ym-RSPAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1943 (One Day Nearer Victory) THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page IS i army- fore he begins an . i,;.. wtiiul pxneriences k11 .'"t ..n Iip issues his auota !,S'"advW to prospective in ; After his induction Har 5tef' new buddies, leaves F r nrViprp he is to re- ,fir: b:h6 " his basic training. rtuPTER 11-Private Hargrove U.d the physical exam, tne nrsi P i hn-ar h WftS Out- with his umiorm, " vtk ,1-iv he received his first tjdaty. He'is classified as a semi Cnf cook. ... TT 1 conversation with his ser- ' , :. ..., inr to find nut whv p,mi? so much time on KP Hp also rtpuiia u w". s- " 1 U he trainees are put imuugu the txereise sergeant, tie nas Ljujif learning now U and is given plenty of special ention by the sergeant ana cor- Overcoming Stubbornness See Herp Private Hargrove! by Morion Hargrove" SYNOPSIS .... T 'lt.1. ' " Pdward Thomas t'-' . Hargrove, feature J T.L (Charlotte (N. C.) r:Jr rroeivi-s notice from his draft Cif'1,"! .. ;., tn hp inducted into UK he i buck Thai to- dl Al'TER IV Selectee Joseph G. Gantt, late of ierty. South Carolina, came out reveille this morning with a Hi VOU C'HUU nave uacu iwi t Je. He n I t Dotn nis anna ugamsi. front of his shirt in a queeriy bined posture and blushed nappi- V every tune someone looked at i. The heat's got the boy," I told ine Shumate. "Looks like the best trays go first. That ain t the heat," said Cook "He seems to have a cramp in a arms. We looKeu at uitizen- Idi-r Gantt's arms again. Then, i the first time, we noticed two lir.g stripes on each sleeve. :izen-SoMier Gantt was a cor- nl now! "Heavens to Betsy," we shout in unison for his benefit. "Is pit punk a corporal? Corporal iiiitt acknowledged the tribute by yfully changing his color to a May red. The grin widened until ears hung porlously on the brink his lips. It took him half the ffliinp to sober his spirits to Iwkinjr conditions. Corporal Gantt has been in the Amy exactly four months. He had pai an acting corporal for three b- fore he got his stripes. eavi-i: irrant him strength for orJeal ahead. The ti rni "buck nrivate" was ex- '" us this afternoon. It ' 'ho Old Army Game, -' 'hi- buck." The sergeant oil the carpet for a his platoon. The ser- 'lit the corporal and ' dressing-down. The ' ' he I nick bv scald - tnc private, i ven have a The!, -ii mule j i i to kick, so he can't pass th any farth.r. lie keeps it. makes him a buck private. The Army, I find, has many sub tle ways to trap th.. unwary into volunteering for work. First there was the sergeant over at the Re ception Center who came through the recreation hall one afternoon calling for "Private Smith." Four men answered. All four were put to work picking up cigarette stubs. On the call. "Anvbodv know how to handle a truck?" don't speak up. The last three were seen later pushing a hand truck up the battery street to haul rifle racks. Corporal Henry Ussery is to date the most dangerous conscriptor. This week he came into the squad room to ask if anyone was good at shorthand. Three' citizen-soldiers admitted that they were. "Report to the kitchen!" the cor poral laughed. "The mess ser geant says he's shorthanded on dishwashers." "One of the most solemn and re sponsible trusts of a soldier," Ser geant "Curly" Taylor said today, "is his guard duty." Sergeant Tay lor, who has b'en in the Army for nineteen years and probably knows more about guard duty than any man in Fort Rragg, is teaching us about guard duty now. The soldier is called to this duty about once a mor.tn. For a twenty-four-hour period, he is on two hours and off four hours, and he "walks his post in a military manner." guarding the peace and possessions and safety of a part of the nost. He is responsible only to a cornoral of the guard, a sergeant of the guard, an officer of the day, and his commanding officer. The guard, or sentry, is known chiefly to the reading and movie going public by two expressions. Halt, who goes there?" and "Cor poral of the guard! Post number three!" The former, Sergeant Tay lor said with his best poker-face, has given the Army considerable worry at times. According to the sergeant, the guard is instructed to give the halt" order three times and then shoot. Over-renthusiastic rookies from the back counties, he said, had been known to go like this; "Halt halt halt! Ka-POV!" (You can believe it or leave it: I never Ques tion what the sergeant says.) There was one rookie guard, he said, who halted him, questioned him ami allowed him to pass. Aft er he had gone several steps, the sentry again shouted, "Halt!" Ser geant Taylor came hick and want ed to know politely, of course how come. ".My orders." said the guard, "say to holler 'Halt' three times anil then shoot. You're just on your second halt now!" Tile other popular expression is the come-a-running call that goes up ti e line to the guardhouse vh n a guard takes a prisoner or "meets case lO't eo ( General ( )- mt. M Nrploct Them! rnd the kidneya to do a 1 1 hfir tusk is to kfep the - "":1m fn-p of an fxot-ss of . Tl." act of l inp 1 '! ' in:iy producing f must n'moi' from i "i ht ai h is to rriiiun'. s fail t o fiiTK-t 0 m its ';!, I.nc is rctcrit mn of . i'husc hddy-wiilr dis--u'T- r naning baokarhr, 1 i.all arks of d rz n'WS, I. , swelling, puil.ru ss fill tired, nervous, ..II - .' or hurninp pasapes farther cvidt.'iu''.' of kid ' 'I urhancp. i'd and profit r treatment 1 iicme to help the kidm-ys ' -s poisonous body aui. They have had more irs of public approv al. A re country over. Insist on i l t all drug stores. Is.Ue-S j Post number s- the -,!h p,' j In g 'i-s il-iw ii : i There's t he s! j of the day h . sentry, as ul!':c Ipiel,' ly do in ,, -ii'i- red by ins! 1 ne 'er No.'pi. If ih -ev.-nth pot lie ol of the guard' The guard on - 11 1 1 Mn cry and !.. Ilk.- -hat. about tne oHieer n w fie- d I IUviCI :ng across that drill t'n hi over there. W hat would you do ? " The guard thought furiously. Tha answer --General Order No. i' didn't come. ' What would you do?" the ser geant insisted. A light came into the sentry's eyes. "I'd torpedo the thing and sink it." The sergeant gasped. "Where would you get a torpedo?" he de manded. The guard smiled brightly. "The same place you got that damned battleship," he said. Heroes lue born, not made. There's one job here that is noth ing but goldbricking in itself. That's the latrine orderly detail. You go to work after lunch and spend the rest of the afternoon watching the fire in the water heater and feeding it regularly every two hours. The next morning you sweep and mop the washroom and spend the rest of the time until lunch watching the fire again. All in all, you lead a lazy, carefree existence. There was a slip-up somewhere yesterday. I was latrine orderly instead of KP. It was probably the mess sergeant's idea. The boys strated out after lunch for an afternoon of drilling in the warm Carolina sunshine and learn ing to drive trucks across ditches. An hour later, I decided to take a casual look at the boiler. When I opened the furnace-room door, a blast of strong brownish smoke struck me to the ground. I lay there for several minutes, tapping my forhead , thoughtfully, while more smoke poured out. When it still hadn't slackened after five minutes, I crawled under the layer of smoke to the boiler. There the sickening vapor was, pouring nonchalantly through clinks in the door. "Don't come telling me about it,' said Sergeant "Ma" Davidson. "Take the pipes and clean them. All of them." I had to see the top sergeant to get my instructions. When I re turned to Sergeant Davidson I was happy again. ".Ma," I told him, "the top kick spy's for you to supervise the job." The sergeant was furious with rage and frustration. I grabbed a screwdriver and he grabbed Pri vate Dow ner, who had a black mark by his name for not wearing his identification tag. The three of us started work. First, put out the fire in the boil er. Shake it down, throw ashes on it. It still burns. Sshake it down more, throw sand on it. Still burns. Close the bottom door, shake it down more, throw ashes and sand on it. Curse it. After too long, it dies. The man who devised the system fur connecting an indoor boiler and an .oi'door chimney should be parched with bis own pipes and -tull'ed unh oily soot. I'li-eieu- ,, pipe, lift it gently, i-'i.-ix 1' ft' i)i ils socket. Kasy does it. Cari fill there. When you have 1! almost out. inhale for vour sigh f oo-.l f the da ok At I'd - li. f. Cras 1 if pipes b ritiLr ahes al'erv are; i-r half an 1.1' Mi" I"--". 1 I IP k- p' The ' limp. The Ai.a! di--n. Fit Ml hu "in d the h,t . ('.ireful out! Male! of t hem are one is ready there! Fasy. it! CRASH! 1:." il'T U d II prompt "To haul en i r.l '' 'he ;- ;ia: d. w mid And .in-: w ky w..uM you ca corporal of the nuard?" This time th- answer wa and decisive- and correct away your dead body, sir!" Another promising young guard, Sergeant Taylor says, was ques tioned by a sergeant of the guard. 'Suppose you saw a battleship com- fa '"Ml and h is n . 1 id .,f in n f"in Mi" di nd for t he shoi hot w 'iter, that Ilaigrovi ill in unnecessarily i!i--y iiiani"-!-. "H-. gets a job uhi re all he has to do is throw a -hovel of c",al on the fire every two And then when we come in ain't no hot water. There ven no fire. Throw the bum 1 1' then ain't out.' SPECIAL COFFEE (MM) I I grinned weakly as I reported to I the supply sergeant for work. "You Imust be that nice Sergeant Thomas !W. Israel I've heard so many nice things ahout." "N'o, little man," he said. "I'm the nice Sergeant Israel you've ben running your loud mouth about. I'm the nice sereeant who always gives you the wrong cloth ! ing sizes and hides your laundry ,and does all those awful things I you've been telling about me.'' I ' So help me, sergeant," I pro tested. I never named thee but to praise. Somebody's been trying to poison your mind against me." "I am also the nice sergeant," he said, "who is going to let you earn your seventy cents today. Take off your fatigue blouse, my man, and prepare to sweat. Today we make progress. We are going to unpack rifles.-" It seems to me that when the manufacturer prepares to pack a box of Army rifles, his cruel streak comes out at its worst. From the look of the rifles, he has his three-year-old daughter prepare a com pound of molasses, pitch, and used motor oil the gooier the better. He B; GARRY CLEVELAND MYERS, Pk D A GREAT MANY parents are writing me for my bulletin on the meaning of "no" when they should be reading the one on the subject of stubbornness. Of course, the baby after receiv ing a few immediate and consist ent slnns on the hand for seizini: a certain forbidden object might ray "no or shake his head, on stopping himself when tempted o seize it again. This response usu ally is very gratifying since it in dicates he is learning. Different Situations But the "no" abou' which many mothers are writing me with so much concern is said by the tot w hei. he is asked or told to do what he does not want to do. Its use arises over the mother's failure to see the wide difference between preventing this child from doing a specific act which she wishes him always to avoid henceforth and getting him to do what she wants him to do. She is inclined to employ pain in both instances to smack him to keel him from touching the gas jei and to smack him to get him to hand her his shoe. Yet the two sit uations are as widely different as day and night. Consistent, instant smacking may soon and easily train this tot not to touch the gas jet, even to avoid it permanently when no adult is present. But ever so many smackings might fail to make the fame youngster hand you his shoe if he made up his mind he wouldn't. Teaching Cooperation If you are wise and w ish to build foonerative obedience in vour child I von v,.M cnmmanit vnnr tot to hand you hi shoe. You will ask him to do it in a gentle, quiet man ner. Then, if he does not accede to your request you will get the shoe ourself without even feeling the least bit angry. You will try men skill at winning him to co operate next time you make such a request. When he does accede you w ill show great pleasure ever bis c. operation. Should you fail to win him to want to go to bed, pick him up ami carry him there. This same child at the age of five or six might easily 'earn to do what you command him to do. in cas - he is punished each time for disobedience. Yet, except for a few regular routines and. for the older child, a few regular jobs, you will find it profitable not to com mand your child of any age to do what you want him to do. Just command him not to do the few tilings you are sure he must not do. You will make requests, instead and honor his response to the re quest. If you doubt this method give it a fair trial for at least a month. But let me warn you it will take a vast deal of patience and self-control. sergeant happened to stroll by. I "Hello, little man," he sings gai ! ly, with a horrible gleam in his leyes. "You've not been around to see me for a long time. Aren't 1 mad. are you?" 1 look at my hands, at the rifle, j at the old shoe, and at the mess sergeant. I hold my tongue. Health is wealth. j "We miss you terribly in the '. kitchen." ho coos, "even when you go griping around that my food is 'the worst in the Army. J just saw the first sergeant and I asked him to let you be a KP just as soon as I be can spare you. Oh. we're going 1 to do wonders to that kitehenware, you and I." He pats roe on the forehead with ominous tenderness and departs. Five paces away, he turns for a parting shot. "Blabbermouth!" he snorts. J 1 suppose lie's good to his moth- !er, though. The serg. ant yelled out the win dow at me, so I dropped my broom in the battery street and went up stairs. He was sitting on the fiHit locker, thoughtfully rubbing his chin with the handle of his mess- kit knife. "Ralph Oxford got called up to the battery commander's office this morning," he said, "and do you know what the Old Man gave him?" "I've got a pretty good idea," I said. "If he gave him what he gave me when I got called up, it has four letters, starts with an h and endt with an 1." The sergeant closed his eyes and slowly shook his head. "Oxford isn't a sore thumb to the platoon like your are," he groaned. "Oxford got a bright red stripe to wear around his sleeve." "Oxford's no fireman," I told him. "You're dern right he ain't," said the sergeant. "Starting with today, Oxford and Zuber and Roff and Maciejewski and Pappas and Mih alakakos are acting corporals!" I knew there must be a moral to all this, so I waited for him to go on. "Now, why couldn't you have been one of those six boys?" he asked. (To be continued) RK.AD THE WANT ADS I1L V slings each gun into the resulting mess, sloshes it around for a while, and then layes it neatly into the box. You use a swab about the size of a tablecloth to wipe the grease from the rifle. When you're halfway through the first rifle, you have to use the gun to wipe the grease from the cloth. When you have finished, you need a large coal shovel to wipe the grease off yourself. There is nothing so conducive to itchinc as the inability to scratch. Just when the molasses-pitch-axle grease mixture covers your nand to. the point where you can't see the outlines of the fingers, that left nostril starts tingling. At first it itches only a little and you decide to suffer it. So you don't wipe your hands on the seat of your trousers. Instead you pick up another rifle and your hand sinks to the elbow in the goo which wraps it. This is the stage where your nose gets peevish and impatient and decides to itch in earnest. Finally, you decide to give in. You wipe your hands an operation which takes a good three or four minutes for satisfactory results. You lift your hand to scratch your nose, only to find that you nose isn't itching any more. 1 was doing fairly well this morn ing, even when you take the itch into consideration, until the mess 1 1 & IN THE NAVY t 4 they say: "SACK" for bed "BOOT CAMP fo, mining nation for water mixed Villi iU Up pUWUCT "CAMEL for the favorite cigarette with men in the Navy FRST M7HE SERWCS The favorite cigarette with men in the Navy, the Array, the Marines, and the Coast Guard is Camel. (Based oa actual sales record.) a! Thi- whole net- unci's off the floor ! and soot over half 1. ' hour "!' -cnilibing j interior regions of 1 i y'ro ready to go ma "That's OUR railroad, Tommy!" A. tiny lad on tip-toe flattens his nose against the window-pane, watching a passenger train speed by. "That's our railroad, Tommy!" grandmother explains. Yes, to grandmothers and kids. ..to farmers and business men. ..to all the people who live in the Southern Railway's territory ... the Southern is "our railroad." And how right they are.. .for the Southern is their rail road. Their railroad ... and yours! It brings you the clothes you wear and the food you eat. It hauls the fuel and lumber and brick that warm and shelter you. It serves your mines and mills and industries . . . your forests and farms. ..your villages and your bustling, grow ing cities and towns. It shares your pride in the Southland's progress; your dreams of a better, a im eater South. And it works with you, in countless ways, to help make those dreams come true. Today, your railroad has gone to war. Day and nipht, (he men and women of the Southern are moving lighting freight and fighting men . . . keeping the wheels rolling under the heaviest transportation load in history. Tomorrow, when final Victory has been won, the busy trains of your railroad will serve the growing transporta tion needs of the South . . . just as efficiently, dependably, economically as they are now serving the transportation needs of a nation at war. Then, more than ever, you'll be proud to say of the Southern "That's ortr railroad!" SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM i

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