THURSDAY DECEMBER 30, 1943 (One Day Nearer Victory) v,lkitt Graduates From Son Machinist' s gchool In Jacksonville ; Naval Air Station, Jack Vilie" Fla. (Special) Robert n Colkitt, Waynesville, re !fv Vruduated from the Aviation jSniif. Mate School h ere as a J5,an first class in the U. S. "Sering the service Feb 27, he received his recruit train 2r:t Bainbridge, Md, before ar- riring t the Naval Air iwu"ii EL,ining Center here, flffit is now a qualified avia mechanic and will probably see Ji with, a Naval Air unit. pfc. Paul Walker, Jr. Stationed In Texas private First Class Paul Walker, i, formerly of Waynesville, has Jarwd M his post at Camp Swift, after spending a 15-day fur- kraeh 'lh his Parents Mr- and Jrs Pul Walker at their home in On Sea Duty -'!:V ""' I. Hr THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Pact S Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On kinti relieves nromntlv be muse it poes right to the seat of the Jmuble to help loosen and expel mrm laden phlegm, and aid nature E soothe and heal raw, tender, ln SUed bronchial mucous mem branes Tell vour druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstand'.ng vou must like the way it miicklv allnys the cough or you are to have vour money back. CREOMULSION forCouzhs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis Back the Attack Buy Bonds ami Stamps! War Seaman Bill Hoyle, U. S. Navy, is now assigned to sea duty. He has been in the service for the past eight months during which time he has been in combat areas. He was inducted in the service at Camp Croft in March of this year and from there was sent to Bain bridge, Md. From Bainbridge he was transferred to Norfolk for ad vanced training and then to Texas and from there overseas. Seaman Hoyle recently spent a short leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hoyle, formerly of Waynesville, now of Newport News, Va. Baltimore, Md. Pvt. Walker is attached to the Tank Division and has been in the service for the past seven months. He was inducted at Camp Croft and received his basic training at Fort Knox, Ky. Completes Boot Training Seaman Second Class Clyde Pritchard Gree, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Gree, of Hazelwood, who entered the U. S. Navy on Sept. 18 of this year, has complet ed his boot training at Jacksonville, Fla., and is now assigned to the trade school there and is studying aerial radio and gunnery. Staman Gree is a graduate of the Waynesville high school, where he was a member of the band. He is also a member of the U. S. Naval band at his post of duty. PARC! THEATRE WAYNESVILLE. N. C. MATINEE Saturday and Sunday 2:00 and 4:00 P. M NIGHT SHOWS 7:00 and 9:00 P. M. SUNDAY NIGHT Opens 8:15. Begin 8:30 DMISSIONS Adults 30c Tax In cluded; Children Under VI Years, 11c Tax Included. Thursday December 30 "Bombers Moon" George Montgomery and Annabella Friday December 31 "The Kansan" With Richard Dix and Jane Wyatt Saturday January 1 Little Joe The Wrangler" Johnny Mack Brown LATE SHOW 10:30 P. M. "He's My Guy" With Joan Davis and Dick Foran Pvt. William T. Crant Serving In Africa Private William Thomas Grant, V. S. Army, son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Grant, formerly of Waynes ville, is now with the armed forces in Northern Africa. Pvt. Grant was inducted at Fort Dix, N. J., and from there was sent to Camp Shel by, Miss. From the latter he was transferred to Fort George Meade, Md., and then overseas. At the time he entered the s.r viee, Pvt. Grunt was employed by the Anchor-Hockings Company, of Salem, N. J. Pvt. Thomas H. Worsham, Jr. Spends Leave Here Private Thomas Hunter Wor sham, Jr.. of the Field Art ill - ry, spent a 1-1 day furlough recently with his wife and his father, T. Hunter Worsham. Pvt. Worsham returned to his post at Fort Bragg on Wednesday and was accompan ied by his wife and father. Aft.r leaving Fort Bragg, en route home, Mrs. Worsham and Mr. Worsham sp Tit Christmas )iy with friends at Hope Mills. Pvt. Worsham expects to bo transfer red at an early date. Sunday January 2 "Hi Diddle Diddle" With Martha Scott and A. Menjou Monday - Tuesday January 3-4 The Iron Major Pat O'Brien and Ruth Warrick Wednesday January 5 Headin' For God's Country Wm. Lundigan and V. Dal Pfc. Aubrev Yarborough Completes Course Pfc. Aubrey Lee Yarhorougli, son of Mr. and Mrs. Monroe M. Yarhorougli of Clyde, Route 1, h is completed an intensive course in airplane mechanics at Sheppard Field, near Wichita Falls, Texas, one of the larg'st and finest schools of the A A F Western Technical Training Command. The field trains men for the overalled crews which work in all weather and und r all conditions to keep American planes in the air. These specialist tech nicians already are making a name for thems Ives at U. S. air bases all over the world. Cpl. John It. Glance Spends Leave In County Cpl. John R. Glance, son of Mrs. W. R. Glance, Clyd:, route 1, who is spending a two week's furlough with his mother, will leave on Fri day for Camp McCain, Miss., where lie will b - stationed. Cpl. Glance was induct d at. Camp Croft on S' pt. 26", 1942 and fr. m there was sent to Camp Phil lips. Kan. From the latter he was i an-IVrred to Tennessee on ma neuvers and th n to Camp McCain. I'ef re induction Cpl. Glance was tmployed in the shipyards at New port News, Va. Announcing - - Until Further Notice, We Will Be Closed Every Sunday (ALL DAY) Thanks For Yojr Cooperation i See Us For Choice Fruits, Vegetables American Fruit Stand FELIX STOVALL, Owner Spends Furlough Here x, I N, Taylor McCracken, seaman first class, son of Mrs. Annie McCrack en, and the late Taylor McCracken, is spending a ten-day furlough with his mother at her home in the Crabtree section. Seaman McCracken is stationed at Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and was inducted in the service on April 12 of this year, at Raleigh. He is a graduate of the Crabtree high school in the class of 1943, and prior to his entering the service assisted his mother in farming. Seaman McCracken has a brother-in-law, Lt. Harry B. Beatty, in the service, who is now stationed at Sebring, Fla. B I R T HS Mr. and Mrs. Grady Downs, of Canton, announce the birth of a son on December 2th. MARRIAGES Wade West to YYinica Wines, both of Canton. On Sea Duty fit William Henry Justice, seaman second class, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Justice, of the Fines Creek section, is now serving in the At lantic. He entered the U. S. Navy on August 27 of this year, and took his boot training at Bain bridge, Md. From Bainbridge, Seaman Jus tice was sent to Norfolk, Va., and from there was assigned to sea duty. Before entering the service he was employed by the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company. QUICK RELIc. FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID FrooBookTellsof HomeTreatnwntthat Aust Help or it Will Cost You Nothing vor two million boltlt of the W I LL A K D r n K ATM EN T have !wn mid for rel ief tf ;t omnoT(1lNtrttM arUlnK from Stomach iinl Ouodanal Ulcvrt dun to Cict Acid ""or Dlgeitlon four or Upt Stomach, jtttnMft, HaartNurn, S I w pint net, ate, tu- ' o Excel Add. Sold on 1 ft da v' trial ! -k for "Wlllard't MrttaRt" which full Militltis thi trtalnnnt lr at SMITH'S DRUG STORE START THE NEW m A I YEAR OFF RIGHT . . . lGLl Resolve now to keep your lxfl clothes properly cleaned and pressed and they'll not only Main Street last longer and look better, but prove to be an asset to yo Phone 113 i saw: L-iSa' 1944 (TOM They Look So Well Together! Did you ever see a handsomer combina tion of words? 1914 Victory. Your efforts can do a lot toward teaming them up. Let's make this year a date that will never be for gotten. L. N. DAVIS CO. Real Estate Insurance Bonds Rentals Phone 77 Waynesville Make 1944 A Year of Thrift You Always SAVE At BELK-HUDSON'S SEW AND SAVE - We Have Thous ands of Yards of PIECE GOODS Father George 36-inch Sheeting - - 160 Unbleached Mill-ends, oil stained Sheeting - - 100 Short Lengths Plain and stripe 36-inch Outing-- - 120 Lovely Patterns Quality Good 36-inch Fast Color Prints 390 18c Value, Special Ginghams - 390 'fj Check and sfrine Table After Table of Lovely PIECE GOODS Come in and select yours Men's Work Pants DURABLE For Tough Wear $1.98 to $3.95 All Sizes Men's Work Sox 10c 19c 29c Men's Heavy Unionsuits $1.29 Hanes$1.39 Men's Full-Cut Broadcloth Pajamas Men's Crash Starbrook Tan Pajamas - $3.48 Men's Red Camel Fleece-lined Overall Jackets - - $2.65 $2.98 Men's Coat and Slipover Sweaters Part Wool AH Colors $1.29 -$4-95 Women's Galoshes Good Quality $1.69 (Not Rationed) Men's Fine Overshoes 1.69-1.98 (Not Rationed) Special Beautiful Bed Spreads In White and Colors KRINKLE 2.29-2.98 3.48-3.95 BELK-HUDSON CO "Home of Better Values" -