if i -1 f V o A'. f IE Waynesville mountaineer 45. a- fa Published la The County Seat Uf Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park ry.HRST YEAR- NO. 3 8 Pages 'Talis Made orPolioDrive I i WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1945 (One Day Nearer Victory) 11.75 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties y.Roy Francis To Head amoaizn In Haywood Last Week In January. R Francis has been named tv chairman 01 m nuuiuc ,is Campaign. Haywood ...i. kocA mints, has been set 0 787, with iuu auueo. lor . iko 1 1 cases ot polio in ....... rinrincr the rjast year. H'Uum. " " - - - r ika tnt OUOta UP tO 9 it was learned yesterday. he 'county will be divided into Ureas, with a cnairman serv !. ik Wnvntsville section and Lr in the Canton section, ac- C m Mr Francis. Lv Massie has been named ,e co-chairman ior me ille area, and (Jiauae itogers .JU )Hp school chairman. Iher committees and chairmen be announced during tne it was pointed out uy Mr. Iinouncement has been made ie square dance wmch will oe , 01 th Wavnesville Armorv he eveninir of January 31st, Sam Queen in charge 01 ar- emeritS. Tickets will be sold lehout the community at a r i nn ftu nor cent of the amount loney raised in Haywood coun- ill be kept for treatment ana expenses of polio cases in county. rgical essmgs bom Closes me Surgical Dressings rooms he Haywood Chapter of the riean Ked Cross has closed Lll the dressings assigned . ot chapter have been completed shipped, it was learned this Jk from Mrs. it. E. Colkitt, rman. hevlocAL.nurgkjal- -dressings In was opened 6n October 1, Z, and since that date the fol- nr dressings have been mad shipped: 180,000 four by sponges; 60,000 two by two iees; 50,400 four by eight hges, and 22,500 eight by ten on ; pads, making a total of auu dressings made bv the nen of this area. he chairman, Mrs.'B. E. Col- and the vice chairman. Mrs. N. Barber, Jr., and the super- rs nave given 11,600 hours of r time to the work. I wish to take this opportun- W thank all the workers for r splendid cooneration in ar- Iplishing the surgical dressings gram lor the Haywood ehap- of the Red Crncs " ou t A Mm Mtt yesterday in discussing the K. Moore Brothers Pfc. Allie L. Moore (left) and Sgt. Joe Moore, Jr., sons of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moore, of Waynes ville. Pfc. Moore is reported wounded in action on December 25, in Belgium und Sgt. Moore has been reported missing in action since December 27. TWO BROTHERS CASUALTIES over M. Davis romoted To Commander t. Comdr. Grover Mack Da- avy u. S. Medical Reserve, Of Mr an1 M n r I. - - -"v. iuio, uivvcr pis, of Waynesville, has recent- promoted to his present. Ki according t nn.: by his family. .ur. uavis is stationed at rry Point If. ... j noa caiicu in SCtlVe serving nr nn n and,rreported for dty at L i ' , wne he was sta ed for 18 mnnth. f tu r?sferred t0 cmP Peary, ;j T . en 10 1,18 Present post, nor tn 4L. fn.l. ri me service R. iE? P:cticed dentistry tT. r uu- ne 's graduate Mdson ""' "JKno.sc"L0'' Ptal College. ouu,nwn M??"!. ?arl J' Rhymer, son ami " 1 "JLw.inP w'th r.nRiana. ce- 5 statoned at Fort McPherson, Sgf. Joe C. Moore, Jr., Reported Missing in Action and Pfc. Allie Moore Slightly Wounded Two sons of Mr. and Mr. J. C. Moore, of Water Street, Way nesville, have been reported as war casualties. , Sergeant Joe C. Moore. Jr.. has been reported missing in action since December 17 in Luxembourg. I Private First Clafss Allie L. rMoore has been reported slightly wounded in action in Belgium on December 25. Sgt. Moore left here with the National Guard unit in September, 1940, and before being sent over seas was stationed at the follow ing posts: Fort Jackson, Camp Uordon, rort Uix, Camp Gordon Johnson, Fla., and back to Fort Jackson "He was first stationed in Eng land and entered Fiance on D Day. He had been on combat in Belgium and Germany. Before entering the service he was em ployed by the Haywood county board of education. Pfc. Moore entered the service on March 11, 1941, and was in ducted at Fort Bragg and sent to Camp Claiborne, La., and back to Fort Bragg, before being sent overseas, where he has served for the past 21 months. He was first in England, then France, Holland, and Belgium. He is serving with an airborne division. Before entering the service Pfc. Moore was employed as assistant clerk of the Haywood county wel fare board. SEVENTH ICLfflFIED Sure And ead "Here And W' Today... Tn Enolu!Tn tody. Hild Way W of the-trying expert- vsDan crry,n On" hen the "JPfPw plant ha. been disabled ne tnlnid story of Sap.ef ..fctt must -Vcarry InceiL b 01 circum- ttoriti ' Her column, ia on the page page two - Comdr. Henry Lee In Charge Of Oration Contest Comdr. Henry Lee, N. S. Navy retired, has been named chairman of the eighth annual oratorical contest for the State American Legion contest for the Haywood county area. The contest is open to any boy or eirl in the 9. 10. 11. or 12th grade of any accredited high school in the state, btudents from the six high schools in Haywood countv in the grades designated are eligible to enter the contest. Comdr. Lee is urging every member of the classes, both boys and girls of the senior class in each high school of the county to enter and the state is urging that this contest be assigned as a part of the regular course on oration on the subjects submitted in the contest. The contest is on the United States Constitution and the sub ject is "The Constitution In A Changing World. lhe oration must be composed of two parts: First, a prepared speech of not less than 10 or more than 12 minutes; second, an extemperane ous oration of 'not less than four or more than eight minutes. All county contests in the state must beCi held between Marcn i ana 16 in the county seat of the county. The preliminary contests must be held in each school before that date. ' The county winners will compete in a district contest and then a state final contest with the winners from the five divisions will be conducted on April 2, at High Point. Any one wishing lurtner mior- ihation regarding the -contest may get in touch with Comdr. Lee at the Kirkpatrick apartments. In Keeping With Call For 9,000,000 Men by July, Local Reclassifications Increasing Seventy-nine men were reclassi fied during the past week by the local draft the largest number in some weeks. In the group were placed the following in class 1-A: William R. Burton, Jack D. Moore, Claude Hoglen, Lawrence V. Full bright and Hardin E. Green. Continued in class 2-A was Med ford B. Gaddis. Placed in class 4-A was Millard G. Medford. Continued in class A- (F) were: Charlie Fie, Milas C. Pat terson, Thad W. Hannah, Oliver Hicks, Leon W. Henry. Robert V. Hyatt, Arthur P. Messer, Ralph W. Price,. James 1). Smith, Frank Phillips, Columbus Wright, Ens ley R. Robinson, Arthur R. Over man, Coy Grooms. Edgar L. Am nions, Woodrow W. Downs. William Conner, Vern R. Pow ers, Walter F. Williams, Hugh A. Phillips, Louie Clark. Ray E. Mil ler, James E. Norris, William A. Wyatt, Manley C. Pressley, George W. Galloway, Hugh L. Under wood, Milas W. kirkpatrick, Wil liam F. Timbes, Don W; Gibson. George V. Smith. John It. Run", Glenn R. Painter, George M. Queen, Virgil Wilson, John M. Mills, Spellman G. McClure, and George E. Rupe. Placed in' .class 2-B (F) were: Muck Greene, Roy F. Sherrill, Gordon P. Rabb and Raymond D. Wood. Continued in class 2-lJ was El mer G. Henibree. Placed in class 2-C was Henry L. Green. Continued in class 2-C (F) were: Lee Lewis, Lige Franklin und Fred Underwood. Continued in class 2-B (F) were: Truman N. Cutshaw, Glen V. Rogers. Boone Davis, Thomas Bradley, Burnett J. Smith. Noble W. Ferguson, Theodore T. Mat- ney, Deryal L. Matney, Charles P. Sutton, James Long, Guy V. Gro gan, Robert L. Davis, Vaughn T. Shcpard, Mack V. Miller, Ralph Brandon, Charles 1). Dalton, Wal ter J. Francis, Joe W. Davis, Har ry R. Hogan, Jessie L. Jordon, Horace L. Teague, Frank S. Leatherwood, Fletcher Trantham, and Hugh T. Francis. Awarded Purple Heart FRANCE JOINS IjNITED NATIONS .V MUM. 1 T COlORFUl CEREMONIES in Washington, D. C, Henri Bonnet, the new Krench Ambassador, signs the Unitetl Nations' joint declaration, as Sec retary of Stale Edward R. Stettiniiis looks on. Thus France formally became the 3Cth country to join theUnited Nations. (International) 24 Cases White Ga. Caught This Week mm TO BE HELD IN COUNTY ... f f 4 4 1 LT. (JG) JAMES SHOOK QUEEN, who was reported miss ing in action off the cost of Italy on Sept. 15. 1943. Lt. James Queen Awarded The Purple Heart Lt. (jg) James Shook Queen, U. S. Naval Reserve, son of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Queen, of Way nesville, reported missing, who was in action off the coast of Italy on Sept. 15, 1943, and latter declar ed killed, has been posthumously awarded the Purple Heart, accord ing to information received by his family. I Lt. Queen entered the service as a volunteer in July, 1942 and enlisted at Charlotte. He was commissioned an Ensign and sent to Northwestern ' University for special training. ' After comple tion of this course he was sent to Solomons, Md.. then Norfolk, Va., for further training. He left New York for sea duty on April 4, 1943, and served with the amphibious forces in command of an LCT boat on combat in the North African campaign, in Sicily and in Italy. ' Lt. Queen has been commended a number of times by his com manding officers for his gallantry in action. The certificate which accompanied the Purple Heart stated in part: "For military merit and for wounds teceived in action resulting in his death." Lt. Queen was a practicing at torney associated with his father here at the time he Volunteered in the service. He was a graduate of the local high school, and of the University of North Carolina, re ceiving both an A. B. and law de- j from the latter. His wife, the former Miss Mar-j ion McClt nneghan, of Raleigh," Twenty-four cases of white Georgia liquor has been captured in three days by local policemen and highway patrolmen. Monday night. Policeman Hub Run and Norville Noland, and Pa trolman O. R. Roberts caught Wil liam llrading, of Gastonia, with M cases of liquor. Brading was heading towards Gastonia with his load, and was being pursued by a federal officer when the local officers entered the chase. The local officers shot the rear tire of the rum runner's car, and ar rested him at Clyde and brought him to the local jail. . He was later released under bond. Officers reported that Brading tlmost wrecked his car on a sharp curve, and thut the chase soon ended when the two police sent bullets into his tires, after. an ew citing chase. . Or. Saturday the same three of ficers arrested Gene Luw, of Ashc ville, with 10 eases of Georgia liquor, said to be assigned to Asheville. Law was arrested on Main Street. He was lodged in jail and later released under bond. Wounded f 3 X TJi . Pet Employe Reported Missing In Germany Private First Class Noel C. Phillips, former employe of the Pet Dairy Products Company here, has been reported missing in action since December 16 in Germany, according to informa tion received by the War Depart ment by his family. Pfc. Phillips is the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Phillips, of Sylva, and his wife, Mrs. Evelyn Rey nolds Phillips, resides at 45 Ta coma avenue. West Asheville. Pfc. Phillips was employed as a salesman for the local piant at the time he entered the service. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mi. and Mrs. John Sparks, of Waynesville, R.F.D. No. 1, an nounce the birth of a son at their home on January 13th. JULE NOLAND PROMOTED Jule W. Noland. of Waynesville, was recently promoted to technical sergeant, 4, at Camp Butner. GEORGE SWEARENGIN, bro ther of Mrs. Zeb Curtis, who has been reported, slightly wounded in ielgium. Swearengin Wounded In Belgium Private First Class George Swearengin, formerly of Waynes ville, has been reported slightly wounded hi action in Belgium, ac cording to a message received by his sister, Mrs. Zeb Curtis. Pfc. Swearengin had been in the service for the past three years and had been overseas since Octo ber, 1943. He is now reported to be in a U. S. Government hospital in England and his condition is said to be satisfactory. Prior to entering the service Pfc. Swearengin was employed by the American Enka Corporation. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. SweareWin, of Byron, Ga., and a ibrother of Mason Swear engin, now of Raleiirh, but for mer manager of the USES office here. To Our Newspaper Friends Those of us in the newspaper field have much in common. We understand lhe trials of editing and printing a newspaper under favorable condi tions, but when the printing equipment has been destroyed the problem of carrying on could never be met without the cooperation of our fellow work ers. It is through the courtesy of the Times-News of Hendersonville that The Mountaineer is going to its subscribers this week. The Asheville Citizen-Times was willing to take us on. The Transylvania Times offered to see us through, as did other newspaper publishers at greater distances from home. We know only too well that during the ten sion of war every newspaper has been put to the limit to look after itsown problems, so this offer from our friends has touched us deeply. ' We know this gesture of generosity on the part of the editors and publishers is one of sincere int rest. We acknowledge both with pride and appreJ ciation the spirit of friendliness that promoted these offers. - ' The Publishers. Home Demonstration Club ( Meetings To Be Changed Into Community Farm Gatherings The regular monthly meetings oi me nayvood County Home Demonstration Clubs during the coming month will be converted into community farm meetings, it was learned from the county farm and home demonstration agents, The farm goals of production in the county and plans to make possible the goals will be brought to the various communities in the county by Howard R. Clapp, and vvayne Franklin, farm agents, and Miss Mary Margaret Smith and Miss Jewel Graham, county home agents. Both men and women and the members of all the farm families, whether members of the clubs or not, are invited to the meetings, which started Tuesday of this week. All meetings are to open at 2:.i0 in the afternoon. Tuesday the Jonathan Creek community met at the Rock Hill school and the Crahtree citizens mot at tho Mt. Zion church. 1 esterday meetings were held in the Bethel community at the county home farm and at Crab- tree at the Crahtree school house. Today the Ivy Hill area will hold a meeting at the Maggie school building. Other meetings scheduled in clude: Friday, 19, Hyder Moun tain at the home of Mrs. H. H. West, and at Ivy Hill at the Dell- wood school; on Monday, 22nd, W hite Oak, Presbyterian church, and iron uuir, place to be an nounced later. Tuesday, 23rd, Clyde, at Clyde school; and Francis Cove at church: Wednesday, 24th, Cecil at Cecil school building and Way nesville at courthouse; Thursday, 25th, West Canton at home of Mrs. J. A. Ledford and Cruso at Cruso school. Friday, 2fith, Lake Junalusks with Mrs.. A. J. MvCracken and Katcllff Cove,, with Mrs. Woody lones; Wednesday, 31st, Fines Creek at Fine. Creek school; Mon day, Febrtul Gth, at Mt. Sterl ing school liOU.4)f 'I'uesdiry, Febru ary 6th, ht Beaverdam school and Morning Star school. Fire Destroys Part MountaineerPlant Seriously Wounded Pigeon River Scouts Hold Court Of Honor The regular session of the Pig eon River Court of Honor of the Boy Scouts of this area was held at the Baptist church of Clyde on Monday evening, with W. P. Whitesides, district advancement chairman, in charge of the pro gram. He was assisted by Francis V. Smith, Assistant Scout execu tive of the Daniel Boone Council. I. A. McLlain, of the Bethel high school presented second class badges to the following: Jack Willis, of troop 1, of Canton; Jos eph Medford, of troop 8, Lake Junaluska; Max Thompson, of troop 9, Clyde; and Richard Mor gan, of troop 9, Clyde. First class badges were award ed by George Bischoff of Hazel wood to: Luke Terrell, of troop 8, Lake Junaluska; John R. Terrell, of troop 8, Lake Junaluska; Joe K. Terrell, of troop 8, Lake juna luska; Charles Hannah, of troop 8. Lake Junaluska; Sherrill Phil lips, of troop 12, Bethel. Merit badges were presented the following by B. E. Colkitt of Waynesville: Bookbinding to Ber ry Pat Matthews, of troop 1, Can ton; Personal health and public health to Parker Gay, of troop 2, Waynesville; Cooking and music to Bdbby Allen, troop 4, Canton. Home repairs to Gene Yarbor- ough, troop 8, Lake Junaluska; Dairying, home repairs, and farm mechanics to Edwin Terrell, troop 8, Lake Junaluska; Cement work. farm mechanics to Charles Ray Howell, troop 8, Lake Junaluska; Dairying to Charles Hannah, troop 8, Lake Junaluska; Paint ing, beef production to Phil Sher rill, of troop 12, Bethel. Scholarship, to William P. Whitesides, -troop 12, Bethel; Angling to J. Davis Whitesides, troop 12, Bethel; Home repairs and conservation to William E. Malnous, troop 12, Bethel; Con servation and angling to Joe Jack Wells, troop 12, Bethel; Home re pairs to Bobby Miller, troop 14, Beaverdam; Metal work, mechani cal drawing, machinery and black smithing to Neal llipps, troop, 14, Beaverdam. W. D. Edwards, of Canton, pre sented Star award to Billie F. Hall, troop 12, Bethel; Charles D. Peek, troop 12, Bethel; Thomas Ray, troop 2, Waynesville. Dr. V. H. Duckett, presented the Life Scout award to Neal Hipps, of troop 14, Beaverdam. r i . JL PFC. GLENN PRICE, son of Hayden Price, R.F.D. No. 1, and grandson of Joseph A. Chambers, of Waynesville, R.F.D. No. 1, has been reported seriously wounded in action in Italy on December 18, according to a message received from the War Department by the family. The message stated that the family would be further ad vised of his condition. RECREATIONAL PROGRAM IS POPULAR lhe large number ot persons, both adult and children, takinp part in the program gave proof ol the interest and popularity of the recreational center sponsored, by the Community Council, it 'w pointed out thift week in. a. resum of the first 'two weeks in January by W. C. renney, director. During the first week in Jan- nary ()()4 persons participated in the recreational and athletic pro grams tit the Armory. During the second week there we re 550 tak ing part, making a total of 1,I'54 persons for the fortnight's period These figures do not include thost attending the dances handled by Sam Queen. A game between Central Ele mentary and St. John's Elemen tary departments will take place on Friday, according to Mr. Ten ney. The director also announced this week that a basketball tour nament in which all the teams of the high schools of the county were expected to take part would be staged at the armory between February 19 and February 21. The regular schedule of events announced some weeks ago of the activities of the various schools and local groups are continuing their practice periods and social entertainment, it was learned from Mr. Tenney. WM. RAY IN FRANCE William Ray, chief warrant officer, has landed in France after being stationed in England for several months. Before entering, the service, he was manager of Ray's Super Mar ket here. Capt. Geo. Plott Reported Missing In Europe Captain George E. Plott, son of John A. Plott, and the late Mrs. Plott, of Waynesville, is re ported missing in action in the European war theatre since De cember 25, according to a message received from the War Depart ment by his father. Captain Plott, U. S. Infantry, was active in the National Guard unit several years before the com pany was called into active ser vice on September 16, 1940. He was stationed at thefollow ing nosts before being sent over seas last November: Fort Jack son, Camp Blanding, Camp For rest, Camn Carson, Colo., Camp Robinson, Ark., and Tamp Rucker, Ala. Capt. Plott was engaged in farming and stock raising prior to his being called into active ser vice. He is a nephew of Major George Plott, U. S. Air Corps, who is now in service and is a veteran of World War I. Pfc. J. B. Hyder Is Awarded The Bronze Star Private First Class James R. Hyder, who is serving in the European war theatre, has re cently been awarded the Bronie Star medal for exceptionally meritorious achievement against the enemy in action in France and Germany, it was learned from a communication from headquar ters. Pfc. Hyder. 20. is the son of Mrs. Stella M. Ward, of Clyde. Prior to entering the service he was employed by the Carr Lum ber Company, of Brevard. Commercial Printing De partment and Office Sup ply Units Escape Blaze The plant and mechanical equip ment of The Mountaineer were badly damaged last Friday morn ing about 10:30 by flames which started in the basement and burn ed through to the street floor. The fire originated in the base ment near' the furnace and had gained considerable headway be fore it was discovered. The fire men arrived immediately after be ing called, but were unable tn get into, the basement at the ire to fight the flames, but managed to prevent its spreading and to even tually extinguish it. For nearly two hours the fire men under the direction of Clem Fitzgerald, city fire chief, and Felix Stovall, assistant chief, fought the stubborn blaze. Two linotype machines on the main floor of the building (hop ped through into the basement when the floor gave away. The press, situated in the basement, escaped serious damage, but was hurt to some extent by the water, and heat A considerable amount of news print and commercial printing stock were completely destroyed. The commercial printing de partment escaped major damage, except for "water. The editorial rooms were un damaged, with files and other equipment untouched by the names. The bookkeeper s desk und files were also undamaged, as were also the files and desk of the circulation : department. The stock' of stationery and of fice supplies which occupy the front of the building were com pletely undamaged either by smoke or water, due to the pre caution and careful handling of the hose by the firemen. Damage to the building was con fined -largely to the burned out two sections of the floor, a space of around 25 by 30 feet, which .vill have to be repaired. No estimate of the damage to the equipment' has been made yet, Mechanical - engineers arrived on Jur.day" and started to' w6rk on Monday. ' It is imoussible for them LmaUvan estima'e until the rv(. fibOO poind linoiyff. mYuj i-.K.- ' ' lifted out of the basement to tti irst floor.. The equipment was partially insured. One of the linotype machines had been purchased in August, 941, and had been in use only hree years. Great care is being observed n lifting the machines, and heavy noists and other equipment are in use. so that the delicate purls .vill not be further damaged. While the exact amount of the damages is not known, it will run into several thousands of dol lars, accord iny; to the owners of .he paper. Arrangements were made short ly after the fire to have the paper printed in Hendersonville by The rimes-News, daily paper. A num ber of other papers offered their plants for use by The .Mountai neer, but due to the similarity in certain equipment it was decided. to have the paper published in the plant Of The Times-News. Rationing Board Will Be Closed On First Of Every Month Here The War Price and Rationing Board announced this week ihat the office will be closed mi the list working day of each month until further notice. This action is taken in order '.hat the staff can iret out detaile i eports on time. Dr. Michal To Address Bethel Parent-Teachers Dr. Mary Michal, assistant dis trict health director, will be the guest speaker at the meeting of the Bethel school Parent Teachers Association. The meeting w.li start at 2:45 and Mrs. Paul Hyatt, president, will preside. Dr. Michal will address the group on "The -Problems of .So cial Hygiene.".- I Notice Of Nfew Deadline Due to the fact that The Moun taineer ia being published in an other newspaper plant while re pair crews are putting this one back in condition, it will be neces sary for us to close our columns for all news and advertising by six o'clock on Tuesdays in order to have the paper in the mails Thursday morning. i During- this emergency, we are doi$g the best we can to get you the paper on time, and onlv by stepping up the deadline to Tut-' day night can we accomplish this. r i j r: .1 ku: - j I IS.' , j ' h t V