t. (. is Si ti. J 4', '5 Hi ill v s ! , I I .1 1 i't 3 I i U i: II I" i !!! AT THE CHURCHES , JUNALUSKA METHODIST ' CHURCH i Pastor, Miles A. McLean. Sunday school at 10:30 with classes for all aires. " Church service at 11:30, at which time National Boy Scout Sunday will be observed with the pastor takinir as his topic, "How Jesus Needs A Good Turn," and the text will be from John 6:9, "There is a lad here who has live barley loaves and two small fishes." Both the Boy and Girl Scouts of the church will come in uniform and occupy special pews. There will be a special anthem by the choir. The younp people will meet at 7:30 p. m. and their topic will be, 'What Makes People Great." GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. Robert G. Tatum, Rector Quinquaerrsmia Sunday Sunday School 10 :.!) a. m. . Morning Frayer Sermon 11:30 a. m. Youn People's Service League 5:00 p. ni. St. Marjr'i Church Micadale Evening Song and sermon 3:00 m. ' CATHOLIC SERVICES Schedule of Maise Waynesville, every Sunday, 11:00 p. m. ' Bryson City, every 1st Sunday, 8:00 a. ro- Franklin, every 2nd and 4th Sun Jay, 8:00 a. ID Murphy, every 5th Sunday, 8:00 . m. i Canton, every 6th Sunday, 8:00 . tn- ' Cherokee, every 3rd Sunday, 8:00 a. m. Sylva, every 1st Sunday, 8:00 m. Welch Cove, every 1st Sunday, 11:00 m. (C.W.T.). FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH L. G. Elliott, Pastor Sunday School at 9:45 with Earl Messer as Superintendent. There re departments and classes for all ageg. . Morning worship at 11 o'clock. The pastor will speak on this sub ject: "The Greatest Decision." Training Union meets at 6:30 every Sunday evening. Miss Hat sie Freeman is the capable direc tor. The adult union is attract ing much attention these days. Evening worship at 7:30, at which time the First Baptist Church will be host to the Boy .Scout, Cub Scouts, parents and friends of these groups. The Scouts will wear their uniforms and sit in a body. Ushers will see that a. place near the front is re served for them. For this special occasion the pastor will speak on this Subject : "Boys For Sale." The boys of our town are on the auc tion block. What wil' you bid for them? Mid-week service and choir re hersal Wednesday evening at 7:30 fS. ACT$17AYS TO RELIEVE MISERIES OF CIIESTCOIDS New get grand relief from colds' symptoma thli home-proved m i-acti way mat aciuauy KNCTIMTCS I iu upper urcnciiuu luura wiuj louuung . medicinal vapori. I STMHUTU chert and back aur- T. f fm lllr worm. a. in( poultice i ao combined KNCTMTINa-STlMUUTIMCI action. Just rub throat, chest, aaa back with Vicki VapoRub at bedtime. Iatlaa VapoRub goes to work-3 ways at once as shown above-to relieve coughing spasms, ease muscular soreness or tightness, and Invite restful, comforting sleep. Often by morn ing most of the misery is gone. Get relief from chest cold distress asdat with double-action, time tested Vicks VapoRub. ai.j. V mi We Have A Complete Line Valemitiie YANKS IN WHITE FIGHT BULGE BATTLE iW SNOW Wllflllillili A k- WEARING THEIR CAMOUFLAGE UNIFORMS, American Infantrymen of the drifts of the Luxembourg area at the southern end of the "battle of the bulge" which now finds the Nazis fleeing from their self-created trap. Engaged in this advance are (left to right): Sgt. Richard C. Trigueiro, Lomita Park, Cal.; Pvt. Paul C. Rios, Kansas City. Mo.; Sgt. Curtis L. Corns, Prospect Hill, N. C; and Sgt. Ilan v S. HorviU of Detroit, Mich. This is an Army Signal Corps photo. (international) Dr. Funk's Niece Is Wedded At Camp Croft A wedding of interest through out the two Carolines was .sol emnized at the post chapel at Camp Croft on January 19, when First Lt. Emma Brown Gran tham, WAC, niece of Dr. I B. Funke, of Waynesville, became the bride of First Lt. Charles Dens more Willis, of an infantry divi sion at Camp Croft. The post chaplain, Capt. John Isom, ofti cited using the double ring cere mony. The vows were spoken before an effective background of palms, with baskets of white gladioli and candelabra with tapers on each side. The ceremony was preceded by a lovely program of organ and violin music. Both musicians were servicemen at Camp Croft and the violinist was a member of the Metropolitan Opera before enter ing the service. The bride was attended by her sister-in-law, Mrs. Hiram Grantham, Jr., of Red Springs, as matron of honor. Mrs. Gran tham wore a tailored suit of green wool with brown accessories and a shoulder corsage of gardenias. Lt. Ed Chapman of Camp Croft attended the bridegroom as best man. The bride entered the chapel with her brother, Hiram Gran tham, Jr., who gave her in mar riage. She wore the uniform of the Woman's Army Corps and carried a prayer book showered with orchids. Following the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Grantham entertained at the Officers Club at Camp Croft. Later in the evening the couple left for a brief wedding trip. The bride, who has often visit ed her aunt here, is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Grantham, of Red Springs. She is a graduate of Salem College and entered the Woman's Army Corps in February, 1943, receiv ing her basic at Fort Oglethorpe, and was commissioned at Des Until further notice this service will be held in the re-conditioned adult department assembly room. We cordially invite all those having no church home to attend these services. Go to church some where every Sunday. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Church rooms on the second floor of the Masonic Temple. Authorized Christian Science literature available from lending library each Sunday after services. Sunday church service at 11 a. m., and the lesson sermon for next Sunday will be, "Spirit," and the Golden text will be taken from John 4:24, "God is a spirit and they that worship him must wor ship him in spirit and in truth." THE MOIIJ vyy 9 1 V)3 price for daily needs and lovely Valentine gift VnQoSy TA. '?r-r-,l ity M- 0 prove just how sweet we are on savings! We've a Un " heart for your budget, and whether you want a vita- y V1? . m'n or a Valentine . . . drugs, toiletries or household " ' " Jt)- (Secswsa- ';. accessories . . . you'll get more quality, more satis- 'zc jJA v V uotp .-iN" faction, more savings at YOUR Smith's Drug Store. ' jZaI&ZJ' -y ' ' ?1.50 DOU1SLE DKCK CONGRESS POWDERED Tg 'Ye "I'm fighting for democracy and two blondes and brunette!" Woman's Club Will Meet At Oak Park On Next Thursday The February meeting: Waynesville Woman's Club will be held at Oak Park at 3:30 on Thurs day afternoon, 16th, with Mrs. James W. Killian, president, pre siding:. Mrs. William Hannah will be in charge of the program. Hostess es of the afternoon will be Mrs. Charles E. Ray, Mrs. W. G. Fran cis and Mrs. Frank Ferguson. Moines. She was stationed at Moore General Hospital at the time of her marriage. Lt. Willis is the son of M and Mrs. Harold Willis, of Brook line, Mass. He has been station ed at Camp Croft since he re turned to the States from 27 months' service in the South Pa cific. An Illinois couple had a 200- pound wedding cake e in the shape of a ship. It was sunk during the wedding reception. At last who cares if a cigaret lighter doesn't work? Greet ..HE. WAYNESVILI, MOUTAJ!J J A , y- 3rd Army move along the snow Grace Church Members Attend Meeting Of Asheville Convocation Robert Tatum, i of Grace Episcopal Church, Rose Tatum and Mrs. C. F. Kirk patrick attended the Convocation of Asheville which met at St. Mary's Church, Asheville. Father Arthur W. Farnum, dean of the convocation, presided. JMOther HeasekeM hsecta Htra'i mwr f your problm of what to in to kill buss l tho borne without n. dansorine children, patt, food or younalf I G ao 60 90(1 non-pouonoui uiii-iuu r. Sorinkl u directed. n walk through It crawl mr-diel Bay DIL-KILtodm. Smith's Drug Store Of mm flrTi ( img ! St. John s To Play Asheville High St. John's Rangers will engage the Asheville l.igh school cage I quint in Asheville, Tuesday after ! noon at 3:30. The Rangers' face the first real test of their basket i ball ability, since the Maroons, I having played 10 games, have lost ! only two, and their skill and su periority have gained for them the repute of being the most pow erful basketball aggregation in Western North Carolina. I This year's Maroon scuad is the first basket! all team organiz ! ed at Asheville high in two years. I Walter Shufford has coached the Maroons through eight vci ! tories, defeating Charlotte, Christ i Schcol, Brevard College, twice, I Hendersonville, twice, and War ! ten Wilson College, twice. Stalling lineup for St. John's i will be: F. Dunbar, if; Resor, If; I B. Dunbar, c; Ryan, rg; Mills, lg; i for the Maroons: Reagan, if: Werthen, If; Carson, c; Pittillo, rg: Marlowe.' lg. St. John's will play a double header with Civile high school at the Armory Wednesday after noon. February 14, at 2:30 p. m. CUTEX I di iivmr rxonc n on M,LK ?rAts IB I i.uii in u Ii I HA h Ka"" r 1 till 111 XJLUlUiJ tyltUU For Hflbv VA V.M LIGHT WEIGHT Q J LrllNw f rniADcn cTiTiAMrnv noc c rector B IIIIIEIanil 11 1 IIII UI1KI Ul '"JkX I Miss UUIiUULU aJlilllUllLIll JU rfrf" ' 25c Size v"TL v Os$ CUTEX or Headache ' Sw j3tmii FTOEER NAIL SETS $1.50 " " rtw y STANBACK. (fA L UNCLE SAM SAYS TO USE V-MAIL mm NEW EMANCIPATION The birthday of the "Great Emancipator" calli to mind the emancipation from illnes that ha been given to the human race by medical science. Link by link, the men and women of medicine are breaking the chain of disease that has enslaved mankind since the beginning of recorded time. It is our privi lege) as pharmacists, to give every assistance to physicians in this figbt for liberation from illness. Values For THURSDAY FRIDAY , ; and c a Tim rut vi New' SPAR Cap 11 f) vj f .-MftfcA, 2 SPAR Elizabeth Hall of Rochester N. Y., models the new garrison cai designed for the Coast Guard Worn, en's Reserve. A large number o the SPARS have changed over f ron the official brim-type hat to th new overseas-style cap. U. S. Coas Guard photo. (infernational) 25 i9c Lux or Life- -n GOODY'S IA. bouy, 3 for iuC 3Jor 1UC 75c Size 25c Laxative Mineral Oil rf BLACK 1Q SQUIBBS DRAUGHT iui $1.00 For Women J'axative Gum WINE OF Hft r"N A- 1Q CAJU5UI SJC MINT iVl ForToTTfhToaT ooth Paste ASPERGUM 39c 2?orWEST.29c 60c for Colds 50c Value Tooth AO. Sehzer 49c ?gi.51C l axative Cold Tablets 4nc Tooth Powder SMITH'S 25c irBB... .59c FULL QUART,MILK MAGNESIA PHILLIPS .: 59c FULL QUART LUBRICANT HALEY'S M-0 THE HOME OF REASONABLE DRUG PRICES Carl E. Griffin Returns To Beaufort ! Carl E. Griffin, seaman secoiv. class, ha sretunied to the Navai Air Station in Beaufort, S. C, Q.,- mn.iino a ten-day teave j with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.) A. N. Gnfrin, at their home in i ! Hazelwoiul. ! Searnun Griffin at the Naval Air tember. l!4.i, and waj inducted Corps in Sej completed ti;s boot training in Jacksonville, i ia. He is a yriduate of the Wayivs ville Township high school and prior to entering Hie service wuj employed by the ,e:ton Auto Company here. Lemon Juice Recipe Checks Rheumatic Pain Quickly you ullcr Horn niruraaut, rfi,nn- tis or neuritis pain. uy cmihc ilKipemive home recipe that lliou'ands arc unrie. CJei a package ol Ru-Li Comoound today. Mi it with a quaa ol water, add the juiie ol 4 lemon. It'j easy. Pleasant and no at all. You need only 2 ipoonfuls two times a day, trouble Oltrn over- within 48 hours sometimes ni.U vnli-iuli,! resu IS obtaineJ. II the pains do not quiiEij and if you do not feel letter, Rur.l Kill cost you noilpng to "V as :t is sold by your drugcist under an jlo hite money-baik r-uar.intee. Ku I'-S Compound is lor sale .ui'l rfojrnrm'ndt d by smith's Cut-Rate Drug Store $1.19 YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AT " SMITlTs" yiitfTHURSDAY,.FEBRUARv How women an maygetwanfi , caram Is a liquid iZl . Biany women sly jLH from thB rr... i:.115 4 Votu Btrain of r .?"f 1 Taken - " sbrj "PPellla filf,Lr,ne. lo come. O Surtj mm lore shoul3 Pain due to 3 Try Cardul. lilt J CAR NOTICE of Sl I have sold iv;i,T,. catea or. .Mai ' I ett ., r.i .. i , i- ... hoi ue resrionsiiii,. f,; made h;,- said tirin w January 2 J. I'.i-i", This the L' iii! 194:,. U I'. I'DAFi Jan. 25 Feb. l s-i f , IN10 this 2-waul K help1 J r 39c J

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