(One Day Nearer Victory) THURSDAY, DECEMBER THE WAYN ESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 2 30, 194J 1 i The Mountaineer Published By THE WAYNESVILLE PRINTING CO. Main Street Phone 13? Waynesville, North Carolina The County Seat of Haywood County Vf. CURTIS RUSS Editor MRS. HILDA WAY GWYN Associate Editor W. Curtis Russ and Marion T. Bridges, Publishers PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY SUBSCRIPTION RATES a Year, In Haywood County $1-75 Six Months, In Haywood County 90c One Year, Outside Haywood County 2.50 Six Menths, Outside Haywood County 1.60 All Subscriptions Payable In Advance Bntred t the post office at Way.ieville. N. C. u Second Class Mail Matter, as provided under the Act of March 3, 187, Xwnbtf 2, ll14. Obituary notices, resolution of respect, card of thanks, and aO aotiCM of entertainment for profit, will be (barged for t eke rate of one cent per word. NATIONAL DITO .IAI ASSOCIATION 1 Hnmfr I North Carolina 'WIS J ASSOCIATION THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1943 (One Day Nearer Victory) The Secret Sub The liquor industry in America is sinking annually the equivalent of more than 200 boatloads of grain, 200 of fruit, and 13 boatloads of sugar. The more than 4,000,000,000 pounds of jjrain and 165,000,000 gallons of molasses used in our alcoholic beverages would pro vide every one of America's 40,000,000 underfed with an extra loaf of bread and an additional quart of milk every day in the year. The daily $9,000,000 U. S. liquor bill would: Feed 1,000,000 Chinese refugee children for nine months. Pay for 180 bombers at $50,000. Completely train 600 military pilots at $15,000. How long much this sabotage go on? Oneonta Messenger, South Pasadena, Calif. Leap Year Figures A girl who lives in the rural sections has a 10 per cent better chance of "catching her man" during the 1944 Leap Year, than the average city girl, according to the U. S. Census Bureau which has been making a survey of the situation. The number of old-maids, or bachelor girls has been steaddy decreasing since 1920. It was interesting to learn that Nevada is the easiest state in which to "catch a man", and Iowa the worst. We can under stand the first, but see no reason for the latter. The survey by the Census Bureau also reveals that matrimonial opportunities are very good in the states of Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Maryland, and South Carolina. The girls also fare pretty well in Utah (despite our ideas of the Mor mons), Florida, Mississippi and West Vir ginia. The West Coast area is said to be a "happy hunting ground", but at that the chances for marriage license is better in Florida than California. The girls hunting husbands are urged to "stick to the grass-roots of the rural Home Sweet Home" by the Census Bureau, as they claim that the cities are filled to over flowing with gals on the chase, and the com petition is mighty strong. A Break In The Line At this writing the country is confront ed with two major labor strikes, the steel industries and the railroads, both vital to our successful prosecution of the war. We believe in organized labor and in the right of labor organizations to call strikes in normal times, when all other methods of adjustment have failed. Certainly any man has the right to quit any job he does not like or when he feels that he is being unjustly treated. In time of war it is a different story. We believe that no man now doing essential war work has any more moral right to quit his job than a soldier to desert the army. And we believe that our armies of young men who have quit good jobs to enter the service feel the same way. We doubt very much if any individual or family of the employes involved has suffer ed real privation. Contrast if you will their living conditions with the men who are daily braving the mud, cold, and snow of Europe and facing death in every conceivable form for the sum of $52 a month. It does not speak well for organized labor. They Remember We went on a record flight to Poland. . . We ran out of gas just as we got back to Eng land and succeeded in making a crash land ing. No one was bruised, scratched, or even shaken up, but the plane was. The Lord was with us. An American pilot, Lieut. Gustave S. Holmstrom of Brooklyn, wrote this to his mother after his twenty-first successful mis sion over the European Continent. On his twenty-second, his plane was shot down over Germany, but he is reported safe and a priso ner. "The Lord was with him again," said his mother, on hearing the news. Many a daring fighting man who exposes himself to extreme dangers does so after trusting himself to the Almighty. Roy Dav enport, skipper of an American submarine, prays daily, his shipmates say. His exploits are legendary around Pearl Harbor. Laughing, rollicking fighters in uniform may maintain an outward devil-may-care at titude, but these same men in many instances are secretly strengthened because of their reliance on God. Hundreds of them remem ber those words of the Ninety-first Psalm, "Because thou has made the Lord . . . thy habitation; there shall no evil befall thee." Christian Science Monitor. No Surprises Any More We have reached the stage in this fast moving era in which we live that we are not surprised or startled any more. We simply take things as they come as part of the changing pattern of our own affairs here at home plus the changing influence of inter national events. In fact it has reached the point where our old time superlatives, once used with pow erful meaning are almost tame. They have been over-worked. Take for example the word historic. It has been used with refer ence to the events of the past year or so, that it does not have quite the same force. Then there is the idea of a "precedent" shattered. Of course the Roosevelt family have had considerable to do with teaching us about that word, or should we say have given it a rather mild meaning. What we would have thought of ten years ago someone had told us that during a world war our president would have left this coun try to confer with the powers of other na tions. We would have called it a mad dream. Yet it did not seem so unusual when it hap pened. We took it as a natural event in the great series that are crowding one after another. Consider our relations with other nations. We have new friends across the seas and strange new associations that a few years back would have been completely out of ord er, but not today. What tomorrow will bring who can tell? LAPF-A-DAY iiifiHi i i k ,h,i NGT0M "I'm not pulling kitty's tail. Mummy I'm only holding it'" HERE and THERE HILDA By WAY GWYN The late Mrs. Josephus Daniels, affectionately known in Raleigh as "Miss Addie" was one of the most remarkable women we have ever known . . . During her summer residence in this section she made many friends. . . In fact she made a friend of everyone whose life she touched ... we were planning to pay her a tribute in this column when we read the following by Margarette Somethurst in the Ral eigh News and Observer under the title of "An Era closes for Raleigh and North Carolina" ... so in stead we reprint what Mrs. Some thurst so beautifully expressed. "With, the passing of Mrs. Jose phus Daniels an era closes for Ral igh and North Carolina an era that was better because she lived in it. Born in Raleigh during the days -if Reconstruction, her life spanned the transition of the South from desolated militant poverty and belligerent defeat to prideful na tional cooperation and sectional prosperity. Mrs. Daniels grew up in the liv- traditions of the Old boutn. -ng not be- There Is Always Some Good We have often heard it said that there is no person on earth who does not have some good impulses, no matter how low or de graded they become in life's standards. An exceptional example may be cited in the giving of Christmas joy by two long-termers in Central Prison, Raleigh, during Christmas week. They saw a picture of an aged woman at the ruins of her home in South Carolina that had been destroyed by fire. It had been the only home the 78-year-old woman had known and she cherished the site. The woman had been supported by the Department of Public Welfare since the disaster and had remained in the vicinity of her home. In the day time she stayed around the spot and at night she stayed with some of her neighbors. The two men, both members of the prison band were so touched, that the best came to the surface. They each had a dollar which they contributed. This would not help much, so they took the matter up with the band director and asked if he thought they could raise some money. He told them to try. They collected a total of $100 from mem bers of the band and other prisoners. A cashiers check was mailed to the sheriff of the county in which the woman lived, with the names of the prisoners who made dona tions. These will be turned over to the wo man who lost her home to help her make a start toward building back. The story shows that unselfishness has no bounds, that it may be found anywhere, even within prison walls, among those whose sins the world may read. No doubt those priso ners felt a kinship of a spirit of homesick ness with the aged woman and perhaps their reaction from punishment had quickened their understanding. From early morning until late at night, they are constantly on the go . . . many of them practicing over the county . . . traveling miles during each day . . . they have no time to give to their families . . . and yet they are giving their time to the sick and those needing their advice . . . listening for hours on a stretch to the pains and ills to which the human race is heir. . . We have to hand it to them, it takes patience, tact, and a toler ance known to few of us to carry on in such heroic manner . . . and when we really need them, aren't they the most welcome visitors who could cross our threshold? Elmer Davit Aroused Over WMC Publicity Suppression : Of McNuft h -" Hard M Special to Central Press WASHINGTON Dissatisfaction of Office of Wai Chief Elmer Davis with the manner in which Paul V LI. 117 a t a n rmt.r a m l.alnn mi Kl i. ..In . i . . . ma oi manpu " v. vwiiuiuooiuii puuuv iciawims sian har. i .- . the agency runs far deeper than the voicing of complaint- , paper correspondents. To the OW'l head the confusion and "blind spots' in r,d-, derstanding of the draft program represents one of the ir.f ,r agency's outstanding failures In keeping the public apprw- . born domestic developments. Davis' has u-. sistent advocate of an open and above-b.f relations policy In all government agenr., only disclosures of a military nature Thus, when newsmen finally took their of news suppression to Davis in the form ,; j.yjtesl, he was quick to seize the opDortunity and ta!. direct to McNutt and his staff of public relations anii-s And. In an effort to assure a constructive change in w.nk dling of the draft story. Davis made his complaints of -.. dling available to reporters in the hope publication would h, sure for a change to those within the WMC who are cha. the responsibility of keeping the public Informed on dnf: ; ments f McNutt smarted and fumed over the disclosures, but to r., the reporters concerned it represented a distinct victory in t! ions io Keep me American people uuormeu even over the ' bstruo tionlst tactics of some federal agencies. Reporter Heil Move At Victory i.-e in. l-an. elop. and r ef. CABINET MEMBERS and other high Washington ofTu ' , lilllcg U1IU IJICIIIOci.co mi cniuaiiaafliiig pvojLiuiio wiiii uiey fl dilj on their private telephone lines and someone happens to tx- resent who should not hear the conversation. Recently, Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox found himself m really awkward position when the buzzer of his private line sounded and he had to answer while at least 50 newspapermen sat arn'ind waiting for him to resume one of his weekly news conferences In advertently. Knox mentioned the name "Harry" as he explained he would rather not talk because of his guests A few minutes later ne got anomer can. mis from some other important person, and again he had to explain why he com in i talk The reporters guffawed at his predicament and even Knox spni, although he appeared a trifle upset. The secretary did not reveal who "Harry" was THE WAR PRODUCTION BOARD has lark' ue pi.h' m of dwindling infants' and children's clothes suppl- "ml may f.rr up with a solution, much to the relief of haras: rents Mo'h rs have been unable in many cases to And underw ioes. :-cks and othei garments for their young children and bat . VPB. ' nvev-r. now has a specialist in the Held, Mrs. ureie uu- nuer c i; !-.-r 3 meazine e.luor at work on findine out the wh;. .i vhere mes shortages Kurt hi -rmore. WPB said, relief will c e apparen' stores in time for this winters shopping. Tnairman Don Nelson thlVA'S weeks ao. -.. idor Joseph ive recej tioa nd pv" was She saw the eraces pass; paiwe gracious living was no long er desired, but because our people could no longer maintain ante bellum standards. Much was lost in the change; but much was also aved, and in that hard time only the best, the worthwhile, the real elements of that vaunted culture ould be salvaged and instilled in u oV,o,Qt..r of His voung. In lie: i,uai hvuv. ... O il. her, the best of the old ooum, merged with the fighting spirit of Reconstruction and developed wnn the times into a personality tnai wai as rare as it was beautiful. Her mind compassed the affairs of a troubled world, but her heart novpr lost intimate concern for her community, her neighbors, and her friends, white or colored. Dnriner the long months of ner last illness she kept her telephone within reach, and her interests keen. I don't know Mrs. Daniels, a woman said to me in talking about her hero soldier son, but she was the first one to call me when this came out in the paper. In historic times and important . , . j il ilaces, mr. uanieis met aim even ed the demands of official life; but she was never just the wife of an ditor, a Cabinet Member, an am bassador. She was always and everywhere in her own right and in her own personality, an am bassador of her town, her State, her South. Without ostenation, but hy precept and example living and loving, she personified all we of the South imply when we tmnK oi Southern Womanhood." She will be remembered by many for her civic achievements, for her wit, and understanding, her gra cious hospitality, her ready res ponse to need; but all who knew and loved her through the years will bless her memory, because Miss Addie could walk with kings nor lose the common touch." We read during the week that in all the talk about the kind of world we shall have after the war . . . there are two kinds of folks to watch out for. . . One kind insists that we are going to have a heaven on earth, and the other says the world is going to pot . . . they were compared to the two sides of an electric switch one all light and the other all darkness. . . The writer took the theory that we will in reality be somewhere in between and that it will all de- pend on how we plan as we go along . . . and that a lot of postwar planning is merely postwar wish ing, which sounds just about right to us ... it was likewise pointed out that the human race has been around for a couple of million years and that it keeps plodding O REPORTERS WHO HAVE TALKED with WPI aid M Nelson are impressed by the warmth of feel for Russia as a result of his extensive trip there Apparently as sold on the U 3 S R. as former A E. Davies. Nelson asserts he was given the most by the Soviets was taken everywhere he wished to k invited to the front. Nelson refused Invitations to the fighting zones, however, explaining to the Russians that he didn't want to waste the time of the Red Army commanders, that his main concern was study ing Russian production methods and that any visit to the eastern front would be merely to indulge his personal curiosity. One reporter brought two paper plates to the news conference to present to Nelson as a gag In connection with hit now famous plate-breaking exchange of formalities with the Ru slans A Soviet official broke one plate with a huge fist to show Nelson the regard with which the Russians hold Americans Nelsoi then broke two plates In return, but cut himself In the process The vvxrn v,i nr-r-pntod the DaDer Dlates with a laugh. "Will they iplln-. ter'" he chuckled. Nelson Still Raves Our Russia in the same direction . . . and that the war is not going to change that . . . wc believe that the desire for peace has a lot to do with this beautiful picture painted in the minds of most people for the post war world . . . and they feel a kind of exultation about living once more in a world at peace, that they find it a perfect spot in their minds ... we are rather inclined YOU'RE TELLING ME! By WILLIAM RITT- Central Press Writer We want to pay a tribute this week to the doctor who is servmg on the home front ... we know those who are on the fighting lines are doing a magnificent job . . and they are being given due cre dit .. . for we all honor the men in uniform . . . but the doctor who is at home is also doing his bit . . . we doubt if the people right here in our own community realize the heavy load they are carrying, and we feel sure, due to the fact that there are so many now in the service, that our section is typical. THE LARGER telescopes render visible more than three hundred billion stars. And from not a single one of them can Hitler's astrologers now find the least bit of encouragement i i I Zadok Dumkopi thinks they tII it the European "theater" I war because it's about cur- dins for Hitler and his gang i i i How, asks a sports writer, can iseball be made more popular Jter the war? Well, they might ry eliminating last place i i Grandpappy Jenkins doesn't hink much ol that fashion item vhich predicts post war cloth ing for men may be in bright colors. Gramp is a firm believer In saluting the flag, not wearing it. ! ! ! The man at the next desk says those medals worn by Fatso Goering are really just a bullet' proof vest, put on in sections. ; i That absurd suggestion that in terned Japs could show mid-west farmers how to bathe naturally has everybody in a lather. i i ; The flying fish, according to Factographs. remains in the air but 30 seconds. That's plenty long enough for it to realize the life of a bird isn't all It's cracked up to be Voice OF THE People Do you phi" t" "l'"c- '" ''' Year Resolution' Mis Helen Coffin - No, I plan to make any. beoau.-e I if I did I would break them. Dr. r. N. Sink "No. rnam, mHp so manv and broken thorn that it is no use to make an Miss Lula Frank .V am thinking about it." THE old home town Bv STANLEY WAR PLANT J COD NVSHT! JO 11 I II I II Li-Ll lANKS FOR TH' I ---INNETC-- SHOW" ) Ti ID ENEBtrmiws TT... .jJlMt" THE EARLY MOtaMirSMlF-T 3&l,Zfi! Alvin Ward "Heck Miss Patsy Shc" but I am keeping tb-:n Mrs. Frank F- not made any yet. ause I think it i- '" fcem and break ih. m all." V.': , m myself plan to vr to m !h;in not n t i.mk I i nrvnir.g R. M. Fie"l K. on co t.hinors art ... l-.i..n 111 tast you can ,...(. mil th thf and there are so Joe Liner "S i.iiii, thed won't have Aftss Deb know how many, I made one last ' c'ded next year Christmas b e f comes." w T do known ,..,k when I Rev. H. G. 11" actly. but I a-ay start and take : self." Hugh Leathent'ood cause I have alread many." ady hrist4 , ;'Xt plan nt.TV of "N'o, broken to think we ,ami old troubles to asfarastherannnot dreafl w.A that cernea, " i ourselves into n boil d easy living . y , u 0 tnei to the efforts n-l.d Just ft-- 11 I aiviuum. . the war. .

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