"Page 16 rHE WaYNESVTLLE mountainffr (One Day Nearer Victory) THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER WAYNESVILLE PRESBYTER IAN CHURCH Rev. Malcolm K. Williamson, Pastor Whitener Prcvost, Superinten dent of Sunday School. Sunday School at 10:00 o'clock. Morning Worship, 11:15 o'clock. Sermon Subject: "A NATION EXALTED." Pioneers and YoutiK People meet at 7:0(1 P- m. Prayer Service Wednesday even ing at H:W) o'clock. ST JOHN'S CHI RCH Waynesville, every Sunday, 11 a. m. Bryson City, every Sunday, 8 a. m. Highlands, every Sunday, 11 a. m. Franklin, every 2nd and 4th Sunday, 8 a. m. Cherokee, every 3rd Sunday, 8 a. m. Sylva, every 1st and 5th Sundsy, 8 a. m. Fontana Dam, every 1st Sunday, 8 a. m. C. W. T. H. Terrell, Superintendent. Church service at 11 o'clock at which time the pastor will take as his topic, "Real Faith What It Requires," and the text will be, "Let Christ the king of Israel de scend from the cross, that we may see and believe." Mark 15:32. There will be an anthem by the choir. The young people will meet at the church at 7:30 p. m. HAZKLWOOD METHODIST ( Hl'RCH Rev. J. S. Johnson, Pastor Church school at 10:00 o'clock. Morning worship at 11:00 o'clock. Youth Fellowship meeting at 7:30 o'clock. Evening worship at 8:00 o'clock, with the pastor preaching. Wednesday evening prayer ser vice at 8 o'clock. Fines Creek News By MRS. D. N. RATHBONE Private Jack Price, who is sta tioned in Midland, Tex., returned to his post of duty Sunday, after spending a 10-day furlough here with his wife and baby, who are residing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R- A. Kathbone. He also vis ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hay din Price. and Dry Dock Company until four and a half months ago he was called into the service. He has had stilling experiences during a four months voyage to and from Africa. He has a brother, Cpl. OK n Clark, who is seiving in the armed forces and is now stationed in Greenland. ! will take his "boot training". Prior j to entering the service he was em i ployed as a first class watchman ' at the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company. He is a graduate of the Fines Creek high school. D. N. Rathbone, is very much im proved after receiving treatment in the Haywood County Hospital. Miss Ruby Rathbone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kathbone, who lias been a patient in the Hay wood County Hospital, is now im proving at hoi home here. Zeb ( lark, of the I'. S. Mer ( hant Marines. is - nding a 30 day leave here with his wife and mother. He served in the Navy four years before the war and -inc. that time was employed by the Newport News Shipbuilding Kuben Justice, sun of Mi. an Mi s. R. A. Justice, of Fines ( .', r left with the Sept. mber quota f induction in the service. He v. be in the Navy and is now statiol ed at Hainbridge, Mil'., where I .Mrs. Craig Bradshaw and small daughter, Norma (jail, of Pasa dena, Texas, arrived on Fines Creek Friday of last week, where she spent a few days with her par ents, Mr- and Mrs. R. A. Justice. Mis. Justice is now a patient in the Haywood County Hospital. Her husband holds a position with the ( hampion Paper and Fibre ( onipaiiy. The Salvation Army revival is Leing conducted at the Shelton Laurel church by Captain Thelma ( olton and Adjutant Cecil Brown. It began on September the th Little Miss Virginia Dare Rath .ne. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ad.'uti.nt Cecil Brown and Cap tain Thelma Colton attended the SarVation Army Officers' Institute which was held last week at Lake lunuluska. There were around Km officers in attendance. Among the interesting subjects of the pro gram was the singing, led by their leader, the Rev- George Bennard, who is the author of "The Old Rugged Cross." Others attending the Institute were the following siarr: Dr. illJU, v from the Mood i: Chicago; Dr. Toccoa Falls Iiist. John Boutei-e. i Hoffman, of Richard Fittm.. Brigadier V. W. I sional command, -i Mrs. w. P. i: , Laurel, is a pa- burn Hospital I. - .. , tuners Heart Auack Bill Dodds. waiter aj t;. confined to ... ; heart ailment. FIRST BAPTIST CIU RCH 11. G. Hammett. Pastor "Dangerous Living," is the pas tor's sermon subject for Sunday morning at 1 1 :f)Q o'clock. The sermon sublet for evening wor ship at 8 o'clock is, "The Homeless Christ." The Bible School, with a spiritual j privilege for all of the family, will meet at !):45 a. in. The Training Union meets for training in chris t ian service at 7 p. in. CHRISTIAN SCIKNCI. LESSON SERMON The assembly rooms are located on the second Moor of the Masonic Temple. Reading rooms open from 2 to 4 each Wednesday afternoon. "Matter," wiil be the subject of the Lesson-Sermon on next Sunday. The Golden Text will be taken from Isaih, -12:8, "1 am the Lord; that is my name; and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to the graven images." BARBERVILLE BAPTI ST CHURCH Rev. James H. Christie, Pastor Sunday school at 10:00 o'clock. Morning worship at 11:00 o'clock, with the message by the pastor, "Ye Must Be Born Again," the text from John 3:4. Evening worship at 8:00 o'clock. "How can a man be born again?" is the subject, with the text from John 3:4. LONG'S CHAPEL METHODIST CHURCH Lake Junaluska Pastor, Miles A. McLean Sunday school at 10:00, with R. NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK IN THE MATTER OF: HAYWOOD COUNTY and JAMES ANDREW SLOAN, By His General Guardian, Wm. S. Sloan. EX PARTE Under and by virtue of and pur suant to an order of the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, dated August 10, 1943, in that certain Special Proceeding entitled, "In the matter of Hay wood County, and James Andrew Sloan, Incompetent, by his gen eral guardian, Wm. S. Sloan" Ex Parte", the undersigned Commis sioners will, on Monday, the 20th day of September, 1943, at 11:00 o'clock, A. M., at the court house door in the Town of Waynesville, Haywood County, North Carolina, sell at public out cry to the high est bidder, upon the following terms and conditions, to-wit: One third cash and balance, with inter est, in four equal semi-annual in stallments, deferred payments to be secured by deed of trust on the premises, the following described lands and property, lying and be ing in the Town of Waynesville, Haywood County, North Carolina, adjoining the old store building of M. Theo. McCracken, and fully described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the Easterly margin of Main Street, which point is the Southwesterly corner of the building once occu pied by the McCracken Clothing Company, and runs with the line of the wall of said building South 69 East 110 feet to a stake in Chester Walker's line; thence with said Walker's line South 21 West 33 feet to an iron stake, Walker's corner; thence North 68 West 110.2 feet to the margin of Main Street; thence with the margin of said Main Street 31 feet to the BEGINNING, containing 3,520 square feet. BEING the same and identical lot or parcel conveyed to Haywood County, James Andrew Sloan and Sarah S. Sloan, by Gurney P, Hood, Commissioner of Banks of North Carolina, by deed dated Oc tober 14, 1933, and recorded in Book 90, page 169, Office of the Register of Deeds of Haywood County, to which deed and record reference is hereby made for a full and complete description of said lot of land. JThis Monday, August 16, 1943. For Friday and Saturday FOUNTAIN PENS 51.50 $2.25 Size SQUIBB'S A, K. I), G Capsules $1.79 10cc Mead's I'ercamorphum OLEUM 670 230 Tablets BREWERS YEAST 890 100 IIMOHNS UNICAPS $3.95 $2.25 Size Vitamins and Minerals STAMS $1.69 Ten Weeks Supply Minerals Groves A, B, D $1 HI LIPSTICK Thrilling Shad TO MATCH ANY COMPLEXION FORMER $1.10 HII Now 79 i NONALCOHOLIC CONTAINS LANOLIN REMOVES LOOSE DANUKUI- CfTL . SflOOMS rHE HAIR FRAGRANT 50c Size LOTION COa NO BRUSH "SHAVING CREAM NEW . . for Sensitive Skins!' 1. CMtain special "tkla coaol- WHT " 2. CsoHaf easy to me 3. Coatani locjrrdix for Jj 2Se t 50c JARS I i mluwjmmrM'iiii"iJjm' mm HrW'm How Big Is a Little Headache? Practically every one may ex perience a alight headache fol lowing over indulgence or over latigue. but little headaches that recur frequently or that are per sistent In duration are big rnough to require the attention of a physician. He alone is qualified to diagnose the cause of the headache and prescribe ihe proper treatment. We are qualified to fill his prescriptions exactly r K has written them. Turn your Sundays into FUN DAYS! Enjoy the healthful recrea tion that relaxes tense nerves and aids so greatly in keeping energy up to par. Go into action this week-end well-armed with playtime accessories from SMITH'S CUT-RATE! We've scores and scores of SUN-dries . . . attractively displayed for easy select ion .. . plainly priced for economical buying! Keep up to par, too, by guarding your health with the nationally advertised vitamins, home drugs and toiletries we feature at money-saving prices every day of every week. Cody Perfume . $275 55c 4-Purpose Cream fc C0 Lady Esther--- $1.00 Size Cold Cream "7CI0 WOODBURY .. $1.00 Size Dusting Powder E 60c Size Fasteeth miirniin BOANS i Kidney Pills 43 Large Squibb's Tooth Paste 38 33 $1.00 Wermet's Dental Powder 14 25c Tooth Paste Dr West's NON-SPI Deodorant Of - il fiOc Size 49 65 POND'S LD CREAM Playmate of BEAUTY HEV3A Depilatory - - QUEST DEODORANT 35c Size 31c IjjjpDEPIlATORY 60c Size 39c 50c Golden Peacock BLEACH CREAM . - 34' 1 Pound EPSOM SALTS . 60c Size ICE MINT . 43' Lg. Size Tooth l'aiste 31 Pepsodent . . 5c E E Headache Powders - 2 for 5 $1.00 Size For Women Wine of Cardui i 79 6 CAKES FOR 35c 75c Size DRYCO MILK 59c 50c Size PHILLIPS MILK OF MAGNESIA TOOTH PASTE 29c Large Size 2t Regular Size 2 FOR IT SWINGS i 81.00 Mercolized TAMPAX I E INVISIBLE fitf I UNDER SWIM SUITS ill I fl n S3 53 $1.00 Size Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery 75c Size Anusol Suppositories 79 m K IS M. G. STAMEY, J. B. MORGAN Commissioners. No. 1319 Aug 26-Sept. 2-9-16. Your Rexall (Quantity Rights Reserved None Sold to Dealers) Drug Store ,7,715 ; , --uJUgjHW!"

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