TJ 1.. ir,TB.sWAYNESVlLLE MOUNTAINEiJtftsi.? i! , , ..... Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted 125 Main Street CONSULT DR. R. KING HARPE OPTOMETRIST Wells Bldp. For Appointment Telephone 281 Canton. N C. IT-Sgt. Athol Holder Flight Chief At Harding 135 SPECIAL COFFEE I Embry Riddle School of Aviation , J at Miami. Fla. .j Set. Holder was with the Al- J ' lied troops that made raids on the i T. Sjrt. Athol Holder, son of Wand of Kiska on August 15, 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. Herman Holder, of I l'43. Since returning to the 1 Richmond, Va.. formerly of Hty- Mates he has completed a course i wood county, who ha;; returned of instruction in service mainten I from overseas duty, has been as- ance and repair of the Republic sijrned to Hardine Field, La., as I P-47 "Thunderbolt" plane at the ! tlijrht chief. Sgt. Holder volun- i Republic Corporation at Farming- ! teered in the service in January, dale. Long Island. 1942, and was first stationed at; I Sheppard Field, Tex., where be) NOTICE OF SALE i completed the airplaiu mecha lies I urse at the technical school. Later he took other courses : prescribed for the 4-25 airplane at ! Douglas Aircraft Compeny, Inc ... www..... Rtddjfin? AMERICA'S FINEST CEREAL I have sold Pearce's Bakery, lo cated on Main Street in Waynes ville, to Mr. I). F. Whitman. I will not be responsible for any debt? l l . . : i f i . This the 23rd day of January, nical Training: Command at Santa Monica, Calif. He also took spe ca! aircraft elettiical v k at 19-U FOR SALE Baby Geese. Call Rollman, 2111. R. B. PKARCF. Rabbits and Jan- 25Teo. 1-8-15. tf SHELL SERVICE STATION MAIN STREET Full Line Auto Supplies And Accessories TIRES and TUBES WASHING - POLISHING GREASING SHELL SERVICE STATION SCOTT REEVES DAVID UNDERWOOD FOR SALE One brood sow. Call Rollman, 2111. tf "Bet You 65 Cents That Bron-chu-line EasesYourCough" or Bronchial Irritation Resulting from a Cold and w back up every 4rasgist la itoe area. On dose will glvt you quick un mistakable relief. A few more doaet inay be all you need and usually halt a bottle doea the trick or your drutT Ktat 1" authorized to refund the H cent you paid for It No dope no sweet etuff won't make you drug addict nor upset your toinaoh, but Bron-chu-llne will Kase Your CouKh. What do you bet? Rellel is whn' vou want and what vou ret Beautify BBinsfl without massage? Amaslnr new Nnntt Cream conn Ilk ret-ornlscd tx-lentirtc Ssfc tnoAHi which maty be neiitl V ' fuUf Bu1 under-norrml. N. dua to lark of supply of ' ; FJfjL ufftelant titrotn'c auh- t'y W1 S Nanftta Cream vn 'M Vfo lanaa, raqulrea no tlreaoina S4Lk' MASSAGE. No matter wha rl lfAW ( you have tried no try Nan- a ..Mi Cream on cuarantee of romalela aatlafartlun or manor bach. 30-day jar In plain map lor 91.00. pluatii. SMITH'S DRUG STORE 17 it. y jua otkw HMstbold btMctt Here's answer your pxeblem of what to sm to kill boss la the home without en- danftrinc childrea, pets, food or yourself I Oft new, non-voisonous DIIKlli powder. Sprinkle as directed. Boss walk through It crawl away-diel Buy DI L-KlLtoday. Smith's Cut-Rat Druir Store ANT For Men and Boys VISIT OUR SECOND FLOOR USSSt-M rrt If jmwmwiiiiii ft ry mmU0 " m . pWiii JESSaaaass I w nil 11 .1 aate tt I IN BOYS' SCHOOL PANTS Corduroys in sizes 6 to 12 Cotton Dress Pants ail sizes Wool Types in all sizes Khaki Pants sizes 6 to 14 IN MEN'S DRESS PANTS In All Wool Gabardines, Coverts, Serges, Worsteds and others !n Part Wool A nice assortment In Work Pants The best the market affords RAY'S DEPT. STOi Lemon Juice Recipe Checks Rheumatic Pain Quickly If you suffer from rheum-itc, arthri tis or neurtiii p-in, try tills simple inexpensive bume recipe that thousands are us mg. Get a package of Ru-Ex Compound today. Mix a it with a quart of water, add the juice of 4 lemons It's easy. Pleasant and do trouble at all. Vou need only 2 table spoonfuls two times a day. Often within 48 hour s somet imes over night splendid results are obtained. If the pains do not quickly leave and if you do not feel better, Ru-Ex will cost you nothing to try as it is sold by your druggist under an abso lute money-back guarantee. Ru-i Compound is for sale and recommended by New 15 Minute Home Trial TINTS HAIR Black, Brown, Aubitrn or Blonde AS IT SHAMPOOS This nmarkjtbl discovery. TINTZ Color Shampoo Cake, wahw out dirt, loos dandruff, etc., aa It aaxaiy ajlvea hair a real smooth, colorful Oat that fairly flows with life and lustre. Don't put up with faded, off-color hair a minute longer. Each ahair.poo with TtNTZ leaves your baJr una colorful, loTwIiar, softer and easier t manace. No dyed look. Won't naM permanent. I mill Ion already sees. Get this rtoh latherta shampoo that Civea freah rkrwlac color to yoev hair. TODAY. Ia six lovely shades: Black, Dark. Medium or Ugh! Brows, Auburn (Titian), or Blonda Only tOo at asoet dm or toilet trie ounters. Smith's Cut-Kate Drug Store BELK-HUDSON'S BIG CLEARANCE Of All Winter Ladi 3 e s Many Styles All Colors 48c Hats Values up to $4.95 Buy Several Now BELK-HUDSON CO. 'Home of Better Values" () M. WE$tV CHILDS y Jtimce-'Tuft Y( (J TOOTH BRUSH Mj 23c $M fiW FOR CHILDREN (Q ill POLYCAP5 ll I ll' Mult Vitamins w I; I I 1 30 Days Supply ' V'S hSrlick's XtJO' it MALTED MILK fl Just Add Milk fmlf SI? p Ready to Serve 1 11 GERBER'S VW J CEREAL FOOD V't Ijt For Babies' Fine t ' If LUX FLAKES tv) ill U 10c Size V U Our Nusery Nook is the center fov baby's daily requisites . . . for those products that aid in keeping; your child healthier, happier, more com fortable more lovely and more loveable. They're the preparations your own doctor recommends the quality brands known for de pendability. At our low prices, they're the INFANTRY'S favorite pin up values! Electric Vaporized and BOTTLE WARMER 50 cc MEADS' Concentrated C.L.O. OLEUM PERC0M0RPHUM 50 cc SQUIBB'S Concentrated C.L.O. navitol SJ6 $2.67 $2.67 Strained Baby Food GERBER'S . . 2 for 19' Protect Your Bedclothes Use WATERPROOF SHEETING $1.39 Vitamin Products $1.13 15 cc Roches VI-PENTA DROPS 10 cc Squibb's NAVITOL 67c 10 cc Meads' Oleum Percomorphum . .67c Powders and Creams 39c . . 39c 50c size J & J BABY CREAM 50c Mermen's BABY OIL . 50c J & J BABY TALCUM 39c SKILL It's SKILL three-way skill that makes your medicine. The skill of the doctor in di agnosing and prescribing . . . the skill of our pharmacist in compounding , . . the skill of the makers of the quality drugs that go into the medi cine. Together, these three skills mean reliable prescrip tion work each one partici pating to the fullest in the efficacy of your medicine. Your doctor knows best and he knows our prescrip tion service, too. HYGEIA BOTTLE NIPPLES 20c HYGEIA NURSING BOTTLES 15c SANI TAB NURSING NIPPLES 3 for 25c HEAT RESISTING PYREX BOTTLES Cf. Maartt ttfcMj Us Turn To Taste Thrills There's a Winter-wonderland of satisfying refreshment in the "snow - capped" sodas served at our friendly foun tain and taste thrilling goodness "to bargain." Slide onto a comfortable atool and treat yourself today! 15c Smoking Tobacco' PRINCE ALBERT 10c 19c 15c Smoking Tobacco HALF & HALF 10c Add 20 Federal excise tax to Cosmetics, Jewelry, Luggage Values For THURSDAY FRIDAY and SATURDAY THE HOME OF REASONABLE DRUG PRICES YOTJ.ARE ALWAYS WELCOME- AT - SMITH'S - Waterproof Rubber BABY PANTS Non-Breakable TEETHER f0c Size Children's MUSTER0LE Picture rrames l or ffl BABY'S PICTURES.. II 25c Size 0-TIPS I For Baby's Bath SWAN SOAP Bnbv Bottle FUNNEL FASTEETH DENTAL PLATE POWDER .RzlE79 The 50c Quality Tooth Bi TEK 2 " 51 in the Double Pack 50c Size Liquid Dentifrice TEEL - - - 60c Size Recular or Special Drene Shampoo! SCHICK INJECT! 20 BLADES C! 40c Size Tooth Powder SQUIBB 2forJ FEEN-A-MINT The Delicious Chewing C LA XATI VE COc size 75c size LISTERINE 36 AsstrL Sizes BAND AIDS 12 Ozs. Flavored or MINT C.L.O. $1.20 Powdered MILK S.M.A. $1.20 Powdered MILK SIMALAC Full Pt. Orange Flav. 1 i rnn 1 iwn nit ZZfi Stir Tnnth Powder DR.; LYONS, ior 25c size Milk Mag. PHILLIPS I t nil omen i uia WtntteFMlYMnYounf4 SO. 0, for 6 Kir Si oHlb!'tIJ" J V7