1 Page 4 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER J i ' Thursday, Jaury 1 Cpl. Whisenhunt 1 0verseas 23 Months if 44 c DernckjS :x JUST RECEIVED Is Awarded Bronze Star Company Is Commended ,. if'. 1 Corporal Harry K. Whi-enhuat has received the Silver Star award for gallantry in action in France on December 2, 1!M4. according to information received here from the 26th Infantry Division head quarters, in Luxembourg. Cpl. Whisenhunt entered the service in AinTl, DM.;, and was inducted at Camp Croft. From Croft he was sent to Fort liragg and then to Relvoiv, Ya.. 1'or hfs basic training, liefore being sent overseas he was sent to (leorge town University for i ci la-sifica-tion and then to Harvard !'!' spe cial training. From the latter he was sent to Camp Forrest, 1'enn., I and then to Fort Jackson. Before entering the servoe Cpl. Whisenhunt held a position with 11, e engineering department of the TV A. He was educated at ISre vard Colle're and the University of Washington State, Seattle. His wife and young s.n are residing m!h her parents, Mr. and Mrs. );. C. Moody. Fouricen years ot study jii-ralure and humidity co Jlr. Willis Carrier prcce eoijuiicrcial piodticlion of air-conditioning units bv porat ion he fou nded. 1 h lasted from I 'Mil to 1 1 ' I - of tem irol by led the he first tile cur- ,-tudies Shy RSary ?lv Gaud "Bronchuline Sure Acts Wilh Speed! Now I Know I Can Gei Some Sleep." tr y PI. ON' i m i . i m : ..;it i vi iy i Yen po. !,i tt.-r P.mnrl, I :i UOP l al.il s v oik Hi. -a I1 , i lies i .li.i 'I" no- I" .r..;it, i.f oillini: Try :i. r I:K" for rel. .1 cnnflrtt'TU your without it. Smith's iioint' v Ul ij . . . T be i Stu OVERT!! i Every time your loved one looks at that gift you jave from Davis-Smith, he ipr she will think of you. That is why our gifts to some one you love work up ed overtime for you. Over lime pays double, you know double love, doll ar 7 ijjle happiness. JEWELERS Phone 514 I WORKING mm I SEEING IS BELIEVING I The convenient way to buy your clothing! Gas ration ing lack of time to shop in stores scarcity of good quality merchandise in most localities all combine to make this the ideal way to order your clothing. The new Spring and Summer Suitings for ladies and gents i are here. With dozens and lect from. Many exclusive all of top quality. Every type of weave. Sturdy Worsteds, Shetlands, Tweeds, Twisted Coverts, Gabardines. Every wanted color and pattern individually cut and very own measures. Priced book. At usually less than you would pay for a good hand-me-down and guaranteed to please you in fab ; ric, quality, perfect fit and exquisite tailoring. Let me have the privilege of showing you these beautiful i fabrics in your office or home. You will incur no obli- gation. Indeed the obligation is on my side and I'll ' appreciate and respect your courtesy. Mail me a card i today. ! The Ideal Way To Shop CONVENIENCE i ' ECONOMY PROTECTION S. E. GREER BOX 147 ,, I ' """ T 1 WILLIAM E. WRIGHT, of Waynesville. R.F.I. No. 1,, has ar rived in Ashevilie at the Army (iiound and Service Forces Re distribution Station where he will spend approximately ten days awaiting reassignment to duty. Sgt. Wright has returned from 2,'! months overseas service and will have access to all recreational facilities while he is at the Ashe vilie Station. Full hotel service v ill be extended to him. Letters To Editor '. W. ('lilt is lillss i ncsville, . C. Ioar Curtis: On behalf of the Waynesville Rotary Club. I wish to express to you the sincere sympathy of each of us in your recent fire doss, and to hope that like 1'hoenix of old, that from the ashes theie may rise an I'lni greater Waynesville Mountaineer, to inform and en lighten the denizens of Haywood County for many years to come. We appreciate the splendid vvoil: voti have done in giving ns a newspaper of which any county could be justly proud, and we wish for you success in the coming y oars. ( ord mil v Yours, II I ILIA fil) H. ATKINS, Secretary. Bill Miller Pledged To Sigma Chi Fraternity Hill Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Clyde Kay, of Waynesville. has j recently been pledged to Sigma 'Chi fraternity at the University of Georgia, where he has been a student during the past few : 1 1 1 ' r 1 1 hs. Young Miller was among the' pledges announced at the Cniver- I sity lor the .vinter ntiarter by! Kos.-el Slelling, president, of th J ntei I i ulernity Counci For You To Feel Well 24 hours every day, 7 days nve ry week, m'vpr slopping, the kidneys tiltT Basic m;ilter from the blood. If more people cre aware of how the kidneys must constantly remove sur plus liuid, excess acids and othi-r waste rrtiMt r that cannot stay in the blood wilh'itjt injury io health, there would ln hetter understanding of it hy t he whnlt- system is upset when kidneys fail to function properly. Hurnintr, scanty or too frequent uriiin timi sometimes warns thai somet hing is wrung. You may suffer nagging back ache, h fad aches, dizziness, rheumatic pains, getting up at nights, swelling. Why not try Doan's Pills' You will be using a medicine recommended the country over. Joan's stimulate the func tion of the kidneys and help them to f!uh out p'tisonous waste from the 1 L-ci. They contain nothing harmful. Get Doan'i today. Use with confidence. At alt drug store. dozens of patterns to se expertly tailored to your to fit everyone's pocket- HAZELWOOD, N. C. WAYNES VILLE METHODIST CHURCH J. C. Madison, Pastor Church Sehool under the direc tion of M. H. Bowles opens at 10:00 o'clock. The Nursery re mains open during the church hour. At 11:00 o'clock the pastor will speak on the subject, "A Wither ing Flower." His subject for the evening service will be, "Living Waters." The Methodist Youth Fellow ship meets at 6:30. 'CHURCH OF COD Hazelwood S. C. Lowery, Pastor Choir practice Thursday even ing at 7:45. Singing convention Sunday at 2:00 p. m. All singers and public cordially invited. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH L. G. Elliott, pastor Sunday School at 9:4.". Super intendent Messer is anxious to have all oVscers and teachers pres ent and on time. At the close of the morning .worship all u'ncers and teachers for the coming year will be publically installed with an impressive service. At I 1 o'clock the pastor' will use as his subject: "Keeper of the Yineyard," in which particular emphasis will be given to the task ! and opportunity of the Sunday School in the Centennial Evange listic Crusade. . Training Union, under the di rection of Miss flattie Freeman, will meet at G:3(J. If we are to t rain and teach a "Million more" during 1 '. ) 4 : j . we must use this or ganization for that purpose. At the 7:30 hour of worship the pastor will speak on this suhiect: "The Night of Wholesale Death." 1 ' h m is the second in the series of messages on the Voices of the Night. The mid-week service Wednes day night at 7 :.'!() continues to grow irr numbers and interest. Let us have at least one hundred next Wednesday night. Choir will meet for rehersal immediately after tills service. Beginning this week, the recrea tion hall will be opened each Wed nesday night after the mid-week service. .Mr. and .Mrs. Ben 1 nil-1 lips will be in charge of the pro- gram. Want H)K hAI.r .Swivel desk chair-, rn dark oak. very reasonable, K. Wallace Lawrence, Arcln- tect. Phone 4 111. Jan. 18! LOST I'rown billfold, containing Social Security Card, Birth Cer tificate. Also pictures. Reward. Mrs. Hilda C. Brown, Hotel Le Faine, Room 20G Jan. 18. FOUND Hound dopr, read with white toes and narrow blaze face. Female. Thomas Kil lian, Maggie. N. C. Jan. 1C FOR ANY kind of motor work, sec Herman Rathbone or James Soda Banks at Garage on Hemp hill Road one mile from main highway at Amos Moody's place. Jan. 18-25 Feb. 1-8 FOR SALE Dressed ducks and hens. Call Rollman, phone 2111. Jan. 18 LOST Ration Book No. 4. Thel ma I. Smith, Maggie, N. C. Jan. 18-25 Feb. 1 FOR SALK Can now change your battery radio into an elec tric set. Radios bought, sold, repaired. Factory recondition ed pianos sold on easv terms. LINDSAY RADIO SERVICK, OS Main St.. Canton, 56 Main St., -Waynesville. Jan. 18-25 FOR SALE Reconditioned play er piano also other type pianos sold on easy terms. Radios bought and sold, repaired. Lind say Radio Service, 98 Main St., Canton, 56 Main St., Waynes ville. Jan. 18-25 Feb 1-8 WANTED IX ASHEVILLE N. C. Colored couple to live on place and do general housework and cooking. Will furnish two room apartment with bath and pay the woman $14.00 per week and the man $16.00 per week. Ap plicants must be recommended. This is a permanent job which requires no over-head living ex penses . Phone 293 in Ashevilie, collect. Mrf. Morrison. Jan. 11-18-25 FOR SALE; Two coon and 'possum tree dogg. See Charlie Williams, near Rubber plant. Jan. 11-18 USED CARS WANTED -, We will pay ceiling price for good used cars. See Davis-Liner Motor Sales. WANTED AT ONCE skilled and semi-skilled workers. Also truck drivers and farm help. Houses furnished. See Jerry Liner, at Lake Junaltlska. FOR SALE six-room house. See Jerry Liner, Lake Junalusluu FOR SALE 1931 Model A Ford Tudor Sedan. Good condition. See Davis-Liner Motor Sales. WANTED elderly couple to. milk and feed cattle. House provided. See Jerry Liner, Lake Jnnalnika i JUNALUSKA METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, Miles A. McLean. Sunday School at 10:30 with K. H. Terrell, Supt. Church service at 11:30, at which time the pastor will speak and the text will be Mat. 13 :28: "An enemy hath done this." The I faction and pride that I forward choir will sing a special number. I this splendid commendation for The young people will meet at outstanding performance on fre 7:30 p. m. with the topic, "Get-1 quent occasions. On Sept. 10, Co. ting along with our teachers." I A distinguished itself and took Several school teachers will be I Houffalz, Belgium, despite deter present to take part in the discus- mined enemy opposition. The des- sion. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Church rooms on second floor of Masonic Temple. Authorized Christian Science literature available from lending library each Sunday after church service. Sunday church service at 11 a. m. and the subject of the Lesson Sermon for next Sunday will be "Life". The Golden Text will be laKen irom Jonn j:a, This is thee the only true God and Jesus life eternal that they might know Christ, whom thou hast sent." Lilienthal To Speak At Joint Session A joint resolution passed by the Senate and the House in the Gen eral Assembly was introduced dur ing the week by Glenn C. Palmer, representative f i o m Haywood county. The resolution invited David E. Lilienthal, head of the Tennessee v aney .'uiuionty. to speaK at a joint meeting of the Assembly on January the 30th. Cpl. Foch Rogers, son of IVIi ano ivirs. i. a. Kogers, is now serving somewhere in New Guinea according to information receive! by his family. Cpl, Kogers was stationed at Camp Ord, Calif prior to being sent overseas. Paul Hyatt is visiting C. J Kay in former Windsor. Mr. Kay is .lerk at the Piedmont Ho- tel. Ads LOST Ration liook No. 4. Name i Jessie C. Davis, Hazelwood, Box Return to above address. Jan. 18-25-Feb. LOST One gold identification bracelet with wings insignature on Saturday. Finder please call l.!7. Jan. 18 FOR SALE Pre-war bicycle. See John Gillett, Jr., Lake Juna ltlska. Jan. 18 URGENT WOMEN Needed In War Work In This Locality GOOD PAY! PERMANENT INDUSTRY U. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Waynesville, N. C. I The company in which Private i First Class Lloyd Terrell Derrick i son of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Der ' rick, of Balsam, is serving has re- cently been commended accord I ing to a letter from his command- ing officer, Pfc. Dewiek has been on overseas duty lor the past twelve months. At present he is a patient in a hospital in England. The letter sent to his family read as follows: "It is with the ' greatest personal pleasure, satis- ! troyers we re always well forward clearing out defended road blocks ' and when given an indirect fire i mission they quickly put their guns into position and harrassed the re treating enemy with accurate fire When combat team 22 pierced the Siegned line on Sept. 14, bear Buche't, Germany, Co. A., of which your son is a member ably sup ported the assault elements in the advance so that the objectives were reached quickly and with a minimum loss of personnel and euujpmeni:. J he speed and acuracy in rc cent operations has won confidence and respect of all my command. The offensive spirit and devotion to duty demonstrated by the offi cers and men is indictive of a high state of training and moral with in the battalion. Such devotion to duty and performance despite a state of efficiency and a will to do come about only by response of each individual to long and hard training inspired by outstanding leadership." Pfc. Derrick has also been aw arded the Bronze Star for his mer itorious action on August 2'i. Rotarians Discuss Military Training Informal discussions on peace time compulsory military training featured the program of the Way nesville Rotary club at their regu lar luncheon meeting on Friday. Col. J. Harden Howell, veteran of World War 1, and commander of the Second North Carolina Regiment, State Guard, spoke in defense of the training, pointing out the necessity for such train ing as a preventive measure of further wars, and protection to this country. Dr. William Love, director of the Methodist Assembly, spoke on the other side of the question. Guard Your Health 'Pastuerized Milk Is Always Safe' Pet PHONE 10 GOOD 7:00 by Waynesville Gulf Servic lire PHONE 486 OK Dairy Products Go. SHIPMENT OF NE a 16 an d ecapping ED SIMS, Owner BUY WAR BONDS AND STAMPS NK YEAR 7:50 by 16 Co. MAIN STREfl WAYNESVILLE

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