flrtHSDAV, SEPTEMBER 16, 1943 (One Day Nearer Victory) THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Pag 13 ijfaynesvijte Jfaotball Seasomi Td pem Mere Firndlay Lintaineers To P Murphy, 8 p.m. hlf,t Team In History School WW Hit the Field for First ..... -viUn high Mountam- Tr .... ' ,heir 1943 football VT.''"h'P Stadium Fri- uWn .4 . . n,i nVloek. when they ' l.val gndsters have been lSt i uvplf in nreDa- .v..rir r.;o u -:l r '"' ...unintr camp. nnd f r i.'ic i'h"-'""" e. ' - - Neatneroy says uiey :.. . i it II am this year 1B "e ui ulc uan ever produced by 1, with only three quad that has even Coach Weatherby, I 1 L,.,I ,four "t me ttivni It"-'' rs i.,.,rflinir to I:, fifki is m nrst class conuiuon . U.... Kaon itlaonayl fp planus nave l..ch t.Luuvu . f.... tVi. rnpninc trawl p paMIU'u i'i i" r- " o jjjt Waynesville nign scnooi Dana on nanti 101 uie game, pti i. ir l A : j!!j t me nau aim uut nig unr I' k K .ml music. The local & ha- niMilc a reputation for ii i; anility 10 marcn ana p.. ,,.-..i..tl!e starting- lineup Tor Naval Cadet Canton fleets Warren Wilson Eleven Friday '1 he Canton high Black Bears will mi-.! Warren Wilson junior college rnday night a: 8 o'clock in their second panic of the 1943, football M'dil!l. The Black Bears are working hard this week trying to smooth out the rough spots that showed up in their game last Friday night with Marion. Coach C. C. Poin dexter is putting the Bears through tough sessions on charging, block ing, tackling, punting, passing and pass defense. At Camp Edwards week for High Point, where he will enter school. V(nr F Sl'MMUMS by publication VC'ETH I AKOUMA, ;A.UlH)ii I OL .NTY IN TliK SI t Kit I UK COURT ;ENK1VK GREEN Ij'ALI.Ai'K GKLhN The defendant above named, .-o liieen, in vaive nuum at an action enutiea as aDove Ixbn-ii commenced in the Super ior Court of Haywood County, jr:h Carolina by the plaintiff to irc an absolute divorce from x diftiidant upon the ground at plaintiff and defendant have vl siparato and apart for more law twe years next preceding the irirpinp of this action; and the lita-rdant will further take notice Lit he is required to appear at I it umce ot tne Lierk of the isu wioi Court of Haywood County, 11 the Courthouse in Waynesville, X. C. within thirty days after the ay of October, 1943, and an- Imr or demur to the complaint i said action, or the plaintiff will ply tn the Court for the relief de- lundi-d in said complaint. This ,11st day of August, 1943. KATE WILLIAMSON, Assistant Clerk Superior Court. Ik i::21-Sept. 9-16-23-30. BORN OF KOREAN PARENTS, Susan Ann of Los Angeles, Calif., Is on of eighty-five enlisted personnel who recently enrolled In the U. S. Naval Reserve Midshipmen's School, Northampton, Mass. U. S.1 Navy photo. JXntemational) I the Mountain-ox as tnll.w 1 At left end, Collins; left tackle, Medford; left guard, Knight; at the center position, Jaynes; right guard, Caldwill; right tackle, Scates; right end, Trout man. In left half, Fie; right half, Phillips, and at full, Evans. ' At the election of captain for the 1943 season. Arthur Paul Evans, vetilan guard of last year ving full back this season. e'i (1 to lead the squad. eNpected that many of the s will see action in the game niu'ht. as eomiH't it ion lias been keen in many of the positions. The first casualty of the year came to Bobbie Given who will not see any action for several weeks due to an arm injury. The officials for the game Fri day will probably be Wall, of sta tion WWN'C as rcferei ; umpire, H. Buchanan (V); and Headlinesman, Mark (Tony) Davis (King l. It is expected that a large con tingent of local fans will assem- Ll C . . .1. . ... uie lor ine opening game. and pi: was eh It is rese rv Friday It is far better to risk losing the peace than to risk losing the war. Canton Wallops Marion 40 to 13 Tht Canton high Black bears opened their 1943 football season before a large crowd last Friday night by trouncing Marion high's Rippem, champions of the W. N. C. conference last year, 40 to 13. Bobby Smathers scored throe touchdowns, George Stanley tallied two and Frank Hardin made anoth er for Canton. Fowler scored three extra points on placekicks and Har din added on through th line. Stanley thrilled the crowd with a spectacular 70-yard touchdown sprint in the third quarter and the same chapUr saw Smathers race d8 yards to score. Padgett and Banks accounted for Marion's touchdowns and Walker made an extra point on a pass. Canton scored a touchdown in each of the iirst two periods, add ed two in the third and counted two more in the fourth. Marion scored in the second and last per iods. lite a number of Waynesville farts made the journey to Canton f r t ie game. Jonathan Creek News SGT. JAMES WELCH, son of Mrs. Jessie Medford Welch, of Waynesville, rout? 2, who is at tached to the U. S. army engineer ing corps, is now stationed at Camp Edwards, Mass. Sgt. Welch was inducted in the service at Camp Croft on February 11 of this year- From Camp Croft he was sent to Fort Doyens, Mass., and from there was sent to his present post. Sgt. Welch was recently promot ed to his present rank from cor poral. He is a graduate of the Crabtree high school in the class of 1941. Buy a Bond and provide sonu the tools that our fighting men need. Mrs. K. W. Howell and Mrs. Lee Howell were joint hostesses on Friday to the members of the Jona than Home Demonstration Club at the home of the former. The house was decorated with lovely arrange ments of fall flowers. Mrs." Troy Leatherwood, presi ding presided. After the reports of the project leaders, a demonstra- of tion on, "How Safe is Your Home," Smith pointed out many hazards found in bonus, which are often ; overlooked. A contribution of $2.0(1 was made ! by the club to the Jane S. McKim nion Loan Fund. I A large number of members were present in addition to the ; following visitors: Mrs. Queen, of Virginia; Mrs. Allen and Miss Belle McCracken, At the conclusion of the program delicious refreshments were serv ed. Mrs. F. R. Kennedy will be hostess to the October meeting. Raymond Howell, of Jacksonville, is visiting his mother, Mrs. E. J. Howell. Miss Mollie Queen, of Virginia spent stveral days last week with her niece, Mrs. R. W. Howell. A revival has just closed at the Shady Grove Church. Rev. John son, pastor, was assisted bv Rev. was given Dy miss .Mary Margaret : Higgins, of Highlands Smith, demonstration agent. Miss USfflM The Rock Mil ing nicely. The last week. school is progress lunch room opened tvery day INVASION battles are taking the livei ol gallant boys lighting under the Stars and Stripes. Your dear ones sons, husband, sweetheart, father, brothers, relatives and friends are, or soon may be, ngaged in those bloody battles where the scythe ol the Grim Reaper flashes in every volley of the guns. The 3rd War Loan of 15 billion dollars must pay for he equipment, ammunition and food our boys need o desperately and you must raise the money! Buy at least one EXTRA $100 War Bond in Sep tember besides your regular bond purchases. Go ll-out with every dollar you can scrape up and kP right on slapping every cent into the world's est investment-War Bonds! Make the 3rd War Loan a quick success-back P your soldier, sailor or marine ALL THE WAY1 Attend The Rally Thursday Farmers of this section are busy lilling their silos, cutting corn, dig ging potatoes, and getting ready to make molasses. Labor is very short. Rev. Robbins. of Lake Junaluska, pn ached for Rev. Joe Johnson Sun day. Rev. Johnson will leave next XOT1CE OF SALE OF LAND TO CREATE ASSETS NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK L. GREEN, ADMINISTRA TOR OF D. LEE, DECEASED. VS. MRS. NETTIE MAE ALLEN ET AL HEIRS AT LAW OF R. D. LEE Under and by virtue of and pur suant to and order and judgment of the Superior Court of Haywood County, dated December 31, 1942, in that certain special proceeding, entitled as above, the undersigned commissioner will, on the 11th dav of October, 194.1, at 1 1 o'clock A. M. at the court house door in the Town of Waynesville, Haywood County, North Carolina, sell at public outcry, to the highest bid der, on the following terms, to wit: one half cash and the balance, with 6 interest, in two annual equal installments to be secured by first mortgage on the property sold, the following described land and premises, to wit: That certain house and lot, located in the Town of Waynesville, Haywood County, North Carolina, bounded as fol lows: BEGINNING AT A STAKE, CORNER OF Short (now Mead ow) streets and runs along Rich land street S. 6" 15' W. 100 feet to a stake; thence S. 83 45" E. 90 feet to a stake, Merrill Shoaf cor ner; thence N. 6 15' E. 100 feet with Shoaf line to a stake in edge of Short (Meadow) street; thence with Meadow street about N. 83 45' W- 90 feet to the beginning. And being the house and lot occu pied by the late R. D. Lee for several years prior to his death. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and the sale is sub ject to the confirmation of the court. The successful or highest bidder will be required to deposit 5 of the bid as evidence of good faith. This the 9th day of September, 1943. T. L. GREEN, C nm m ioei rT tfT V LOANT J J Sergeant Vinson Howell has re turntd to Sioux City, after a brief furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gradv Howell. Miss Opal Howell, of Miami, Fla., left last week after a three weeks visit with her family. En route to Florida she visited friends and relatives in Columbia and All endale, S. C. Private Lewis Williamson and Private Troy Dotson, of Washing ton, are home on furloughs. vice in 1939 and enlisted at Ashe ville. He has been stationed since at Fort Bragg, Fort Benning, Fort Jackson, and spent five months on maneuvers in Arizona and California. Mrs. Dotson, of Lake Junaluska, has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Claude Leatherwood. Cpl. Henry E. Reno On 10-Day Furlough Corporal Henry E. Reno, son of Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Reno, of Can ton, route 1, who is now stationed at Camp Forrest, Tenn., has ar rived to spend a ten-day furlough with his parents. Cpl. Reno volunteered in the ser- SOT1CE SEHV1XG SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY IN SUPERIOR COURT LII.LIE HANEY VS. ELMER HANEY The defendant, Elmer Haney, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, against said defendant, for judg ment in favor of the plaintiff for an absolute divorce on grounds of two years separation and one year residence in North Carolina. That the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to be and appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, in the Courthouse in Waynesville, N. C, on or before September 27th, 194,'t, or within 30 days thereafter and answer or demur to the com plaint of the plaintiff filed in this action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demand ed in said complaint. This the 23rd day of August, 1943- KATE WILLIAMSON, Assistant Clerk Superior Court of Haywood County, N. C. No. 1320 Sept. 2-9-16-23. Pfc. Chas. li. Medford Returns To Post Private First Class Charles B. Medford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Medford, has returned to his post of duty in California, after spending a 15-day furlough here with his parents. Pfc Medford was inducted at Fort Jackson in January of this year and from there was sent to California, where he has since been stationed. NOTICE OF SALE OF AUTOMOBILE NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. The undersigned, will on Friday, September 24, 1943, at 1 1 o'clock A. M., at the Court House Door in the Town of Waynesville, N. . sell to the highest bidder for cash, one 1932 r'ord Coupe, Motor No. 18-124789, said sale being made to satisfy the lien that the under signed has on said Automobile for labor performed on said automo bile and for storage of said auto mobile. This the 31st day of August, 1943- ABEL'S GARAGE By Albert Abel. No. 1322 Sept. 9-16-23 Buy War Bonds and Stamps. Eyes Examined For Appointment Glasses Fitted Telephone 2483 CONSULT DR. R. KING HARPE OPTOMETRIST 125 Main Street Wells Bldg. Canton, N. C. Woolens Should tifi-fi I Be Given Expert OCnirai Care In Summer Cleaners Every garment worth sav ing is worth cleaning. Wool ens should never be washed Main Strt with soap and water, as it often causes shrinkage ami the finish of the material SEND YOUR CLOTHES Phone 113 TO US The World's News Seen Through The Christian Science Monitor An International Daily Newspaper it Truthful Comtructive Unbiased Free from Seniaiional iam Editorial! Are Timely and Intructive and In Daily Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. The Christian Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street, Boston, Mnssflchusetts Price $ 12.00 Yerly, or $1.00 a Month. Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, fZ.bO a Year, introductory Offer, 6 Saturday Issues 25 Cents. Name Addtcss ..... - SAMPI.F. COPY ON RKQUHST Better Baked Goods Start With . . . Quality Ingredients There Is No Substitute For Quality With Us. YOU ARE ASSURED OF THE BEST HERE We Buy Many Of Our Ingredients and Supplies From . . . Brown-Rogers-Dixon Co. ATLANTA PEARCE'S WAYNESVILLE BAKERY FARMERS EXCHANGE Phon I30-M Waynesville, N. C. No 1324-SePt. 9-16-23-30

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