J1 HE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Dnkifehol Tn THa rnnntv Soar t if Ttv Pnnntv At Th Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park X UMUOI1VU mm wmhw Hrw w. jumj TV mw - ' " THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1945 (One Day Nearer Victory) $1.75 In Advance In aaywooa ana jacmwn feFIRST YEAR NO. 2 12 Pages WAYNESVILLE, N. C, o)fo) M IF RAN MS 'aimer To Serve On 19 important Committees ReprePentative Glenn C. Palmer Cunt committees of the House I Representatives Tuesday morn- ne and will oe uu - hefrislators in ti.c - M- .. ..- l,oi,0n nf the Besides Benin -" -- - - committee on House F'"""- Mr. Palmer s co-cniruwi. ... u..-l onmmittee. Ag.i.u.iu.. u is serving u" uu "" most important cummni. . u time. including education, agriculture, higher education, and roads. . . . ... , . member, besides the two which he is chairman and co-chairman, . . pnnoTpRsional districts, hanking, conservation and develop- mem, - . '.. , i.ii ... -nnntlPS. Cities B"U WW11S eau.dii"", laws federal relations, higher edir- .warm fneturine and labor, ,..-; p prtions ana eiecwuii chiiu", in-"- public welfare, roads, sanitary dis tricts, unemployment. cuiuiraiBawvu, printing, veterans iegisiuu. fu lie buildings and grounds, am - ,J inland fisheries. game oil" The General Assembly is now ready to get down to work, with committees named m botn tne sen .a nnJ thfi house. Mr. Palmer told The Mountaineer this week that the "local bills" for Haywood would be "very lew. Farm Agents Of 11 Counties Hold All-Day Meet Here Elpvpn counties of the Western District of North Carolina farm stents held a meeting here on ith F. R. Farnham. dis trict farm agent, and Miss. Anna C, Rowe, district nome aemormwR tion agent, pret&& -VJ???. The obiect of the meetine was to work out the plans for presen tation of the 1945 production goals. It was hrnuo-ht out in the meeting the necessity for continued peak production of food, even after tne war is ended, otherwise there might be a shortaee. Amoni. the speakers at the meeting which was an all-day ses sion, opening- at 10:00 and closing at 4:30 in the afternoon, were r. S. Sloan, state extension pro gram planning specialist, of Ral eigh, who gave the background of how war had affected food produc tion in America. He went back as far as 1912 and brought the survey up to World War II. Others taking part on the pro gram were H. B. James, who is with the Agricultural Economics unit in Raleigh, Mrs. Frances Mc Gregor Wall, state assistant 4-H Club leader, and Miss Elizabeth Williams, assistant in home man agement and house furniture, of the state extension service. Farm agents and home demon stration agents from the following counties with number attending from each were: Clay, 3; Cherokee, 4; Swain, 4; Graham, 4; Macon, ! Jackson, 4; Haywood, 4; Tran sylvania, 3; Henderson, 3; Bun combe, 6; and Madison, 4, making a total of 43. Sgt. R. D. Lowe Renorfpil Wounded In Germany Dec. 20 Sergeant Robert D. Lowe, 22, s"i of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Lowe, Crabtree, has been slightly wounded in action in Germany on December 20, according to a mes sage from the War Department to bis parents. This is the second time Sgt. Lowe has been wounded, the first t'me being in Belgium during Oc tober, for which he was awarded the Purple Heart Lowe entered the service in and was inducted at Camp troft. From the latter he was sent Camp Young, Calif., and then j Camp Maxie, Texas., prior to nng sent overseas, where he has served for the past year. He was first in England and as with the invasion forces in ance on D-Day. At the time e entered the service Sgt. Lowe was employed by the Dayton Rub ber Plant here. Mrs P-ji ft si j . "muicj navnana, ine ior Miss Lucile Satterthwaite, and inex dan o. ..... nr o pending sometime here at the Bme of Mr. Withers. - Gets Purple Heart s: .i.. ?a CPL. DAVID C. G1LLETT. son of Mr. and Mrs. John Gillett, of Lake Junaluska, who was wounded in action in Uermany, receives recognition for his gallantry in combat. Cpl. D. C. Gillett Is Awarded Ihe Purple Heart Corporal David C. Gillett. son of Mr. and Mrs. John Gillett. of Lake Junaluska, who was wounded in ac tion in Germanv in November, has been awarded the Purple Heart, according to information received by his family. Cpl. Gillett entered the service on November 30, 1942 and was in dudted at Camp Croft. From Croft he was transferred to Camp Howsse, Tex., and later to Camp Claiborne, La., prior to being sent overseas the first part of October, 1944. He served first in England, then France and later in Germany. He is a First Aide man and is attach ed to the Medical Corps. Prior to entering the service Cpl. Gillett was employed at the Ameri can Enka Corporation. He haa a brother, Sgt. Robt. Gil lett, who is in the army and is now stationed at Camp Fannin, Tex. Wounded Local Soldier Awarded Silver Star Staff Set. Arlis E. Suttles, is recovering at the United States A...viv r-onprl Wosrjital in England from shrapnel wounds received in firrV.t;ncr near Vire. France. He has recently been awarded the Silver Star for daring destruction of a Nazi tank. He also holds the Purple Heart and a regimental ci tation. Sgt. Suttles is making satisfac tory progress and will probably be sent to the States for further treat ment according to information re ceived from the ward surgeon, Captain Arthur P. Keller, of Ell wood City, Pa. Near Tessy-sur-Vire, Sgt. Sut tles encountered a Nazi Mark V tank which was in a position to ..nv .Vin fivp tanks in his pla toon. He moved his tank forward to a point blank range, destroying the enemy tank. "His action," stated the citation, "saved his platoon from possible severe losses." The Silver Star was awarded him by Col. Charles B. Kendall, commanding officer of the hospital His wife, the former Miss Hazel Balding, and his son, Arlis L. Sut tles, whom he has never seen, live in Clyde. His father, John Sut tles, resides in Joe. Sgt. Suttles was' engaged in farming before he entered the army in 1937. Freezer Lockers Are Going Fast Through- yesterday, 93 applica tions ad been received for frozen food lockers by the Farmers Fed eration here, according to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Houston who are hand ling this work. The lockers will be constructed in the new building just acquired by the Federation at the Depot Before priority can be secured for the construction of the lockers, a large. percent of the proposed lockers must be rented in advance. January Civil Court Convened 8th, Adjourned 10th Light Calendar Marked Court With Judge J. Will Pless, Jr., Presiding. The January term of Superior court, civil term, which convened here on Monday, adjourned yester day afternoon after three days of trial of one of the lightest dockets ever recorded in the county. Judge J. Will Pless, of Marion, presided over the three-day session. Practically thP entire first day was taken up with divorce cases, with seven granted and one dis missed as oi voluntary nun with the plaintiff ordered to pay the costs of the court. In the case of Louise Taylor versus Edwin Tavlor involving th custodv of their child, the latter was .riven to the plaintiff. In the case of Eddy Woody versus ft T. Reynolds, the defend ants, their agents and employes were restrained permanently from placing any obstruction in the road leading to the Eddy Woody place and also to pay the costs of the court with the exception of $5.00 advanced by the plaintiff in in stituting the action. The case of G. R. Ferguson and G. R. Ferguson, assigns, versus Dollie Ferguson, involving a will an involuntary nonsuit was taken by the plaintiffs, who were also charged with the costs of the court. In the case of H. A. Osborne versus Tom Johnson and Mrs. Tom Johnson, the plaintiff took volun tary non suit. The custody of James Leon Med- ford, minor, whose father is serv ing in the army, was awarded to his maternal grandparents four- fifths of the year and one-fifth ot the year to his paternal grand parents. In the case of E. J. Rush, ver sus GrtK5n Rush, in which the nUintiff was alleired to have fradu- lantly obtained a divorce, the de fendant was given SO days in which to answer or plead the case as she desired. Funeral Services Held Saturday For Mrs. MacFadyen Widow of Waynesville Phy sician Dies At Home of Daughter In Canton. Last rites were held Satuurday morning at 11 o'clock at the Way nesville Presbyterian church for Mrs. Mary Rinaldi MacFadyen, 85, widow of Dr. H. L. MacFad yen, practicing physician of Way nesvill.. for many years, who died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John T. Bailey, in Canton on Thursday. The body remained in Tan. .on. until 10:30 o'clock when it was brought here for the service and burial. Officiating ministers were: Rev. Malcolm R. Williamson, pastor of the church, who was assisted by Rev. S. R. Crockett, of Hazel wood, former pastor of Mrs. Mac (Continued on page 7) Sgt. Bill Medf ord Posthumously Given Bronze Star Mr. and Mrs. William A. Med ford, on Sunday were presented with the Bronze Star for bravery in action posthumously awarded to their son, Sgt. William A. Med ford, Jr., a member of the famous 82n'd Airborne Infantry division, who was killed in action in France on July 4, 1944, while storming a machine gun nest. The award was made by Col. Ulric N. James, commanding officer of the army ground and services forces redistri bution station in a simple ceremony in the Medford home before mem bers of the soldier's family, friends and staff officers of the redistri bution station. Also present at the ceremony were: Mr. and Mrs. Ned Medford, brother and sister-in-law of the soldier; Mrs. Hugh L. Noland, sis ter; Miss Nancy Noland, niece, and the Rev. and Mrs. J. V. Underwood, Mrs. Jack Felmet and Mrs. Sentall Moody. Staff officers who were present were Lt. Col. Charles S. Gersoni, - executive officer of the station; Lt. Col. Jay G. Wanner, station surgeon; Lt Col. R. S. Mc Connell, director of troops; Maj. (Continued on page 7) Heads Health Work rr- " .'S5 k j a i Cv h DR. C. N. SISK Health Officers Reelected By County Board Dr. C. N. Sisk, district health officer, was reelected at a meeting Monday night of the Haywood County Health Department. Dr. Sam Stnngfield, county phy sician, who has also served for a number of years, was also renam ed for a two-year term. Members of the Haywood Coun i.v Roard of Health include: George A. Brown, Jr., chairman, county board of commissioners, J. H. Way, mayor, county seat, and M. H. Bowles, county superintendent of education, ex officio members, and the following apapointed by tne former, Dr. M. L. Reeves, and Dr. A. C. Cline, Canton, and Dr. W. L. Kirkpatrick, Waynesville. Pvt. John Hill Wounded A Second Time On Dec. 23rd Pvt. John Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hill, of Waynesville, R. F. D. No. 2, has been reported slightly wounded in Fiance on De cember 23, according to informa tion received from the War Depart ment by his parents. This is the second time Fvt. Hill has been wounded, the first time in Italy on November 4, 1943. He was also cited for bravery on the Anzio beachhead attack. Pvt. Hill entered the service as a volunteer, leaving nere wnn Comnanv "H" national guard unit in September, 1940. Before going overseas he was stationed at r ort Jackson, Fort Ord, Calif., and at Camp Pickett, Va. He took part in the invasion of Africa, Sicily, Italy and Southern France. Pvt. Hill is a graduate of the Waynesville township high school and at the time he entered the service was employed at the Waynesville Laundry. Five Men Placed In Class 1-A By Board This Week Fifty-seven men were reclassi fied during the past week by the draft board in this area, with five of the number placed in class 1-A as follows: Virgie Summey, Wil lard R. Setzer, Willard Hicks, James W. Ledford and Lonnie B. Hargrove. Placed in class 2-A(F) was Donald E. Hall. Continued in class 2-A were: Charlie B. Medford and Raymond H. Wyatt. Continued in class 2-A(F) were: William A. Withers and Welton Reynolds. Placed in class 4-. was Willie Hoglen. Placed in class 2-B(F) was Rich ard A. Sheehan. Continued in class 2-B(F) was B. H. Hannah. Continued in class 2-B were: Ernest M. Breece, Sam W. Killian, Roy A- Oxner, Roy N. Stephens, Walker Gillett, Perry W. Hughes, Clyde H. West, Clyde L. Fisher, Kyle Campbell, Clarence S. Beck, Noble N. Arrington, Abraham L. Ensley, Jr., George C. Hooper, Dr. S. P. Gay Returns Home From Hospital Dr. S. V. Gay, who has been a patient in an Asheville hospital for the past two weeks, has re turned to his. home in Grimball Park. Haywood Bought $1,338,017 In Bonds During 6th Drive Haywood county went 187 per cent above the Sixth War Loan quota, and 115 per cent above the E bond quota, it wag learned from the treasury department this week. Hay wood's quota was $714,000 in all bonds, and $401,000 in E bonds. The official treasury records showed this county was credit ed with $1,338,017.76 for the drive. The district's quota was $6, 727,100 and sold $15,125,009. Pvt. II. M. Smith Reported Killed In Action In Italy Private Haywood M. Smith, 87, son of Tom Smith and the late Mrs. Smith, of Waynesville, R.F.D. No. 2. was killed in action in Italy on November 25th, according to a message from the War Depart ment. He had been wounded twice in action prior to the fatal in juries receiver when he was killed. Pvt. Smith entered the service on May 17th, 1942, and was in ducted at Camp Croft. Before be ing sent overseas he received furth er training at Camp Wallace, Tex., Camp Hulen, Shreveport, La., and Camp Barkley, Tex. He was with the 6th Army and was first on combat in North Af rica and later Sicily. In Sicily he was wounded for the first time, hut after beintr out for only a short period he rejoined his com pany and was with the first Amer icans to enter Rome. He was again wounded in action and was sent to the North Area. He re covered from his injuries and was soon back on active duty. TTa wan instantly killed bv enemy machine gun In Italy, according to information received. He was giv en Protestant funeral service which was conducted near the place of his burial in Northern Italy by nn army chaplain. Pvt. Smith was employed-by th Unagusta Manufacturing company at the time he entered the service Surviving are his father; four brothers, Will Smith, Bryson Smith and Ben Smith, all of Waynesville, and Jack Smith, of Lake Juna luska; five sisters, Mrs. Julia Win chester, of Hazelwood, Mrs. Valeric Franklin, Mrs. Jack Kelley, Mrs. Neal Mathia, and Miss Myrll Smith, all of Waynesville. Chas. Curtis, Jr. Wins Bronze Star, Oak Leaf Cluster ( Picture on page 8) Staff Sgt. Charles Curtis, Jr., U. S. Infantry, has recently receiv ed two citations, one in which he was awarded the Bronze Star for meritorious conduct in action on August 29, 1944, in France and shortly after the bronze oak leaf cluster for achievement and service in battle in France. The first citation read in part as follows; "Sgt. Curtis was serving as a machine gun section leader with an infantry unit engaged in a bitter fire fight with a stubborn ly resisting foe. The enemy was effectively using machine guns and mortar fires from well emplaced positions and the Allies' attack had been brought to a standstill. "With complete disregard for his personal safety, Sgt. Curtis moved his machine guns to an ex posed position in order to point out by his fires the location of the var ious enemy positions, so that ar tillery observers could adjust -heavy fire to neutralize the hostile guns. (Continued on page 7) Caldwell Brothers Meet For First Time In 3 Years In Germany Pvt. Lloyd B. Caldwell, who has been overseas since 1942 and SSgt. Frank Caldwell, his brother, who has been overseas for the past ten months, met recently in Germany. It was the first time they have seen seen each other in three years. They are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Caldwell, of Way nesville, R.F.D. No. 2., who have two other sons in the service. They are: Pfc. Dock Caldwell, who has been overseas for the past twenty months and Tommie Caldwell, sea man second class, who entered the service in August, 1944 and is now stationed at Camp Endicott, R. I. Hazelwcod Pastor WMMW-.mu I St - ; HKV. K. (!. MURRAY moved to Hazelwood this week to become pa.-tor of the Hazelwood Baptist Inn eh. Rev. Mr. Murray To Serve Baptist At Hazelwood Rev. Everettc G. Murray and family of Biltmore, moved to Haz elwood this week, where Mr. Mur ruy will he pastor of the Baptist church. Rev. Mr. Murray is a native dT Raleigh, graduated from Camp bell's Junior College, Buie's Creek, ami Hnnlin-Simmons University, T..vas. and attended Southwestern Baptist Theological Si minary, Fort Worth, Texas one year. TVip Murray's have two children a son three years old, and a daugh tnv 18 months old. Hp hn erved the Belhaven church and was assistant pastor a Scotland Neck. Havwood Citizens Show AoDreciatibn Of County Library Over .,0,000 Hooks Loaned From County System Since April 1, 194-1, Revealed In Report. At the regular meeting of the Haywood county library board on Monday, Miss Margaret Johnslon librarian, stated in her re noil that over 30,000 books havt been loaned from the two libraries in the county and the 17 book sti imnu uinpo Anril 1. 1944. Tier venort further revealed that 1,400 books have been added by pu rc hase and that 2,332 books have been loaned the Haywood county library from the North Carolina 1 ilo-jirv Commisison to aid in starting the county-wide library service. Miss Johnston pointed out that the book collection while increased during the year was not sufficient tn mwit thp prowintr demands of iho von din it mihlie. Over 2,500 books have been sent to the 17 rural stations. As evidence of the rural reader interest, she stated that hp had received 417 definite vi.niPK.s for hooks from the sta tions alone, and that to date 281 had been filled. The board appointed Miss Adah Young who served as librarian for Waynesville before the county sys tem was inaugurated and who has been doing part time work with the county library, as a full time county library assistant to Miss lohnston. The county librarian, Miss John ston, was granted a two weeks' vacation by the board beginning on January 12. Plans were also made to ask all civic groups in the county to write to the representative from this area in the General Assembly and urge them to support the N. C. Library Commission in their re quest for appropriations for the coming biennium for rural library service. Col. J. H. Howell, chairman of the county board, presided at the meeting. Other members of the board include: Mrs. H. A. Hedder, Canton, Mrs. Troy Leatherwood, Jonathan Creek, Mrs. T. L. Gwyn, Waynesville, Glenn C. Palmer, Crabtree, and George A. Brown, Jr. RETURN FROM MARKET Mr. and Mrs. C- J- Reece and son spent several days in Atlanta this week buying Spring merchan dise for their ready-to-wear de--Qi-fmflnf nf tho Southeastern Style Show where all leading lines Three Specialists Here Working To Curb The Spread Twofold Warning Issued, As Disease Strikes At Humans and Cattle. Due to an outbreak of Bang's disease in the county, a check up is being made of the herds in the bv Dr. I.. M. Becton, oi Asheville, who is employed by the state and federal government, it was learned this week from George A. Brown, Jr., county manager. If the disease spreads it will de velop a serious situation in Hay wood county, so in view of the pre valence of the disease at this timo in the county, the State Depart ment of Agriculture has sent three extra veterinarians from the U. S. Department of Agriculture to as sist in the work in the county, it ,.. .minted out bv Mr. Brown, who also explained it was the first check up since 1941. "This is not only a serious situ ation from the standpoint of the loss in cattle, but also lrom ine health of the people of our county. Drinking milk from infected cows will cause undulant fever and we must protect our families and chil dren," sai Mr. Brown in discuss ing the situation. Mr. Brown further pointed oui that there had been a few cases of thi fever already reported in the county, and that drastic measures must be taken at once to stamp it out and prevent any additional contagion from the disease. "WUh the existence oi Bangs disease in the county, there is a definite need at this time for an educational program in Haywood county, so that the people wno own the livestock as well as tne puwic in general should have all neces sary , ipioT&ation for protection, said Howard Clapp, county iarm agent, yesterday. Mr. Clapp announced tnat in view of conditions in the county a joint meeting of the Haywood Hereford Breeders Association and the Haywood Milk Breeders Asso ciation had been called. The meet ing will be held in the courthouse and is scheduled for Wednesday night, the 17th, at 8 o'clock in the courtroom. At this meeting Dr. William Moore, state veterinarian, will dis cuss the problems of control and prevention of an epidemic of Bang's disease and explain its menace to the livestock industry and to the health of the public. "Aside from the standpoint of the health of our people, which is paramount at all times, we must realize 'that the 30,000 head of cattle in Haywood county repre sent one of our major industries," explained Mr. Clapp. The educational program wnicn will get underway following tne meeting next week will be sponsor ed by the county board of commis sioners, the county farm agents, and the county board of health. Routine Audit Office Clerk Of Court Made A routine audit of the .fnce ol ; Hugh Leatherwood, cleik uf the Superior court, has recently been completed by W. Bowen Henderson, of Asheville, it was learned this week from George A. Brown, Jr., chairman of the county board of : commissioners. The audit extended through the i period beginning December 1, 1942, to November 30, 1944, according to Mr. Brown. The audit shows that the cash on hand as of December 1, 1942, was $16,477.35 with receipts for the period totaling' $91,290.64. Dis bursements during the stated time reached $78,910.25, leaving a bal- 'f ance on hand as of November 80, 1944, of $28,857.74. During the November term of Superior court, criminal term, a total of $4,539.35 was collected by the clerk of the court in fines, it was learned from Hugh Leather wood, clerk. This was the largest amount collected since Mr. Leather, wood has been in office during one term of court. The audit of the office of the tax collector and other offices of the court house are in the process of beinor anditpH K.- tt j -"cuuerson and the results will be announced Brown ;

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