(One Day Nearer Victory) THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER 1 1 r t t h1 i 3 ' Ml I .; 'l M ! 1 . . 1- H f I I M r I;1 1 5 ' ' I . r f 'J ::.! 1.1 1 The Mountaineer Published By THE WAYNESVILLE PRINTING CO. Main Street Phone 137 Waynesville, North Carolina The Coiivty Seat of Haywood County W. CURTIS Hl.SS Editor Mrs. Hilda WAV GWVN Associate Editor vV. Curtis Russ and Marion T. Bridges, Publishers PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY SUBSCRIPTION' RATES One Year, In Haywood County 11.76 Six Months, In Haywood County 90c One Year, Outside Haywood County 2.50 Six Months, Outside Haywood County 1.60 All Subscriptions Payable In Advance Knteied at tlie punt offi. at Wayneaiille. N. C. aa Seoond Jlaiw M;ol Matter, as jiruvi.led un.ler the Act of March . 187, I'lvsmher 20, 1B14. Obituary nutiitfs, res'ilutions ol respect, earda of thanki. and ,11 notices of entertainment for profit, will be charged for at he rale of one cent per word. NATIONAL 6DITORIAL. n4TgSSpCIATJON 'North CarolTnovJk MESS ASSOCIAriONJl THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1913 (One Day Nearer Victory) Congratulations In last week's issue we carried stories of expansion of two of the local business firms. The First National P.ank has extend ed its services to Fontana Dam. F,rkraft Industries is turning its talents into new fields. We feel sure that the facility at Fontana will prove profitable to both the residents of that area and we trust to the institution serv ing them. With the background of past policies of the First National we feel sure that the new expansion is a wise one. We have often wondered why some manu facturing plant did not specialize on toys in this area, where wood is so plentiful. Toys are staple articles. In times of depression, the adults may go without things, but some how they always manage to get the things that their children want. Success to both the First National and to Erkraft in their new fields. Revival Of Interest We have noted of late that the agitation of teaching more American histories in our schools and colleges has been bringing forth many ideas on the subject. For some years the teaching of our own history has been slighted in our schools and colleges. It is said that until the advent of the first World War, only a few states required any instruction in this subject at either elemen tary or secondary level. Since that time state legislatures have taken a hand, and passed laws making it compulsory to teach American history in secondary schools. At present there are twenty-four states that have laws on their books governing this subject. There seems to be a divergence of opinion as to the wisdom of making the study com pulsory. Some educators argue that it should not be compulsory, for in so making it, the subject becomes dull and boring to the stu dents. They claim that only those who wish to take American history should be given the opportunity. We notice that Benjamin Fine, education editor of the New York Times, gives the fol lowing recommendations as the results of a survey : "Every high school and college should re quire students to study American history. Obviously, we cannot create patriotism through legislation, nor can we expect to get better citizens merely by the process of textbook-osmosis. Nevertheless, the course in American history can serve as a base, as a point of departure from which the future leaders of the land can grow and develop. "Higher teaching standards are necessary. Unfortunately the teaching of American history in many of our secondary schools does not receive sufficient attention. All too often American history is but an additional assignment of an over-worked science teach er, or football coach. "American history is as important for the professional as for the liberal art student. Do not neglect the teaching of other his tories. We need to know more about Euro peon culture and the ways of the Orient. "Our history is strikingly dynamic, color ful, alive, forceful. Teaching American his tory need not become a boring task to the instructor or the student." He also brought out another vital factor, that "industrial peace promotes industrial prosperity." They "Said It With Bonds" It was not idle curiosity that brought hundreds of citizens in this area to the war bond rally last Thursday evening. Had it been curiosity there would not have been nearly ninety thousand bonds sold. The same spirit that has fired the hun dreds of Haywood County boys to volunteer in the service and who are now scattered over the world, serving on land and sea and in the air, inspired the crowds that gathered around the Park Theatre Thursday evening. Haywood folks want to win this war. They want Victory for their country. They are willing and glad to dig deep down in the j savings of a life time and in their weekly pay check, to pay the price of freedom. We commend the fine work of the com mittees in charge. A public demonstration of the type of last Thursday is good for a community. It gives those who attend a bond of national understanding that merely handing out money does not always give. The sight of that ambulance bearing the emblem of the American Red Cross, which drew applause as it passed in the parade represented far more than a red cross on a white background. Mothers in that crowd on Thursday knew that if their boy was wounded on a battlefield, more than likely an ambulance, similar to the one in the pa rade would carry him to safety and attention. This war has touched the common heart of us all. The long struggle that lies ahead means sacrifice on the home front as well as on the battle lines. We are all beginning to realize more and more the necessity for buying bonds to finance this war. It can not be won any other way. We must pay for our liberties. We feel sure that every man, woman and child who saw that parade and saw the people buying bonds in such wholesome mea sure had their patriotism stirred as it has not been for days. The headlines of the pa pers became realities. Right here on Main Street we fought a victorious battle with the Germans and the Japs. Every bond that was bought meant support to our men. They meant ammuni tion and supplies to keep our armed forces going. We are going to have to learn, as the Eng lish people have, that our lives cannot go on in the old familiar pattern of indulging ourselves as we did in the days before the war. Luxuries will have to wait until the Germans and Japs have had enough of our brand of fighting. There will be other calls before the war is won. We might as well begin to buckle down and plan to reduce our way of every day living and save to TEST OF AMERICAN STEEL w JWWASHINGTC See Wave of In September Labor and ircj Oct!) How OPA's Price Panel Do Big Job HERE and THERE By HILDA WAY GWYN i To be able to make history . . . to take part in the jrn alest com bat experience the world has ever known . . . and to have the power of pen to describe for others those historical events ... is more than most men will ever realize . . . yet that is just what Commander Frederick J. 15 11, naval officer, and recent guest at C'ataloochee Itanch is doin; . . . Convalesinj; from a back injury received in the South Pacific where he was on combat duty six months and two days, Commandi r Bell was a pa tient at the Naval convalescent hospital in Asheville for three months, prior to coming to Hay wood . . . His stay at the Ranch was a kind of last tonic to health before going back on duty. He will soon report to the Navy de partment . . . but he has not been resting in the ordinary sense of the word, for he has been writing a book . . . which will shortly be published. . . P.UY MORF WAR BONDS. No "Trick Taxes' There is talk that a sixfold increase in social security taxes will be recommended by the Treasury Department as a war fi nancing measure. Many feel that such a proposal should be discouraged. Any increase in social security tax should not be a war time measure, but a step in I promoting an expansion of the social se curity system, which will carry over to peace time. The present tax for social security now in effect, both old age and unemployment insurance, is one per cent on the covered employer and one per cent on the employee. The law, which was passed in 19:5, calls for an advance to two per cent on each next year. The Wagner social security bill now in Congress proposes six per cent each, and would extend the system to 20,000,000 now outside it. Mpst people are going to feel that war fi nancing should not be tied up in any way with this unrelated social change. j when he introduces you to Bar ,bara, you know instantly how she ratis with her father . . . Incident ally Commander and Mrs. Bell have I had GO days together nut of the past nve years. . , When he came back to this coun try a few months ago he had been on s a duty for around five years . . . he was aide to Vice Admiral Ailolphus Andrews in command of forces in Hiawaii . . . and from there went as damage control offi cer on the Horse . . . He has firm faith in the destroyer . . . for he considers her the most dangerous ship for size ... he refers to her as a "triple threater" . . . He was in the South China seas when the war broke out. . . In May, a year ago, he was put in command of a destroyer in the South Pacific and was in the original occupation of the Solomons . . . where he saw a great deal of fighting. . . We were afraid that we were not going to get an interview with the Commander ... in these days of rationing, points off the regular beat are not always accessible . . . We took the matter up with Mrs. Tom Alexander . . . and found that the Commander would be passing through town . . . and we suggest ed the idea, if possible, for his stopping by the Mountaineer office . . . which was asking a good deal, because we knew that we could add nothing to the glory and fame of the Commander . . . But now we think we can , . . for we can give him another top grade in gracious ness, for he possesses that quality in marked degree, otherwise he would never have stopped in the village and given us an oppor tunity to fire some questions at him . . . we must admit, however, that it cramped our style, to feel that he was in a hurry and he had taken time out ... so we (land not cover all the ground we would like to have . . . for Commander Bell is an authentic hero. . . "The strain of being on combat duty is terrific," he said . . . and explained how tense his men were day and night . . . even when not in actual fighting, each minute they were expecting attack . . . and it does something to the nerves, he pointed out. . . He said, while his men were physically fit, they all lost from 8 to 10 pounds during those months of vigilance and fight ing. . . Industrial Peace If the members of the National Associa tion of Manufacturers were as familiar as citizens of this area are with the policies of Reuben Robertson, head of the Champion Paper and Fibre Company, they would fol low his endorsements made recently at the meeting in New York. In his relation to his employes and his understanding of the problems of the work ing man, Mr. Robertson has made a name for himself in Western North Carolina. His fairness and his principles of justice are in corporated in his daily dealings with those who work with and for him, as head of a large industry. He touched the keynote of the relation between employer and employe when he said that "like any other human relationship, industrial relations need cultivation good industrial relations don't just happen." He is a native of Princess Anne County, Virginia, and was a m.m ber of the class of 11)24 of Annapo lis. . . He has had the good fortune (or bad, all according to your view point) ... of being at spots over the world, since his graduation, where something important was happening. . . He has time rows of service ribbons. . . He has been awarded the Navy Cross . . . the Purple Heart . .' . South Pacific Asiatic ribbon . . . four stars, eacli repres nting participation in a major combat . . . another ribbon for service in the Middle East , . . another for American Defense area . , . for the Second China Campaign . . , and for the Second Nicaragua campaign . . . when in the thick of things a few months ago a torpedo exploded "near" his ship, he was knocked flat on his back . . . but in the excitement he went on, not realizing he was hurt . . . but in time he was ordered to return home for rest and treat ment. . . He is a hero, minus any pompous personal praise for him self . . . It's all in the day's run . . . but he admits that he has been very fortunate ... but he has reference, not to his accomplish ments, but to his narrow escapes. Another tiling you would like about the Commander is his sense of humor . . . For that is how we happened to learn he was at Cata loochee Ranch. . . One night we had two girls stop with us. . . They wanted to drive to the Ranch the next clay . . . and told of their reason . . . One was Captain Ruth Ginns, of the WAC'c . . . the other Jackie Martin, first WAC official photo grapher . . . well known newspaper reporter and photographer . . . for merly on Washington Herald . . . great friend of owner, Mrs. Pat terson ... is now magazine writer and photographer . . . and does column for "Country Gentleman" . . both gills extensively traveled . . . The Captain is a graduate of University of Pennsylvania and when entend service was person nel director of one of Philadelphia's largest department store . . . both modern to their fingertips . . . seen enough of the world not to be sur prised at anything . . . But they found a surprise awaiting them right here in these hills. . . Jackie Martin had been sent by the Ladies Home Journal to get a photograph of Commander Bell and his wife . . . to use in connection with a series of letters to be published in the magazine, written by the Com mander to his wife, while he was in the South Pacific . . . they will appear in the next few months. Most Stores Co-operating With OPA Price Ceilings Special to Central Press WASHINGTON Look for a drive to police CPA . consumer durable goods, consumer services sucn and laundrying, restaurants, perhaps fuel. It will . "housewife pajrols." One of the least publicized but most successful u: OPA was its creation of price panels last fall. Sir., up, the panels have made phenomenal progress in r r.: munity-wide dollars-and-cents price ceilings estaUis:. ceries in more than 150 cities throughout the nan. ,, Three members of each of the country's 6.500 i., constitute a "price panel." These members in tun panel assistants, volunteers whose j K on observance of price ceilings M stores were contacted in the Bust York, Chicago and Cleveland areas Results obtained are little short claims. In the Atlanta area, v. i.. : southeastern portion of the United States, from Cm . the retail food stores are complying with the ceihi ton, where violations once were openly flagrant, n. : of the 1,800 groceries now are observing the ceili:.s Clubwomen, housewives, professional and small hi: serve as panel assistants are giving full credit for tl:, price violations found are settled peacefully at cent,! tion boards. Few cases reach the stage where cut'. ; are filed in the courts. In Detroit, during one two-week period, 246 con.;, vestigated and only two had to be given to enforce!:., Mrs. Anne P. Flory, who bosses the show from enthusiastic. "We operate on the premise that the store keeper,, honest and want to comply," she says. "If we didn't tins program." f ' COMPETENT LABOR OBSERVERS in Washing m pre ing that a wave of labor trouble strikes will break - it m s,; ber, early October at the latest. Sore spots are tli, v...:m..::s. craft, automobile and coal industries. Even adnnr.wtniti-n c. in the capital admit that there is a lot of unrest u. riurs, to wage freezing and rising prices. Head-line maker John L. Lewis may hit the front pices as His United Mine Workers union now has its plea for wage r v,. ... War l.ahnr hoard. A decision is expected soon. If w age demands are turned down, miners may walk out without a ing any strike call from L,ewis. I nnn,hor nrohlem- Secretary of Interior Harold L. Ickes is rati ing government-operated mines to their private owners. The go ment seized them after a nrst coai siriKe in may. ueuis nas inoiort that the eovernment operate them, said that his ml would work for Uncle Sam but not private operators unless vi demands are met. a cw...inven mav come when congress returns Sept 14 AS enacted the Smith-Connally Anti-Strike vehi-h amoiiff other things, carries provisions that could put a sti i aii Rnt hnw effective the measure is going to be It icaui-i j"'" - awaits a major test. In this connection, look for more frequent use of the word "sanctions" in labor dispute cases. Presi dent Roosevelt, in signing the executive order promising the WLB full support of the government in enforcing its decisions, told how "sanctions" it Viia iimrri milH 1 ip flnnlied. Reluctant workers could be drafted; they could be jailed if f picketed or encouraged a strike; ana mey couiu oe u. f. ii (ho fm- the duration of the war in extreme cases if n .u.:.. ;i c.n-iiv henAfita also temporarily cut 1 Si-y wiin men auuai ''""j Industries producing only civilian goods could be driven out of tj ness by withholding of materials n mey ieiu.u w ,a;dr oHito Wnr industries would be taken over by the governm rrheo ot-a Hip ennrtions wh ich could be clamped down. Big que L hgw tough and how far .the government wishes to go Showdotfit May Capo Very sin I Shortly alter the girls arrived, Tom Alexander phoned from the Ranch and asked us if we could keep i a secret, and would we help him Out . . He and Commander Bell were going to pull a bit of Moun tain stuff on the girls . . . we were to notify the Ranch when they left town ... so that everything would be ready . . . We thought the girls would never get up, then never get dressed, much less get to break fast anil start . . . Mr. Alexander suggested we hurry them up and tell them the Commander wished to take a mountain trip . . . But it worked the wrong way . . . for they chimed in and said, "Oh, tell him to go on, we'll come later". . . But they finally got off . . . and I we phoned . . . the stage was set. ! Shortly before they reached the top of the mountain they spied a log across the road . . . and some un ' shaved mountaineers (the Com 'mander the leader) . . with guns . . . I at first (so they told us later) they thought the road was closed . . . with a mean look in their eyes the , im n asked if thty were expected 'at the Ranch . . . then things happened fast ... a shot was fired, but the ice was broken then ... for Miss Martin is a crack shot j. . . and she knew it was aimed too ; high ... so she said . . . "Come to the city, boys, and I'll teach you :how to shoot." . . . When they re turned they greeted us . . . "Well, you are a nice hostess to be a party to the crime" . . . but they got a big kick out of actually be ing frightened after all the tight spots they had been in . . . but they erot the picture fur the Home Journal . . . :m.l val our first introduction : f 'mist er Bell ... so you -' ,. ;- fcst roirular nerson . . .d -'lie' w ill I ing a hero and an air e. Voice . of thi: People THE OLD HOME TOWN Commander Bell is the author of two books . . . and is writing his third. . . The latter is of the fight ing in the South Pacific . . . and the title, "Condition Red" . . and the sub-title, "Destroyer action in the South Pacific" ... It will be off the press in October . . . His first book was "The Navy, its Ships and Men" . . . His second book, "Room to Swing a Cat," which is now in its third edition, deals with the early U. S. Navy. He is proud of the fact that his wife, who is an artist in her own name, drew the jackets for his two books and has also illustrated the cover for his third ... and we must not forget to tell you of his daughter, Barbara, for By STANLEY CPSSS-T1.-HANK. JUST WALK OVER To THE BANK, YOU KNOW, SORT $ CARELESS C ' LIKE- - I WANT THIS STJ?AN3eTt)J "THINK VIE ABE? WATCHIN9 HIM.' f I - 1 . I j v I nt wism I LUCK I I fC C LIKE? A. PIANO S II sSJsJS MAIN STREET" What is "' ' eat (in ap)ile a ml ' ovite varietii of Mixs Xtmrtlt ' best in a juie hard sauce am! e favorite the kii'd best apple roll." Jerry Lim " I and I like Ptavir r. .v. ;'" Stayman Wim served in .-" r ' good raw, or ' apples, pies, saie best all round a'l ' Mrs. H. W. apples in salad a' Stark's Deliciou-- : vanilla flavor dark in salads." Mrs. Jack H " ' apples raw and is my favorite " Mrs. J. C. If' -use 'I prefer apple Northern Spies ' i cooking." Rufvs Siler "1 raw, peeling. cy prefer Bonums." Dr. S. L. St,-:- ,,- Stayman Winesar4 : eat them raw." W. T. Shelton saps, and I want to i. C. A. Black ' Winesap is my fav are just, as good ra : i : - nil Regardless oi " , . tes you hear the - ' ; jj Great Britain, under able ship, are fighting -telligent war.