LrSPAY;0CTOBER 7, 1943 (Oneayearer Victory) THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAIN EEJR PRC 7 f- mid Mrs. Joe Gill Observe 25thrs J w. Kuiian fading Anniversary On Sat urday ITIZ Walnut Cove nd Mrs. Joe n. uu., vj- 'heir home; T . the app"ue'u " their twenty-fifth .-;,iti niai" s were s1""-" " " o the reception room by r- L- matners, oi miami ujvnesville, and Mrs. Joe i.inatban Woody introduced to Mr. ana Mrs. uiu aim William Haywood Gill, I 1 V I i .ir guests, Mr. aim Mrs. j. " iiall. of Greenwich, Conn., f,v B clavton, of Dallas, Tex., rfCeiveJ in the library. jonatnan vvoouy auu mio. lerwir Gwyn receiving m tne ... introduced the callers ,,nr oil' 01 IU gucai-o iuuuu . . ri: TUT Mrs rtnur du ouu nn. Townsena, oi mgnianas Washington, U. C.; Mrs. Henry ...or nf At ania: ana Mr. ana Paul Scott, Mrs. Jean Land, onatnan - and evening. aiuuu 1 rC,, iiaofQ k..n,lred ana iui " " (.Li"' Mrs. Earl Harwick, and Walter' Mrs- James w- Gillian will be Schutt, all of Miami hostess to the October meeting of Presiding at the tea f,wu c.he Dorcas Bell Love Chapter of the Mrs. Aaron Prevost Mrs Phillin : a ' 110 on nday after Myers, of Miami, and Mrs Franci "T"' the h- Mrs- S' Buh Massie. Assisting w-re Mr a, ',U;I1' rgnt, will preside. Mrs. Joe Liner, home service sec retary of the Haywood Red Cross Chapter, will discuss her work among the families of the men in service. Mrs. Kate Morris will review the national magazine. Mnathers Rayne and Mrs. C. C. White. Joe Rose and Aaron Pre vost greeted the guests on the ter race upon their arrival. The house was arranged in quan tities of yellow roses and white and yellow chrysanthemums. Mr. and Mrs. Gill, who have been spending thtir summers in Vv. A lSS rejected UtllCerS nesville for the past several years, jFor The Cominff Year were married in Dallas, Tex., on! October 2, 1918. Mrs. Gill is the j The annual election of officers daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. H.!of thtl Marietta Way Bible clifts of Jenkins, of Dallas, Tex. At the! 'be First Methodist Church was 'Marietta Way Class Bible lime oi tneir marriage, Mr. Gill was a Lieutenant in the U. S. Army, having recently graduated from the Officers Training School at Fortress Monroe, to which post he and his bride returned after their wedding. Following the war Mr. and Mrs. With Winter Winds Blowing - - - It's Time To Cover Those Bare Legs Which Have . Enjoyed Their Summertime Freedom. ITe Have The Hose You Will Need -And Will Be Pleased To Help- Wr ANCHER HOSE- Only sold at RAY'S in Waynesville and rcher Rayons are so much nicer than ordinary hose in rayons as they were in silk. Sheer Rayons In Limited Quantities A Complete Assortment of Anklets And For Men and Boys A Complete Assortment Of Socks Ray's Dept. Store held last Sunday. The following were elected to serve during the coming year: Honorary teacher, Mrs. J. How ell Way; alternating teachers, Mrs. Henry Gaddy and Mrs. Grover Davis; president, Mrs. Dee Clark; vice president, Mrs. Thad Chafin; secretary and treasury, Mrs. Rill Chambers; Burgin. pianist, Mrs. Charles Presbyterian (Iroup To Hold Meeting Friday Afternoon The Women of the Presbyterian Church will entertain the women from the Presbyterian churches of Canton, Bethel, Hazelwood and Sylva at a group conference on Friday afternoon and night. The meeting will open at four o'clock in the afternoon and a six thirty supper will be served at the church to all visitors and local women who are attending the con ference. At 7:30 an inspirational program will be presented and the meeting will close at nine o'clock. All of the local women of the church are invited to attend the conference. Gill returned to Dallas, where they resided until 1925 when they went to Miami to reside. A few years ago Mr. Gill's business connections took him to New York City and they maintained their residence in Greenwich, Conn. In 1940 they purchased the Thad Howell farm on Jonathan Creek and last year erect ed their present residence. They plan to spend their summers here each year. A number of the out of town guests coming here for the occas ion arrived on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Gill were hosts of a house party at their home and entertain ed another group at the Waynes ville Country Club. On Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Gill were hosts of a square j dance at the Piedmont Hotel. Sam 'Queen, of the Soco Gap Dance group and his team were in charge Jof the dance. Music was furnished j by a local string band. On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. 'Gill christened their picnic grounds ion their farm with a barbecue hon oring their house guests. On Sun day afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Prevost entertained with a tea. On Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Woody were hosts of a buffet supper party at their home for Mr. and Mrs. Gill and their guests. They were assisted by Mrs. Henry Troutman, of Atlanta, sister 'of Mrs. Woody, Mrs. Nora Swift Atkins and Mrs. Phillip Myers, of i Miami and Atlantic City. au We sincerely thank all our patrons for the business given us at Charlie's Cafe on Main Street since we opened two years ago. As announced else where in this newspaper, we have sold our interest in the business. Again thanking you, we remain Sincerely yours, Charlie and Hilda Woodward P. S. Charlie's Place in East Waynesville is still owned and operated by us. Come to see us. Thanks. Mrs. J. R. Boyd Elected Head Of The UDC Chapter Mrs. J. R. Boyd. Jr., was elected president of the Haywood Chapter of the Daughters of the Confed eracy at the October meeting which was held Friday afternoon with Mrs. Wr. F. Swift at her home on the Fairview Road. Mrs. Boyd suc ceeds Mrs. Grover C. Davis. Others elected to serve with Mrs. Boyd are: first vice president, Mrs. Frank Ferguson; second vice presi dent. Miss Margaret Stringfield; third vice president, Mrs. 0. R. Martin; secretary. Mrs. C. F. Kirk patrick; treasurer, Mrs. John M. Queen; historian, Mrs. V. A. Hyatt; registrar, Mrs. L. M. Killian; chap lain, Mrs. E. J. Hyatt; custodian of crosses, M' J Harden Howell. Miss Nancey killian gave a paper on Mathew Fonatine Maury, in which she sketched his life and gave his contribution to American his tory. Mrs. R. N. Barber was named delegate to the General convention which meets in Columbus, Ohio, in November, with Mrs. W. A. Hyatt asalternate. Mrs. John M. Queen was elected delegate to the state convention which meets in Statesville on Oc tober 13, with Mrs. J. R. Boyd as alternate. Mrs. C. F. Kirkpatrick read the monthly message of the president from the bulletin. The newly elect 'd officers will be installed at the lext meiting. Mrs. Swift was assisted in serv ng by her daughter, Mrs. David Stentz, and her sister. Miss Nancy Killian. Woman's Society Of Christian Service To Meet On Tuesday The Woman's Society of Chris tum Service of the First Methodist Church will meet next Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 in the ladies par lor if the church. Mrs. Dee Clark will be the leader of the program. All members are urged to be pres ent. Mrs. S. J. Williamson, of Lan caster, S. C., who has been the guest of her son and daughter-in-law, Rev. and Mrs. Malcolm R. Williamson, for the past month re turned to her home on Tuesday. Mrs. Tom Stringfield, who has been at Duke Hospital for treat-' ment, has returned home and is much improved. She was accom panied home by her daughter, Mrs. Carl Hill, who had been with her during her stay at the Hospital. Hubert Eensley, of the Bnlsam section is spending two weeks with his family. Mr. Enslcy is employ ed by the Consolidated Vultee Corp. in Elizabeth City, and has been out of the county for over a year. S. R. Leatherwood, who has been employed by the Consolidated Vul tee Corporation for the past four teen months, is spending a two weeks vacation here with his family in East Waynesville. i Mrs. Christopher C. Crittenden, of Raleigh and her three children. are spending a few days here with Hie former's mother, Mrs. Charles E. Quinlan at Prospect Hill, i ! Mrs. S. A. Dantzler spent the weik-end with her husband, Second Class Pharmacist's Mate, U. S. !Navy, who is now stationed at Camp Le.Jeune, New River. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin and daughter, Miss Eloise Martin, have returned from Sioux City, where they visited Lt. Fred Martin, Jr., who is stationed there. Judge and Mrs. Frank Smuthers have with them in addition to their daughter, Mrs. Phillip Myers and daughter, Virginia Myers, their granddaughter, Lowry Smathers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smathers, Jr., of Miami, and their grandson Master John Townley Smathers, son of Captain George Smathers, U. S. Marines, who is stationed at Cherry Point, and Mrs. Smathers, of Miami. Betty and Edward McElreath have returned to their home in Whitefield, N. H., after spending i some time here with their aunt anH uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Crawford and other relatives. Pfc. Louie Byrd, who is with the U. S. Army, is here on leave due to the sickness of his small son. Hazelwood PTA Scheduled To Meet ;Next Wednesday The Parent Teacher Association of the Hazelwood school will hold their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, the 13th, in the school auditorium. All parents and pat ; rons of the school are urged to at I tend and take part in the PTA ac ! tivities. Davis-Brown Marriage To Take Place October 16 ! Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Davis have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Catherine Charlotte Davis, to Everett Kennedy Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Brown, of ICS) Houston Street, Asheville. The marriage will take place on October 16th, at the First Baptist Church here. The bride-elect is a graduate of I.ees-McRea College at Banner Elk. Miss Davis was a member of the student council, secretary and .treasurer of the freshman class, ; member of the Sullivanian Society, A Grem and Gold Masquers and A Cappella choir. : Mr. Brown is also a graduate of I.ees-McRea College where he was outstanding in Forensic work. He was a member of the Phi Rho Pi, Demosthenean Club, and the Chris tian Council. He also attended Asheville College and is at present !a ministerial student at King Col lege, Bristol, Tenn. He will enter the Baptist Seminary in Richmond 'after completing work at King College. BIRTH ANNOUNCKMKNT Mr. and Mrs. James Rich, of Waynesville, route 1, announce the birth of a daughter on October 4th at their home. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Captain and Mrs. George Smath ers, of Miami, announce the birth of a son on October 3rd in Miami. Captain Smathers who is serving with the U. S. Marines, now sta tioned at Cherry Point, is the son of Judge and Mrs. Frank Smathers, and the grandson of Mrs. B. F. Smathers and the late Dr. Smathers of Waynesville. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Massie have as their guest the altter's cousin, Mrs. Clifford Mock, of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hodrick and daughter, Elizabeth, spent from Friday until Monday in Walland, Tennessee where they were called due to the death of Mr. Hedrick'a mother, Mrs. John Hedrick. Miss Esther Mae Gibson and M iss 'Edith Moss, of Waynesville, spent the week-end in Richmond, Va., where they visited the former's brother, Fireman Third Class Eu gene Gibson, U. S. Navy, and Frank Davis and Harry Sheehan of this section and Joe Fallon, of Alabama. DEATHS MISS PAR A LEE WEBB Funeral services were conducted Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at ;the Lusk Chapel in the Spring Creek section of Madison county for Miss Paralee Webb, 19, dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Monroe C. Webb, who died at the home of her paitfits Monday morning at 10 o'clock after a lengthy illness. Burial was in the Woody cemetery. Mtss Webb is a native of Madi- i son countv and had been residing in Haywood county for the past year. She is survived by her parents, one sister, Miss Carol Webb, of route 1, and five brothers, Sergeant Neal Webb, U. S. Army, now sta tioned in England, James, Leon, M. C., Jr., and Francis, of Way nesville, route 1. Massie Funeral Home had charge of the arrangements. Emma Garrett, Mrs. Jack Cagle and baby, Mrs. Robert HilL Mrs. Sara Ferguson and baby, Jim Fer guson, Mr. J. H. Garrett and baby, iMrs. J. W. Key Ion. i Mrs. Sid Gibson and baby, Mis Dethel Wright, Henry Hyde, Miss 1 Elizabeth Bradley, Robert Grasty, Miss Helen Neal, Will Wines, Mrs. Taft Conard and baby, Miss Gladys Mann, Mrs. Clyde Robinson, Mrs. Joe Cope and baby, Mrs.' Earl Sin gleton, Mrs. Norman Ferguson and baby, Mrs. Jack Ferguson and baby. Mrs. Jchn Sutton and baby, Master Lester Mashburn, Mrs. Francis Kilgore, Mrs. J. M. Worley, Miss Sarah Brown, Weaver Duck ett, T. C. Bumgarner, Mrs. R. L. Conard, Mrs. Glenn Brooks, Owen Pressley, George Rathbone, Mrs. Dewey Snyder, Mrs. Chas. Long, Mrs. Paul Lewis, Mrs. Sam Cooper, Miss Faye Gunter, Mrs. H. G. Rob inson and George Miller. Dr. S. P. Gay attended the Dis trict Dental meeting which was held in Asheville on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Newton Cook, of Jacksonville, spent the week-end here with the hitter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Coman at Sunset Cottage, Lake Junaluska. HOSPITAL NEWS BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Sharpe, of Canton, announce the birth of a daughter on September 26th. Mr. and Mrs. Taft Conard, of Cove Creek, announce the birth of a daughter on September 26th. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ferguson, of Canton, announce the birth of a son on September 26th. Mr. and Mrs. John Sutton, of Maggie, announce the birth of a daughter on September 26th. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Creasman, of Clyde, announce the birth of a daughter on September 26th. Mrs. V. R. Davis, of Waynesville, route 2, operative case, is better. Brack Green, of Clyde, operative ease, is resting more comfortably. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson, of j Clyde, route , announce the birth ! of a son on September 26th. ' Mr .and Mrs. Lary Swanger, of Waynesville, route 1, announce the j birth of a daughter on September 30th. Mrs. Walter Smith, of Clyde, ope rative case, is improving. Pvt. Edward It. Inman Home On Furlough Private Edward R. Inman is visit ing his mother, Mrs. Ed Inman and other relatives at Canton, route 3. Pvt. Inman is stationed at Camp Winder, Ga. He was inducted in the service at Fort Jackson on March 4 of this year. From Jack son ho was sent to Camp Robinson, Ark., then to New Orleans and from there to his present post. Mrs. Edgar Norman, of Waynes ville, operative case, is better. Mrs. F. H. Carver, of Canton, operative case, is resting more com fortably. The condition of Miss Frances Stamey, of Clyde, operative case, is good. Mrs. Paul Childrers, of Canton, oute , operative case, is improving. Miss Ella Mae Leming, of Way- msville, operative case, is better. Mrs. J. A. Ahlein, of Canton, medical case, is improving. The condition of Baby Michael Byrd, of Hazelwood, operative case, is better. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Putman, of Waynesville, route 1, announce the birth of a son on October 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Estes, of Waynesville, route 1, announce the birth of a daughter on October 2nd. Mr. and Mrs. James Hembry, of Waynesville, route 1, announce the birth of a son on October 3rd. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Truell, of Waynesville, announce the birth of a daughter on October 3rd. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Caldwell, of Waynesville, route 2, announce the birth of a daughter on October 3rd. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Burnette, of Waynesville, announce the birth of a daughter on October 1st. French Hipps, of Canton, ope rative case, is improving. Mrs. Wiliy Thomas, of Canton, operative case, is resting more com fortably. Miss Jennie Lee Matteson, of Canton, operative case, is better. Floyd Nanncy, of Canton, route 2, operative case, is resting more comfortably. DISCHARGED Among those discharged from the Haywood County Hospital dur ing the past, week were: Mrs. Henry Miller, Mrs. Paul Maples, Mrs. IF THROAT ISSORS v'far IF A COLD has given you a miserable sore throat, here's how to relieve the suffering. DO THIS NOW Melt a small lump of VapoKub on your tongue and feci the comforting medication slowly trickle down your throat bathing the irritated membranes bringing blessed relief where you want it, when you want it. DO THIS TONIGHT Rub throat, chest with VapoKub. Its long con tinued poultice-and-vapor action loosens phlegm, relieves irritation. cases cough ing, invites restful sleep. , IIIILVI-J ,, i i m ..... . WICKS V VapoRus A best-selling laxative ALL OVER THE SOUTH X ..eft it's thrifty and fits most folks needs raw r Change In Ownership OF Charlie's Cafe Main Street Now Owned By Bob Sutton and D. W. Swann Continuing Under Active Management Of D. W. SWANN Who Has Been In Charge Of the Kitchen . . For Many Months. d GRAPE "A" CAFE ) For Good Food Come To CHARLIE'S CAFE Main Street Waynesville Caution, U Only t Dircta

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