jjflSDAY. SEPTEMBER 23, 1943 ' (One Day Nearer Victory) ui m i m Jit of 1943,44 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER P&g 7 ,; Parent 1 eacners i their first meet .4! school term on ,,.,n at 2:30 in -ehool building, was taken up ,nt of various ,. for the com- Mrs. Whitener Prevost Hostess Of One More For Us farty tor Mother on 73rd Birthday ch. ' he h Mi.-. ;s j fciifht. Polity -rati- num 1 Mr, s Eaia ,tf will serve group and her include: , I ' J. I'. Dicus; y .... Mary Lou Moody; l'aisy Boyd. appointed the fol program, Mrs. Iv'.'.i,,. and Mrs. John ,,,,,::,!), Mrs. W. F. Young and Mrs. membership, Mrs. Mi- Mary Lou Moody; up. -iis. ari K. Williamson and Patterson; room rep Mis. Kyle Campbell; M. Mrs. Grady Farmer 0. I'- Ledbetter. tudv course, Mrs. L. C. Mi,, Lois Marroia, una g3rrv I'.i ans; library, Miss jr ere maae Dy Law- k, uath-i.d. principal, an pa rents were lntroaucecr presiiK'Mt. pr,nip oted to hold the, the second Wednesday if- brrtu-n ock. ch month at 3:30 Mrs. Whitener Prevost was hos tess on Friday at her home en Brown avenue of a luncheon honor, ing her mother. Mrs. V. T. Craw ford, on the occasion of her seventy-third birthday anr.iverary. The color combination l,lK. and pink marked the party ap pointments. The table wa- center ed with a cake bearing T;J candles ami decorated in the colors. Mrs. Craw bird n the ii the late . T. Iraul'i known local attorney, who sented this district in (' t ...i . ..i no feveiai lerms. Mic daughter of the late James K Coman and Laura McCrackci man. For years Mrs. Crawford, who is beloved by a large circle of ' friends, has been active in the religious, civic and sociai life of the community. She is an active member of the First Baptist , church, having served for years as a teacher in the Sunday school and : has held numerous offices in the ; prevailing d. v, i-;l i rcpre- is II, e . Rebel t I o- oigamzatioiss of the church. She i also an active member of sever al women's groups in the com munity. Mrs. Crawford is the mother of Mi-. William Ira I.ee, wife of lei. Pee. of Ciatlinburg. Tenn.; Mis. Howard Jennings, wife of I.'.. Jennings, I'. S. Marines, now stationed in Quant ieov Va.. the hos-'--: Hillary 11. Crawford, attor ty. d' San Fiancisco. Calif.: Lt. 1 I. Hai iy Ciaw ford, regular I', v aimy. new serving in Knglaud Sergeant Fled Crawford, who is -tationed in Kngland; and Walter T. Crawford, attorney, who holds a state position in Raleigh. Among those invited to the luncheon on Friday were: Mrs Harry Marshall. Mrs. James R Thomas, Mrs. K. N. Barber, Miss. Margaret Stringfield, Mrs. Marie Love Mitchell, Mrs. J. Howell Way, Miss Jessie Horren, and Miss Sylla Davis. Mis. Crawford was the recipient of many gifts and messages on the occasion. Pearce s Waynesville Bakery Has A Successful Opening Here i- i favnesville Music feb Will Meet At Parish louse On Saturday fae initial meeting or tne way bill Music Club will be held at tGrace Church Parish House on cardav afternoon the 25ti, ac me to an announcement by the resident of the club. i . like members are asked to as- rsble promptly at 3:30 o'clock.. Iminess session will be held with? liiscussion of plans for the com- ? year, I Irs, Blanche Ferguson Medf.prd fflrned to Washington, D. "G, Ejtday after spending her. vajii- with her mother, Mrs. H.'4$. tason. She was accompanied ber son, fugene Medford, who ed to be present i be a student at the University Maryland this year. Party Given By Joint Hostess For Men In Service On Thursday Misses Edith and Elaine Queen gave a party on last Thursday even, ing honoring Carl Griffin and Clyde Gieer of the l S. Navv. and Cpl. Cecil Gaddy of the U." S. Army. Games were enjoyed and refresh ments served. Those attending were: Helen Rushm, Catherine Davis, Mary Evelyn Colvard, Mary Alice Davis, Francis Scates, Ida Mehaffoy, Hes sie Gaddy, Edna Byrd, Nell" Allen, Grace' Allen, Dorothy Scruggs and Rosalie Cochran. Earl Rudisall, Marshall Davis, David Mills, Harold Byrd, Jess Kushin, Hugh Compton, Bill Davis, Bob Mills, Joe Davis and Earnest Snyder. O.ivic League Meeting Changed To .October 6th At Home Of President VTTh wj ne waynesville Civic League vwnich 4vas scheduled to meet on September the 29th has been post poned to October the 6th, according to an announcement this week. Tne meeting will be held at the hoitMi of the president, Mrs. Rufus L. Allen on Wednesday evening at 7:30, o'clock. All members are urg. Hiss l.nis Massie has gone to ssvillt. where .she has restiWlfed work at the University oi KttsHt'. Miss Massie is a mem ; if the junior class at the Uni- ? where she is majoring in :al education. . ..-.Misjj Doris Colkitt, who is a student at Virginia Intermont Col lege, Bristol, Va., spent the week end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Colkitt. Mrs. Stanley Brading has re turned from a week's visit to friends and relatives in Chicago. Want Ads Large Croup From DAR Chapter To Attend Meeting In Asheville The Dorcas Bell Love Chapter. Daughters of the American Revolu tion will have a large representa tion at the annual district meeting which will be held in Asheville on next Tuesday. Among those scheduled to attend are: the regent, Mrs. S. H. Bush nell, delegates, Mrs. R. N. Barber and Mrs. J. V. Killian, alternates, Mrs. J. F. Abel and Mrs. W. F. Swift, Mrs. R. L. Prevost, Mrs. W. A. Hyatt, Mrs. J. Harden Howell, state chairman of Indian work, Mrs. Leon Killian and Mrs. T. Le noir Gwyn. Miss Betsy Siler and Miss Mar guerite Way, high school students will serve as pages at the meeting. Haywood Chapter UDC To Hold Meeting With Mrs. W. F. Swift The Haywood Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy will hold their October meeting on Fri day, the 1st, at the home of Mrs. W. F. Swift on the Fairview Road. Mrs. Ernest J. Hyatt will have the paper of the afternoon, the sub ject, "Matthew Fontaine Murray." ject, "Matthew Fountaine Murray.'' will preside. The nominating com mittee will br'ng their report in and the annual election of officers will be held. All members are urged to attend. Mrs. James L. Kirkpatrick, Jr., who is with her husband at Fort Monmouth, N. J., arrived during the week for a visit with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rose, at their home on the Balsam Road. Mrs. Kirkpatrick is the former .Miss Carol vn Rose. Mi Phillip Myers and young PANT h i i ::ii,. r.,.. v- P.,rk, 222 Mr,. ? ' Driver in exchange i Tampa, Fla., about 1 Mr. Scobie. Phone; Sept. 23 I 1 -ed piano priced at li ui Street. Clarine ' Sept. 23 I n BUY Automatic i machine. Will pay; Mox 511, Waynes-' Ration Books-Can-i in name of Badger i I'e 2, Waynesville. '' a e return. Sept, 16-23-30. i n Book No. 1 issued - ' f Josephine Bowers ' '.17-322, and Sylves (y, Jr., No. 678896- ")' please return to (;ay, Waynesville. Sept. 16-23-30. LOST Ration Book No. 1. issued in name of Mrs. Edna Ray No. i7S.'i:. and J. Wilford Ray No. 67S362. Finder please return. Sept. 23-30-Oct. 7 LOST Gas Ration Books Nos. B486P32 - ANI. B-1S6031 - AN I. 'Finder please return to Spaldon Underwood. S pt. 16-2:1-30 daughter, Virginia, have arrived from Atlantic City, where they have been visiting the former's parents-in-law, for a visit with her father and mother. Judge and Mrs. Fiank Smathirs. Her husband. Captain My rs is serving with the 7l h Army under General Patton i SOMEWHERE AT SEA a crewman ot i one of our PC ships paints on th , boat's stack the insignia indicat ; ing the bagging of a Jap sub. Hear ing the sub, the PC depth-bombed it to the top, blasted lt with guns and sent it down stern first, all in 25 minutes. (international) I Methodist Circles To Hold Meetings On Tuesday, The 2Sth i The circles of the Woman's So ciety of Christian Service of the; First Methodist Church will meet on Tuesday at the follow ing places !and hours: I I Circle number one with Mrs. Guy ! Massie at 3:30 in the afternoon; 'circle number two with Mrs. J. E. Massie at 3:30 in the afternoon; j circle number three with Mrs. Zeb Curtis at 3:30 in the afternoon; circle number four with Miss Francis and Miss Helen Ray at 7:30 in the evening; circle number five at the surgical dressings rooms in the Masonic Temple at 7:30 with Mrs. , Wayne "Corpening and Mrs. Marguerite Carver as hostesses. Legion Auxiliary To Give Dinner Honoring Legionnaires Saturday The members of the American Legion Auxiliary will entertain with a dinner at 7:30 on Saturday evening at th Lagion Home on Depot Street. The affair will honor the Legion post members in appre ciation of the completion of pay ments on the Legion Home. Mrs. J. M. Anderson, Miss Jes sie McCall and Miss Belly Patton are visiting relatives in Hazel wood, after spending the summer in Branford, Conn., ami Purling ton, Vt. Their home is in Davlona Beach, Fla. Mrs. Cornelia Nixon left during the week for Chicago, where she will visit friends and relatives there. i 'Illi'W I tat i' ui overseas. IN' has been iverscas since last De- Kennet b and Mrs. .1 wood. left ( ' n! I II Pal. Mi. el- ,,'h. WANTED Share cropper with help. Gi.i'd si,,,-!; and tuois fur nished. Mrs. Thud Cathey. Clvde. Sept. 16-23 ( t n TO RTTV T-;..i ;n r a ror cnna 3 to 1 j!:5 ' M I'. O. Box 856, Phone HEI.PFR WAWTun ar'Ml n snttlj s..dl rnr. vl-t 4 i t5r i neiper. snovua Llfe tr.n-if. ... : , . . Aenence. (jouia use '"man a. . if. . '"-es w nanaie rl TT , ... ts . c " "ynesviiie Moun- Sept- 16 p p'!' isRued in name of h-"s Havnes. Finder siyue, roure i. SToirT: b.. ' Part of Gas Ration tlr'J '""' "i in name of Pied ; 1-5.'n Co. (Fleet) F- K"'y. N. C. Finder "':rn. Sept. 23-30-Oct. 7 Ga5 p. tt T "our, issuea in ayr4:i;,vwe. Hipps Ketner, ts--. ' Finder please re- i vrrr- - cep 23-30-uct. 7 I -VVTt-r. car-10 BUY-Large-size ". can 9164. 5b43 p !I2e yard- Mrs- V 23 Route 2. Waynesville. WILL SKI.L $3(i.iH) baby carnage in good condition for $1.".H0 on account of leaving town. Phono 11S-.I. .ept. 2:i ROOMS FOR WINTKR --Steam heat, hot and cold running wa ter, private baths. tirade A rating, clean and sanitary. Rates by the month. Palmer House, 18 Pigeon Street, D. Drayton Per rv, manager Sept. 23-30 ude T. Francis and sis ieulah Blown, have re in a trip to Tennessee. da lighter, Nashville. Mrs ter, M t ill lied They vi.-iti'd the former Mrs'. Ibid Blalock. in lllptoll, s,i P. Compton. Sunday I'm where he will be a student at Stat College. Mr. and Mi- K. W. Mrdael,, who is taking training at the School of Nursing at the Nashville (biieral Hospital, and friends in Memphis. ami son, J News. a., :nr visiting hut's parent M r. and M McCiacken. at their home on Way nesville, roiiti. 1. New pol l the for- s. Hiram FOR SALE-One registered Guern sey bull, three years old, mon-, dvke Farm Stock, eight weeks, oid pigs and 4 hogs. C. W. Ed- I wards, Tuscola Farm, Lake Juna luska. Sept. 16-23 FOR SALE 7-room house water and lights near town. Barn 1 acres $2,000. Atkins In surance Agency. Ask for Mr. Stone. Phone 301. Sept. 23 lnvTrn TO BUY American and Swiss harmonicas and small Decca phonographs in first class condition. Phone 294-R. Sept. 23 J. (I. Madison, of near States ville, has returned home after vis iting hi- son and daughter-in-law. Rev. and Mrs. J. Clay Madison, at the parsonage of the First Metho dist church. Charles (iibson, who has been employed at the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Com pany, arrived home this week for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gibson. ' Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Kirkpatrick i have as their guests the latter's I brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and ' Mrs. Robert C. Ligon, of Ander I son, S. C. Mrs. W. T. ( raw ford has return ed from Duke Hospital where she was a patient and from Gatlin burg, Tenn.. where she visited In r -oii-in-law and daughter, Col and .Mrs. William I. Lee, following her return from Durham. Mrs. Delos Crary, of Wilniore, Ky., spent a week here with her sisters, Miss Nanette and Miss S. A. Jones. LOST Pocketbook Between Gulf Filling Station on Main street and Paul L. Young Taxi Lot Contained between ?18 and $28 in cash, army registration card, fire department card, T gas book in name of Eugene Wright, chauffeur's license. If finder will mail pocketbook and cards and other contents, they may keep monev. Address Paul L. Young, Waynesville. Sept. 9-16-23 FOR SALE Very choice Guern sey dairy heifers S25.00 each and up. Non-related bull free w'ith 5 head. Sayre Dairy Cat tle Co., Sayre, Pa. Sept. 16-23-30-Oct. 7-14 Here is a name f to remember V A 62 year record of 2-Way help VSe direction on lobi i .twrf; SSbr ii f j SHOKTKR "SKIRT" FOR MEN CHICAGO. -The Linen Supply (Association of America reports jthat shorter "skirts" for men are coming soon. The association said that in order to conserve on cotton fabric, shorter grocers' aprons and bartenders' jackets will be made for the duration. In adition, wait resses' skirts will be shorter stopping just below the knee. Wife Preservers, From the opening of the doors of the new home of the Way nesville Bakery on Friday after noon at 2 o'clock until the closing hour of 6, four hundred and ten ustomers tiled through and bought f the delicious wares offered for sale - and the joy with which they paid their money over the counters left no doubt as to the fact that they were ''satisfied customers." On Saturday there were six hundred and twenty-seven cus- 'iii'i- who bought bread, cakes, pies and rolls from the bakery, iiaking a total of 1.037 persons who patronized the bakery in less than two days. The last census gave Waynesville a population of 'ess than 3,000. Certainly no one lacked for sweets in this area over the last week-end. lt was not the crashing crowd that comes from a sensational im pulse, but a steady stream that came and went continuously on the opening day and no wonder for blocks the aroma of those cakes and cookies tilled the air like a heady appetizer. lt was hard to tell who was the hoppiest over the opening. Mr. and Mrs. Pearce and their gracious daughter, Miss Evelyn, who had came home from college for the week-end to take part in the grand opening, or the public. For every body who entered expressed plea sure over the service of such a bakery for when you get food thaj is .delicious from a bakery that rates 100 per cent state sani ,Uuy rating the public should be grateful. The daughter of the linn, who is majoring in science of foods, expects when she finishes college to come back and be a member of the lirni and do some "fancy cat ering." To tell the truth the food looked better in the new setting, with : row after row of white shelves , and the large show cases with tins ; of tempting cookies and cakes.; The revolving table with fruit cakes reminded one of Christmas and the boys overseas who will have to have theirs sent within the next few weeks, if they have one from home. There were teahalls, all sugar coated, fluffy angel food cakes, all of 200 of them, date loaf, ready for sandwiches, or better still, a nice rich sauce poured over it, flavored to your own liking. There were cherry pies ready for serv ing, and if you had rather have them lemon meringues, or the old apple standby. Cup cakes all iced in chocolate, and white sugar icing. There were Danish squares, a receipt from overseas. Date goodies that melt ed in your mouth. There were racks of layers for DEATHS MRS. NINA MILLKR Funeral services were conduct ed for Mrs iiK1 Vainer Mill' r, Pi, .widow of dene W. Miller, at 11 o'clock Saturday morning at the Morning S'.n Methodist church. The J. V. (,e..ge ( llllll'etll. assislcd l. II, , U . II. PI ss. oflieiated. par i il w a- in ' In church f"!!!"1''! V. M i -. M ilh i du d at her leoiii on Thin -day 1 1 1 i ni' g at :( o'clock fol 1 iw ing a ' roke of paralysi - last Sunday. Surviving' arc her two dauj'hiiT-, Mis- Fay and Mi-s Lucy Milh r, of Canton; two brothers, Charlie Warner of Canton and Grady Warn er, of Hock Ridge, Mo. Tin Wells Funeral Home of Can ton was in charge of the arrange ments. HKKMAN STUART Hi rman A. SHiart, (i!), a nv oi lier of the staff of the Imperial Hotel in Canton for the past two years, died suddenly in the hotel room at 7:15 o'clock Thursday morning, following a heart attack. Mr. Stuart was a native of Liver pool, N. S. He is survived by his wife and one daughter. Mrs. : Thomas M. Banner, i The body, was taken to Georgia !for interment. The Wells Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements. i cakes, as many as 48 can be baked at one time which would take around 30 minutes to mix and 16 can be put in pans in 8 minutes. It makes one's arms ache to think of such speed, except, of course, the mixing is done by machinery. There were cookies of every kind and variety from the old fashion ed sugar cookies to any fancy kind you might wish. They went out of that shop in dozen loads, many of them heading for some hungry boy in. camp. In fact the-very first sale was of four dozen cookies. The second sale was a fruit cake that was destined for the Christ mas box of a soldier. Orders were left during the afternoon for dozens of others to be shipped during the next few days and at later dates for men in camps. Soybean flour is being used as a substitute for milk, in bread and rolls, but not in cakes, lt gives the bread and rolls a delicious flavor, and saves milk for the use of the men in service, so Mr. Pearce, owner, pointed out. Mr. Pearce shows you about ; with pride, for he has at last reached his dream of a bakery in equipment and arrangement. He Pf c. James D. McClure Completes Course ' Private First Class James Dewey McClure, son of James F. McClure, has recently graduated from a j course in the armament dvpart ;ment, of the Army Air Forces technical training command at Lowry Field, Colo. He entered the service in April I of this year and was inducted at 'Camp Croft and from there was !sent to Fort Bragg. From Bragg he was sent to Miami for his basic training and then in July he was : transferred to Dow ry Field. I Pfc. McClure is a graduate of the local high school and at the time he entered the service was employed by the A. C. Lawrence Leather Company. His wife, Mrs. Calcic Lee McClure resides in Haz- elwood. is not alone in the realization of a dream come true, for the house wives of this community also ap preciate that at last they can get "home cooked" cakes and bread away from home, without "stew ing" in a hot kitchen to get them. FOUND A white, size O, baby shoe after parade last Thursday. Shoe is apparently new. Can be had by calling at The Moun taineer office. Buy War Bonds and Stamps. f VmI tonle, Cudol araaU If pepi up ipptuif, Hesj, gHtion, and thai falpi build S v nrT far th "time" tooonw. 1 4i3 8tarid 3 dy before your tlm. and taken aa directed, it hanld nelD relieve pain do to purely iuactionaT eaneee. I Ao V.ntir la rntinnH and sn must be used sparingly, a good way to season a plain hot vegetable is to add meat drip pings or melted bacon fat just before sorv in?. Don't forget the usual salt and peppef seasoning, however. Back the Attack Buy More War Bonds and Stamps, JOHN li. HOLDER Last rites were held at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon at Fincher's 'Chapel on Hyder Mountain for John ; B. Holder, 70, Haywood county farmer, who died at 3 o'clock Sun day afternoon at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Emerson McCrack en. who resid- s in the Hyder Moun tain area. The Rev. Grady Burgin, pastor, assisted by the Rev. V. P. Mc Cracken, officiated. Burial was in the Hyder Mountain cemetery. S rving as pallbearers were: Wayne Dotson, Herschel Dotson and Athol Holder, all three grand sons, and Lowell Dotson, Robert Ledford and Ned Crawford. Mr. Holder was born near Clyde and resided in the county all his life. He is survived by three sons, Herman Holder, of route 2, Staun ton, Va.; Pierce Holder, of Hope well, Va.; and Ray Holder, of route 1, Clyde; two daughters, Mrs. Clar ence Dotson, of route 2, Waynes ville; and Mrs. Emerson McCrack en, with whom he made his home. Just Arrived - - Children's Lovely Fall Iieautiful Fast Color DRESSES Several styles, all in latest fall colors. . . . Sizes 7 to 11. . . . H9S $398 New Fall Felt HATS AND TAMS f In all latest fall colors, and a f"' style to meet every requirement. $148 ond $198 Heautiful New COATS soi: ) r:.i; i:trxi .'; i i: i :s iin.i: Y. ai loii.'i 1. ail weather r ,at that's eea red t . the I lines. Smart plaid s,, id . and t wei ds with v. aler-resist- iint ent..i e-alia I dine lining. Sizes 5 to In. $895 $1650 Buy Shoes At OCTOBER 1 Buy While Stocks Are Complete SCHOOL OXFORDS Black and Tan. $1,79 , $3a95 (We have the Famous Bed Goose Shoes) BELK-HUDSON COMPANY "Home Of Better Values"

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