HE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Touve t&TV Published In The County Seat Of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park WAYNESVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1944 (One Day Nearer Victory) $1.75 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Cutta iPTH iKA" - - 9 Mraird Saiitaoirdlas ond Drive Brings Movie, Army Caravan Uan WiU Be Display Today Mam Street Lission To Park Theatre Light Will Be By Pur- Jase Of Bond. i .i .,,nI in the Fourth Lean Drive totaled 688,77.7 avwoud county last night, i leaniej from Sam Robinsor aien With tne quuia ii u. v s,,t at $700,000, it wa tit ly those in cnarge ma lf cis of the anve on in Haywood county iouus wuui ,u ;,V( r the quota. i L . 1 1 Too t writ ntor was in me i u suit' 01 JlUlfW w wi- and the Waynesville arer l-t of J K. Massie, chairmai is section. Massie felt that the Way bile quota of $.i5U,UlU woun ached by the close ol the cam- (Continucd on page 7) $101,225 In Bonds Is Pledged By Women Penorted Missing ork Moving On nnery Project ew Warehouse and Large ater Cooling Tank Part if Expansion Program. ork on the largo warehouse at cannery at Hazclwood is go- ilong on sel cdule, it was an- ced yc-t-Tiiay by J. E. Barr, al manager. he erection of the 50 by 86 warehouse is the first step in Imber of major improvements In expansion program under- at the cannery. The ware- will hold 40,000 cases of d goods, l'lans have been lifted for the erection of a and modern cooling system 1 plant. The tank will be 4S feet long, four feet wide, the water level four feet deen. irachinery and the equip- of the Cranberry cannery wi'l stalled at the cannery here n the next few mont's. in for the season's pack. I,...-, r vancements In Jgher Ranks In fluting In '43 he fololwini? advanr-ements to Jer ranks in sVr,t;nn. n, e by the Scouts in the county 104:;: I'romoted to the rank tar Scout were; Leonard Rick- F Fdirnr Sharn William A pan, Jr., and Louis Gates, Jr., of ,n i, anton. rm Troop 2, Waynesville, Rill Shields, and Joe Comp from Troop 3, Wavnesville, ' Rovd Medfnrd. Rohhv Tnt.h- nod. Gilbert L. Hembree. Joe fW and IJillv rinviQ. frr.ni "P 4, f'anton: Rill V.a'rA anA Rush. o the rank of Life Scout: Troop """i. wuiiam M. Coman, Jr.; 2. Wavnexville, Bobby Col : Troop 3, WayTiesville, Wal Bwn : Troon 4, Canton, Don- by Allen, and John R R,Ur ' r"m",,1d to thp rant PoM fat: Troop 1 Canton. Wilburn nn ; Troon i r..:j 1.1 1 V'illltUll, UdTIU alfttrs and DnnM !.;m rirppftes Buy fern's Tnfn Tr- ani Mm w tit t e f, v-narne'S caie i ,. ,7 Mrs- Rb-rt Sutton. Jr.. If. r. ru- nirnet'p ;n 1, -1. .1 '- re s errl of the firm, and ',,,?P't( wi P?rS"nqllv over ." Irod rrennratifin unJ e.- will aerate the business. it announced. qs been serving IT- Bumette h to the public for the past 1 Pars and prior to that opr vhinf t the East Kr t? "-""oi ior eight years. n a,. "vi a eaje iif re 1 'imp ho 1 . . Ileal a ucen ejected with '1 drnfy XI. re adding 8everal additional PVT. ARTHUR J. K. MDOKK. son of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Moore, of Hazel woo 1, who is reported missing in net ion in Itn'y since January 6. Pvt. A. J. R. Moore, Of Hazelwood, Is Reported Missing Private Arthur J. R. Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Moore, of Hazelwood, is reported missing in action in Italy, according to a mes sage received by his wife sign d by the Adjutant General. The message read as follows: "I regret to inform you that your January G in Italy. If further de has be n missing in action since on Nov. 2, 1042, and was inducted 'ails or information are received you will be promptly noticed." Pvt. Moore entered the service on Nov. 2, 1942 and was induct d at Fort Jackson. He was trans ferred from i'cre to Camp Welters. Texas, where he received his basic training. From Texas he -wus sent to Gr:cnvilh Pa., and from the latter to Hrownswick, N. J. From the last named he was sent to New York and then overseas. Prior to entering the service Pvt. Moore was employ, d by the Una gusta Manufacturing Company. His wife, the former Miss Laura Conard, is now residing in Spar tanburg, where she is employed. Pvt. Moore has a brother, Sgt. Kenneth Moore, who is s rving in the armv, F"d is now stutiened at Atterbury, Ind. l ast Rites Are Held Tuesday For Mrs. Mary Queen La'; rites were held at 2:30 Tuesday afternoon at the Maple Grove Methed:st church for Mrs Mary Noland Queen, 89, wid v "r James L. Queen, who died Sunday morning at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. George F. Plott, on the Fairview Road. The Rev. Ross, pastor of the church, officiated, assisted bv Rev. W. L. Hutchins, superintendent of the Waynesvi'le Methodist district. Burial was in the Maple Grove cemetery. Serving as pallbearers were grandsons as follows: Tom, Gar rett and Rufus Reeves, of Lake Junaluska; J. Q. Allison, of Hen dersonville; Weodrow Allison, of Wavresville; Robert Howell, of Jonathan Creek: James M. Queen, Jr., of West Asheville, and Homer Justice of Wi'mington. Granddaughters were in charge of the flowers. Mrs. Queen is widely connected in Haywood county. She is the daughter of Al'en and Caro'-a ... The body was taKen Active Campaign Staged Throughout County By Patriotic Women. In the house to house plulge made by the women of the countv under the supervision of Mrs. Wil liam Medford, chairman, in the in terest of the Fourth War Loan Drive, a total of $101,225 was re corded, it was learned last night. Practically every rural section if the county made pledges to buy bonds during the survey, accord ing to Mrs. Medford, who stated that persons contacted in the sur vey did not include those who w re on payrolls and were having regu lar deductions made from their salaries, but women in the horn s. Mrs. Medford was high in her i raise of the work done by the women and the splendid response ec ived throughout the area. Those working on the pledge sur vey were: Wnyncsvill?, Mrs. Ben Sloan, chairman, Miss Helen Ray, Mrs Carl Hill, Mrs. Wm. Hannah, Mis? Louise Stringfield, Mrs. June Smathers, Mrs. Robert H. Breese; Hazelwood, Miss Ruth Summer row, chairman, Mrs. Whitener Pie vost and Mrs. Clyde Fisher; Clyde. Mrs. Grover Haynes, chairman. Canton, Mrs. Tom Reeves, chair man, Mrs. E. E. Conley, Mrs. Ellis Tarmenta. Mrs. W. L. Rickard. Mrs. Jack Plott, Mrs. Smiley Carv er, Mrs. Cedric Stone, Mrs. C. R Witt, Miss Rhodea McClure, and Mrs. Frank Campbell, Jr. Other Membirs Francis Cove, Mrs. Homer West: Jonathan Creek, Miss Edna Boyd: Iron Duff, Mrs. Hardy Caldwell: Crabtree, Mrs. Glenn Palmer; Ivv Hill, Miss Nell Campbell; Ratcliff Cove, Mrs. Clyde Francis; Maggie. Mrs. James Robert Plott; Rock Springs, Mrs. Wayne McElroy; Hyder Mountain, Mrs. Ray Hol der; Fines Creek, Mrs. C. S. Green. Cecil, Mrs. Edgar Burnett; Bea vtrdam, Mrs. Tom Hipps; Maple (Continued on page 6) Lee V. Rogers Is Claimed By Death Well Known Haywood Farmer Passed Away Wednesday In Asheville Hospital. Lee V. Rogers, 75, well known farmer and stock raiser of the Clyde section, died late yesterday aft:rnoon in an Asheville hospital. Mr. Rogers had ben in ill health for some time. Funeral arrangements were not complete last night. Surviving are six children, 5 dau Kht rs, Mrs. Guy Chambers, of Si attic, Wash.; Mrs. Glenn Howell and Miss Louisa Rogers, of Can ton; Mrs. Austin Causey, of Five Points, Ala.; and Mrs. Fred Noland, of Clyde. One son, Dewey Rogers, of Ardcn. The W Us Funeral Home of Cm ton are in charge of the arrange ments. , Paralysis Drive Increased $79 During Past Week The total funds collected in the eounty-wide drive in the annual Infantile Paralysis campaign has reached $1,695.71, is was learned yesterday from Jonathan Woody, who is serving as chairman for Haywood county. Half of the money will be kept in the county to s;d infantile and crippled cases. The quota for the county this year had been set at $315, and the contribution for 1144 is the largest Knea loiana. i ne oouy was . m . tn fhp Mmn;pT, from her """""'' '. ... on Monday morning in thi countv. Mr. Woody stated daughters nome to cne that some srnaiier collections were f Her rnn. Sam L. Queen, on the fc fc ex ted the PP-lwood Poad. wbere ,t remained fj until the hour of the funeral. Out or Qf mfmey of respect to her memory and to A g gtageJ her son, Solictor -John M w , the rar,ton and Waynes. the Havwood County Superior . . ., , . ,. i j vine areas, i ne luli caucmc court in session this week recessed . . fm printin? (Continued on page 6) placards and purchase of tags. Haywood Gets Agricultural Achievement Award Double Program Will Be Featured Here Saturday Achievement Day Will Be gin At 10:30; Award Program Starts At Noon. Saturday will be "Agricultural Day" in Haywood, as a full morn ing's program will embrace the annual Achievement Day program of Demonstration Farmers and 4-H Clubs, and starting promptly at noon, a 45 m'nute program will center around the awarding to the county the Agricultural Achieve ment Award "A" Flag from the army for the outstanding work done on Haywood farms in 1943. llaywoed was given first place in North Carolina for making the l'.M.'i agricultural goals. Four other counties wore given similar recognit ion. Awarding of the "A" Flug will be a patriotic program, starting at noon on the court house lawn with w atber p. routing. A brief parade by t"C hand will begin the pro gram, followed by the singing of "God liless America.'' Ilev. J. C. Madison will give the invocation, and R. C. Francis will bo master of ceremonies, Mr. Francis is a in mlii1 r of the Haywood County War Hoard. (;. T. Scott, chairman of the Slate USDA war board will pre sent a cert ilic a'.e of citation, which will be ikia-i'pled by Mr. Francis. The Achievement "A" Flag will be presented by Maj r Dan L. Mc Kinnon, and A. .1. McCracken will accept the Hag in behalf of the county. Mr. McCracken will in turn give the liag to the Stat' Guard who will raise it on the flagpole under the sturs and stripes. The band bill play the national anthem as the flag ia being raised. For the annual achi vement day of f eVhionst ration farmers, the rX , r " 'II buin.Uit 10:30 nnA tM'fif leaturv ah address by Dean W. Colvftrd, in charge of the state test farm at Swannanoa. Follow ing tb address, the group will bold a business session for the election of ollicers. The accomplishments of the 4 H Clubs of the county will be recog- nmed and a piacque awaruuu um - (Continued on page 6) 'hied tl The Agricultural Achievement Award will be p here Saturday at noon, when Major Dan L. McKinnon presents the standing agricultural accomplishments in 194.!. The program will b weather permitting. Haywood county in a patriotic program "A" Flag to the county for out held on the court houso lawn with Cost Of Living Being Kept Down By OPA, Local Merchants Told Promotions Made In Local State Guard This Week A number of promotions were made during the week in the local unit of the State Guard which is headquarters and service company cf the Second North Carolina Regi ment of the State Guard. Included in the nromot.ions were the following: First Sgt. Tom ambell to scond lieutenant, fill ing the vacancy of Lt. Roy Ruff, "'ho is now serving in the U. S. Navy; Guy Meser. to first ser geant; James R. Kuykendpll to staff sergeant: Marion T. Bridges to sergeant; Kenneth Lowe to cor poral. To private frt class, Sam Cal hnunt. Robert H. Constance. Noble W. Garrett, Wi'l'-m D. Mehaffey and Linuel E. M;Iler. "Tbe cost of living 'as not troti" un since Aprd, 1!I43," Miss P art Humphrey, h"ad of the apparel division of OPA of this state told merchants h re Tuesday niht, as she explained regulations govern ing a"inri 1 prres. "Many people feel that tbe cost of living has advanced b"caus there are so many low-priced items new rff the market, and the ave rage purchaser must now buy mer chandise in th higher price brack ets," she told the group of mer chants. Mis Ilnmphery sa;d that WPB is now working on plans to restore litv ir manv i'ems. The meeting was pres'ded ov r i president and L. N. Davis, secre- by Hugh Massie, a member of the i tary-t reasurer. All Officers Of Building and Loan Are Re-Elected All officers and directors of the Haywood Home Iiuilding and Loan Association were recently re-elect ed following the annual meeting of the stockholders of the association. R. L. Prevost is again president, a post he has held since the asso ciation was organized some 20 years ago. E. J. Hyatt is vice Ti'val Nurses Attend Nurses Association Meeting In Asheville Mrs. Evelyn A. Osborne, superin tendent of the Haywood County Hospital, and Mrs. Ruby B. Bry- snn, public nea'tn nurse or nay wood county, attended the regular monthly meetine of District No. 1 of the State Nurses Association which was held in Asheville yester day afternoon. price pannel, reprcsen'ing apparel. ill- introduced Miss Humrhny. I The OPA official pointed out that I all merchants must prepare price I charts. "There are several mth I ods that prove satisfactory in car rying out the regulations, sh said, "but all we ask is tru- com pliance with the regulations." In anwer tp a question of wvat to do when a jobber or manufac turer overcharges for merchandise. Miss Humphrey urged merchants to reiort such cases, and an in vestigation would b started. She carried bark with hr, s veral in voices received by locl merchants from jobbers and mannfacturers, which showed an advance in pric for the same items sire? March 1, 1942. Other merchan'S were pre paring similar data to be forward- (Continued on page 12) The directors the organiza tion are: R. L. Prevost, E. J Hyatt, L. N. Davis, A. T. Ward J. W. Ray. L. M. Killian, C. N. Allen, O. H. Shelton, W. H. Bur gin, and J. R. Boyd. The report of the association showed a satisfactory year was had by the association Howard Clap ITas An Appendectomy Howard Clapn, county agent, is exnected to return home this week end from the Biltmore Hospital, where he underwent an operation for appendicitis last Wednesday. Reports from the hospital yester day were that he was improving, and barring complications would be dismissed this week-end. Court Takes Recess Due To Death Of Solicitor's Mother The February term of Haywood County Superior court convened here on Monday morning, with Judge F. E. Alley presiding. On Tuesday the court took a recess in respect to Solicitor John M. Quuen, whose mother, the late Mrs. Mary Queen, was buried that afternoon. Due to tbe fact that the number of criminal cas s scheduled for trial arc comparatively small, e vil cases are also b"ing tried this term. Through Wednesday the follow ing cases had been disposed of: Johnny Morris, chartred with vio lation of th prohibition laws, was fined J25 TO and the costs. Ralph Long, charged with non support, wis ordered to pay $10 05 a week to bis family and the costs. Alvin Keith Bowles, charged with reckless driving, was fined 25 00 and the costs. Woodrcw Smith had two counts against him, on for driving drunk for which he was ordered to pay 50.00 ard the costs and another for violation of the prohibition law for which he was fined $25.00 and the costs. B. Wise, charged with violation (Continued page 6) Rationing Board To Be Closed 3 Days For Moving The IocpJ rationing board will be closed from two o'clock on Tues day, February 15h, until 8::!0 Saturday morning, it was anoune "d yesterday, while the office is being moved. The board will move from the hird floor of the court house to 'he Rose Puildine on Main Street. Miss Winni? Kirkpatrick. chief elerk. said it would take all of Wednesday, Thursday and Friday to move the records and set up tbe new office. There are thousands n"i"n thousands of records that must be moved and kept t he staff's finirer tips in order to asure "bus;ness as usual" after the move. The new office will provide much more spce and convenience to both staff and the public. 0' 1