f Second Section (THE Waynesville mountaineer Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park $1.75 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Countie WAYNESVILLE. N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16. 19 13 (One Day Nearer Victory) 01 7 OOOD M W Af PLACE gU y X to uve pearce s (0)pmiDimg E gist lakery Has Enjoyed Iteady Growth Here Firm Started In June, 1912, Has Moved Twice To Larger Quarters. rwbiiin.'os. II any, nave en- J tad: a rapiu " j ,..!! as Pearce's Way-lU- ry. ... n.l ! U'LH. I eaii-c vji7i.ii- ,',j,t:r 'bakery here on June 22, ln a -null place on unurcn lumber last year, theywere . j increased business. IilV,- :o larger quarters on main , i'vr nine months in that build- j "which at the time, seemed SALLY'S SALLIES would be adequate fur many years, they are this week moving across the street to a new home, and a modernized plant with triple their present capacity. Mr. Pearce lias been in the re tail bakery business since 1 0 1 I . All of his baking experience has been in shops small enough wlv r every man had to work in every department and make some of a large variety of baked goods. The owner of the bakery here was in Canton for 18 months prior to coming to Waynesville. At the time he was in Canton, he was con nected with another firm, and came here to establish his own business. Mrs. Pearce has had charge of sales throughout their business stay here, and has been assisted by their two daughters, until' one married and moved away. This past week, Evelyn, entered West ern Carolina Teachers College as a freshman. The other daughter, Mrs. D. II. Herndon, is living in Baltimore. Ingredients Are Bought In Large . Volume fly Bakery Tl:e purchase orders of the bak ery would cause'the average house wife to fall back into a dead faint. Eggs are bought bv the thousand-. Chocolate by the hundreds of pounds. Sugar com s by the ton. Flour is bought by the barrel or part carload. Shortening by the half and whole ton. Shelled Black Walnuts, by the hundreds of pounds. These are bought from local people, who spend their evening during the win ter picking out the tasty meats. Last year Mr. Pearce spent hun dreds of dollars for shelled black walnuts. Fruits for pies conies in contain ers that would be suitable to feed a small army. It is just part of the business. Owners Of Modern Bakery BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Messer, of Cove Creek, announce the birth of a daughter at their home on Sep tember the 10th. It may amuse you but some States permit aliens to vote. Household Hint As a health measure for econ omy, and as a patriotic duty, pro vent spoilage f the foods you buy. Wash all fruits and vegetables and place in covered containers of enamel ware or other non-porous material, ai soon as you return from the market; then use them as soon as possible. There is no way to tell when the war in Europe will end but when the Germans decide to collapse they will collapse in a hurry. Pearce's Better Baked Goods Are BAKED with QA i Giving the speed, efficiency and economy necessary for their business volume. If it's Cooking, Baking, Water Heating, Refrigeration or Heating Gas can do the job. For information on how you can enjoy Gas see us . . . Phone 202 J j ! I KOIiT. It- PKAKCE JIKfi, KUifi. if. i i.aki f. n rsrs n raw isaKeiry New Plant Will Have Triple Capacity, Big Improvements Made Pearce s Waynesville liakciy will have a formal opening of then new and enlarged modern plant here Friday at two o'clock. Photos bv Sbeirill's Studio. Pet Dairy Added By Patrons will be delighted at the large display facilities they will find at the Waynesville Hakery w hen it ope ns Friday afternoon. A larger show case will enable display of the larger variety of bak ed goods, while a glass enclosed wall case will be filled with many kinds of cakes. The cases have been specially built for bakery goods, and will afford the best display for the customer, and for faster ser- Products Bakerv vice. ln addition to the bakery cases, there is in the in w bakery, a dairy products case for handling milk and other items. "Since milk and bakery products are kindred and almost a necessity to make every meal complete, we decided to add the line as a con venience to our growing list of cus tomers, Mr. Paresaid. Friday afternoon, at two o'clock, will mark the formal opening of 'oarce's enlarged and modernized open-view bakery on Main Street here, iust opposite from their pre-si nt local ion. The new home of the bakery is the result of many month's work and planning on the part of Kobt. H. Pearce, owner and manager in consultation with bakery experts an, sanitation engineers. The bak ery has already received a 100 pel cent state rating for sanitation. ln addition to carrying a larger variety, made possible because the capacity of the plant has been tripled, the new place will also feature Pet Dairy Products. Many items of new equipment have been added during the past few weeks, and in order to get the plant in complete operation before the opening, Mr. Pearce has been starting one piece of equipment at a time, and for the past 10 days has had the plant in complete operation. The firm closed yesterday, and will remain closed until two o'clock Friday afternoon, when the doors swing open for their formal open ing. Several specials will go on sale both Friday and Saturday, the owner announces in an advertise ment in this newspaper. Mr. Pearce supervises the bak ing of every item turned out, and it has to be up to his standard be fore it goes on sale, Mrs. Pearce is in charge of all sales and special orders. She has two assistants, and Mr. Pearce has five working under him in the pro duction department. An expert baker who travels 22 states was here this week and rat ed the local bakery as the finest small retail bakery he had seen. The "open-view" bakery is the new est type. Customers are enabled to see from one end of the bakery to the other. All work is done in full view of the customer. N'flmerous traveling men who work the baking trade have been most complimentary about the lay out here. Mr. Pearce carefully weighs every ingredient that, goes into his baked goods. No guesses are per mitted, lie uses nationally adver tised lines of materials for ingred ients, such as Softasilk Flour, Shortening made by the Wesson Oil people, and other items just as well known. Alvin R. Deitz Is Commissioned Lieut. Alvin R. Deitz, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Deitz of Waynesville, has recently been commissioned a second lieutenant in the army upon successfully completing the offi cer candidate course at the Infan try School at Fort Rcnning. I,t. Deitz enlisted in the service on July 15, 1940 and served with the 1 20th Infantry and 117th In fantry before going to Officer Can didate School three months ago. He held the rank of corporal before be ing commissioned. A Combination of Goodness and Nourishment Pet Pasteurized Milk and Pearce's Better Baked Goods Pet Milk Now Available At Retail At Pearce's New Bakery. Serve More Milk ... Be Sure It's . . . Pet Pasteurized It's Safe. PET DAIRY PRODUCTS CO. PASTEURIZED MILK IS SAFE Phone 10 Wavnesville, N. C. : W