f i 2 f HE WAYNESTILLE MOUNTAINEER i. S -t ' ... . Published In The County Scat Of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park fy.FIRST YEAR No. 6 8 Pages WAYNES VILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1945 (One Day Nearer Victory) $1.75 in Advance in Haywood and Jackson Counties ivilian Air Patrol Orcrani'Arl D. Watkins Heads yj Program; Several " ...... nit asses Will be new ,s a,e underway here to or Civil Air Patrol. Of f the district have named Watkins to organize the or ,tion and start functioning. .....i.: c!H vesterdav that I Will'113 ' - , Lterials for organization are kill anil mat u" ... Ld in studying all pnases oi ,n i L'ht here at nume, wmi 11 " i. nnnlv for itrshiP immediately. e are no cnarges iui , and all officers will be jssioned by tne Army This brancn oi cm" is the only unit recognized ,. in thp extent of per- lK the use of a uniform, and es under military duijci- i ...... nl'irinn( At all times. ih men and women will be ,1in fact anyone aoove iu, . (-hnrai'ter is eligible take application for the Watkins said that each fe would require nuvui time, and woula inciuae f radio, weather reports, (fundamentals of aviation, t flights, physical litness ami 1 preHight training in ero- flights will be made as tannnats pan dh IBS BUM"'1- ."-- ---- Id, Mr. Watkins pointed out. i w.tL no hQQ rtppn in aviu- work for the past twenty i. ij:. and owns a piane, aim um leiable flying until the out- of the war. A. nf annnnrw-p where the Its would be given, and had tceived the names oi tne m ois who would teach the nhii-p on the Droerram and led information can be had Mr. Watkins at his place of fcss on Main Street. rning Permits miired By Law Ire Warden Announces lies Governing Born- g of Leaves, Trash r Woodlands ning permits are required prsons burning leaves, brush, ti trash on or near woodlands under the protection of the Carolina State Forest Ser effective from February 1, lling to R. E. Caldwell, Hay- county fire warden. Caldwell pointed out that ts are required so as to let orest Service know when the are heine started. He also H out that the proper time liming trash was following a or late afternoon or night the air is damp. mits mav be obtained from following in the county: m Alexander, Cataloochee r; M. L. McRahn. Maccie: Green. Mae-trie: Robert 11. Waynesville, H.F.D. No. 2 ; Mcwroy, Waynesville, R.F. 2; C. N. Franklin and H. F. M. Cove Creek fiord Brown, Hemphill; Burn erwooa, Mt. Sterling: H. U pone, Fines Creek; Grant p. Rush Fork; L. A. Tran- waDtree; Lane Allen, Can Claud Jones, Clyde: R. C. n, Stamey Cove: Mark fpson and J. W. Holcombe, t-ast Fork: W. C. Poston. T. C. DflvlB Irnn Fluff! g Davis, Iron Duff; Clem Fitz p. waynesville citv fire de- ent. Jn A. Plott, Plotfs Creek; J. wrap Branch; A. E. "ell, Barbtrs Orchard; Short Kton, Panther Creek;. and the Carolina Forest Service of- " me thud floor of the court Cfll.ltt-oll l.J . runner puuneu nat the iunit a "t permittee of responsi ior complying with all other and Federal Forest Fire SlCh aS trip mnniromonf tn-r P'lg adioinino- JanHnwnsr keeping a competent watrh the fire. Permit does not relieve the ilui ' "possibility under iv i Laws for any damage the "ay cause to other parties or "'"wwy. rhe permit does ,uLr?,e a"y Pen to burn, ".Mun me period specified rebruarv 1 t T,. i i "ctober 1 to November 30, .u "Kn wina mowing ine woods are dangerously !tfle n?rd.e? ' "tated that dnti. "f "Ul more tnan ao"ars. or imu . n than 30 day,. "fan Legion Auxiliary To Friday Night , t fn, Ea ffices on Main affair. S ltS of liary, Brown- President of the Draft Board Reclassifies 123 Men Here Largest Number of Men To Be Passed On In One Week In Sometime One hundred and twenty-three men were reclassified during the past week by the local draft board. Fifteen of the group were placed in class 1-A as follows: Joe Silas Davis, Lemuel Wilson Leopard, Joe Kay, John Pressley, Jr., Troy Lee Wilson, Frank Ben jamin James, Lloyd Alnie Blan ton, Leet Garnet Coley, Hillard McLnin Sheehan, Koy Edwards, Cleve Wilson Caldwell, Earl Heno Franklin, Spencer Walker, Orville Fish and Howard Lee Sutton. Placed in class 2-A were: James Calvin Sutton, Franklin Thomas Rogers, Thomas Robert Killian, and Charles Edgar Underwood. ( 'nut ih iio.l in cln '-A wprP! Harry Lee Liner, Jr., and Ed ward Ford Sharp. Continued in class 2-A (F) were: Ralph Charles Sisk, Law son Van Haney, Jerry E. Gaddy, Thomas Howard Kicker, Wilburn Ray Belt, Paul Lomax Bryson, Roy Hightower, Frank Phillips, Hard y Price, Robert Emmett Bradley, Robert Floyd Rish, James Rufus Gibbs, Samuel Avery Potts, James Logan Frady, and Burke C. Stillwell. Placed in class 2-B was Guy Herbert Gunter. Continued in class 2-B were: Hubert John Hoglen, William Er vin Lowe, William Ray Wright, Davis Moore, Frank Brown, John Avery Messer, Amos Hardy My ers, Zimery Hoglen, George Hal liburton Arthur, Joe Turner Gaddy, Jack Felmet, Edward Earl Messer, Hamilton Meehan Akers, Oscar Teaster, Herman Lee Kel lett. PVio.-lip "' Holl WnnrlrAw Wilson .Rowland. William Claymer Carv- er, Oliver William Kathbone, isen neth Phillip Lowe, Virgil 01lve Sizemore, Willard Lenoir Moody, Woodrow Wilson Beasley, Carl Vernon Hill, William Dacue Pitts, Virgil Cecil Lue, Harry Kerr Bradley, Gay Wilson Manus, Joseph Frank Martin, James Allen Gaddis, Albeit Moore Robinson, Charles Jackson McDaniel, and Rufus Mont Wright. Continued in class 2-B (F) were: Ed Nichols, Lloyd Ceci'. Green, Thomas Edward Lenoir, Rufus Allen Reeves, James Jack son Clark, and Lloyd Mull and j Billy James Howell. Placed in class 1-C were: Rob ert Lee Bradley, Norman Edgar Messer, Roy Chester Ruff, Claude Rhinehart Crawford, Charles Workman Balentine, Robert Lee Brown, Robert Richard Cope, George William Swanger, William Rau rnrt.is. Coleman Dean Swang er, Jacob Albert Rich, Jack Led- ford, James Junior Arrington. Ralph Robert Mathis, Thomas Andrew Sutton, Joseph Charles Cunningham, Theodore Vance Davis, William Lee Howell, Nor man Ben Price, William Troy Smith Lvnuel Robert Phillips, Clyde Thomas Roberts, Thomas Eugene Moody, Ernest Paul War ren, Kenneth Earl Turner, Joseph Thomas Wilson, and Walter Lee J ATTICS Placed in class 1-C (discharg ed) was Dewey Smith. Placed in class 2-U were: oieve Allison and Davis Boone Rogers. pIuppH in rlass 2-C (F) were: James Troy Carver, Carmen Way Arrington, Gaither nacnoone, anu Edgar Ernest Seot. Continued in class 2-C (F) were: Doyl Calvin Kathbone, Floyd Thadas Caldwell and Wiley Richard Woodard. Pinooi in flnss 4-F were: Rufus Earl Cochran. Clifford Brown and Arthur Lane Chapman. Lt. P. A. Smith Listed Wounded In Germany T.f Pq..1 A Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Smith, of Hazel wood, who was recently promoted to his present rank from TSgt, has been reported wounded in action on January 12 in Germany, according to a message to his mother from the War Department. Lt. Smith is reported to be hi a hospital in Belgium. He was inducted in the service August 17, 1942, t. Camp Croft, and from there was sent to Camp Jack son, Fort McClellan, Ala., Camp Butner, and Camp Pickett, Va., prior to being sent overseas. lie was first stati&ned in Eng land, then France, Belgium and later Germany. Before entering the service he was employed by the Unagnsta Manufacturing Cor poration. t Mr. and' Mrs. Hardy.Liner have retnrned rrom Clearwater. .Fla-, .wpeWtjwy spent, two weeks with their, son and daughter-in-law, Pf c. and Mrs. James ,B. Liner. . Pfc. Liner is stationed at Drew Field. MEMORIAL SERVICES FOR LT. QUEEN County Bar Assocition Honors A Former As sociate With Tributes The February term of Super'or court, in session here this week i suspended for an hour's period Tuesday afternoon at which time the Haywood County Bar Asso ciation conducted memorial ser vices in honor of Lt. (jg) James Shook Quppn. IIS.N'R, a former member of the county bar. T. L. Green, president of the Association, presided. A number of tributes were paid Lt. Queen by the members, including talks by Judge Felix E. Alley, Grover C. Davis and M. G. Stamey. Rev. M. R. Williamson, pastor of the Waynesville Presbyterian church offered a prayer. W. Roy Francis served as chair man of the resolutions committee with W. T. Crawford and A. T. Ward as members. The following resolutions were adopted by the Bar Association and at .the request of Mr. Green were also endorsed by the hun dreds attending the services: WHEREAS, the Bar of this Court has with profound sorrow learned that James Shook Queen, late an honored member of the Haywood County Bar Association, on the 15 day of September, 194.'?, an officer in the United States Navy assigned to foreign service, departed this life by reason of enemy fire while landing United States soldiers on the beeches of Salerno, Italv, and WHEREAS, the members of this Bar feel deeply and keenly the loss sustained by the Bar, the community and the State, and wish to give formal expression of our respect to his memory, and of our appreciation of his life and ser vice: NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED by the Haywood County Bar, In special memorial Ression assembled during the Feb ruary Term, 1945, of the Superior Court of Haywood County, His Honor Judge Felix. E. Alley pre siding, that the many virtues which adorned the character of James Shook Queen fctf and during hi practice at this Bar for live years, shone conspicuously in his devo tion to the highest ideals of his profession, his high conception of its code of ethics, his broad know ledge f the principles of law, and particularly his unfailing loyalty to his clients and his friends, his devotion to his conutry in times of war and peace, have endeared his memory to us, and made for him a lasting place in our respect of him and an able and learned young lawyer, a courteous and ac complished gentleman, and a sin cere and loval friend. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that his death is a great loss to his profession in which our Bar has been deprived of his learning and ability, and his country has lost a HisiincriiishpH. able and patriotic young officer, who offered his life that others might enjoy life, lib erty and freedom. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in testimony of our grief for the public and private bereave ment of his untimely death, these resolutions be presented to the Court now in session, with the re quest that they be made a perma nent record of the Court; that a copy be transmitted to his family under the seal of said Court, and a copy delivered to the press for publication. Lt. Queen, who was posthum ously awarded the Purple Heart, entered the service in July, 1942 as a volunteer with the rank of vvinr, At thp time he was re ported missing in action, Sept. 15,1 1943, and later declared Kineu m action on that date, he was in command of an LCT. In August, 1943 he was com mended for "outstanding bravery beyond the call of duty in action on the North coast of Sicily." Lt. Queen, held a degree in law and an B. A. from the University of North Carolina. At the time he entered the service he was as sociated with his father, John M. Queen. He was active in the Young Democrats, a member of the Waynesville Lions Club and the local unit of the State Guard. He is survived by his wife, the former Miss Marion McCleneghan, of Raleigh, his parents, one broth er, John M. Queen, Jr., and one sister. Miss Katheryn viueen. Berlin Home Guards On Parad ... my According to the caption ticcoiripanyinjr I h is Corman picture, Derlin Home Guards are shown parading dur ing the ceremonies of oath taking. The man in the fore ground is carrying what is described a;' the latest Ger man anti-tank weapon the Tank Horror.- FASHION SHOW AT HI SCHOOL Annual Event Sponsored By Home Economics De partment With DAR Dress Contest Included The annual Fashion Show stag ed by the home economics depart ment of the Waynesville Township high school will be shown in the school auditorium on Thursday, the 15th, accrding to an announce ment this week by Mrs. Herbert Buchanan, Jr., head of the de partment. Seventy-five entrants have been made to date. Fifty of the girls are the regular students in the home economics classes. They will show a variety of garments rang ing from house coats, pajamas, to dresses, and beach clothes. The garments will be fashioned of both woolen and cotton materials. The dresses will be shown with backgrounds appropriate to thei' style. The settings are being worked out in detail, including a country club scene, a high school girl's room, and other back grounds. One feature will he the annual dress contest, in which all entries are cotton dresses, sponsored by the Home Makers Committee of the Dorcas Bell Love Chapter, Daughter;! of the American Revo lution, with Mrs. W. A. Hyatt serving as chairman. Prizes will lie given for the best entries. The public is invited to attend tlie show. Rev. J. C.Madison To Take Special Work In Chicago Services Have Been Ar- ranged At the Church During His Leave of Absence. Rev. J. Clay Madison, pastor of the First Methodist church, left here on Tuesday for Chicago, where he will spend the next throe"! weeks. He will take some special work at the University of Chi cago, where he formerly tool; his theological I'o.irsps. Mr. Madison, who wns given n leave of absence from his church, arranged for the services during his stay out of town. On Sunday, Feb. 1 1, Rev. W. B. West, superintendent of the Waynesville district, will (ill the pulpit at the 1 1 o'clock morning hour and in the evening a special program on Race Relations, in keeping with the nation-wide pro gram of the church will he pre sented. On Feb. 18, Dr. V. S. Love, superintendent of the Assembly at Lake Junaluska, will preach at the morning service and Rev. Miles McLean, pastor of Long's Chapel, will have charge of the evening service at 7 :.'!(). On Feb. 25, Rev. Robert Tuttle, pastor of the Sylva Methodist church, will preach at the 1 1 o'clock morning service and Rev. M.' R. Williamson, pastor of the Waynesville Presbyterian church, will conduct the evening service. The Black Panther, a heavy field artillery piece, weighs :i4 tons when in firing position. Wellco Club To Sponsor Dance On 14th Affair Being Staged As r : A Benefit For Cancer , Control The highlight of the Valentine season in the community will be the dance which the Wellco Em ployees' Club will sponsor at' the Waynesville armory on Wednes day evening the 14th, with hours from K :.'!() to I2::S). I lie affair is being given as a benefit for the funds for the American Society for the Control of Cancer, and everyone whether they pla.i to attend the dance or not are urged to buy a ticket to support the cause. In l'J.'i7 Congress passed a bill setting aside one month of the year in which the Field Army of Cancer Control conducts an in tensive drive to make the public aware of the curability of cancer when diagnosed in its early stages. Funds raised through the State organization will be used to assist in establishing and maintaining section clinics under the approval of local organized medical groups. Mrs. Myra Ilarrell is chairman of the dance and serving with her will be Miss Edna Ferguson, Miss Velma McClure, Miss Georgia Mull and Miss Velma Ann Jones. Music for the event will be furnished by the Buccaneers of Ashevilie and the affair will be formal. A canvas will be made of the community during the week-end to sell tickets. Tickets are also being placed on sale in Canton, Sylva and a number of guests from (Continued on page four) Baptist Ministers Hold Revival Sixth Annual Preachers Revival To Be Conduct ed Next Week In County The Haywood Baptist ministers will hold their sixth Preachers Re vival next week, starting on Mdn day, February 12, and lasting through Friday, 17th. The re vival will be held in a different church each day. In this way the people from all sections of the county will have mi opportunity to attend at least one of the meetings. A weli balanced program has been planned for each day, which will be of interest to all church members as well as those who are in the ministry, it was point ed out by those in charge. l here will he two sessions daily, the fust at 3:00 p. m. and ending at li:00 p. m. Supper will be served between six and seven each evening by the church where the meeting is being held. The night session will begin at 7:00 and close at !:00. The theme of the meetings wiil be on "The Needed Revival In Our Churches." The meeting on j Monday will be held at the Rock Springs church, with the following on the program: Rev. I.. G. El liott, Rev. C. H. Greene, Doyle Miller, Rev. T. K. Krwin, Rev H. K. Bentiold, Rev. Robert Gad dis, and Rev. Gay Chambers. The Tuesday meeting will be held at the Ratcliff Cove church with the following taking part: Rev. Nando Stevens, Rev, Jaryis Underwood, Rev. Kverett Murray, Rev. Doyle Miller, Rev. Joe Wil liams, Rev, Avery Peek,. Rev., T. E. Erwin and Rev. L. Rogers. ' On Wednesday the meeting will take place at the Pleasant Balsam church with the following on the program; Rev. Richard A. Kellcy, Rev. T. H. Parris. Rev. H. Hall. soil cpnseryatiion..,, practices by I Ke W. U on";,. rjiuruirry io,Mio,'is oeing maa C. Francis,' chairman, Kay February Superior Court In Session 1,500 Farmers Have Not Filed AAA Reports Final Appeal Is Made So That Farm Operators May Not Lose Payments. A final appeal to encourage all eligible farm operators in Hay wood county to file their 1944 r a cpnseryation..,, practices by pJh-aferTTS346Vis being made; sun POLIO QUOTA WAS COUNTY RAISED 0175 wood county AA committee, said here yesterday. "There arc approximately 1,500 farmers in the county who have not yet riled these reports and unless they are received by the above date no payments will be made," he said. He pointed out that practcie reports will determine whether the farmers are eligible to re ceive payments and if they are, applications for payments may be signed at the time practice re ports are filed. As a final warning, the AAA leader said, "It is sincerely hoped that these 1,500 farmers will call by the Haywood county AAA of fice between now and February 15, and file their practice reports. We are proud of the conservation records made by the farmers in this county and we want them to receive the payments that they have earned." "Don't let failure to turn in your practice reports by the dead line keep you from getting your payment. Call by the office to day," he urged. County Plans To Buy Iron Lung To Be Placed In County Hospital local work, served as Cpl. Ralph L Lowe Returns From Pacific Cpl. Ralph L. Lowe, U. S. Ma rines, son of Mrs. J. H. Lowe, of Portsmouth, Va., ha returned to the States from Central America where he was an aviation me chanic with a Fourth Marine Air Wing squadrsn. He was station ed on Guam and in New Hebrides and Hawaii. , , Cpl. Lowe attended the Clyde high school, where he was cap tain of the basketball team. Prior to enlisting in October, 1942, he was employed by the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company. He was promoted to his present rank in March, 1944. He has" brother, ' SgV Clarence Lowe, "who is serving "wtth the Marines in the Pacific, j ' Haywood county was assigned . .sa a quota ot $3,H!J0 in the mtantile paralysis campaign, with the amount to be divided between the Waynesville and Canton areas of the county. The results of the drive Tuesday night showed a total of 6,03.75, according to W. R. Francis, who served as coun ty chairman. The Rotary Club sponsored the drive in the Way nesville section of the county. Waynesville was in the lead with a total of $4,034.06, and Canton had to their credit $2, 369.69. The county board of commissioners donated $250 and the County Hospital Board a similar amount. The county committee plans to purchased an iron lung, to be placed in the Haywood County Hospital to b; used in the county and in cases of emergency to be loaned to other sections, it was learned from. Mr. Francis, who stated the cost would be between $1,400 and...$l,500. This is, to be taken out of. the contributions after which one half of the re maining will . be sent - to . the na- I kept in the county for I C. J. McCracken (chairman in the Canton area with Mrs. W. R. Palmer as co-chairman. C. N. Allen- was chairman in Waynesville area with Mrs. Chas. E. Ray as co-chairman. Mr. Francis praised all those working in the campaign and stated that he would like to es pecially commend Mrs. Ray and the teachers and the young wo men of the county who worked so hard to raise the funds. Funds collected in the Waynes ville area were as follows: Rock Hill school, $28.53; Dellwood school, $17.05; East W7aynesville, $171.50; Crabtree school, $186.27; Saunook school. $32.00; Dayton Rubber and Dance Fund. $256.65; Maggie school, $32.05; Cataloo chee school, $6.00; Pigeon Street school (colored), $6.30; Rotary dime board, $1,042.99. Singing convention, $63.08; Allen's Creek, $67.00; Mt. Ster ling school, $30.00; Colored people $15.00; Hazelwood school $140.67 Waynesville high school. $350; Lake Junaluska school, $39.71; St, John's school, $130.00; Grace Lumber Mills, $125.00; Unagusta Manufacturing company, $150.00; Wellco Shoe Corporation, $160.00; Rotary club, Girl Scouts and young women, $628.26; A. C. Lawrence tional headquarters and the other. Leather Company, $170, Haywood Baptists To Hold Crusade Day On 14th The Baptists of Haywood coun ty have designated February 14th as "Centennial Evangelistic Cru sade Day." All the Baptist churches in the Haywood Associa tion are urged to send a large delegation. This meeting is a part of the far-reaching South wide program of Southern Bap tists in an effort to win and en list a million souls to Christ , dur ing 1945. This meeting will be held at the Pleasant Balsam Baptist church on February 14th, at 1:00 p. m. All pastors and leaders of the various organizations of the local churches are urged to attend. An interesting, inspiring, and instructive program has been ar ranged by the special committee. Rev. R. A. Kelley, pastor of the First Baptist church of Canton, will be the main speaker. Rev. L. G. Elliott, pastor of the First Baptist church of Waynesville, will lead a general discussion on the Centennial Crusade of South ern Baptists. Rev,' -Paul Shwopa Bvrm- ett Murray, Itind Rev. Whitlock. On Thuxstlay the group will meet at the Bethel church with the following in charge: Rev. T H. Parris. Rev. Avery Peek, Rev, Kelley, Miss Madge Lewis, mis sionary worker, Rev. Clarence 1 Taylor, Rev. F. M. Barnes, Rev. L. G. Elliott, and Rev. O. F. Uur- nette. On Friday the meeting will take place at North Canton church with the following on tne pro gram : Rev. Manual Wyatt, Rev Hobert Rogers, Rev. Pink Mc Cracken. Rev. H. Rogers, Rev. Dave Wiggins, Uev. Clarence T. Taylor, Rev. H. C. Greene, and Rev. Richard A. Kelley. Sarah E. Ferguson Finishes Course Sarah E. Ferguson, daughter of Mrs. Fannie J. Ferguson, Soco Gap road, was graduated recently from the Naval Training School (Yeoman-W) on the Iowa State Teachers College campus, Cedar Falls, Iowa. She was selected for her spe ciality training on the basis of her recruit training aptitude tests and past civilian experience. The completed course of study includ ed, shorthand, typing, naval cor respondence, records ana jorms, and current events, . Death Claims Mrs. Maxwell; Funeral Today Funeral services will be conduct ed at the First Baptist Church at ."1:00 o'clock Thursday afternoon for Mrs. Fannie Bridges Maxwell, 85, widow of the late Mark Max well, of Waynesville, who died Tuesday afternoon at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Will Miller- sham in Durham. The body will be brought here for burial and will be taken to the church about an hour before the service, so that friends may visit the church. Rev. L. G. Elliott, pastor, and Rev. H. W. Baucom, former pas tor of the church will officiate. Burial will be in Green Hill ceme tery. Pallbearers will be: J. C. Brown, J. R. Morgan, R. T. Messer, Theo dore McCracken. Hurst Burgin, R. N. Barbev, Jr. Mrs. Maxwell, a native of An derson county, S. C, was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. T. Y. Bridges, ghe had been a member of the First Baptist Church for sixty years and had been an active worker until a few years ago. . Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Will Millersham and Mrs. filmer Green, of Durham; five sons, E. A. Maxwell, Atlanta, Tom Maxwell, Legrand, Ore, and Ben and Paul Maxwell, both of Los Angeles, Calif.; two sisters, Mrs. Boling Rurres, of Hazelwood, and Mrs. John Underwood, of Waynes ville: two brothers, J. T. Bridges, of Waynesville, and Jerome Bridg? es, of Jackson Springs. Garrett Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. 12 Beer anf Wine Shops Ordered To Discontinue Sale Aft' Part pf County Wide Campaign Twelve place selling beer and wine against - which true bills of indictment were found by the grand jury on the grounds of op eration of public nuisances were ordered to discontinue the sale of these intoxicants by order of the February Superior court, criminal term which convened, here on Mon day morning with Judge F. K. Alley. presidjngv . These cases' wfre recorded through i Wednesday noon, tend , a number ot other places of busi ness operating as wine and beer shops ,wer 'scheduled fov trial later in the week. "I intend to see that every place in Haywood county selling beer and wine which is considered a public nuisance stop the sale of these intoxicants," said John M. Queen, solicitor, who, pointed out that this was a follow -up of the campaign started last No vember when beer and wine li censes were taken from : seven dealers in the county. Places forbidden to sell wines and beer with licenses re voked were: "Myrtle's Place", operated by Millard DeBord and Myrtle Hemphill, Canton, Belle Meade, Hazelwood, operated by H. B. Mflner and Bob Henry, "Har din's Place", operated by Bill and Hardy Gable, Hazelwood, shop in colored town," Waynesville, oper ated by Henry and Charlie Foster and Allen Melton, "The Spider", operated by Robert and Henry Cullens in colored town, Waynes ville, "Euricka Tap Room", oper ated . by 'Cromer' Rathbone, Can ton, "Tap Room" operated by Joe Gald, Canton, "North Main Smoke ' Shop," Canton, operated by Leopard DeWeesee, Jewelry store 'and". beer barlbrj operated by Dewey Leenby, Canton, "Town Tavern'yCanton, operated by Don Parris, "Ber Bar", 'operated by Carl Clark, CntM 'Salty Dog'', Jckifi plrto to Canton , KUyWiyon, M tanton, was lMiPl0ifM& prtta 2gr naJuisfc . .; nhdi following nneSrTr'1- I GPS BALLOT LITTLE LATE HUNTINGTON. Indiana. The war ballot of Pfc. John R. Barnes went through everything and took five months to do it. At first it was marked "missing" and ordered returned to the sender, but some one sent it to the prisoner of war division and through it, the ballot round its owner.' Even the Nazis couldix't keep an.1 American' from, voting: even though his ballet ar-' rived too late to be counted. withi Lawrence ' Winchester, Claude Keece,'Way Meases, P. C, Clark, Carl Kdwgr'tfs,';, Lester Smathers, R. W. Green, Haywood Chapman, Ray Byers, Taylor Hardin, Bennie Patton, Glen Fincher, Guy Full bright, Frank Wells, Gay Brad- shaw, and Medford Leatherwood. Other judgments handed down. were as follows: The - heaviest -sentence given during the two and one half days of court was to Mack Grooms, charged with assault on a female with intent to commit rape, who was given the maximum of fif teen years inthe county jail and assigned to hard labor. rive divorces were granted on Monday and one on Tuesday. Arnold Reeves Bridges, charged with driving while drunk, was fined $50 and the costs, with li censes revoked. Clifford E. Hallaway, charged with driving drunk, was fined $50 and the costs, with licenses revoked. Carroll M. Powell, charged with driving drunk, was fined $50 and the costs, with licenses revoked. Lester Vinson, charged with reckless driving was lined $l.r and the costs of the court. . Howard Jasper Jones, charged with driving drunk, was fined $50 and the costs with licenses revoked. Oma Brown, charged with car rying" concealed weapons, was fined ?50 and the costs. Ray Wines, charged with two counts. : one. for driving drunk and a second for driving after licenses had , been revoked, was fined $60 and the costs, and a suspended sentence of !0 days. and licenses revoked. Dewey Whittaker, charged with driving drunk, ordered to pay $50 hne and cost ol tne court witn suspended sentence. William E. Walker, charged with, driving drunk was ordered to pay (50-Hne and .-costs "of the court ad a sum of $400, to be (Continued or, page four) PvfrLL! Hill Slightly Wounded In Germany Pvt. Leo E. Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Hill, of Way- nesville, has been reported slightly injured in action in Germany on January 11, according to informa tion received by his wife trom the. War Department. Pvt. Hill entered the service in June, . 1944, and was inducted at Fort Bragg. From Bragg he was transferred to Camp Blend ing. Fla., for his training, where he was, joined by his wife, the former Miss Mildred Gaddy, of Hazelwood. and two children. His family remained with him until he was sent to Fort George Meade, Md., and then overseas. v ' " . " At the time he entered th set vice he was an assistant foreman at ,-the 1 Unagusta' Mnufacturi? Company. :--H-.,''l,''-l-' 4 1 ' "'J .- I': ; ;. i t

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