f SEPTEMBER 23, 1943 (One Day Nearer Victory) THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 5 k- tamers r To Get 1 Auntnfi f Ammunition J':;"' :e.ii.O TiC- ooil county now Brothers Serving In Armed Forces quotas oi ammu- 'V, ;lnd shotguns ior i the farm under a ,,,-der of the War !,,,!, ;t was announced ,'i'n A. Boyd, chair i',,i;r.ty USDA War making ammunition -,,,, i s was worked P hv the War Food " . j A I, ill and IS UCBlgiieu m and livestock raisers j,rt.s and snoigun ntrii ,.f their crops and ii.i predatory atti- bS11 "". i... n,l ciH .Tir War r been Administration u shortage oi ammunition K -WSXKittSmiimiK: ! iiv.:!SS,r , . 1 n: .,..jiaTnrv nmmMis tontruiii"K (ii ..- j -bT1K" he declared. "Because ,k enornmus demand of the ....... ummiinitinn. Ipsa three per cent ui " j,. has been avaname w tun- IN, " . , . . This new (JiuKiam 10 uvoig"- M make available small quan .nitinn through reETl- .i., -hunnt Is. je supplemental allotment, ai ' armers to purchase 50-.22 cal- n i .1 nn rjm hre rine canriugts, u ... riri,- cartridges, and 25 'pn shells provided they se- i. . .......tinta nrirtv fn On- ... i .... tni-u- written orders are n;i iii s bv that date. Be- . c. .. .mi i.'v t i ana lMovpmoer . . . . ,.v....iit thdcp u'hri novo ,vn (ir i!ii red me iarmers n,,(:i -iv nnrchase simi- . im.inn; s ni ammunition, it is in nriler, however, that ....... ti!,.l (Itirinir the nprind , . x. I in ...Ml -inlHi:,. h XOVt'nillHI in Will hffilliil until all requests from i . ! t hii!i i-omi 1 o f ah 1 n . . 1 1 "-ammunition, farmers will be : u-e on their own farms by ifl . UiI.lL Lilt- ,-UCL 11 UUUia IlflH : bten ordered previously, and i: the ammunition will not be . j . 1 . "x .um'iiu'i in r o anuws iarmers D.rcnase l raiiner rnrt- 1" Mil. LBlLllUgCO, ti 25 shotgun shells during any Bar certificate. "This special quota,"' Mr. Boyd jm out, "is in addition to the arterly allotments of ammuni- n o me rs. am nrnpra tnv wiar aimtniMits tor the fourth arter shnuld be placed immedia- iy after September 30. Orders -. regular mini quarter allotments aw fecial quota must be olac- SMfire (letnber 1 at which timp T '; I.il- I h,... - i:v:,::in i.ther than farmers an- 'r.T fur thl' mnpiul nnnfo rf oyv !-.... vjvyi.c VII a I II " ""I mi- Ursru lur silOOling .XTS'ul-v ..........I I . l .1 . v., uuvii., ,L IL Rectal Soreness Get Relief New Easy Way Sit In Comfort "tt ot itching, painful rectal toreneBg "irmpuiffia which may 1bo accompany , Ml nd hemorrhoida. Brings aoothingr ol comfort upon contact, formi pro. w f'.m over ore area, helpa destroy J1 ec rm, aid Nature heal up raw, " cs. No oil - no grease to stain '.r.f l. on money back guarantee. ttii miuicrn relief today ... ask for PROLARMON RECTAL SMITH'S DRUG STORE .11 0 4i 0 Mr. and Mrs. William Norman, of Waynesville, route 1, have two sons in the service. They are Staff Sergeant Nathan Norman, (left to right), who recently spent a 20-day furlough here with his parents and has returned to Camp Carson, Col. Sgt. Norman has recently come back from the Pacific area where h served at Guadal canal and New Caledonia. He volunteered in the army in HMO and received his basic training at Fort Bragg. Private First Class Marion E. Norman, who entered the service in 1942, is now stationed at Fort Lewis, Wash. He was sent from the induction center to Camp Wheeler, Ga., where he served until he was sent to his present post of duty. Hrailli v, et u. TRANSACTIONS IN , liCCll rLSlttte 1 W CM Iv.iIiin li;,,,rir, II 4. P.w,,r-,Lrl t llnnZiu VfM ' SehllMlakrl. ,.t UN. ;W. T Miller, U. S. Navy, I Now Serving Overseas i Chief Boatswain's Mate W. T. Miller, son of J- L. Miller, of Way nesville. who has been in charge of the Recruiting station in Clarks burg, West Va. since July, lt'42. is now serving overseas. He enlisted in the navy at the age of Ui years in l!l;l and served twenty years in active duty, six teen of which were at sea. He was on an inactive statu in the tleet reserve fur four year prim- to World War number 2. During his years at ea he serv ed on 11 different ship which in cluded the V. S. S. Rochester, V . S. S. Reed, I'. S. S. Toucev, V. S. S. Pittsburgh, U. S. S. Pecos. V. S. S. Nitro, V. S. S. Salinas, V. S. S. Hannibal. V. S. S. Canioiant. a subchaser and the I'. S. S. Si-gourney. While stationed aboard the sub chaser, he served in the Panama I Canal Zone for two years. Dur j ing the present war he served auoara me u- a. . sigourncy, which was later given by this coun try to Great Britian. Before serving in Clarksburg, Chief Boatswain Miller and his wife resided in Charleston, West Va., where he was on duty at the West Virginia capital's recruit ing station. Mrs. Miller and dau ghter will remain in Clarksburg for the present. At St. John's i The World's News Seen Through The Christian Science Monitor An International Daily Newspaper u Truthful Constructive Unbiased Free from Sensational- Um Editorials Are Timely and Instructive and Its Daily Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make the Morfttor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. The Christian Science PuMishinR Society One, Norway Street, Boston, M.ns.ichusetts Price (12.00 Ve.irlv, or $ 00 n Month. Saturday Issue, inclm'ins Maame Section, .J.t)0 a Year. Introductory Of.cr, 6 Saturday Isfaies 25 Conn. Name . Address - - SAMl'l I! COPY ON RKQL'l ST Of This Week-) Clyde Ttitoixliip Noblv Jenkins, to T- H. Haym C. R. Clark, et ux to R. J. Green. (Jaddis R. C. Sellers to Howard H. Smathers. Robert Snyder, et ux to Paul S. Francis, et ux. James B. Medford, et ux to Howard Leatherwood, et ux. J. E. Massie, et ux to N. W. Gaddis, et ux. Wade Wilson, et ux to Willie Carver, et ux. Walter G. Smathers, et ux to T. H. Haynes. nor used ior sale or as a gut, ami that present stocks on hand or on order do not exceed 100-.22 caliber rifle cartridges. 20 center fire cart ridges or 50 shotgun shells. Certificates necessary for mak ing application for supplemental ammunition may be reproduced, and may be obtained from the County USDA War Board, he said. Buy War Bonds and Stamps. Ansel Medford to Mary Hum- garner. Vance Muse, et ux to Engine Craig, et ux. Boone Medford, et UX to Mrs. Lena Wyalt. J- M. Long, et ux to Boone Med ford, et ux. Boone Medford, to Sainniie Chap man, et ux. George H. McNabli, et u x to Fred Lewis, et ux. Mal.el 1. Mom field to F. II. Maker, i l ux. PAR El THEATRE WAYNESVILLE, N. C. Thursday-Friday September 23-24 Action In The North Atlantic Starring H. Bogart and R. Massey. Saturday September 25 "Fighting Buckeroo" With Chas. Starrett and K. Harris, 10:30 P. M. LATE SHOW - Behind The Eight Ball with Ritz Brothers and (J. Hruce. Sunday September 26 "The Sky's The Limit" Starring Fred Astaire and J. Leslie. Monday-Tuesday - September 27-28 e "So Proudly We Hail" Starring Claudette Colbert and P. Goddard. Wednesday September 29 "Harrfeans Kid" With Bobby Readick and Wm. Gargan. Reclassifications Announced This Week The following reclassifications ui re announced by the local draft board s rving the Waynesville area of the county, during the past week: Benjamin R. Mashburn was put in class 1-A. James C. Helms was put in class l-A(H). Bengim H. Stricklan was placed in class 2-A. Placd in class 2-C were, M. B. Reeves, Jr.. and J. D. Smith. Clarence W. Muse was placed in class .l-A(H). Browdy M. Messer was put in class 3-C. Ralph R. Whitehousp was put in class 4-A. Osborne H. Foster was placed in class l-C(H). Seaman W. R. McClure Returns To Great Lakes S:aman Second Class William R. McClure, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn McClure, of route I, has re turned to the Naval training station at Great Lakes after spending a nine-day leave here with his par ents. Seaman McClure volunteered in the Naval Reserve on July 7, of this year and his leave came at the com pletion of his boot training. He expects to be transferred from Great Lakes shortly after his ar rival there. Before entering the service Seaman McClure was ,a member of the senior class of the Waynesville Township high school. ( 'barlie 1 '. M , a!vi v. el u to Glenn Campbell, e! u. .Minnie Sutton and Alnev Me- hni rrriln in hurlshin , ,. , . , . . ' ,. ' hall e , et all to I ha i lie 1 . Me ,1. 0. Hall, et ux to 1). ('. Tur- )lar,.v L'1 UN'-.. , , ' K:v liiadlev. it ux. ami J. A. James Lit m,. ,., ux to On, lie , ()W (,, uv a )n (.aM Llfonl- 1,1 UN- . well, el ux. Haywood Chapman, et ux to . HaUj(, ,.;lm)l(.1 .,,, iuishiimi, J. Brown et ux (;,(.nM ,.. , , -h.41.lk. MebalVev. L. L- Santord, et ux to J. A. , Hinson, et ux. J, , ,, , ( ,, , , Tnr,tsliii Rov Hampton, et ux to ( hallos ii ,- , .Marion dreell, el ux In J. I-. i ranklm King, et ux. . Ki)e, et UX. Cecil Toinixhiit ' " , . , 1 II (iii)tenrilli- I tt ic ii s ft i p Florence White to Charles (.! r. "wilhtun, to James N. Crumpton. Ujardner. et ux. Ed Isenhour, et ux to Stevenson Henry Miller. I. R. Gaddis. et ux to Robert Canton Man Promoted From Captain To Major In a list of recent promotions an nounced by the War Department from Washington of ollicers and orders directing newly appointed oHiccrs to proceed from tin ir homes for active duly, was the name of Captain Phillip (ihnn Kinken. of Newfound Street, ('anion. Cap lain Kinken was promoted to Ma jor. Harold Francis Loaves For San Francisco Harold Francis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude T. Francis, who is st rving with the V. S. Merchant MISS MARIAN KRAMER, R. N., above, is the teacher of St. John's all-day kindergarten. She graduated from St. Francis School of Nursing, Peoria, 111., and holds an Illinois State certificate of nurs- 1 ing. Marines, left Friday for San Fran cisco, after spending several days here with his parents. Young Francis has been in the j Merchant Marines for the past 14 'months. Before entering he was employed at the Shipyards in Beau mont, Texas. He i a graduate of the Way nesville Township high school and attended State College for two Villi's. The Italian lake is now being used almost exclusively by ships of I lie I'niled Nat ions. Time to Cook with Gas the Perfect Fuel Economical Clean Quiric Essotane Metered Service City gut convenience Installed anywhere Brad ing Gas Service PUBLIC SALE I am discontinuing farming, and on October 6th will sell publicly to the highest bidder at my home on Cataloochee: 9 HEAD OF BEEF CATTLE 2 MILK COWS WITH CALVES 1 SHORTHORN BULL 1 YEARLINGS 1 MILE All farming tools, including plows, one wagon, one mowing machine, one hay rake, two harrows. All furniture and house equipment. Sale begins at 2 p. m. Signed, WILL PALMER R. L. Prevost, et ux to W. M. Baines, et ux- Perry Norman, et ux to (!. F. Mashburn, et ux. Frank SmathersLet ux to Nancy C. Jov. J. G. Robinson to Mrs. Mary , Kate Phillips to .1. Ira Marcus, Angel. : et ux. H. W. Woodard to Julian Rathe, et ux. Mary Liner to Hardy Liner, Jr. Mrs. Etta Kluts to Charles Un derwood, et ux. Rufus Browning to Azor Griffin, et ux. Cnibtree Tuwixhii j Elizabeth Whitner, Rabel and J. A. V. Morrow, et ux to Gulbert R. Whitner, et ux to Farmer Rog Gregory, et ux- ers. Ben Killian, et ux to Oscar L. I). C. Turpin, et ux to T. S. Smith, et ux. Roten. I H. B. Milner, et ux to Fred Ar- Enttt Fork Tni iishii j wood, et ux. George R. Sharp, et ux to Jim j James McCall. et ux to Sam - j Fitzgerald, et ux. will not be used for target shooting: Mary Fowler to Charlie Grasty. The man who doesn't like hot wnnfhpr can now get r ady to dis Thanks a Million- We sincerely appreciate the many, many nice things said about our new home and the response during our opening days. We enjoyed serving each of the 410 customers on Friday, and also the 627 on Saturday. Come f Again o uoV.'V' The Bakery With the 100 Per Cent State Sanitary Rating Delicious Donuts t Cookies of Many Kinds Coffee Cakes Date Nut Loaf Fruit Pies REMEMBER HIM WITH A Fruit Cake We are now baking our delicious Fruit Cakes. They are ready to pack and mail to men overseas. Come in and select yours for him over there. He will enjoy every crumb this Christmas. Angel Food Cakes Pound Cake Layer Cake Guaranteed Eggs Pet Dairy Products Pearce's Waynesville Bakery MAIN STREET WAYNESVILLE, N. C. like cold w:ather. It's coming.