HE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Pn Wished In The County Seat Of Haywood Countv At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park . . . . - j L.troAo PjtnntW -T" NO. 24 12 Pages WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1944 (One Day Nearer Victory) SL75 In Advance in naywoou m- TOM mm mm min mt MR) vvy n fW v yr SJJn Wntial PlanS Speaks At Lake Sunday veloping Rapidly Lee pi- pjpir.eM Till b' !. fcuard. :1V-:- k.n I.eairue rui.M Throughout Recreational onw. , ,,f iU' community In-am went at a m1 ,,r ft8t week. ',.M was organized, ';.;? made at the ,. c,pleted for in lrU.iH.s and recreat- several vacam. -ooneration of , i Commerce. . f.,b:i!l trame of the iulil Fnday night, tile Tannery and vrding to E. W. ,: al director. Oth Ic.igue include Pet '.,. Corporation, Uniting Corp., the f. schedule will ; ;i! an early date. In . practice continues. .,. benches and , ;l,-:all.(l mi the ex ,; f, nt nf Smith's ,y Chamber of ., ::'.t,iiat'ly, Mr. Ten ?t.ral other lots can'.nnmity will be r,!ii recreational cen Vnclies, games, and installs. !abU, fur bridge have been J ir. '.he office of the Cham- ConinnTce, as wen as ouiei tonal facilities. Itenney attended the state iona! meeting in Chapel Hill Lnounced that the usual jnity gathering would be pain Friday and baturaay at the armory, with the high orchestra and the Soco Gap earn and band providing en- impnt leen 25 and jO boys and girls to 14 jaars of age meet the armorv for supervised khile a similar group meet Hazehvood school. j I Unusual Record ith . I jbwiuMi Sfr- fir . J i A I - v MISS ALPHA IRENE BEST, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Best, of Crabtree, and granddaugh ter of the late J. D. Best, member of the county board of education who has attended school over a period of 11 years without missing a day. Miss Best is a graduate of the Crabtree-Iron Duff high school in the class of 1943 and of Blanton's Business College, where she con tinued her perfect attendance rec ord. She entered Blanton's Busi ness College on September 3, 1943, and gaduated in June of this year. She is now employed by Bowen W. Henderson, certified public ac countant, Asheville. ier Buff Is ported Killed Action, June 13 In Buff, seaman first class, avv. who would have been In yea i s of age on August has bun reported killed in June according to a kef vom the War Department parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus U Wavnesville. R.F.I). No. was; serving somewhere in 1. at the time of his death. (nan Buff enlisted in the h October 28, 1943, and re us boot training at Bain- Md. I'nnn pnnw-ilotinn of itial training he was given sral days leave which he at home with his parents, as later assigned to Nor- .mil, aiici ,iv. sent to Long Island, before assigned to sea duty. nan Buff was associated 'is father and the Waynes- Mltber Cumnanv nrinr tn his ft the navv. -He was netive work and the young peo fganization of the commun- as a member of the grad- dass Of 1541 fr-i tlP F'lt townshin hiirh sehool. 's survived by his parents; "others. Kut Arty,,,- W , -.iit j J i Lilt; A1CUU- ;ani. pai r. . r- ii cu, ii 1 ICS Iff Rufus, Jr.. anH Wnu all avnesville, R.F T) TMn 9- rv- Mrs. Kiank Mehaffey, Baff- of Wavnesvillp 16 Men Report For Duty In Army In June Quota Sixteen men from the Waynes- ville area ol me eouniy im cm.. dav morning for Fort Bragg, where they will enter the army. Hiram Sam Wilbum served as leader of the group and Thomas Earl Frazier was assistant leader. Tk o-i-nim made uo the June quota to enter the army, those assigned to duty in the navy will be called at a later date. The group left by bus at 8:40 and were scheduled to arrive at Fort Bragg in the late afternoon. There were three volunteers in the group including: Nathan Hill. Frederick Mitchell Glavich and Hiram Sam Wilburn. Transferred from other draft boards were: Cagle Allie McCoy, tr "N v s, --y.-r - ..-;:: : 11 N Joe H. Gill Dies Suddenly Of Heart Attack In New York Hurial In Dallas, Texas, For Utility Executive Who Owned Haywood Farm. incrDHUo nANllfl.s will ho tho nnmml Havwood Countv Day U V ' - ! 1 - J 11 . - '.I ' ---.. -' .. ... - V - - speaker at the Lake Junaluska auditorium Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Mr. Daniels will use as his subject, "The Church In the ( hanging World." The evening program at eight o'clock will feature Rev. W. L. Hutchins. His sermon topic will be "Christian Optimism." Mr. Daniels is editor of The Rtdeigh News and Ohbserver, former ambassador to Mexico, and was secretary of the navy during World War L Plans Underway To Get Local Jobs For Every Disabled War Veteran Heinz Rollman Heading Movement To Create Jobs For Men From Haywood. A movement has been started here to assure every disabled Hay wood veteran a good job right here at home upon his return from The movement is being headed by Heinz Rollman, general manager of VVellco anoe ovula tion. Mr. Rollman has had much experience in this field, and has already stalled work on the pro- from Hayesville; William Charles . ject. Last rites were conducted in Dallas. Texas, yesterday for Joe H. dill. .rK, utility executive, who died in New York City early Fri day morning from a sudden heart attack. Services were conducted at the Jacob Herrlick and Son Fiinoml Home in New York City on Sunday afternoon, after which the body was tuken to Dallas lor burial. Mr. Gill who with his family had been coming to Waynesville for the past fourteen summers was president and chairman of tho board of Electric Power and Light Corporation and president of the United Gas Corporation at tho time of his death. Hp wn native of Kerriville, Texas, the son of the late William Francis and Mnriam Fort dill. He was a graduate of the Univer sity of Texas in the class of 1910. After two years with tho General Electric Company nt Schenectady. Mr. Gill in 1912 became associated with tho Texas Power and Light Gomnnnv ill Dallas. Texas, ns an engineer. From October, 1917, to December. DM-, be was in the service of the federal government and had charge, under the direction of the head of the electrical divi sion of electrical design and lay out, of the power equipment ioi (Continued on page 6) SgtG. V. Howell, Reported Missing, Is German Prisoner I Tech. Sgt. Grady V. Howell, Jr., son of Mr. and Mi s. Grady V. Howell, of Waynesville, R.F.D. ' No. 2, w ho was reported missing in action over Germany last month, according to recent information sent tn the tlHIcTlts bv the Illtel- ; national Red Cross is a German I prisoner of war. I The wire received during the I week by Mr. and Mrs. Howell from ifhe War Department read as fol lows : I " Report just received through 'the International Red Cross states I that your son, Technical Sergeant 'Grady V. Howell, Jr., is a prisoner of war of the German government. U'tter of infi.i mation follows from Provost Marshall General." The twenty-three - year - old air man, who has been awarded the Air Medal, was serving as assist- Parade, Free Movie and Visiting Soldiers Part Of Big Program Wounded ,1 5 A -A A. teaMtMwwwJy.iiiinmMiiTiiitfhi nfttti iwwwttat virv,'frnm Hilton Village, Va., and Ray Graham West from New port News, Va. Others were: John B. Kates, Joseph Zebedee Clark, James Jack et rirlf T.eo Cleveland Hill, Clarence William Lewis, Curtis Franklin Hendrix, Joe MrkpatricK, Richard Bradley, Thomas Earl Frazier, and Emerson Mashburn. Ft! to p'nst Rules . . . h this I l,.,i- f,niml over H tll'l'liH Ol 1 ' t ' ' ' " many years, that handicapped peo ple can do work efficiently, when the riianapeniPiit of a firm takes a little interest in them and works out jobs they can handle." "The disabled veterans will want (Continued on pafte 6) Locust Flag Pole At Court House Only Temporary The present flag pole on the grounds of the courthouse is only a temporary affair, according to George A. Brown, Jr., chairman of ant engineer and gunner on a the county board of commissioners. I Liberator combat crew at a base '. . . , m Knehiiid. He volunteered in b ing made by the Champion Paper and Fibre Company. the service in August, 1942, and received his training at a number of armv air bases including Wend- "I think the new pole will last OVer and Sioux City, as long as this courthouse.-' said Prior to entering the service he Mr Brown, who explained that it was employed as an inventory would be constructed of metal and clerk for the Owens-Illinois Glass be about twice as large as the Company in P.ridgeton, N. J. He original pole, which was blown was educated in the local schools down .luring the spring. and at State College, Raleigh. 1ST LT. Kl'Fl'S L. CARS W F.I.I . son of Mrs. Anna Cars well . who has been wounded in action in Italy on May -1. accord ing tn a message from the VVur De- pal tnient. Ii. Carswell Is Wounded While In Italian Battle First Lieut. Rufus L. Carswell has been wounded in action, ac cording to word received here by htk wife, the former Mi Lillian Tate, of Hazelwood. The message read : "Regret to inform you your hus band, First Lt. Rufus T. Curswell, was slightly wounded in action in Italy on May 24. Signed Adjutant General." Lt. Carswell is the son of Mrs. Anna Carswell and the late John Carswell, of Waynesville. He left here with the National Guard in September, 1940, and received basic training at Fort Jackson, S. C. He attended Officers' Train ing Sehool at Fort Benning, Ga., where he received his commission. He later served at Camp Brecken ridge, Ky., where he received his promotion to first lieutenant. He has been serving overseas since September, 1943. Lt. Carswell has three brothers in the service. Thev are. Lt. Sam Carswell and Seaman First Class Mark K. Carswell, both in the South Pacific area, and Sgt. John Richard Carswell, stationed in England. Pit" ws n tltln. AAA:n r r v i icvcif co Publish th J J in a at. ii r'Ve mail f, j P'es It inenas ana inA " "gainst the censor's "IQ rptnilnt: . .... Ft All v . u women in LPtlieyaresUtioned hof ;'.., M general Is. If lv ul,Qe tBe United jttst lne navy and aboard e York c - aaress. 8Cn !"ld liLant Franci8C.te- , vl men anH j I for tt 7- "",,,en Ndone 'r Mfety H can" Teachers To Get Extra Pay For 1943-44 School Year Haywood county teachers will get $18 in back pay, based on $2.00 per school month, according to M. H. Bowles, county superin tendent of education, who stated the extra amount is due to action taken bv the state board of educa tion at its June meeting held in Raleigh. .. The action which will effect ail teachers who have taught as much as six months during the past year ii tmiMin- principals with six teachers or less is as follows: "A resolution was passed which -ht tho 1943-44 maxi- mum and minimum teachers sal ary schedule be increased $2.00 per school month for eacn p.ac, effective July 1, 1943, and this $2.00 for each full school month shall be paid immediately to all these teachers and budding prin cipals who have been paid m one administrative unit a minimum of six months during the 1943-44 school term and that this increase shall not affect the war bonus. Mr. Bowles is asking that the Haywood teachers call at his of fice in the court house not later than Tuesday, June 27, as the checks are supposed to clear in Raleigh by July ! Silver Dollars Go Back To Uncle Sam In Bonds " ri ' 1 JJtjl - vt. A.f J. AfP, -$jt - , f 'ilk Vi A ilf9 ' 'T'; ; ' ' . v" '- -.' s4 ; - - I - ,' '-L , I, mmmMmMntmwtfflWttP ' " -""""-' 1 1 rrini-iifriiWWMitiM-ita ihiimi--------i in -t. infill I'Kilft TiMtiftWaiMWlB""" Tnnnn-ini Norman D. Pless Named Assistant Bank Examiner Norman D. Pless, formerly em ployed by the First National Bank here, has just been named assistant inspector for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Mr. Pless will assume his new duties on July first, with headquarters in Rich mond. Mr. Pless resigned from the bank here when he entered the navy. After returning from the nayy, he became associated with Machovia Bank and Trust Company in Ashe ville. and after three months there, went to the First National Bank in Asheville, where he is at present employed. Mr. Pless is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Pless of the Cruso community. Effort Being Made To Stim ulate Interest In Sales Of War Honds In Area. A gigantic paiade. f:i-pioce band, army units, soldiers who have seen action, and a movie bond premier, will be bold bei. this afternoon in an effort to stimulate interest in t be lagging In -tut sab s. less (ban one fourth of the $S'"J,IHiO . 1 1 m t . i given the county has been purchased, according to C. N. Allen. Fifth War Loan chair man. Through Tuesday, sales in the county totaled $ 1 SSJdo.r.O. The Waynesville aiea had $9:t,2S('..2.r.. while Canton 11:1- a little ahead with $'.lt.'.l7! 2."i. Canton had their rally last Friday, with every detail meet ing w ith success. The parade wll form at the Presbyterian church, and begin moving; promptly at d : :0. J. E. Massie. chairman of the county bond committee, said. The parade will go up Main -treet to the Bap tist church, turn, and return to the court house for a brief pro gram, featuring music by the 63 piece high - ' 1 hand, and short talks by several wounded soldiers who have just returned from the battle fii Ids, and are now at Moore General Ho pital. A short pro gram will be given by E. W. Ten- noy and C. K. V. atherby after the speakers finish. Included among the visiting ser vice men fiom the battle fronts, will bo some lf men. also patients at Moore General, who have re ifntly feetve the Purple Heart award.' Among the visitors will b Beneral Layman Miller, Col. Quinn, Col. Dawson, Lt. Don Cur- rie, ISgt. ( amarucci, wno rerenuy awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, and Lt. Golden. Representatives of all bund is suing agencies will be set up and deliver bonds to purchasers dur ing the evening. Those buying bonds will have the privilege of designating a blue star to be placed besides the name of some Haywood man in service. The huge board is in the Fi' st National Bank, and contains the names of every man from this area now in service. The blue stars are going up fast, and by Friday morning hundreds of others are expected to be put on the board. The bond premier will be held at the Park Theatre at 8:30 with admission by purchase of a bond on Thursday. No tickets will he sold. All bond issuing tgencies have the admittance tickets for the premier, which will feature a film made by American and British cameramen on the fighting fronts, and titled "Tunisian Victory," which will show authentic signal corps pictures of the entire North African and Sicilian campaign. Be sides this interesting and educa tional film, another feature will he "Calaboose", a comedy starring Jimmie Rogers, son of the late Will Rogers, and Noah Berry, Jr. The . r t.,kk, Manufacturine Company waiting in line to invest part of tw are employees of Dayton Rubber Manuiacturing ompa y " . . ' " V..J. Tho dav this picture was maae witr tmiujtircD r-.v. ----- their payroll into war bonds. The day tnis w inU) war Waynesville Post Office Now Rated As First Class The Waynesville post office has been made a first class office by order of the government, it was learned this week from Col. J. Harden Howell, postmaster. The now rntinir came to the lo cal post office because of the jump in receipts, placing it in the nrst class ormin. All riost offices hav ing their annual total receipts over $40,000 are automatically placed in the group of first class. The total receipts for the Way nesville post office for the past year were $47,491.65, according to Col. HoweD. (Continued on page 12) Erkraft Suspends Manufacture Of Wooden Products Erkraft Industries will suspend manufacturing for an indefinite period due to shortages of labor and materials, it was announced yesterday by A. V. Erk, owner and manager. The decision was reach ed in view of enough orders to op erate a full year. Both the finish-ine- and shinning departments will continue to function for an indef inite period. The plant opened here 12 years aim last March, and until tho. war started, was one of the largest manufacturers ol inlaid wood pro ducts in the country. Since the war, production has been devoted to toys and household items, none of which have been termed essen tial, which made it difficult to ob tain materials. When the nlant started, seven people were on the payroll. As many as 100 have been employed at ono timo At nrosont thorp are twenty people working at the plant. nr. r-ri maae no statement as to his future plans, other than to get a well-earned rest, before en tering into one of several attrac tive business opportunities that have been presented to him.

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