(One Day Nearer Victory) THURSDAY, DECEMBER THK W VN'FNVMO M( l N I A I N KKR 2, I The Mountaineer PaLlished By THE WAYNES VILLE PRINTING CO. Main Street I'none 13? Wuynesville, North Carolina The County Seat of Haywood County W. CURTIS RU S3 Editor MRS. HILDA WAY GWYN Associate Kditor W. Curtis Russ and Marion T. Bridges, Publishers PUBLIS.1KD EVERY THURSDAY SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year, In Haywood County $1.75 Six Months, In uaywood County 90c One Year, Outside Haywood County 2.5J Six Months, Outside Haywood County 1.50 All Subscr.ptions Payable In Advance Knie eJ at Hi il i.Jfice :it Waynesville. N. C. us Second Olasa Mail Matter. n.t piuviiieii under the Act of March 3, 1B71, November 20, 1K14. Obituary not ces. it'ts'jlu:ins if ri-sle(t, card of thanks, and ill noticea of eiiteilaililiient for .r.dit, uill be charged for at Uie rate of one cent pel uonl. :'Y!C.".DI10:.IAL. intlASSOCIATION North Carolina piss association; THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1913 (One Day Nearer Victory) Postal Profits We have noted from time to time reports from the local post oilice including the in creased number of air mail stamps sold dur ing the past two years. Recent government reports disclosed the fact that the post oilice department made $33,000,000 on domestic air mail in the last fiscal year as compared with less than a fourth of that amount in 1941-'42, and a loss of more than $13,000,000 ten years ago. It is said that the air mail letter on which you pay six cents costs Uncle Sam somewhat less than three cents to handle, including payments to airlines, air mail postoMices, supplementary railroad mail services, etc. We are glad to learn that the government is profiting on this service, for maybe this will be a help in other spots not so produc tive; Now that the public has learned the use of the air mail, we feel sure it has come to stay, even after all the men are home from the wa: They have taken to the habit and they will continue to use the service. So when the flock of planes now on combat duty are made available for mail, Uncle Sam may find gold in the skies. Chopping Wood We have often been surprised at the rural note in some of the editorials of the New York Times, for they are written frequently by someone as familiar with country life as we riprht here in our own county. Since big cities have attracted so many rural resi dents no doubt the editorials find response in the minds of many transplanted from the farms. Take for instance, the following must have been written by one who had actually chopped wood: "Certain tools have always accompanied man since he made the epochal discovery that metals could be fused and wrought into useful implements. The axe is a tool which has hewen history. Many men today, in the country and in the city, delight in the feel of a good axe. "There's more in chopping wood than the cutting down of trees. That's a part of it, and in these days when Uncle Sam is asking for lumber and pulpwood in greater quantities farmers will probably make a record cut this season. The axe is intimate ly associated with our nation's history. It was only a short time ago, historically, that a man was equipped to carve his home from the frontier wilderness if he had an axe, a rifle and a hoe. "When one goes into the woodlot on a winter's day he feels a kinship with the calm spirit of Nature. Here among the trees which have seen the miracle of Spring, the fruition of harvest and the blizzards of Winter for a century or more, the ills and cares which infest man-made society fall in to proper perspective. The pines, hemlocks and firs murmur among themselves; the beeches, maples and oaks are traced against the Winter sky like dry - point etchings. Chickadees chant their roundelays; rabbits hop from brush heap to another; partridges whir up with startling suddenness." Post-War Plans For N. C. North Carolina isn't dreaming of its life after the rebirth of peace. It is awake to Its opportunities, its resources, and its peo ple. North Carolina is confident. A state predominantly agricultural but still ranking high industrially, it even now is functioning under a long-range program that envisions a better life for its ruralists, indus trial workers, white collar men and just plain ' everyday folk. Nor has North Carolina forgotten its men who have gone into the armed forces or into war work; nor has it forgotten the rapid and economic conversions that of necessity must follow every war. Today finds the state with an unprecedent ed general fund surplus, with money ready to start a big highway and l'arm-to-market road expansion and improvement program. It has put aside a tidy sum for a financial rainy day, plans to boost its savings. Its cities and counties, under a recent legislative act, are building surpluses and socking them away. North Carolina is ready to expand its ag ricultural enterprises, to build dehydrating plants for its truck crops. It is importing purebred livestock and building up its milk output. The days immediately following the end of the war will not find many North Caro linians out of work, if present plans are exe cuted. North Carolina has not imported much labor for its war shops. Industrial leaders and labor are working hand-in-glove. Relations are generally cor dial. Strikes are few. , North Carolina and it is Governor! Broughton who speaks of all these plans j has hopes and promises of an increasing i "DANCE OF THE HOURS" i i HERE and THERE By HILDA WAY GWYN n 1 1 rvi linv rf Tiro it-ci 4 v vsnrnt 4 V- i.v..-J..,i V . U.l. v.... ....... w I r - We have always been consumed vacant seats, somebody just across with admiration . . and Dei haDS ! the way did, or our neighbor around Invasion of Philippines Possible 1 the corner or maybe there was snrnnp whn would not. evpr be have a their Christmas euts d00j ,, t nnv plywood, vital to the future airplane, already j bought, wrapp d, and tagged by j rate the comments we' heard from has begun on a small scale. New minimr 'Thanksirivine- and can sit back, various sources made us rather its soil. The manufacture of plastics and!na and enjoy proud of the American spirit We will also have to admit that it and still see the silver lining. . . sometimes they have peeved us in I their perfection of habits . . . for George Bernard Shaw's latest th y are at least firpt cousins to : opinions regarding the feminist perfect people who never make i movement were, to say the least, mistakes . . . you know the type I startling. . . We were surprised to just let 'em make a slip, and learn that Mr. Shaw (in whom we ..t,co iC u.a.tcicu muim its uuuu-j - because they reveal: d an attitude danes with regularity, and an internationally the anal celebration, minus all neeessary on the part 0f the civil- entrineer and his stafF have inaf enmnlot , that hectic last minute rush . . . j jan an(j showed that we can take survey of the state's mineral resources, parti cularly in coal, iron and olivine. North Carolina is growing weary of ship ping its products to other states and thus losing possible plants and jobs for those at home. There are plans and money for greater educational expansion of educational facili ties. Salary differentials for white and negro public school teachers and principals are known engineer -and his staff have just com pleted a survey of the state's mineral re sources, particularly in coal, iron and olivine. The state plans to use abandoned army and navy hospitals for hospitals, to guar antee proper medical care for children whose parents are unable to pay for it. In short, North Carolina, like a smart businessman, is looking to the future, to the days of peace, when the road of progress lies straight ahead for the one who chooses to travel it. Associated Press. they have the most plausible alibi . . . and they are so good that you can hardly be rude enough to no tice that they sometime pass the buck to the other fellow . . . but this year, if we don't try to emulate the early shoppers it will be just have been interested since our own State University professor Dr. Archibald Henderson has gone into the Shaw life and attainments so thoroughly) . . . that he thought the women had far out shot their mark . . . and that now "it is the too bad . . . for there will be nothing men who are handicapped" l:ft to shop for . . . With limited stores of merchandise and money flowing like milk and honey as de scribed in Biblical days, it won't be long until the counters and show cases are empty . . . and we will have to substitute gifts to such an and further that men are abjectly afraid of women and not without reason" . . . that the "country is run by women" . . . and that "every public body should be governed by men and women in equal numbers, no matter how they are ehcted or Forecast End of island to I Real Test of Our Strote Island Drive Against Japs To Follow Current Compa; Special to Central Press WASHINGTON Military observers In the capital are ro that the present "island to Island" campaign in the Sou'h cific will end with the successful conclusion of the current Mi offensive Once the last Jap strongholds In the Northern Soloir.nr Guinea. New Britain and New Ireland are cleared the reji American and Allied strategy will come The United States and United Nations high commands have to decide In which direction to concentrate their r;,vt blows against the Rising Sun There are two theories on ttv i 1 Gen Douglas MacArthur's Idea is to drive Into the Phil. possibly to the southern Island of Minima thence northward to Manila 2 Once the Navy has enough aircraft anu snips tur a targe scale movement, it prohatl win want to striKe imo me neart of Japans ma I uaieu isianus If MacArthnr should havp his wav rhp Nav.- .m,i. , " ' J ""' "it lo pi IHiwriiui naval lunco unuui ma iinmiiajLu carry Out MIS nillita deas as he sees fit nowever ravy m" :. maue no secret 01 ine lact I hat uuce tit South and Southwest Pacific campaigns are over, the war a unj japan win oe largely a iavy snow wiui a Navy man direct m i operations THE HOUSE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE, which ori mates all tax bills, has adopted the dodge of not taking record vot on ta.x proposals me unconcealed purpose is u prevent the publf from finding out how members vote on tax Increases It all began when Rep Donald H McLean if. ) of New jir was publicly mentioned as naving voteu to increase me liqu .r ta from $6 to $10 a gallon McLean squawked at a secret session cf thl committee, complaining bitterly that the liquor interests of hi.; sla kept him on the telephone half the preceding night Chairman Robert L Doughton ID I of North Carolina, also wA irked, feeling that sot committeeman had oeen discourteous to hii by taking the libeity of disclosing how McLean voted Doughtc made all committee members vow to leave future public annminci ments to him. Subsequently, the chairman refused to reveal how members vu' in rejecting a general sales tax. despite an unprecedented letter froi reporters demanding the tniormauon ine reporters insisted serre violated the democratic principle of accountability of elected o!S- rials to their constituents The committee held a hush-hush confab oil ie matter but steal firm behind Doughton Thon it developed that ii.: ?roup icis n taking record votes to make doubly sure that the ' ayes and noef of Its members are kept secret. a NEWSMEN IN WASHINGTON got a "break" o.. the recen' d nouncement of the Moscow pact OWI Director ElmeT Davis and Censorship Chief Bymii Prift squelched an attempt to "censor" the United States pies Odd enough, the "censorship proposal came rrom tneir American reportortal colleagues tn Moscow The Moscow reporters, feeling that they ought to be allowed to write the final climactic chapter to the conference of foreign ministers, asked for seven hours' leeway to transmit their stories and also a stipulation that if the news was picked up tn transition by Germ radio, no United States paper would use any story unicn ine rvia might broadcast. Davis and Price promptly turned thumbs down on the latter idi at a conference with Acting Secretary of State Edward Stettmiii Moreover. It was agreed to release the stories simultaneously Moscow. London and Washington three hours after reporters those cities were given the text of the agreements How U Got An- Motors In County extent that they will look like last appointed" ... it made us stop and year's leftovers, so let's get busy , wonder if the war of sexes will be on our Christmas list? ... no matter ! a problem after peace comes. . . how long or short they happen toiWe know it has been waged for be . . . 'centuries, but up to r."w it has been conceded that the mer. had the up- The thoughts of Christmas natur- j per hand. . . But the current picture, ally brings up the matter of sweets I according to Mr. Shaw seems vastly ... at a recent me: ting of the home I changed. . . We recall that f rom demonstration women, there was the last World War the women Voice OF THE People Do you think the continued bomb- start peace negotiations! Albert Abel "No, I would! think so. vi course, I appro the bombing, but the Cerman hard fighters and will not be to stop." Hayes Alley "I really thi will, because the boinliing more than human endurance The Statistics and Planning Division of the State Highway ami Public Works Com mission has made a survey of motor car reg istration changes from July, 1941, to April, lo. A number of interesting changes haw taken place in the various counties. Alamance leads the state with one car for every 4.5 Cumberland and Guilford sharing second po-"" sition with 4.9 inhabitants per automobile. Then make a dressing of th; fol The state total of automobiles on October lowing: one and one-half cups of brown sugar, 2 eggs, one-halt cup i of cocoanut, one-half cup of nut a platter of the most delicious 1 came ou cookie? we have tasted since Hitler ter of equal rights to vote, won by ( started the war. . . Thoy wer lab 1- her ability to pinch hit for the m n I'd "I'utterscnteh cookies" . . . we t victorious over the mat-1 f "erlin make GermanV I take" inquired who had made them and when findh'g nut it was Mrs. Dee Clark we aski d for the recipe. . . If yi u are l inking for s mth n;r extra special for that boy in camp, or for the folks at home . . . wo recommend the followinc: One 111 automobiles furth pound of butter, blended persons, with with 1 cup of Hour, 2 tablespoons ady journalist" Interviewed Mr. in service. . . It we judge Dy wnat snaw mignt possioiy nave nau she is doing today, the world should som thing to do with his over be hers. . . But the thought came 1 whelming cot-cession to the posi to us, that perhaps the fact that a tion of the women. . . YOU'RE TELLING ME! By WIUIAM RITT - 1, 1942, was 516,875, or an average of one automobile for every 6.8 inhabitants. Only thirty counties rank above the state aver age, while seventy are below the state aver age. There were 139,034 trucks and trailers on October 1, 1942, and 20,512 vehicles class ed as miscellaneous, giving a total of 676,421 motor vehicles, including automobiles, trucks and trailers. The latest official report shows that on July 1, 1943, there were 612,160 automobiles, trucks, trailers and miscellaneous vehicles in the state. Thus from October 1, 1942, to July 1, 1943, the state suffered a decline of 62,261 registered motor vehicles. There were only 14 counties in the state that increased their number of vehicles. The largest increase was in New Hanover county with 2,425 vehicles. Other counties reporting increases were: Onslow, Pasquo tank, Perquimans, Moore, Chowan, Bertie, Beaufort, Pender, Franklin, Columbus, Blad en, Brunswick and Swain. Eleven of these are in the extreme eastern part of the state near war industries or camps. The following counties have suffered a loss of from 0.04 per cent to $.10 (from 240 to 600 vehicles) : Haywood, Jackson, Chero kee, Macon, Transylvania, Henderson, Madi son, McDowell, Mitchell, Avery, Watauga, Ashe, Burke, Catawba, Forsyth, Durham, and Edgecombe. meats (black walnuts preferred) one half teaspoon baking powder, 3 tablespoons flour. Flavor with vanilla to suit taste. Then beat the fggs until light. . . Add sugar and ail other ingredients. Mix well, pour over cake and bake 30 min utes in moderate oven. . . And we definitely guarantee they will melt in your mouth . . . and create a craving for more. Leading citizens should be compelled to take every seventh year off for the good of the community. William Feather Magazine. Which reminds us of another recipe we noticed during the week , . called "Victory recipe "... "Take one draftee, slightly green. Stir from bed at early hour. Soak in shower or tub. daily. Dress in olive drab. Mix with others of his kind. Then toughen with maneu yers and grate on sergeant's nerves. Add liberal portion of baked beans and corned beef. "Season with wind, rain, sun and snow, sweeten irom time 10 time with chocolate bars. Let smoke occasionally. Bake in 110 degrees of summer and let cool in below zero winter. . . Serves 130,000,000 people." Central Press Writer WAR CRIMINALS. It was decided at the Moscow confer ence, will be pursued to the ends of the earth. A smart Nazi would stop trying to think up new secret weapons and begin to concentrate on a workable space ship. ! Zadok Dumkopf Cnd it hard to believe that the soybean has been around these millions of years just loafing. ! ! ! Hitler'! astrologers are having a rough time studying the start they are so frequently obscured by Allied bombers. ! ! ! If the rest of the world adopts Basic English, it's going to be tough on the radio an nouncer trying to keep hla commercial vocabulary down to a mere 1,000 adjectives. An Oklaho . j (ore plans a post-war delivery service by helicopter. "Will you take it with you or have it dropped down your chimney ?" ! ! ! randpappy Jenkins thinks backers of the prohibition move ment might modernize their drive by announcing they are for na tional dehydration. ! ! ! A Russian Ukranlan regiment Is reported to carry along a piano as it advances. Good idea should make it easier to teach all those captured Nazi soldiers "The Prisoner's Song." THE OLD HOME TOWN STANLEY This Thanksgiving season proved to us biyond any doubt that trials and tribulations tend to arouse a person to a greater consciousness of their blessings . . . never have we heard as many people in re ferring to the things that were hard to g t, and the th:ngs that we have taken for granted in other years, that are not out of the ques tion . . . appear to appreciate What They had as this year. We guess the empty places at th dinner tables had a lot to do with soften ing complaints . . . and divert thoughts from Epicurean's standard of food . . . and make ' us all grateful. . . If we did not have ii ,tmiom gy f( UP VJITK TH' 7f NWUe NOOSe OBJ TIN PECCM.E ' ( TH'weOM PATW.'-- UKX YOU Fky 'yo K ETCHED PAW ntNr4 ,C-$w i f' j!rf7 " TWO NjJ ".e.CK KCAb POLK'S 'N i, I ,!d ,1 Ii. N. Barber, ,r. dup to the fact th:it war the Germans lia quest on their an in also based thci r Mral- , d in divrrsif'ed roiiiN i.h and their main fact"' - ai centered near Hi 'lin. !'!'., centered near T?-:n. It m.-tv 'Uience . but the Imivhri:-'-hake the morale "f the i'c'pl it will not stop the war ary than the attempt to dMny d'm did in Enfr'and. cr in th of the detruct'on of W'.vhii D. C., as our ninniti"N ar manufactured there." Rvdolvh CorfH-rll "I rrrt. do, because from all r.pnrt morale of the people is down." William Chambers, Jr. "I tf in time it will, for whtn the! lies pet throue-h bombinc Efl they will start on another are; F. C. Comrtov"l feel thai bombing will help start tMnpl ward peace, but it will take than that." Private James Franc' bombing Berlin any more bombing London will start B negotiations, but it will help! it will also help to bomb other man cities." R. V. Erk 'I wouldn't say Berlin, but a continued bombinj the country will be bound to a the Germans." James I. Green "N' the thine that will make Germany peace negotiations is to 'whop on their own prounds. Mrs. William Hannah-S solely. I think we will ha enter the country and i!'ar it tin T Hn think that brti will help a lot." Officer "Didn't you see nU Iflesed throujrh th? lines, u, ... nv sir." nK TVion whv lain1 . a ...... - i , r cnanenge me: , Recruit: "Challenge you. J I've known you '- foot high." Ex.