HE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Published In The County Seat Of ITvn rmmtv a Th F.rn Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park $1.75 In Advance In Haywood ana jacsson fjUYEAR NO. 47 16 Pages WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, lit 14 (One Day Nearer Victory) ural Organizations o Meet On Saturday Lnnstraton Farmres, Lh Club Members and lme Demonstration uuds Ling Saturday. t Achievement Dav ,? gnnu' . - - Um of the Haywood county n...finn Farmers, the coun- iome D monstration clubs and 4-H clul) win oe "cia L c house hi re on faaturaay morn- beginning at 11 ociock, ac- ing to me tuuui 6w.vo. ,ij marks the first year of the nation annual meeting of the t groups, which are so closely i in their work. A large num- i, expected to attend and tne king is optn w me puuw. ittee has secured Cap- Luther M. Roberts of the Army wm Public Relations de- Lent from Asheville to address meeting. Presiding over the ja spssion will be A. J. Mc- ken, president of the Haywood tity Demonstration farmers or ation and Mrs. Mark Fergu- mrsident of the Haywood ity council of the Home Demon- tior. clubs. he meeting will open with as bly singing led by Miss Jewel ham, assistant county home it, followed by the invocation Rev. Malcolm R. Williamson, lor of the Presbyterian church, he collect of the Home Demon :ion group will be followed by 4-H club pledge by 4-H club nbers. . J. McCracken will extend the ress of welcome and recognize I pests present. Mr. McLraek Iwill also introduce the speaker, Item Roberts. Aievements for the various ops will be presented by the owing: Home Demonstration is, by Mrs. Troy Leatherwood; clubs by Edith Noland: and honstration Farmers by Oder JBurnett. wards and certificates will be fented as follows: to tbfuout- fiding 4-H club in the county, A. J. McCracken; 4-H boys, H. Klapp, 4-H girls by Miss Mary rearet Smith. he award of prizes to the home onstration groups will also be V by Miss Smith. meeting will close with a mess session (feature of interest will be the ual exhibition of home crafts foods by the clubs and indi- luals of the county home demon Istion groups. These exhibits required t j be in place by the "ing hour of the meeting, and !;' be inspect, d by the public fol- the meeting. County AAA Committees Named For 1945 Program Elections were held last the 1945 AAA committees in t.Vm county who will administer the pro gram in the county and their res pective communities with the fol lowing results: County committee; chairman, R. C. Francis; vice chairman, Glenn McCracken: resmlar Westmoreland; first alternate, C. K. Liner; second alternate, Glenn A. Boyd; secretary. H. M. rnlin- treasurer, Willie Mae Cope. Delegates attending the county convention over which Robert Russell presided, with Mark Fer guson serving as secretary and David Underwood as teller were: J. B. Hipps, T. A. Rhodarmer and R. Russell, of Beaverdam; W. F. Hipps, Cecil; E. G. Roberson and Ed Jaynes, of Clyde. Crabtree, W. J. McCreary and J. N. McElroy; East Fork, Ira H. Cogburn; Fines Creek, Mark Fer guson and Paul W. Ferguson; Iron Duff, J. M. Morrow; Ivy Hill, D. J. Boyd and Wyman Campbell; Jonathan, Glenn A. Boyd and Vin son Morrow; Pigeon, J. F. Justice and George E. Stamey. Waynesville, C. R. Liner, H. L. Ratcliff, and David Underwood, Jr.; White Oak, Jesse Jenkins. Community AAA committees se lected to serve for the coming year are: Beaverdam 1, chairman, W. P. Harris; vice chairman, J. B. Hipps; (Continued on Page Eight) Haywood War Bond Purchases Help Buy Ship jajor and Mrs. Lynn pke Urief Visit Here aj'ir and Mrs. Jack Lynn were .vnesville visitors .this week jor Lynn, who was former Hay "d county farm agent and at the ie he entered the service district is stationed at CamD Hood. J- ' he is attached to head Frters, yth Regt. IPTC. Draft Board Seeks Whereabouts Of Thirty-Eight Men The local draft board is trying- to locate the whereabouts of the following men to whom letters have been sent and returned unclaimed John Henry Smith, Ralph Arnold Hogue, John Pinkney McElroy, Dock Dennis Russell, Carl Long Shelton, Henry Albert Cope, John Riley Mathis, Zeb Vance Brackett. Garfield Zachary Shiaf, Charlie Gibson, Sid Gibson, Arlo Caldwell, Paul Painter, James Allen Banks William Glenn Hoxit, William Wil liams, Jonah Noland, Willis Shel ton, Fred Bruce Ilembree, Derry Medford, Frank Massey, Roy Hom er Gaddis, Derry Rhinehart, Guy Orrn Phillips, George Graham Stewart. Riley James Jones, Ambers Phil lips, Commodore Hershell Curtis, Frank Hilliard Parton, Harry Woodard Hille, Charles Francis Edwards, Glen Moody Campbell, Raymond Weaver McClure, Samuel Joseph Hall, Carl Nelson Valen tine, James Stanley Miller, Ernest Lindsay and Sherman Harris. Any person knowing the address es of a person on the list are asked to contact the draft board office. tesville Band Gets pgh State Recognition iThe WaVTIPQvilla Vin.V, ..Vnnl Fi has been invited to play at ""nnc tiowl football game at Amerif nn T r.n cuj: : I ufiuii lj wu i Li ill in arltte on Saturday afternoon Wen the AH.Rt fWfs from North and South JTweMv KnnMc t ik. ps have been invited to play, f '"'"S to Chas. Isley, local band ,, ; ln the group are many f and larger towns of the two Pitting states. a"y distinguished guests from nd South Carolina are ex 1 attend' '"eluding the two 'ernors and other state officials. a Parade will be conducted at and a luncheon for the digni "es H follow at the armory atonum after the parade. The Illit Tv. Preseni piacques and Jetw coa.ches and Payers of fij i , " ceremony 10 De Ithi, 6 , e nal1 the local hand tZ!ther 19 bands win present Anumber of parents are expect- 44V - , -7 ' I J I ' L 1 x. X Work To Start Today On Modern Store On Main Street For Sims Is sponsored antix tntefn MUDUiltJ VtlUt UAVTC 01 the n&nnfa rf minliesmUih j . r The money Haywood citizens invested in war bonds during the Fifth War Loan Drive went to helo buv more ships that are playing such an inijMntant part in muting the Japs from many islands, and in getting food to the European battle front. This picture was made at the launching of the ship in Charleston recently, and the plaque shown r.eie wai- placid 111 tne nhip. bnown in this oniciaj U. 0. Navv photograph, from left to right: Mrs. Richard Watson, W. 15. Hodgi's (recently elected state senator of this district), Miss Jennie Brown, all of Hendt i ; onville, J. E. Massie, Waynesville, J. B. Burden, Ahoskie, T. R. Breeden, Hendersonville, Mrs. A. L. 1 hompson, ol Greensboro, and I .laud N. Allen, Hazel wood. (Photo courtesy The Tribune, Hendeisonv He.) 4 War Bond Rallies Scheduled In Hay wood; Bond Premier At Park Theatre Tonight LtG.C. Winchester Declared Killed In Action By Gov't. Second Lt. Grey C. Winchester, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Winchester of Waynesville, R.F.D. No. 1, who was reported missing in action on November 3, 1943, has been officially declared killed in action by the War Department this week in a letter to his parents. Lt. Winchester was a navigator aboard a B-17 (Flying Fortress) on a bombing mission to Wilhelms haven, Germany, at the time he was reported missing. The flight was attacked by enemy aircraft and disappeared into a cloud over the North Sea, according to informa tion from the War Department. T.t. Winchester left here with the National Guard in September, 1940 and was stationed at Fort Jackson for some time. In 1942 he was transferred to the Air Corps and received his training at three dif ferent training fields in Texas, re ( Continued on Page Eight) Sales in the Sixth War Loan RCHOrted Killed jlriv. climbi past week for I T ) 41 if LT. (iKKl C. Vv ilNL-iit-il i.K, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Winchester, who was reported missing lost, November, has been officially declared killed in action by the War Department. i county total of $205,8411.75, ac Vording to figures released by W Roy Francis, county chairman. The Waynesville area reported sales of $134,84X75 through the urea chairman. C N. Allen, and the Canton area had Kales totaling Ail.UOO, jiaccording to Morris Brooks, chairman of that section ! of the ocunty. Today the Park Theatre will ad mit anyone to the highly rated pic aire I he Peril of Death upon presentation of a bond purchased today. Just show the bond at the ioor is all that will be required 'or admission. Besides the feature picture, the showing of pictures of 75 local men in service will be on the program, along with news of the day. Hundreds of bonds are expected to be sold today in order that patrons will be enabled to see this picture Konr r.'il!ie are ucViolnlnH fnr the next ten days, and a consider able increase in sales from all sections of the county is expected (Continued on 1 age tight) Cecil Brown Is Now Major With Salvation Army Local Head of Work Given Promotion For Outstanding Accomplishments. Adi. Cecil Brown has hint been promoted by the Salvation Army to the rank of Major. Major Brown has been in the work of the Salvation Army for the past 20 years, and about half that time has been in Haywood. She has been Adjutant for the past five years. The promotion came ln recogni tion of her outstanding work In Haywo;d, which is known as the home mission field, since it is all rural. Maior Brown is assisted in her work by Captain Thelma Colton. The work of the Salvation Army in Haywood has received Interna tional recognition, and the story has been published fn many foreign languages. 7 Haywood Beer Dealers Have License Revoked Many Cases Tried In Crtln inal Term of Court Beforft Judge Nettles of AAhevC; The November term of criminal court which convened her on )fofl- day of last week adjourned en 'ri day afternoon after disposing i one of the heaviest docket In. ral terms. Judg Zeb V. Nettl i shevllle, was thJ(sJnf f KveTrocTTTmtrvmrTWtoisr- ments in Haywood had tbeif Ho enscs revoked; two were padlocked, and the other five ordered to dis- pose of their stock before today. Decisions handed down were as follows; Jimmy Boyd, operator of the Tavern, which place was charged as a public nuisance and also with (Continued on page 5) Owner Of Recapping Plant To Erect Modern Retail Store and Plant Work is scheduled to begin to day on a modern building for Ed) Sims, on Main Street, on the lot he recently bought between Martin Elecric Company and Howell's Esso Station, A permit was re ceived Tuesday from the WPB to begin work. Mr. Sims said he will use the basement of the" thirty by eighty foot building for his modern tire recapping plant, while the street floor wilj be used for retail sales of home appliances and auto sup plies, featuring Goodyear products. Plans are underway to erect a super service station adjoining the building at a later date. The 89 foot lot was purchased by Mr. Sims about four months ago, and the dwelling on the property waa torn down during the past ten days. The lot will be excuvatcd about six feet, and Jerry Liner, contrac tor, said he plans to have the pro ject completed within sixty days. The building will have a modern blue plastic front, featuring one of the six-foot Goodyear clocks, Mr, Sims said. The building will be one story high. Mr. Sims said be would continue to operate the service station at the corner of Main and Pigeon strets until he builds the new' one. He will move his tire recapping plant aa soon as the building ) finished Sgt Stevenson, Reported Missing, I ow Jrnsoner "v Stair Sefgcant Uqyd Stevenson, son of )ir. and Mrs. Harlcj Stev enBon, of Clyde, who waa reported missing in action Beveaal weks ago, is now reported by the War De partment to be a prisoner of war, according to information received by his parents. Sgt. Stevenson Is reported to be a prisoner of the German government $10,000 Suit Started Against City and Tom Lee's Twin - City Bus Taxi Owners Of Waynes ville Seek Damages From Town and New Bus Firm. Court action asking for $10,000 damages has been filed by the taxi operators of Waynesville against Tom Leo, owner of the Twin City Bus Service and the town of Way nesville. A hearing has been set for two o'clock on December 9th before Judge Felix E. Alley here. The taxi operators, represented hici!CCOmpany Mr- Isey and his lit , ns Charlotte. The ornun KTatSfday morain nd he will aled from the Hosp,tal at , Greenville, S. War Bond Quotas For Eight Townships CRABTREE TOWNSHIP $23,500 Quota I $2,887.50 R. p. McCracken Chairman Mrs. G. C Palmer Co-Chairmafi ( ATALOOCHEE And BIG CREEK $2,000 Quota I $2,087.59 Mack Caldwell Chairman Mrs. Mark Hannah Co-Chairman WHITE OAK TOWNSHIP $4,500 Quota $325.00 Bill Williams Chairman Mrs. A- L. Bramlettl Ccfc-'ffiairman JONATHAN CREEK $18,000 Quota $3,250.00 Medford Leatherwood Chairman Mrs. W. T. Rainer Co-Chairman ( INKS CRKEK TOWNSHIP $.'4,000 Quota $3,125.00 F. M. Noland Chairman Mrs. Carl g. Green Co-Chairman IVY HILL TOWNSHIP $12,500 Quota $825.00 D. J. Boyd Chairman Mrs. Jim Plott Co-Chairman IRON DUFF TOWNSHIP $11,000 Quota gj $700.00 o T. C. Davis Chairman Mrs. Hardy Caldwell Co-Chairman WAYNESVILLE TOWNSHIP $251,000 Quota f-$121,43.75 C- N. Allen Chairman Mrs. Henry Franda Co-Chairman When You Buy Bonds, Be Sure To Designate Your Township by Paul Young, set out ln their complaint that the buses operated by Mr. Lee pick up passengers any point on the streets, and the taxi owners are asking that the court restrain such a practice, and that regular stops be established. The complaint also sets out that "no other taxis in addition to those already licensed can be grant ed a license by the town of Way nesville or state the plaintiffs are and will be injured and damaged in the suip of $ 10,000." J. Hayes Alley is attorney for the taxi operators, while W.. Roy Francis represents -Mr. Lee, and J. R. Morgan is attorney for the Town of Wayneavillfe. "Mr. Lee waa granted a franchise to operate his bus line upon peti tions signed by managers of the industrial plants of the commun ity, and other business men," Mr. Francis said yesterday, in discuss ing the ease. "The service has enabled many people to work in the defense plants, that otherwise could not have economically gotten to their jobs. The OfTke of De fense Transportation saw the need of the bus line in the community, and readily granted Mr. Lee suffi cient gasoline on which to operate. The bus line is a distinct advan tage to the citizens of this com munity, and certainly renders a valuable service." The action was filed with the clerk of court here Monday. PvtWm. F.Swift, Jr. . j Home On Furlough Private William p. Swift, Jrn soa of Captain and Mrs. W. P. Swif is spending a several days furlough with his parents. Pvt. Swift ent ered the service on July 10 of this year and was inducted at Newport News, Va. Si--. At ft Wft. 8 are ePcted to at- id

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