nn,n are epiei,,oo. -- Ml,),en nart of th morning and the tickets. ... ' It is not neceary to con- close behind with 8 acres of corn Third War Loan Drive teachers and staff OI fet. I ... . , a. .on oa : nr.wi Cknnl nurchnsed X .IBB. 11 1" UOHUB i and stamps. total tact the local office for this, ac-i that measured 17 feet. Eight These purchases bring the total tac . TtXZ is ot on the! high and ,2 feet in diameter. John's up to $ Last year for the I A. J- McCracken also had an wie Bciivui v"o " Man Flair for outstanding efforts Plott Announces Changes In Hunting Season There have been gome changes in the hunting seasons according to G. C. Plott, county game protec tor of Haywood county. The squirrel season which was first announced by the conserva tion department from Oct. 1 to Dec. 1, has been changed to Sept. 15 to Dec. 15, with a bag of six per day. The deer season which was first announced as closed for this year is now open from Oct. 15 to Nov. exected to canvass business section thi sell bonds and issue Honds w lii bo . .'' theatre this afternoon immediately afti r the parade and up to the time the show starts. Charlie Ray, county chairman of war bond sales, and his committees, announced that from 7 o'clock un til the picture starts that a brand of entertainment for all ages yill be given In (trort. j! .he til' Sring hands, including tho Wiil Kirkpafrick " Warbcrlicrs", the Drake Sisters of Hendersonvillc, and several other well known musi cal groups will be featured. The promotional part of the program in lolling about bonds will be done liv Medford Lent hei wood, well liu,wn auction' or. and Jonathan Woody. Main St reel will be roped of as the parade starts, and the huge crowd will have plenty of room to see and hear all that is going on in front of I ho t h al re. Those who want to go into the theatre can do so, as the high school band under the direction of ( harles Isley will give a concert until the picture starts. Ri fore the picture starts M. R. Williamson will make a brief an nouncement as to the purpose of the drive and the urg"ncy of in vesting in bonds at this time. The use of th- theatre and all facilities are being contributed to the war bond drive by J. E. Massie, owner of the theatre. He is pro viding the film, and all expenses, as the only admission charge is proof that a bond of any size' was purchased today the 16th. Ren Sloan is parade marshall, and announced yesterday that everything was in readiness for the longest parade staged here in many years. Mr. Sloan requests that all par ticipants in the parade be in front of the court house at six o'clock, and be ready to start promptly at 6:30. The line-up for the parade yes terday was as follows: High school band. Town officials of Waynesville and Hazelwood. State Guard. Four troops of Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. Ambulance from Moore General Hospital. Women of Red Cross surgical dressing room in uniform. 2 jeeps from Air Service Com mand. American L Auxiliary. I Juvenile unit in military dress all ages. ' 1'nited Daughters boys and girls, of the Con- Daughters of American Revo lution. The Rotary Club. The Lions Club. The Boosters Club. The parade will march up Main Street to the Baptist church, turn nd A. me back down the street to title' :lWTf. .- Four huge bombers, the same type which Major Jimmy Doolittle I Hew over Tokyo and dropped bombs, will arrive about 6:15 and circle over the community, flying as low Ins possible in order to give ob servers a "close-up" of a friend ly bomber overhead. These bomb jers are scheduled to come from the 'Greenville Air Base. It was learn ed from the commander there that the bombers require eight miles in which to turn around, so it was thought they would maneuver be tween here and Canton before winging their way back to their ; home base. j The committees in charge have ', worked for several days on this rally, and all indications yesterday were that it would exceed even their fondest expectations as every group readily responded and pledg ed cooperation. Haywood's Bond August Postal Receipts $520.04 Over Last Year August postal receipts in the lo cal post office totaled $4,361.46 dur ing the month of August, it was learned from the postmaster, Col. J. Harden Howell. The figures represent an in crease of $520.04 over the totals of 1942. Col. Howell attributes the Quota Is - -$892,000 $892,000 $830,000 $800,000 $750,000 $700,000 $650,000 $600,000 $550,000 $500,000 $450,000 $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 $250,0001 j $200,000 $150,0001! 1 $100,000 $ 50,0001 in buying bonds. i,i th hk tn the local extra e-ood cron. with some erow- :30. with one per day and three per gam w me increase in tne Use oi 17M feet tall. season. """F. office and have stamp attached. mg Yesterday noon, the reports from bond issuing agents in Haywood, gave the following: Waynesville area $134,385.50 Canton area 154,000.00 County Total $291,385.50 Come To Waynesville, And Join The Bond Rally Today at 6:30 : -o '-'.V. ' s ; J o- S'J P.-

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