'HE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER l. X7 place an Published In The County Seat Of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park rrTo vn 35 Ifi PairM WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 19J4 (One Day Nearer Victory) $1.75 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Coontka trTH 1 r-AU " ' "'J if own mm TO ML F STREETS It Killing Drive Toiteffi.15 Finished Today, Panel Chairman w . j, f( Cnprial Bait jounu v - .. , . j tk mil r limit, the kritmieu i iBunity. . .;tv Amnlovees Lv distributing 7tu pounua til rrepareei oan i the city-wide rat extermi- ..-oiun cot underway r i uvprv section of the i,s been visited during the re. The business areas were Jo worked. U and its spreaa was unu- r1 . i; n person of the department of hre. Towr if Waynesville paid rounds oi Dait wnicn led. result of the campaign win known until this weeK-ena, to Grayden Ferguson, manager. Mr. wmteneaa brats eat the Dait, ana it kills them within six to kmirs. Must of the rats Ltside areas where they die. i; acts as an embalmer, and he bodies. The bait is not to pets or humans, it was out. i the second campaign by the town in the past few Srenjuson said that any per erested in getting the for- :r. preparing the special ai comact him at the city On Treasure Island! iff r'jJ H. B. Clark lorted Wounded 'ranee pant Hi.mer B. Clark, son and Mrs. S. E. Clark, of EF.Ii. No. 1, has been k in actum in France dur- ast if August, according rmatior. received by his par- Claik i- employed by the n tnkii Corporation prior inp the service. He was piwi February 1.'!, 1942, and basii training at Fort S. r. Fort Jackson he was mi to Fort Benning, Ga., In to Camp Blanding, Fla. " latter hi was transfer Camp Atteiburv and from overseas. He had since February of if. hi u he was in train- :Mhe invasion of France. Cisi'k has two brothers in P'. Pvt. Manson E. Clark, wvme in the Pacific t.he- f Pvt. Joseph Z. Clark, who mng an electrical school in ork Citv. WALTER J. WHITE, seaman second class, son of Mr. and Mrs. John White, of Newport, Term., is now stationed on Treasure Island. Seaman White, entered the service in April of this year and took his boot training at Camp Peary, Va. He was transferred to his present post from Camp Peary. Prior to entering the service he was employ ed by the A. C. Lawrence Leather Company. Buildings Will Be Erected On New Test Farm WTB Gives Formal Ap proval For Construction Of Poultry Houses On Farm. Work is scheduled to start soon on construction of the poultry houses at the new test farm here. Approval of the work was recent ly given by WPB. The houses will be built of cinder blocks, according to Dean Colvard, superintendent in charge. Plans are also going forward for construction of a large dairy barn on the property. Blue prints are now in Raleigh, and are expected back at an early date for construc tion to begin. The silos on the farm will be utilized as part of the dairy set-up, it was explained. Plans are also going forward to j get city water piped to the farm. On Problems Of Burley Production In W.N.C. Dr. Luther Shaw, agronomist of the United States Department of Agriculture, is opening an office here for carrying on a research program on burley tobacco, with the primary purpose of obtaining information that will be helpful to burley production in Western North Carolina. Dr. Shaw will work with offi cials at the new state test farm here, and carry on the program throughout the area. Special constructed tobacco build ings will be erected on the farm here, and equipped for handling burley. The program will have a direct influence on the production of more than four million pounds which is produced annually in this area. It is planned to establish experi mental work on a number of prob lems involved in the production of burley tobacco. This will involve tests on (1) the effects of various rates and analysis of fertilizers on yields and quality; (2) effects of crop rotations on yield, quality and disease control; 3) variety tests and breeding experiments de signed to find and develop varie ties with improved yield and qual ity and disease resistance; and (4) methods of harvesting and cur ing will be investigated with spe cial emphasis on priming compar ed to cutting as method of harvest ing and the prevention of house burn or pole sweat; and finally specific experiments will be set up and the control of certain diseases particularly black root rot, leaf spots, mosaic and blue mold. Work will lie done to investigate the feasibility of producing Turk ish or aromatic tobacco in West ern North Carolina. 1.ui u ,Lggwmmm ma - I j I W. A. BRADLEY Is chairman i erf the local price panel, succeed ing T. J. Cathey. Bradley Named Chairman Here Of Price Panel Quiet Labor Day Was Observed In This Area This community observed Labor Day in a quiet manner. Business suspended for the day in all sec tions of the community, and in the absence of any formal program, most citizens remained at home. A softball game was played at the high school stadium during the morning, and again in the after noon. Pet Dairy had a perfect day on the field, winning from the Tan nery by 9 to 6, and again in the afternoon won a 10 to 7 game from Dayton Rubber Co. During the afternoon the 225 em ployees of Wellco Shoe Corp., had their annual Labor Day picnic, and hud as their special guests about a score of soldiers from Moore ; (ieneral Hospital. I Jonathan Woody was master of ! ceremonies, with Heinz Rollman J making th? principal address of the day. Mr. Rollman pointed out the general plans for reconversion, and discussed plans of the com ; pany for the future. During the W. A. Bradley has been named j Pr0m a rm congratulat- ing the employees was read from chairman of the local price panel th, Xiivv 1)t.p.rtment, and a cable of the War Price Administration. ! gram w as sent to General Eisen succeeding T. J. Cathey, who re- J bower. cent I y accepted a position away Wounded By Japs f f D inwiiiinwiimiiiiiiiniiwriiiiiiniiiniirtiiili hiimniiniiiminwjr mmimiwi from here. . Mr. Bradley has been a member of the price panel for a long per iod, and is familiar with the details 1 of the work. Howard Clapp was named as a ' new member to the panel, and will ! represent agriculture and rural ! citizens. No other changes were i made. Rev. J. M. Woodard Resigns Pastorate Of Hazelvvood Church Rev. J. M. Woodard pastor of the Hazelwood Baptist Church, has re signed from his pastorate, and his resignation went into effect the last Sunday in August. Rev. R. Lane Akin, of Hayesville, will fill the pulpit on Sunday, Sept. 10th. ' SGT. JOE PALMER is recuper ating in a hospital in the New Hebrides Islands, according to in formation nyoived here. Marine Palmer was wounded on Titian Is land on July according to in formation received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C. Palmer. Sgt. Palmer received a shattered right, arm. He had fought in the capture of Saipan, the Marshalls and then Titian. He enlisted in the Marine Corps on November Hi, 1942. Boy Scouts Collect Over 1 Ton Waste State RE A Convention? in Drive fuoming nere un idiii Project To Take Sixty Days, Six Streets Included Work Started Tuesday On Paving Program; City Pay ing Cash For Job. Work started Tuesday on a street paving program for the Town of Waynesville, which will envolve more than two miles of important streets. The program is expected to be completed within sixty days, ac cording to officials of the Asheville Paving Company, low bidders on the work. Streets to be paved under the program include; Maple, Meadow, Goodyear, Killian, Railroad, Rich land and part of Daisy Avenue. The longest stretch is from the Armory to the Ice Plant. Something like 19,000 square yards of asphalt will be used. The streets were graded, wid ened, and surfaced with crushed stone under a WPA project several years ago. Street experts in sur veying the condition of the streets, ; pointed out that to wait longer to apply the surface would cost con siderable more, since the crushed stone on some streets was being scatton d by traffic. Some of the streets will be Hi feet, while others will be 22 feet wide. The contract was awarded on the yardage basis, it was learned from Grayden Ferguson, town manager. The town board set up the cost of this street improvement pro grim in the budget last year, and have the cash on hand to do the work. "This paving program will prove to be a good investment," Mr. Fer guson said. "It will save us con siderable expense in street main tenance, and give permanent, mod ern thoroughfares." M. Scrucrffs Awarded the iple Heart jMilfnri Scruiro-s f T.o ? 1 the late Mrs. Mary f Hazelwood, has been Purple Heart for mili !,! 4n,! bravery under fire, r ,0Lhls ster, Mrs. Clyde 'if has received the 1 r. cmeiea ine service . , n" inuuuieu tmber. uun , it,... u from tfc i ff. miter ne was iS t?lon' Auj.usta- N ke wen to an amDhibious ase in fi:j . iu. r lorn u - ""'i "J rort jacK- February of this N ; as reported r "1 art nr, "i r ranee on net Health grtment Holds r Conferenrp fenfe6 the per- W "'"ublic Health i,'0 wlich Haywood SvLP r. ,s beinK to- ddiH1" attend this t, vr. r 8s'stant health Ki, 1 Kufus McCrack- Former Local Woman Author Of Genealogical Book Mrs. E. C. Apperson, of McMinn ville, Ore., is the author of a book on the genealogy of the Norwood and Howell families which has re cently been published and is now offered for sale. Mrs. Apperson, the former Miss Alvis Norwood, is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Nor wood, of Waynesville. She is a native of Haywood county and moved with her family to the West when a small child. She has often visited relatives in this section, where she is widely connected. The book gives a complete genea logical record of the two families and is not only of interest to the members of the families and their connections but also replete with general historical content. Pvt. J. G. Ferguson Reported Seriously Wounded In France Private Joe G. Ferguson, 26, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ferguson of Clyde, R.F.D. No. 1, is reported seriously wounded in action in France on August 10, according to a message received by his parents. Pvt. Ferguson left here with the National Guard on Sept. 16. 1940, and has been stationed at the following camps in the order nam ed: Fort Jackson, Fort Benning, Ga Camp Forrest, Tenn., Camp Blanding, Fla., Camp Atterbury, Ind., and fro mthe latter was gent overseas. He has been out of the States since February of this year. Sgt. W. L. Messer Reported Missing In Action In France Technical Sgt. Willie L. Messer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Messer, has been reported missing in action in France August 12, according to a message received by the parents. The wire read as follows: "The Secretary of War desires me to express his deep regret that your son. Technical Sgt. Willie L. Mes ser, has been reported missing in action 12, August, in France. If further details or other information are received you will be promptly notified.1' Strt. Messer left here with the j National Guard unit and took his ! training before being sent overseas j at the following centers: Fort Jack son, Camp Blanding, Camp Forrest and Camp Atterbury. He has been overseas since February of this year. At the time he volunteered in the service Sgt. Messer was a student at Western Carolina Teachers Col lege. Major Cerpening Is Decorated For Gallantry A battlefield promotion for ex ceptionally outstaneling perform ance of duty in combat and the Bronze Star for heroic action against the enemy in Normandy, have been received by Major Wayne A. Cenpening, of Waynes ville. He is now serving with the Ninth Infantry Division in France. I During the Ninth Infantry Di vision's dash across the Contentin 1 Peninsula, Major Corpening. under ! intense enemy fire, assisted the j regimental executive officer in es : tablishing a forward command post. .Then, contacting the assault com panies, he guided them to their as '. signed positions. Major Corpening had previously been awarded the Silver Star for gallantry in action in the Sicilian campaign and in addition he wears the European-African-Mediterranean campaign ribbon, with three bronze Battle Stars, the Combat In fantryman's badge for outstanding performance of duty in combat, and the First Citation of Second Class Cross for Voluntary Military Service, awarded by General Giraud in Algiers, French North Africa. Major Corpening is the husband of Mrs. Mabel C. Corpening, of Wavnesville. Local Chapter Infantile Paralysis Society Formed Jonathan H. Woody was elected chairman of the local chapter of the National Foundation of Infan tile Paralysis at a meeting held here during the week in the offices of the rationing board. Others elected to serve with Mr. Woeidy include; vice chairman, Mrs. William Palmer of Canton; treas urer, J. E. Reister of Can;ton; sec retary, Mrs. J. R. McCracken; and chairman of the Woman's Division, Mrs. Chas. E. Ray. The organization of the local chapter was perfected under the direction of Henry H. Harris, State representative of South Carolina for the National Foundation. Following the election of officers Mr. Harris made guggestions as to how to spend local funds. He also told of how the National Founda tion answers the calls of an emer gency, and pointed out how the local chapter can give help at such times. He described at length v hat had been done in North Caro lina eluring the present epidemic. Mr. Haiiis paid a high tribute to C- H. Crabtree. North Carolina Stat, representative and his orga- j Approximately 100 persons are I expected here for the annual two ! day State REA Convention, which j will convene here next Wednesday at the Piedmont Hotel. ! State and regional officials will be present and take an active part Collections Will Continue Through Coming Week, and Public Asked To Cooperate. Waynesville Troop Number Two, Boy Scouts have collected to 'date over a ton of waste paper in the current drive, it was learned yes terday. They will continue to make collections for the coming week on the program. Most of the pro-1 M( those wishing to make dona gram will be a general discussion ,jonK l() the campaign are asked to of current problems, and closed to I rai 2(12. the public. On Wednesday night, the annual banquet will be held, at which time an outstanding speaker will ad dress the- group. James Moore, general manager eif the Haywoexl Electric Member ship Corporation, will be local host. The state chairman is James P. Mullalley, of Wadesboro, and Cecil Viverette, of Asheboro, is secre tary of the group. Among the state officials to at tend will be Gwyn Price, state chairman of the REA administra t ion. The conventiem will adjourn about three o'clock em Thursday, the 14th. Kate Williamson, Assistant Clerk Of Court, Resigns Miss Kate Williamson, who ha: "i-rved as assistant clerk of Su j nization in their emergency work in 1 je, ior Court of Haywood county the current epielemic. I Condition of Sgt. James, Wounded In France, i Reported Improving The condition of Sgt. O. C. James, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. James, of Waynesville, R.F.D. No. 1, who was wounded on July 30, in France, is improving, accord ing to a letter received from their son by the parents. Sgt. James, who is confined te- a hospital overseas, has been awarded the Purple Heart for gal lantry in action. He entered the service in 1940, leaving here with the National Guard Unit. Seaman Bill Prevost Home On Leave Bill Prevost, seaman first class, is spending a week's leave here with his family. He volunteered in the service in February and took his boot training at Sampson, N. Y. From Sampson he was transfer red to Farragut, Idaho, for a spe cialist 'C Corps training. Upon completion of the latter he wag sent to his present post at the Great Lakes Naval Training Cen ter, Great Lakes, 111. for the past ten years, has recently resigned her post to accept a peisition with the Veterans Admin istratiem in Washington, D. C. She will be in the legal department. Miss Williamson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Williamson, of Cantem, will go to Oteen Veterans Hospital on Monday for a thirty days training course prior to as suming her duties in Washington. Tetday will be her last day in the Haywood office of the clerk of the court. Much Interest In Feeder Calf Sale On 13th Much interest is being shown in the annual feeder calf gale which will be held at the Clyde Stock yards on Wednesday, September 13th. The auction will begin at one o'clock. Between 300 and 400 animals are expected to be sold during the sale, according to Howard Clapp, county agent, who has just finished making a check of the many ani mals. Buyers from a wide area have signified their intentions of being here. In cases where those who have called for the boys to collect paper from their premises, may not be at home when the truck is in that vicinity, they are asked to leave the paper in a convenient place so the boys can pick it up. Collec tions will probably be made in this area on next Wednesday. The Waynesville troop is not making collections at Lake Juna luska now since the troop there is now working in the campaign. The Waynesville treiop and their leaders expressed appreciation of the use of the city truck on two colle'etions and of the truck owned by Ed Simms on another collection tour. They have also had the truck of the Brading Gas Com pany at. their disposal. The Crabtree Scouts are making a elrive in that township under the direction of Rev. Grady Burgin, scoutmaster. Eighth Polio Case In Haywood County Reported On 5th The eighth case of infantile para lysis in Haywood county, a two- year-euei cnuei in tne liempnill sec tion, was repeirted on September 5, according to Dr. C- N. Sisk, health director. The child, who is said to have been taken ill on August 17, and the final diagnosis not made until September 5, has been removed to the Emergency Hospital in Hickory. The child's father is in the army and the mother is residing with her parents. There are no other children in the family, it was learned from the health authori ties. The first case of polio reported in Haywood county was on June 14. Two of the cases have died, ages 13 and 6 years, while the other six are reported to be mak i n g satisfactory improvement. Seven of the reported cases have received treatment at the Emer gency Hospital in Hickory. Pfc. J. E. Brown, Husband of Local Girl, Is Wounded Pfc. James E. Brown, U. S. Army, is reported slightly wound ed, according to a message received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ern est Brown, of Greer, S. C., and his wife, the former Miss Christine Shelton of Waynesville, R.F.D. No. 2. Pfc. Brown entered the service in March, 194.! and was inducted at Fort Jackson. From the latter he was sent to Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., and later to Camp Pickett, Va., before being sent overseas to Eng land. At the time he entered the ser vice he was employed by the Paci fic Mills, of Lyman, S. C. RETVRXS TO XORFOLK Rudolph Carswell, sea.. ' ,; class, returned to Norfolk, Va., Sunday after spending a five-day leave with his family at their home in Hazelwood. Pvt. James Paige, Reported Missing, Back On Duty Pvt. James Paige, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Paige of Way nesville, R.F.D. No. 1, who was reported missing in action in France on June 15, is now reported safe and back on duty since Au guest 9, according to a message received by his parents. Pvt. Paige entered the service on June .'10, 1943 and has been over seas since December, 1943. He is attached to the medical corps. Be fore entering the service he was employed by the Unagusta Manu facturing Corporation. Pvt. Paige received his training at Fort Jackson, Camp Barkeley and a post in New York prior to being sent out of the States. 4 St. John's To Open School On September 18th St. John's School will open in all departments Monday, Septem ber 18. Registration will be held Friday, September IB. Early this week the Sisters mov ed into their new convent, the for mer C. M- Dicus home, Church Street. The former living quarters of the Sisters in the school building have been converted into class rooms. The R. L. Allen cottage on Mea dow Street has been acquired as an annex to serve as dormitory for high school girl resident students. The grammar school girl board ers will have their sleeping quart ers in the third story of the main . nrt'Jlinif. Music lessons ie giver h. new convent. The business school classes are held in the lower story of the rectory.

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