ME WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Q Ajr PLACE Vft. If to live Ari Published In The County Seat Of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park . Tirv j - . . . w i 1 rVinnt la fcvTH fcAK inu. , id rages WAYNESVILLE. N. C THURSDAY. NOVEMBER lfi. 1944 (One Day Nearer Victory) $1.75 In Advance in naywooa ywood Or nsiness To Suspend ere Thanksgiving anized iror War !Bond .Drive To Direct War Bond Campaign In Haywood nion Services Set For 9 clock At Presbyterian" Wh: Gw At rwo. . .. ...ill nKgvrvo trwoofl tcuii'j " war-timo l nanKBgivmg ... : lifl IfBiber varying " he customs or peace ume, thf except ion of travel. SjnWK and school will sus- for the day, with the tradi i I'nion Thanksgiving Ser st nine o'c!ck,and the annual Ksvillt-l'anton football game ro o'clock on the Canton field. ,e union Thanksgiving service I jf annually sponsored by the it, Episcopal, Methodist and yterian churches or waynes will be held on Thursday nfr fit 9 o'clock at the Pres- hail cnurrn. Uonard Elliott, pastor oi Firrt Baptist church will de- tbe Thanksgiving sermon. Malcolm R. Williamson, pas ty the Presbyterian church, will tde at the service. Rev. J. Clay tioo will offer the prayer of thriving, and Rev. R. G. In will read the Scripture ie- ia) music will be leatured if the service by the combined i of the four churches under .mlinued on Page Eight) JriJlonic Bells Jdicated Sunday M. E. Church c8 At Methodist Church ill Be Played At Five .,, Clock Sunday Afternoon dedicatory service for the re- y installed Carillonic bells will ld at the First Methodist :h on Sunday afternoon at 6:00 :k, according to an announce- i by the pastor, Rev. J. Clay ton. The bolls will be playsd ciy for the first time at the ce. All members of the con Hum, as well as the public wdially invited to attend, and lour has be n set so as not to fere with any other church CP. - str.ut will be pin at R:00 ; th a 15 minute recital th f.muliar and much loved '' the church. After the pi ':t service will he ii'iu: ..n Page Eight) Men Report For Induction laminations enty-( i-r,- mL.n from the 'ii-i' a,.a left here Tues mon.ini: thi.- week for pre dion physical examinations at " ft Samuel Henry Bush wvfd as. leader, with Joe F Youm- WS in the (rrnnn . r.H-f- ---- e,"H " .iv. w tiTit Parton. .Tampa Moore N', Harrison Grier Valen- '"hn wy McCracken, Wil C'T'J! Whitner, Charlie '"n ii-(. James Cleveland r Th. , .,, ri;fT(ir,i swhnn. Rav Cnrti e;io, v . ...... v n.XJ Uli 1 o , Junior Arrington. ma Ar,Hi- at. n , a. pi "non, uwiSt f45 nemmon.-.. Willia Wnnd- "incr. Joseph Charloo Cnn- !fim' Theodore Vance Davis. Lee Howell, Noah Put niar. Ken Price, William h, , " ".'"ua luioen ran- Thomas Rnhprtc Tfcn. U0f Moortv te,- 't I.,1 .... immaage rran 10 Kenneth Earl Turner. Killed In Action i Mi v W V -V 45 (I kvu A I X1 ' I I I i LOW PARTON, 21, Tecnnician Fifth Grade, son of Mr and Mrs. Charlie Parton, who is reported killed in action in Germany on October 28, according to a mes sage receievd by his wife, the for mer Miss Willie Boone Cagle. T-5 Low Parton Killed In Action In Germany Oct. 28 Low Parton, 21, technician fifth grade, son of Mr. and Mrs. Char lie Parton, of Waynesville, R.F.D. No. 1, has been reported killed m action on Oetyber 28, in Germany, a'ccordjng fy-u' message received by his wife, the 'former Miss Willie Boone Cagle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mason Cagle. of Lake .Tuna- lumka. The message rend as follows: "The Secretary of War desires me to express his deep regret that your belover husbband, T-5 Low Parton, was killed in action on 28th of Octottt i in C,i iti:'.r. let ter follows." Young Parlor entered Ifn ser vice on January 22, 1!I4.'!, and was inducted at ('amp Croft. From Croft he was sent to Camp Young. ( i 'ontinued on Page Eight) CLAUD N. ALLKN. of Hazel wood, co-chairman m charge of thin section. W. HOY FRANCIS, ticMilh, general "unty of I he drive. of Way-chairman MORH1S HHOOKS, of ( anton. io-'t.aiiniai) in chaise "f tin Can ton area. Rat Killing Drive Started Here Now County-Wide liait May Be Secured From County Farm Agent's Of fice and Public Uurgd To Cooperate. The rat killing campaign which was conducted in Waynesville dur ing September ' is now being car ried on in a county-wide drive, both for the towns of Haielwood and Canton, and the rural areas. The campaign, which is spon sored by the health department and the county farm agents will be TijerviBed T C. Whitehead, rodent control specialist of Raleigh. Rural citizens may obtain the bait from the county farm agents office, it was learned from How ard R Clapp. The poison has been (l oiii iniii d on Page Fight) 7 Men Given $14,200 Fines In Sugar Case Young Haywood Farmer Takes His Own Life Sentences (iiven In Federal Court Yesterday Kv .liidjre Webb In Asheville. )OM d Movies Will Be Made Of Dayton Rubber Company A gruj. movie photographers and technicians from Wright Field, at Dayton, Ohio, will arrive Sun day to begin work of making mov ies of manufacturing processes of war products at The Dayton Rub ber Manufacturing Company. The movies will be used through out the nation in an educational campaign among the air corps, other manufacturing groups, and in part with civilian audiences. The company of movie makers will be here ahout two weeks, it was said. Pfc. Kirkpatrick Killed In Action In Philippines Private I list (') Jimmy Kirk patrick, 2d. sot, of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Kiikpat rick, of Canton, has Uer. reported killed in action in the Phiiippines on October 21, ac cording to a message received by bis patents on Tuesday. Pfc. Kirkpatrick was inducted at Camp Croft in August, 1943, and after a short training period was M'lit to New Guinea. Since t hen ne has hee'i overseas. He: had taken radio training. He was in a number of major : combats ami was entitled to wear j several combat medals. He was j a graduate "f the (anion high -thoo. white h was active in the band and other groups, including the 1N S'..ut-. in which he at tained the rank of Eagle Scout. He is survived by his parents; one brother; his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Kirkpatrick, of Crabtree, and Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Mease, of Canton. Funeral service will be conduct ed at 11 o'clock Friday morning at the Mt. Zion Methodist ' church, Crabtrjee section of the county, for Robert Taylor Rogers, 21, son oT Mr. andt-MrB.tM. Boone Rog ers, of Rogers Covy, Uppii Crab- i tree, whose death was pronounced suicide by the countv coroner. Dr. J. F. Pa'te. The family thought that young Rugi !'- bad gone hunting, and the body was found nccidi ntally around 7 o'clock in the stock bain, with a shot gun nearby. , He was a graduate of tin Crab tree hiirh school and bad taken a I'lommmt part in all school activi ties. He was engaged in farming Smivii.g aie his parents; thret brother-.-. Havis, of Newport News, Va.. Russell. 1'. S. Army, now in Kranc. Kdwin. -.tinhnt ;il Slat. College, Raleigh; three sisters. Mis. Adeimt V 1 and Miss Iiit- ty Rogeis. both J Arlington. Va., and M-'- ' a Jane Rogers, of Crabt rec. The W'lK fumiai home of Can- harg of the arrangc- - t g ?U.2(0 were im on m Haywood men, and one from Clayton. Ca., who were defendant in the OPA sugar ra tioning him- in F-'dcra) court in Asheville ye--tida.v before Judge E. Yates VVebb of Shelby. The fins ai'! m.tences were: T. Crad; Boyd, fine of f.0(0 and Misienb-d (tenU'nee f a nr and a day for 2 yt ars. Hi I 'li.'.i yi ml. oi Clayton. Ga.. fine of $.'!.n(lil and suspended sen tence of a yai ami a day for 2 ea rs Ned ( ill vi i . (' s . i eek, $2.001 1 fiiie iitid snpt r i tit I -i-nteiici of a ' yeai and a day fn- 2 years. 1 Henry ( l!edn in ( Miller, Wn v riesvill.. tim of $2.00(1. and mi -: pentl. d set. tenet of a yeai anil a day for 2 years. i nvid Cndeiwoo.l, tii.e of $1,M0. ant! susiiended sentt nee of a yeai ami a da fur 2 yea is. Sam polls. t:i i f 400. and siis ,ii -i. led s i t im i of -i months for 1 18 months. lb. boil 1 1 : v i -, of Cove Creek, , fini' of $.'((Mi. su -pen, lerl sentence Haywood Women To Take Active Part In Campaign Will Solicit Sale Of Bonds Throughout the Entire County. Starling Monday. Haywood county women will take an active part in the Sixth War Loan Campaign, under the direction of Mrs. Bonner Ray, county chairman. Mrs. Ray has committees set up in every section of the county, in addition to organisational work ers, and solicitors to work in the lobby of the bank every day dur ing the campaign. Those to work at the special sk in the bank are: Mrs. Ben Sloan, Mrs. M. H. Bowles, Mrs. S. P. Gay, Mrs. Charles Ray, Mrs. (ieoigt Bishoff, Mrs. Tom Lee, Mrs F. H Marley, Mrs. Hugh Massie. and Mrs. J. H. Woody. Those designated to work spe cial bond drives through the or 'anizations include: D.A.R Mrs. T L. Gwyn. Woman's X'hih Mrs. Charles Rav. l).I.( . Mrs E. J Hyatt. Civic League. Mrs, Homer Plott. Legion Auxiliary Mrs. Leo M artel. Library -- Miss Margaret John ston. Miss Mary Margaret Smith will head all the work with the Home I temonst ration Club, arid the fol lowing wur service committees have been named: Iron l;iff Mrs. Ned Crawford, Mrs. T. C. Davis. Maggie Mrs. James Robert Plott, Mrs. Jim Tlott. RaUliffe Cove Mrs. C. C 'Fran cis Mrs. C. T. Francis. Rock Spring Mrn. Wayne Mc Elroy, Mrs. Mat Davis. JuiiHluska Mrs. Charle Klupp-i Mis. W H. McCracken Hvder Mountain - Mrs C ontiiiiod Page Fight) ((' i lire i i oil Pag! Fight i toll Was ments. Watkins Gets A 189-Pound Deer Dan Watkins fortunate hunters ity to get a deer was one ,,f the of this commun in the wilderness hunts now being held in the na tional forest Mr. Watkins brought down a 8!t-pound deer Monday. Several others from here par ticipated in the hunts, but no re ports tif their successes were avail able at press time. The Mountaineer To Come Out On Regular Schedule Tin Mountaineer will be publish ed on regular schedule next week, nsteatl ot stepping up a tlav oe- cause of Thanksgiving. II wa- found impiactica) to change the composing room sche dules and delay some important wa- work riw on the presses in the commercial printing department Test Farm At Swannanoa Is Officially Closed Work Being Pushed In De veloping New Farm Near City Limits of Wnynenville. Fred F Miller direct., i ol tin Test Farms division of tb Statt .Department of Agiiculture, icport id that !!.t Mountain Test Farm at Swiinnanoa hiw been officially closed, and pointed out that the new Mountain Pest Farm will hi situated at Waynesville bt-iiii (dlvartl. assistant director in chaigt o) the Mountain Test Farm, has moved to Waynesvill and will make bis home in Way- nesvilk- until his dwelling has been ! coristi acted foi him on the new farm Miller said cotistruc 'tion e well under way on the poult iv plant and the modern barn at tin Mountain Experiment Sta t ion. He said that State Highway Commission has assured the De partment of Agriculture that the farm will be connected to the Way nesville street system by newly constructed roads. pers Hold fnty-Wide Mere F00d tfur- i ' . fn. .e B ,nel nere yes L 1 .e third of their wm- . ""-r,f?s this year. They ineir workshon the fourth "lllTinn 14 in Ja,.. tk k k!?!!ti?? yday the m n r Wrs- Bnner Ray W Bowles discuss plans e Sixth War Loan lake . CUBty- The hools lip, " active part in the War Bond Quotas For Eight Townships i RABTREE TOWNSHIP $23,500 Quttta E- P. McCracken Chairman Mrs. G. C Palmer Co-Chairman ( ATAL( ( H EE And B!(, CREEK $2.00'i Quota Mack Caldwell Chairman Mrs. Mark Hannah Co-Chairman WHITE DAK TOWNSHIP $4,500 Quota Bill Williams - Chairman Mrs. A. L. Bramlett Co-Chairman JON ATH AN KEKh $18,000 Quota Medford Leatherwood Chairman Mrs. W. T. Rainer Co-Chairman f IM S ( KEEK tmwnship $34,000 Quota F. M. Nolaad Chairman Mrs. Carl S- Grcnl Co-Chairman IVY Hill. TOWNSHIP $12,500 Quota D. J. Boyd ( Chairman Mr. Jim Plott Co-Chairman IRON 1)1" FF TOWNSHIP $11,000 Quota T. C Davis Chairman Mrs. Hardy Caldwell Co-Chairman WAYNESVILLE TOWNSHIP $251,000 Quota C N. Allen Chairman Mrs. Henry Francis Co-Chairman When You Buy Bonds, Be Sure To Designate Your Township Each Township Given Quota To Reach This Time Chairmen and Co-Chairmen Named For Townships In Thfe End Of County. Plans have been completed for staging an extensive campaign to sell $714,000 in War Bonds in Haywood during the Sixth War Loan Drive which will start Mon day, November 29th, and continue through Saturday, December 16th. As in all past War Loan Cam paigns, the quota for the county was divided between this end of the county and the Canton area, with co-chairmen in both section working with the special county chairman. This campaign is being headed by W. Roy F'r.incis as campaign chairman, and assisted by Claud N. Allen, co-chairman, in charge of this end of the county, and Mor ris Brooks in charge of the Can ton section. The eight townships in this sec tion have been given quotas, and a chairman and co-chairman nam ed to handle all details in each township. Plans are also untferway to hold a rally in each of the eight town ships, perhaps using the high school band. Mr. Francis and Mr. Allen in conference here this week are leav ing details of the township rallies to t hose heading the work in each township. An accurate tabulation of bonds purchased for each township will be carried by The Mountaineer each week. This week, the eight thermometers of the townships, the quotas nnd the chairman and co chairman is being shown on this page. Each week-results will be riven In thiw manner. , Th auotn for this are, tnl Ing $3o7.000. has beer) al located rn follows: Township Quota Crabtree $ 23,500 Cataloochee A Rig Creek 2,000 White Oak 4,600 Jonathan Creek 18,000 Fines Creek 34,000 Ivy Hill 12,500 Iron Duff 11,000 Waynesville 251,000 M. E. Robinson, Wounded July 15, Arrives Home iS'gt. Mack E. Robinson, son of Mrs. R. F. Robinson, of Hazel wood, who was won ruled in France on July 15, has arrived home. He was in a number of hospitals in France and then England before he was sent to a rest center at Mitchell Field, N. Y. From the latter he was transferred to Ash ford General Hospital, White Sul phur Springs, Va., and then to a Veterans Hospital in Columbia, S. C, from which he was brought home in an ambulance. Sgt. Robinson is in a wheel chair, having suffered serious in juries to his hip and spine. . He is entitled to wear the Purple Heart, Good Conduct Medal, Amer ican Defense Service Medal with Foreign Service clasp, and marks manship badge. Sgt. Robinson left here with the National Guard in September, 191(). At the time he entered the service as a volunteer he was em ployed by the Unagusta Furniture Company. He has received an hon orable medical discharge from the Army. Haywood AAA To Hold Election For '45 Committeemen Elections will be conducted in twelve townships in the county on Tuesday, November 21, to elect the AAA community committee men to serve Haywood eounty for the 1345 program year. The newly elected community committeemen wiu administer the AAA program in, their respective communities under the supervision of the county committee. The chairman of each community committeemen will meet on Mon day, 20 at 10:00 a. m. in the AAA office for the purpose of receiving instruction on holding the elections in their respective communities on the following day, according to H. C Francis, chairman of the coun ty AAA committee. At this meeting the eommittee- ( Continued en Page Eight)

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