JjL Page 2 . i ?THE,WAYNESVILLE' MOUNTAINEER Thursday, JTkkuiiuIi, ft It 4 3 The Mountaineer THE WAYNES VILLE PRINTING (XX Main Street ' , Phoo. W J ,",;Waytiai,.atVtb MCiirwin "; fA County Stat of Haywood County ff. CURTJS RUSS.....M,..i.'. Editor -MRS, HILDA WAY dWJrff Associate Editor W. Curtis Bus and Marka T. Bridges, Publishers PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year, In Haywood County........... L76 Six Months, In Haywood County... .. Mc One Year, Outside Haywood County . 2.60 Six Months, Outside Haywood County. 1.60 All Subscriptions Payable In Advance J"."11'-1'; ?r : r- V . Intend t tfat post offlc tt WuuMTttl. N. 0.. M Bmobs Out MsH- Hitter, M mltM iindw- the Aot of March -!, UTa, giwsjniw 10, 11. Ofcttusrr totiess. tMolotlOM of rMpsct, cue tt tbuka, u4 iH -notte of titeruloment ur profit, will to -trc lot at (M tat oas ml psr word. lDITORIAL SSQCIATjON ijATION "J" THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1945 VIGILANCE ' following the news in the European war triWtre for the past month has not been a cheerful lot of reading for the American public,' but it i.s bringing home to us one clearly definite fact, the Germans still have plenty to" go on. From time to time we have gained the Impression that the war with Germany was about over, but we are at last realizing that a twenty-five years preparation to fight is bound to hold some surprises for a nation that has only been thinking along such lines for not over six years, but not mak ing any extensive plans. We are told that trained enemy sabo teurs are still ' entering this country and that they have active helpers right here in America. Submarines are bperating in the Atlantic according to the FBI. As long as these things exist we must know that the G'drrrians are far from being whipped. The day is not in sight, and we must be on guard. . ' '" ! MILITARY TRAINING ,& We read with interest that the North Carolina members of the Seventy-Ninth Conrgess are in fa.yor ofthe principles of universal military training after the war as recommended by President Roosevelt. They all seem to agree that while we ;shoulcf haVe the training we should not make it a paramount feature ill the life of -...our youths as Germany has done. With the exception of Senator Bailey they feel that after the war will be time I enough to institute such measures. Sena ; tor' Bailey is in favor of taking the vote ' right now on the subject. Public sentiment is a changeable thing. Who. knows we, may drop back into smug f contentment with never a thought of an other war, when peace comes. Senator ' Bailey has this to say: "I've already en- dorsed compulsory military training and I think we should adopt it now. We have to ' make .this country just as strong as she 'j can be. Theres no going back now. The . United States is embarking on an inter ' national career, and if she is to have an . international career, she has to be strong." Others are of-the opinion "that to take f. action iioto would imply distrust of a world security organization to keep peace. Some ". feel that the men now fighting overseas i should have the privilege of voting on the , measure. There are those who fear that ! the' training rriight interfere with the 'I schooling of the youth of the country. Senator Hoey is among the group who ' favor waiting until after the war to deter- mine the training, as we will be better - able , tp judge the necessity of adopting tfsuch a drastic program. Hoey says: "I I feel that we should combine educational . training with physical training of young men,, .but '. not adopt a strict compulsory military training program." We wen' recall how soon we forgot the Number One World conflict. all sides that Germany now iauw.siBH preparation tor a rhirri ??oks to us that our only protec Ctibfl of thp future lies in being ready and farmed f or What comes. Our theory is that gin -thisOTedahd trained position we will not 'in vjte sot -easily another war. g e.-V'w' ' .V ' " ; , - -,,. WE.HAVE V I WE ARE GRATEFUL The more we know of human nature, the more we think of people. It is strange how an emergency that calls for quick action brings out the stuff of-which heroes are made. In the first place to see what we have worked years to build going up in smoke is not easy to take, but when you see men you meet every day in your business and about town rally around and risk their lives to help you save your property from total loss, along with your material dam age there comes a great realization of com pensation. While our damages were costly, they would have been far greater had it not been for the instant response of the city fire department and the magnificent man ner in which they handled the situation when they arrived at the scene of the fire. Often tho.ie who gather around hinder the work of putting out a fire, but in our case on Friday, it was the opposite. Many men not connected with the fire department pitched in and gave intelligent assistance Jri saving our property from total loss. We lack words to express our appre ciation, but the glow of the kindness of people to those in trouble will linger long with its after the damages have been re paired. It will make us prouder than ever to live in such a community. The location of the fire and the dense heavy smoke made it very di cult to light and it took courage to enter the building and fight the flames. mere -may oe many more, to whom we are indebted, hut according to Clem Kit. gerald, city lire chief, among them were the following connected with the fire de partment: Felix Stovall, assistant fire chief, Lawrence Trammell, Sam Kelly, Sam Potts, Ben Sloan, John Boyd, Scott Reeves, Wal ter MehatToy, llarteman Farmer, W. F. Strange, Hub Burnett, John West and Da vid Underwood, and others were C. II. EckhofT, Lewis, Gibson, W. R. Francis, Leo Buckner, Charlie Gibson, J. I). Frady, Rob ert Hall, Paul Young, and Eddie Cullens. Norman Caldwell did an excellent job of directing trafFic during the blaze. If we have left out the names of any who helped us, please add it yourself, for in the excitement of the moment somebody may have been overlooked, but our apprecia tion is yours. ONE-FISTED FIGHTING MAri" . .to Capital Letters By THOMPSON GREENWOOD PAT Governor Gregg Cherry, who is now being referred to as the Iron Major, has named Pat Taylor of Wadesboro, to keep him advised- on doings of the Legis lature. Taylor will help Cherry with bills, etc., and will be his general agent during this session. Pine and good, for Taylor is an able man. But the significant thing about the appointment is that Pat Taylor was an area lead er foi- W. P. Horton, now nation al committeeman, in his rate (un successful) against J. M. Brough ton in 1U40. He went down fight ing, making the last speech if memory serves corerctly for the Chatham County champion. Important moves are in the air, so watch for them, and keep 1940 i in mimt an you do. Snhua fit -f ' . f ' "5 s ft a 1,1.1 001 T J,: Standards of the Kingdom HIGHLIGHTS ON THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESS0 HERE and THERE By HILDA WAY GWYN I.ATRINE One of the news paper guys the other day asked I Governor Cherry if so-and-so was i going to be appointed to a cer tain position. The governor re plied that he had heard nothing of it, adding that the talk was prob ably a "latrine rumor." He ex plained to the unitiated present for the press conference that the term originated in the first World War. Soldiers used to indulge in innocent gossip while relaxing in the latrine, hence the expression. It's discouraging at times at the number of stumbling blocks .strewn along (lie highway of life. If you want to know bow to pick yourself up by your own power and co on ngiiin as if nothing bad ; happened We recommend that !,uii try your hand at running in newspaper. 'lerc is an obli gation to the public ti) deliver the news on schedule time, that serves i as uch a powerful incentive, that those responsible tor it just drive on, no matter how tough the way. This spirit developes a kind of tenacity of purpose that denies an alibi for failure to "come out as usual." tually risking their own safety, we realized anew how much good there is in the world, and how much sympathy tlere is for those in trouble. We want to take thi lunily to thank every one their kindness on last Friday morning. One buds out at such times what a grand community we live in. It makes one want to take a new lease on life and be worthy of such cooperation. Ten years ago when we started working for The Mountaineer we did not have such clear cut ideas of delivering the goods, but with the background of the past, we too have caught that same spirit. H may sound like hard driving, but you know on the other hand there is something inspiring in meeting a challenge that looks like fail ure. To push aside utter destruc tion and start building back be fore the ashes have cooled takes courage and a kind of fight that, lifts one out of despair. There is no time to mourn the past, when one is busy coming out of misfortune. We may not get all the news this week, but we ask your for giveness if things are left out and trust that we can carry them at a later date. Voice OF THE People LIGHTNING This session of the Legislature is moving with lightning speed. Unless something very controversial comes up, the legislators should be home to help with spring" plowing by March 1. The lush days are responsible for the blitzkrieg. Early in the fall preceding the convening of the Legislature the various State de partments prepare their budget requests for the next biennium, and these reauests are subse- oppor-1 qlie.ntly submitted to the Advisory JOI ; I.i,lfH frtrvt m ificiAii As a usual thing, the requests are trimmed unmercifully. The departments revise their figures, submit them to the appropriations committee, get ready to light for them through the various other committees nnd sub-committees. Well, all of this takes time. This year, with plenty of money on band, the Advisory Budget Commission, not only failed to trim, but actually did the unheard of thing of granting more than was requested by some depart ments. Of course this does not apply in every instance, but most State departments are satisfied, and in many instances are a little more than satistled. ho there will be little argument from this source. t What question would you like to ee atked in this feature? (These ten answers will be used a. ques-nuim .' lhe mjnjnuim'. So there SU',00 Your legislator will re ceive $000, whether Tie is here for two weeks, or six weeks, or three months. This figure is the maxi tions during 1 weeks). the coming ten s vdi after We 4heak on "IS FALSE PROPHETS Two of the best fighting mp in the Navy aro Halsey and Ingram. The first man has won fame in the Pacific. The last is a foot ball expert and able commander of the Atlantic Fleet. They can be depended up on to plan well and execute plans that will demolish the enemy. But are they qualified to wear the prophetic mantle of Elijah? Halsey 14 months ago predicted the war would end in 1943 and it still goes on. And now In gram predicts the Germans may attack the east coast with V-bombs within the next 30 or 60 days. He hedges by using the word "probable," and says the Navy is pre pared for the attack. These valiant seadogs would do well to stick to navigating and fighting the enemy. ( There they are on solid ground or can rule waves. But when they essay to be prop hets they ar6 in a role for which they have not been trained. The country honors Hal sey as a fighter and puts himin the list of false prophets. Let Ingram beware lest the same come to him. An Army officer ought also to stick to his last and not predict events. The able Eisenhower was quoted early in 1944 as saying the war would end before 1945. We are now told he employed enough "ifs" and said the, war would have ended as predicted if every civilian and man in the armed forces had been 100 per cent on the job. And now President Roosevelt says vic tory "may be won in 1945 'if'" and Church ill has a somewhat like prophecy. If Admirals, Generals, Presidents and Prime Ministers were to ask the advice of The News and Observer the reply would be: "Lay off prophecy. Leave that to Elijah and those having connection with the heav enly hosts." All should concentrate upon the task in hand and not be beguiled or beguile others into trying to pry Into the inscrutable future. Raleigh News and Observer. Friday morning we had gone j Mrs. Rufus Siler "What do to the court house to "cover three ! -vou '"ink of a Community Cen of the offices" for routine news. ,er as tt. memorial in this com In the last one we heard the fire I m unity for men who served in alarm. We commented, " Well, World War 11 V there is another story, but maybe j a sad one." Little did we know! Rev. J. Clay Madison "What our very desk at which we that had ago been working a few minutes was oniy a lew leet awav from a terrible conflagration. Then do you think of compulsory mili tary training in peacetime?" M. C. Stamey "Not eonsider- on leaving the courthouse we saw casualties and separations smoke pouring in angry jerks out i caused by the armed forces, what ot all the windows and doors of acrmces nave we made, it any, i ne mountaineer huilding. It would be hard to describe both our incredulity and our sense of loss for the owners. You can't work ten years for people in amicable relations, and call them not only your bosses, but your friends, without a deep sense of interest in them and your work. that outweigh our material gains in wages, prices and other incomes and a higher standard of living?" H. B. Atkins "Who pays the most when an industrial organi zation has a strike?" CAN'T IMAGINE "The present state of the country is enough to make any politician think," de clares a contemporary. Well, that's some thing The Humorist, London. 1 " the : tropics, ' special golf -balls are f use.d to.Stand'the'heat. i rrv'ti'i.-..'-; " . . T - "v " wu" une imng 10 me creait oi tneman wnoj S ' ""f1 ball for kills himself-he generally gets throne I on Omevith:.his club before fcrttiW .-ui. .......e , ,liuol, icBuuiiaiuie lur jus truuuies. lamua Tu.BtPunch! 9 -yv- S - Times. Tilings happened pretty thick and fast after that before the fire was put out and the smoke began to slow down in its steady puff's from all openings in 'the building. Then we heard these magic words, "Well, the fire's all out." We saw the editor reach for the phone, and the ball started rolling on our rehabilitation plans. New York, Washington, Atlanta, and other points were called . . . The spirit of The Mountaineer was undimmed by disaster, for the foundation of a new future was begun. The paper must carry on ji was a gooa tmng lor us that we heard those phone calls before we looked in the shop for me damage, Because when we saw one linotype machine on top of the other, fallen through to the basement, we took resort in the way a woman usually shows her feelings!. We had been with the business too long, not to know what that meant. But we remem bered the phone calls, and we tried to keep a stiff upper lip, and bear in mind, that we, like the owners had no time to indulge in postmortems. We looked at the hooks that less than two hours ago contained pages of copy we had written, lost in the fire that must be done over again, in addi tion to other work. Kor we knew that a paper would be published. No, not in Waynesville, but ma chines would be found somewhere in Western Carolina to set up our type and print our paper. J. E. Barr "Do you think we can have permanent peace with out an international police force?" Ben Colkitt "I would like to see the following two questions aked in 'The Voice of the Peo ple': "Do you think that people ore turning to religion as a result of the war?" "Do you think that training in Scouting has been a definite ad vantage to men in the service?" Then coming back to the edi tor's office with the floor stand ing in water we heard plans be gin to unfold to get out The Mountaineer on the 18th of Janu ary, just as if nothing had hap pened. So we knew that we had no. time to think of that pile of burned machinery and caved in flooring, but we must catch the vision of restoration and work on in the future and not the past. We had other idea for this col umn, but they did not seem to fit in with our mood, so we filed the intended column for the 18th to another week. We wanted you to get the idea of how a paper picks up its troubles and goes marching on. In fact there are always silver linings to trouble if you only look for them. As we watched the firemen and others Work to save the property not their own, ac- Howard Clapp "What phase of agriculture enterprise would you like to see stressed in Hay wood county during the next five years?" is no financial incentive to keep him here more than HO days, but after this time he loses money fast. Incidentally, legislators n few years ago received only $200 for a term. In South Carolina, the law-makers regularly vote themselves a bonus when they run beyond the time limit, but our con stitution prevents such a move in North Carolina. BOST After all these years of reporting, Tom Bost, who prob ably is the smartest man in the State, is at last on the radio. Several years ago, Mr. Bost was offered the same broadcast nov done by Carl Goerch, but he turn ed it down. During the Legisla ture, he will be on the Tobacco Network six stations in Eastern North Carolina, including, WRAL in Raleigh five nights each week from 8:15 to 8:30. .He's good, too, but don't try to hear him un less you happen to be within 25 miles of Raleigh, Goldsboro, Wil son, Greenville, Fayetteville, or New Bern, M. H. Bowles "What are your post war plans?" J. W. Kill!.,, "What do you think is the best thing we could do here for the men when they return after being discharged from the service?" SALARY PLUS CIGARETTES SOUTH BEND, Indiana. The desperate manpower shortage was stressed here when Emeral M. Cal- ALCOHOL Don't etpect the Legislature to interfere in any way with the present method of handling alcoholic beverages in North Carolina. It now looks as if all bills against the sale of wine beer, whiskey, brandy, tequila, or what have you, will die aborning, EAST - Although Oscar Rich ardson, of Union Courtty, is Speak er of the House, the East pretty much runs things in the House as the result of various rules and regulations now in effect there ro- garding the passage of bills. Thrise. adopted under the Broughton ad ministration, have done more than anything else to prevent a State wide referendum on whiskey. The lb North Carolina counties hav ing whiskey stores sold $16,354.- 954.16 worth of liquor from June 1, 1943. to June 1, 1944. In other words, a little more than one ea Ion of whiskey was sold for each resident of these counties during tnose iz montns. THE OLD HOME TOWN By STANLEY nr TXfNOPe, MOSTLY REJECTION l A'Vrjl MiNERVAS SLIPS FROM THE tZT-J U rf GETT7A4'A ( MATRIMONIAL A&ENCIES PJj V- LOT O" MAIL U'OUT OF STOCK FOft J L l AW$- MAIN STRgsr-rC Bv NKffMAV CAMPBELL (The International Uniform Lesson on the above topic for Jan. zi U Matthew 4:23-6:18, the Memory Versa being' John 11:42. i nou neareax mm always. .) IN OUR last lesson we read that Jesus went about teaching and neaiing me sick in mind and body. His fame spread through all Syria, and multitudes followed Qur lesson tndav Is f h utanrt ards for living which Jesus set while He was among men on earin in oiner words, tne Ser- rnon on the Mount. If we lived according to Mis rules so set uown, we wouia oe iruiy good people, those who bless the earth and do untold good to others. A Ufa so lived would do more to convince people Of the truths' of Christianity , than any other , one "And seeing the multitudes, He went up Into a mountain: and when he was set. His disciples came unto Him; , "And He opened His mouth and taught lihem., saying: "blessed ate the poor In spirit" thus begin the Beautitudes. The first wor.d la "Blessed" which meais "Happy." Happy will Ve person be who Is poor in spirit not In our generally accepted meaning of that word. Not 'yellow," pot mean spirited, but poor In heart so that he feels the need of spiritual growth and strives to enrich his soul. Even the richest man In earthly wealth may feel this' need for more spiritual riches and become an inheritor of the kingdom of heaven. Bletised Arc the Mourners Blessed arr they that mourn, f'ii they shall be comforted." So many 8 re mourning now in this tal world, but those that. In spite ut their sorrows, try to help t hers, shall surely be comforted. lilc.ssed are the meek, for they sviall inherit the earth. A meek person i.tn't boasting of his tor I mi virtue, doesn't talk by the hieir of what be has done and whw to do. Dnesn't insist that I :- ix ai.vays in the right In a dispute, hut realizes and acknowl edges he may be wrong tj LikewiiM Pi-J " -M hunger and tLIrikt aet. ness. for they shall be aD is easy ta sea , .ri aeek to know what is rhUJ striv. .i.., .J'r r tlm w UO IT u.J riches, this him. .'.I , . -tw ana g bring peace and true ha-J Likewise tha mri..rl "sviuim who do not ondmn othiiJ are kind snd r. ,.t'U who treat their fcii,81! living things compass .. ... arioui( j WI uiuiiseives. Peacemakers Called RuJ Blessed are the peaces They shall be called God." It may be right J to, a Just nd righteous , After the battles comes the, making. How th 1 """" . J " ngmeous met women to make peace that last because no ini.i... done. So in private live, i who help to make and keec peace are blessed. Those who are persecute, reviled because th not understand th richtJ ....... --o-wvm vi meir views or actions, i also be blessed. "Theirs kingdom of heaven." Christ also Interpreted ancient Jewish laws in . way. His law of lov . ,J you have an enemy, instead naung mm, you should love pray for him. and rtn him. Is this too much t& sil ust wo. it is not. Our ntl w may oe our enemv m- man or woman across fh .J or members of Jesus told us not to go to chj nu pray or offer sacrifices tJ nrsi we snould be reconciled this person with whom we h quarreled, and then we may, a ttcan nearis, oner our prayen VJOU. , Finally. Jesus aav "D. therefore perfect, even 'as J r auier wnien is in heaven." Is that too high an aspirate We may not attain to It, but can try hard and all the ti It is our ideal, and if w. , best, surely God will be pleil anu give us his blessing nutributed by King Features Syndicate, ln. A Scalloped Dinner Dish Made With Dehydrated Coir By BETSY XEWMAN HAVE YOU experimented with dehydrated foods T 1 have to a certain extent, and found them very satisfactory. 1 have a number o recipes for cooking and serving them. Our postwar cooking will be different, what with a more abun dant use of frozen fruits and vege table and " dehydrated foods! Mt.kes life interesting doein't it? Today's Menu Baked Fish Baked Sweet Potatoes Scalloped Corn and Tomatoes Lettuce Salad Apple Meringue Dessert . Tea Scalloped Corn and Tomatoes To cook dehydrated corn, soak m cups corn in 8 cups water for about 2 hours in covered pan; add teaspoon salt, cover, and bring slowly to boiling about 5 min utes. Boil gently 20 to 25 minutes. Makes 3 cups. 2 Mi e. fresh or canned to matoes 9 e. drained cooked dehy drated corn U c. minced onion 1 tap. salt Combine cooked corn tap. sugar (if liked) Pepper 2 tbsp. minced green pepper Soft bread crumbs Pat tomatoes, drained minced onion, green Pepper, sugar, salt and pepper. and place in baking dish altera layers of this mixture and so bread crumbs ( 1 to 2 cuns fur m recipe), ending with bread crural uoz witn tat ano bake in a ma erateiy hot oven (375 degrees 20 to 30 minutes. Apple Meringue Dessert Biseuit 3 tbsp. lard or blended short ening l'A c. sifted flour W c. sugar 2 tap. bakinf 'powder Vi tsp. salt 2 egg yolks c milk Filling 2 c. thinly sliced c. brown tart apples sugar Meringue 2 egg whites 1 c. sugar fhlt. in rH nr nthar ahnrtinil!l into flour which has been sift With bakinp nowrier anlt ut an cm r nntil rvtivnw a Mneiolmi O ' 1.1 1 .1 ,v V M yil-'..." t oi comment Mix egg yolks wn mim ana aaa to ary ingredients Mix hist enorwh to blend inCTM tents. prea, biscuit dough ui greased mat pan, spread a slices over doue-h. sDrdnkle ' brown sugar, cover with merinH maae oy oeating egg wnites ui Stiff but nnr drv. then add suerar e-radnallv. Rent verv i , . ... dbko in 4uu -degrees if . oven minutes. Serves 12. unit lirJ stiff LAFFpA-DAY fOREVEt ' ' . -x- ........