I phe Waynesville mountaineer Published In The County Seat Of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park, WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1944 (One Day Nearer Victory) $1.75 In Advance la Haywood and Jackaon Couattao IETB YEAR NO. 8 12 Pages rt rw touwi aptist Ministers To old 5-Day Conference Exams. At croft opti-t ministers of Hay ' ',,n will hold their annual , r Preachers Revival", "'trk at the Rateliff Cove hB"Tj,, will be the sixth con- jve year in "" Imvc been neui, t ami attendance each year. i,.. Hapti -t ministers of the , ., . ! i are open u uuih .tfi'and lay-members of all lurches, and a cordial invi ,Vo !'ied to a'l who wisn pi'tiil. -r...m will beirin each day, j,v through Friday, at 2:30 and continue until 9:00 p. iin intermission for sup- nd fellowship, i ne aii-eriiuon w, will be featured by a rtnCl period under the lead- ,f Kt v. J. C. Pipes, general i ,,f the Baptist State Con- ,i "Problems of the Rural ' . . n 1 C Lh ai.d Their sugKrau.-u ou- There will also De two simi periods each day, led by . . r .1. us ministers oi me county, Paster's Personal Problems The Pastor Among His Peo- Rev. T. H. Parris of Clyde have a period each day to nt seme "Highlights of Bap- llistory.' the evening sessions, which at 7:00 o'clock, following a Id of praise and devotion, there be a series of sermons on Ihe t Message for Today. ' In tt r TT LI. series, Kev. n. u. namiiien., r of the First Baptist church aynesville, will speak on Mon- biiprht on "Personal Salvation Social Action." Other sub ami speakers are: Tuesday, Spiritual Foundations of De ny, " by Rev. Gay Chambers; tiesday, "f ree cnurcnes in a State," by Rev. Avery Peek; dav, "Baptists in Relation to Christian Bodies," by Rev. Irt Rogers; Friday, "Baptist msibility for World Evangel- m, ' dv Kiv. trans h. Lieatner- Reported Missing -f - 1 1 .- & I n I 11 1- Ninety-Seven Go For Preinduction STAFF SERGEANT MIL AS LEE GREEN, 2.1, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Green, of the Fines Creek section of the county, who was reported missing over Ger many. He had been in England since September, 1943. He has re cently been awarded the Air Medal for distinguished service. Charles Gaddis Winner Of 36th Annual DAR Prize Charles Gaddis, Waynesville township high school student, was the winner of the medal given for first place in the annual declama tion contest held by the Dorcas Bell Love Chapter of the Daugh ters of the American Revolution on Tuesday morning in the high school chapel. The even this week ujo trio Sltfrh nnnfacf r,t Ha Ifirwl e closing period each evening, I " IVaM N Johnson of Mai a Hill ' 1 uy yuc enaprer. j. u. ivei.ey Salisbury, will bring a series ages of vital interest to the fters anil churches. Dr. John- If nnner pastor at Wake Forest (State Secretary of the Baptists rth Carolina,-has for several I- been doing special work lift toward the re-vitalization e churches, holding ministers ats and speaking in the chur- He is the author of several and edits a monthly pap r, Next Step in the Churches." fv. C. R. Upton, pastor of the iry Baptist church of Canton, president of the Baptist Min is Conference, will preside over meetings. rs. Locke Holland ppointed Rowan pme Agent Locke Holland, of Salisbury, Oeen named homo HpmnTiotT-o- agent of Rowan county, ac- inp to an announcement hv thp rd of county commissioners. Holland is the former M iheth Francis, daughter of Mr. Mrs. Charles Francis. Holland was aDnninted last k hy the county commissioners Mrs. pother G. Willis of the !" office, who rerommnifW Un and for the post. Holland is a graduate of mans Colleee of the Tlni- dy of Vnrti Cornll.. Iv, lt .. -.v.. uutuuiia ill of 1941. After graduation went to Iredell countv as as- rnt county home agent and later countv aent in Lincoln fty, where she remained until marriage in October, 1943 to nouami, FSA supervisor for n and Davie counties. ss Graham Here Assist Miss pith In County Jewel nrnliam A....,,! v- 7 here this week as emergen- i"oa nrndntinn .-J . ww! iiu cunserva- a5?istant homo r tlt;. U Margaret Smith. Vj a m is from Asne conn" an as n mcv.l iV A TT carried a nuhh nnance her collect PdnrnMnn. a graduate from Appalach otate Tearhora nlio P. and has a B. S. degree to nomics and science. TIpxv asciat.Ht 1. X lelit v iiume agent Lnt home economic mw wr ra,r.ln Kw in Wilkes eoanty, f hile there was sponsor 1 the r viuo in th aofiu.! . UVUWJ, won second place and was given a cash award. Those entering the contest and their declamations including the winners were as follows: Charles Gaddis, "The Fighting Americans"; J. D. Kelley, "The Army of Demo cracy", by John Coyle; Don Hyatt, "A Tribute to Washington", by McKinley; James Brackett, "The Four Freedoms", by Roosevelt; Winifred Liner, "The March of Freedom", by Henry A. Wallace; Zeb Alley, "Freedom from Fear", by Stephen Vincent Benet; Aaron Hyatt, "The Future Starts Now", by James Hilton; Bob Ferguson, "Meditations At Arlington", by Carl Sandburg. Mrs. S. H. Bushnell, regent of the chapter, presided and after opening the program turned it over to Mrs. J. Harden Howell, chair man of patriotic education, who was in charge of the contest. Mrs. Howell read the names of the 35 bovs who have won the medal, many of whom are now in the arm ed forces. She asked that the audi ence stand with bowed heads in j respect to two of the former win- ners, Captain David Stent and j Lt. James S. Queen, who are re- j ported missing in action. Winners starting with the first ; contest held in 1909, given in order j of their winning include: Noble j Garrett, George H. Ward, Ray- I mond Allen, Buel Hyatt, Robert I Ninety-seven men left here on Thursday morning for preinduction examinations under the selective ssrvice system from the Waynes ville area of the county. They re ported to Camp Croft, leaving here by bus at 8:00 o'clock a. m. James Samuel Cabe was named leader of the group, with the fol lowing serving as assistant lead ers: James Bushnell Neal, Kimsey Noland Palmer and Fred Reuben Moody. Transferred from othtr boards were as follows: John Rudolph Carswell, from Morganton; Jerry Morrow Allen, from Morristown, Tenn William Arthur Hurst, from Newport, Tenn.; Julian Rathe, from New York City; Gerald War dup Wells, from Madison, West Va.; Robert Riley Ferguson, Jr.. from Newport News, Va.; and Joseph Donald Henderson, from Asheville. Others were: John Stuart, Ram sey Crock; tt, Frank Teague, Wade Hampton Frazier, Jr., John Henry Ruff, George Franklin Rathbone, Alvin Leon Walker, William Dave Parris, Walter Franklin Williams. Henry Russell Gilliland, William Lafayette Moody, Horace Grady Honeycutt, Herman William Brooks, Hugh Chambers, William Venson Reece, Robert Roy Kelley, James Edgar Moore, Wilburn M s ser, Lee Roy Messer, Jack Under wood. James Jackson Kelly, James Wesley Gunter, James Frank Fin ger, Fred Vinson Green, Grady Allen Downs, James Elmer Greene. Dennis Hubert Caldwell, Henry William Sutton, Grover Lee Davis. Weaver Jolly, Cecil Cooper, Clyd McKinley Reagan, Joseph Ray mond lilanton, Leonard Elonzo Huff, Ernest Eugene Lee, Andrew lames Ball, Larry Robinson, Willis Frank Smith, Hayden Caldwill, Ned Houston Sparks. Homer Bryson Lanning, William Homer Inman, Ray Edison Miller. Clyde Lewis Wyatt, Abe Hoyt Jordan, James Elmer Norris, Jar vis Homer Caldwell, Roy Clifford Parton, Mitchell Hubert Caldwell Faui Lafayette Young, Howard Edward Gentry, Davis William Brookshire, Robert Le Gaddy. Frank Yarborough, Robert Jackson Whitner, Fred Reuben Moody, Ray ford Let Brown. Ralph Leather wood. Giorge Herbert Rulf, Clem Cabe. Walter Otis Henderson, Fletcher E. Kuykendall, Jr., Jack William Moore, Kimsey Noland Palmer. Frank Norman Penland, Vinson Wood row Leatherwood. Benjamin Ray Mashburn, James Ira Marcus. John Howard Jones, Harry L f Crawford, Clifford Wallis Green. Jake Messer, Deward McElroy, Jason Wood row Smiley, Robert James Kuykendall, George Hlodbe Sisk, William Jonathan Nichols. Troy Lee Justice, Andy Sanford Wyatt, John Henry Smiley, Walter Campbell Plott. Frank James Trull. Edgar Wallice Sharp, Guy Virgil Grogan, Lyman Brownlow Rogers. Jr.. Haves Allen Moody, Bascom Alfred Edwards, Frank I Wvatt lb dl Nib 51 Plans Completed For Red Cross Campaign Carrying the theme of lh 1944 American Red Craw War Fn4 Appeal, and ymbojic of lh true Mrvic af Red Croaa mtm and omen on the far-flung front of Ihe world, ihla reproduction of tko 1944 Red Crow poster depict lha Yank, oldter, km (ail oquiy 1 mm4 ml kit aid the repreacBlativeo of roar Kod Croaa. Lions Hear Talk By Major Brown Of Weather Wing Major Alexander (i. Brown, Air Corps, public relations officer of the AAF Weather Wing, of Asheville. addressed the members of the Lions Club at their regular dinner meeting on last Thursday. Major Brown ixplaincd ihe air force in stallations located in Asheville and spoke at length on the weather factor in military operations din ing the last half of I'M:!. "The two air force wingv w have theii headquarters in tin Asheville City Hall are weather Presbyterian Church Sponsors Hymn Singing A mid-week hymn sing is now being held each Wednesday eve ning at 7;:lit at the Presbyterian 'ehui eh. The service is being dir ct -ed by Joe Rose, w ho for a number !of years was known to a large , radio iiiidieio e on the program " Hymns of All Churches." While it is not the intention of these services to interfere iQ. any 'way with services scheduled at ), 'other churches at this time, all people of the community are in vited. People l.h. t" sing St:'el . i . an ami coniinunu -tuoii. j nev --e-- V direct I v un.l.r tile heal.uariers of hymns," comm. nt. .1 the !? - the air forces in Washington. When '"' I- Williamsori, in niakmg this the air forces was reorganized i n , announcement , "and we are not March of last war these two ser only happy to be able to provide vires were under the flii'ht con-rot -lull a program for the people ot command which had its headiiiai- ! tors in Winston-Ralem," the speak j er said in his opening remarks, as I he further explained the vital pa i t I the service had in the war. ! "When (hi1 Germans ovi nan and in the fall of l'.t'iit, our army's lir weather ivice consisted of i scant handful of officers and been in as noted by General II. H. Arnold, com manding ireneral of the army ail force-," he eont inued. He told of the development of the service and how it was suffi cient now to man the world-wide service. It has been a hard ser vice to fill, he pointed out, as there weio not enough available young men in the count rv with sufficient men. That neuculus has creased by tlOOII per cent, Pvt. Swayngim Is Wounded During Battle In Italy Pvt. Roy Swayngim, of Canton, route 2, was slightly wounded in Italy on January 22, according to a f.lifrmm iust received from the Wyche, James Palmer, William War Tj,,partment by the soldier's Palmer, W. R. Francis, Wayne , fathert Grover C. Swayngim. Grahl, Brian Walpole, Julius l. further word has been receiv- Junior I training in mathematics and and Thomas Earl Rudisal. . pnysics to quality tor tne work. ; Combat units of the air forces and i ground and set vice forces now I I have staff officers who obtain col lective weather data fcom the ser vice in Asheville and advise their commanding officers on weather matters, hi' stated. Major Rrown also told of numer ous combat events and of the ser vice rendered at the time by the weather wing service. Welch, Jr., Lawrence Davis, Ar chie McFayden, Joe Johnson, James Osborne, Ben Sloan, Richard Cov ington. Edwin Haynes, Mark Davis, Ru fus Gaddis, James Queen, Robert Lowe, James Harden Howell, Jr., Bill Prevost, Ray Burgin, Richard-Queen, Lester Poteat, Frede rick Nichols, David Stentz, Joe Johnson, Joe Davis, Sam Arling ton, R. L. Wilson, Bob Lee and Dwight Beaty. The Rev. M. R. Williamson, pas tor of the Presbyterian church, gave the invocation, Mrs. J. W. Killian led in the pledge of alle giance to the flag. Mrs. S. H. Bushnell presented the medal and the cash prize. Serving as judges were: T. L. Green, Rev. J. C. Madi son and Mrs. Whitener Prevost Miss Janett Burgin left Sunday for Newport News, Va., where she will spend some time with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Walker and small son. Tommy, left Saturday for Greenville, S. C, where Mrs. Walker and son will reside with her parents while Mr. Walker is in the service. Mr. Walker will re port to a nary post this week. ed regarding the condition of the Haywood man. Pvt. Swayngim entered service on Novembebr 4, 1941. He went to Fort Bragg, later to Fort Ben ning, then to a Florida camp and sailed overseas after spending some time at a Virginia camp. Food Dealres To Meet Here On Tuesday Night All retail groc?rs, meat mark ets, and all retailers of food, are being urged to attend the special meeting hrre Tuesday night at the court house, when M. N. Cutlip. commodity specialist on foods from OPA will address the group and answer questions regarding the regulations. There are fi8 dealers served, by the local board, Miss Winnie Kirk patrick, chief clerk said, and gro cers from Canton and Sylva areas are expected to attend. Merchants in other lines have had similar meetings here, and all were pleased with the clarity in Republicans Of Havwood To Meet In Canton On 11th A Haywood Republican countv convention is hereby called to re held at Canton high school build ing on Saturday, March 11th, a' 2 o'clock. The purpose of thr meeting is to select d'legates tc the state convention at Charlotte or the 16th day of March, and to thr congressional convention which ha? not yet be?n called. "All precinct chairmen are urged to call a meeting on or before th' 4th day of March to elect thei prfcinct chairman and to selec' delegates to the county convention It is urged that this rule be com plied with," Horace Sentelle, coun ty chairman, said. In addition to the selection o' delegates to the different conven tions to be held, the selection of r county chairman for next year, to gether with other officers of th' county organization and for th' transaction of any other busines' that may come before the meeting Harley E. Wright is secretary of the county organization. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Young and two children spent the week-end in which regulations were explained. TMarion with relatives. our church and community, but we an indeed fortunate ill having a man like 1 1 los. in charge of the M l vires." Dayton Employees Invest $1,237.50 In "Extra" Bonds In a concentrated 24 hour drive the employees of the Dayton Rub Manufacturing Company in vestnl $4 2:17.50 in War Bonds dur ng the recent Fourth War Loan llrive, it has been announced by Personnel Director, N. J. Tucker. Headed by the bond committee chairman. Boiling 1L Burress, Vet eran employee of the Milling De partment, the various committee in uibers spread throughout the lant contacting each individual w orker in an ell on lo sen an huh bond, and to encourage increased bond buying through the payroll deduction plan. With rare excep tion each employi e bought an extra bond, or increased his payroll de duction percentage. Other committee members in charge of sales were: James Plem mons, compound department; Fran ces Cogburn and Mary Palmer, in spection; Betty Jo Moody and Sally Pless, raft department; Ruth Beyers and Ruby Walls, hose de nartm nt; Wilsie Rabb and Carl Hooper, textile department; and Edgar Trull, milling department. The figures showing the percen tage invested in war bonds through the payroll deduction plan will be available at an early date. Sixty Men Are Reclassified During This Week Ten men were placed in class 1-A by the local draft board, sub ject to call to report for duty in the armed forces, during the past week. In the group were the fol lowing: Thomas Earl Rudisal, Ned II. Sparks, Walter Campbell Plott, Edgar Wallace Sharp, Ira McClure, Ed Haynes Davis, Edwin Burnett I l'oteate. James Blain Garrett, Jr., I Howell Jackson Buchanan und Wil liam Lucius All n. Placed in class l-A(H) were: Alley IKrnest Mercer, Paul Mon roe Putnam, Mark Hector Grasty. Samuel Jos. ph Hall, Floyd Lowell Miller, Theodore Hoosevilt Bry nut, Harry Lee Vance, Joseph LayfTate Thompson, Richard Rhine hart, William Rufus Gibbs, Wil liam Arevine Hampton, Harry Howell, William Larry Chapman, Robert Howard Frady, Frank Hil Hard Parton. Frank George Jon s, Moody Orville Farmer and Rartley Lee McGaha. Placed in class 1 C(H), George Benton Moody. Placed in class 2 A were: Marion Thomas Bridges and Lloyd Alnie Blanton. Plac d in class 2-B were: Lewis Gibson, Fonslow Muse, William Taylor Wilson, Roy Nndo Steph ens, Robert Dixon, Joseph Yates Plemmons, Edgar Denton Brown ing. Thurman Evans, Arville Ru fn Coirdill. Howard Euge ie Su' ton, Vinson Harold Pruett, 'lnr.1.. Rudath Franklin, Thomas Fonsa Swanger, James Horace Leathir wood, Eulah Dock Ashe, William Ray Wright and Daniel Shuford Young. Placed in class 2-B(H), Dennis Simmons Crawford. Placed in class 2-C, Marshal ,;Vi'lT'T Holder. Placed in class It D, Kayford Le( Brown. Placed in class 4-A: Haynes Messr, Wurren Keifer Moody Albert Laurence Trantham, Otis Owen Burgin, Leslie Lafayetti Moody, and Hayden Price. Placed in class 4 F: James Ken ueth Edw iid- and Lloyd Marcu A rrington. Placed in class 1 F(H), James Plane Moody. Mrs. C. II. Miller Dies At Her Home In St. Louis News has been received by rela tives here of the death of Mrs Claude H. Miller, HI, widow of the late Mr. Miller, formerly of Ashe ville, but who has been residing in St. Louis for the past HO years Her death occurred last Friday at her home. Mrs. Miller is the aunt of Mrs C. F. Kirkpatrick, and Miss Robina Miller, and a cousin of Mrs. John K. Boone. She had often visited relatives here. She was the daughter of the late Joseph H. Gudger and Eliza beth Adeline Smith Gudger, of Asheville. Her mother was the daughter of the late James M. Smith, of Asheville, first white child born west of the Blue Ridge Mountains in this state. Surviving are five children, Ma jor Lawrence Miller, of Dycrsburg, Tenn., Maj. James Miller, of New Jersey, and Henry Miller, Hilliard Miller and Mrs. Evelyn Miller Blackmer, all of St. Louis, and several grandchildren. Rationing Board Moves Into Rose Building Here The rationing board opened in 'eir new offices on the street floor f the Rose building on Main street. The move was made over 'he week-end, and the office re pered Tuesday morning. Miss Winnie Kirkpatrick, chief lerk, said that the same offic? -ours would be maintained open 'rem P:"0 until 2 daily, and from '30 until noon on Saturday. The afternoons are used by the -tpff members in making out de filed reports, and it was pointfd 'ut the public cannot be served fter two o'clock. The new office gives much larger raarters, and will be more eonven-i-nt for both the staff and public 'ban the former third floor ofiBce in the court house. Rev. J. C. Madison To Broadcast Over WWNC On Tuesday Rev. J. Clay Madison, pastor of the First Methodist church, who is serving as chairman of the Red Cross War Fund Campaign for the Haywood Chapter, will speak over WWNC Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 29th. Mr. Madison will be on the air from 4:30 to 4:35 o'clock and will make an appcal in behalf of the War Fund Campaign. Two Meetings Scheduled Before Tuesday, Day of Annual Drive In Nation. Plans will be completed in every detail for the War Fund Drive of the Red Cross which will be otlicially opened on February 29. at the meeting tonight at the courthouse at 7:30 o'clock, when all workers appointed t solicit funds and direct the compaign will have a final meeting for instruc tion. Rev. J. i lay Madison, chair man of the campaign, will preside and distribute material for th various groups. "We want every worker present for the time is short and we do not have time to contact them sepa rately." said Mr. Madison, who i.as worked for the past month in perfecting the organi.at ion to car ry forward the drive to raise the iiota of (it!, 1 00 which has been as signed to Ihe urea served by the Haywood chapter. On Monday evening at 7:30 a "Kick Off Rally" will be staged at the courthouse, to which the pub lic is invited to attend. All work ers in the campaign are asked to assemble around 7 o'clock at the Waynesville post office and march with the band to the courthouse as the opening feature of the rally. Mr. Madison met with the color ed workers yesterday afternoon and all their plans were completed to work among the colored people. Mr. Madison tated that he ex pected that the special gifts com mittee would have their work coro ted b he time the drive nnen. ed on Tuesday, the group having started soliciting and were meet ing with fine response. J. C. Brown Is serving as chair man of the rural committee, with J. Yates Bailey, Miss Mary' Mar garet Smith, Wayne Franklin and M. H. BowJrs as members. In the varlius communities the "ollov, ir will work to reach the quota for the chapter; Francis Cove, Robert Boone, chairman, Mrs. Gilbert. Inman and Mrs. Robert Mc Cracken. RatclifT Cove, Mrs. Dave Turner, chairman, Mrs. C. T. Francis and Mrs. C. C. Francis. Allen's Creek. Mrs. Henry Fran cis, chairman, Mrs. Ldna Rogers and C. L. Allen. Saunook, Vaughn Rhinehart, chairman and Mrs. A. H. Sparks. Plott. Creek, Mrs. W. F. Swift, chairman, John Plott and Mrs. Jim Palmer. Maple Grove, Mrs. Fd Glavlch, chairman, Mrs. Jule Noland and Mrs. Homer Justice. I) llwood. Earl Ferguson, chair man, and Mrs. W. D. Ketner. Maggie, N. W. Rogers, chairman, Mrs. Wilma Campbell Phelps and Mrs. Jim Plott. Rock Hill, Mrs. Claudia Boyd, chairman, Glenn A. Boyd and Mrs. R. W. Howell. Cove Creek, Vinson Morrow, chairman, Jim Harrill and Mrs. Robert Franklin. White Oak, Mrs. A. L. Bramlett, chairman, Kennedy Messer and Sam Led ford. Lower Fines Creek, Mrs. D. Reeves Noland, chairman, Roy Rogers and Mrs. Fred Safford. Upper Fines Crefk, Mrs. Car! Green, chairman, and Mrs. Norman James. Lower Crabtree, J. T. Campbell, chairman, Mrs. Glenn Palmer and Jess Haney. Upper Crabtree, Mrs. F. A. Jus tice, chairman, Mrs. Clinton Mc Elroy and Mrs. Mat Davis. Hvder Mountain, Wilson Kirk natrick, chairman, Mrs. Jennings McCrary and Mrs. Ray Holder. Iron Duff, Mrs. R. F. Davis, chairman, Mrs. H. R. Caldwell and Mrs. Fannie Davis. Lake Junaluska, Wallace Ward, chairman. Mrs. Carl Medford and Mrs. W. H. McCracken. Waterville, H. D. McDonald, chairman, Mrs. J. M. Caldwell and Mrs. Ortha Fish. Cold Springs, Harry Lee Liner, chairman, Caney Smith and Henry Campbell. Panther Creek, Glenn Fincher, chairman, Grover Ferguson and Mrs. J. W. Parkins. Maple Springs, Cnntain Thelma Colton, chairman and Adj. Cecil Brown. Mrs. R. B. Hundley had as her guests from Friday until Sunday Miss Beatrice Chapman, of Black Mountain, and Mrs. Jane Raeburn, of Asheville. , Mrs. Greek Waddell, of Ashe ville, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. iWaddell over the week end. 1 Bill Milner Gets Wrestling Letter Bill Milner was one of the fit Duke wrestlers to receive a varsity letter award this week. Thirty four awards wre made to members of the swimming, basketball and wrestling teams of the University.