DAY, MARCH 1, 1945 (One Day Nearer Victory THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEEh Page 5 aniined Fitted In Street I-AUtiE 1 For Appointment Telephone 2488 CONSULT DR. R. KING HARrE OPTOMETRIST Wells BMe. "nt.n ' SPECflAi, COFFEE f 0. jDcbutante ... a great name in junior Sportswear . . . this two-piece style ir la fine Folhcr fabric. Sizes 9 l 1 HE UN To Serve You With OF il.L KINDS Wifiim Ntrrlh Caiolina iu:ason.':!u: j UA'i'LS 1 1 (i JOB PHONE 170-W J. G. K. McClure Addresses Civic League Here j .l::mcs C. K. McClure. president ! ! I lie l';,riiu is federation of Ashe i villi', the uuest speaker at I lie dinner meeting of (lie Way- in'.sville Civic League which was j liehl u iih Mrs. Kui Us I,. Allen, ! is hostess on last Wednesday e ! -iiiivi. ; A bullet dinner was served prior to the me. ' iu ."roiii th central (liniii:: roo:n liibli which was cov ! ''' 1 u "Hi a laee cloth and cen tered with an arrangement of Mowers. ) Follow mi' tin- serving of din ner a ,-liorl business session was l.'elcl al'ier v. hu h Mr. McClure ad- ; (!re-se. the m. mliers. He told of the dot eh.pii.eni the banners I .e. ration and how it had served Wi'Mcrn North Carolina and been an hupilus 0 .-icier agricultural ' eMiailsioll The ; iie., list was confined to ! memhei-s ot I he leauue. Mr. and i ' : K MiCluiv and the ' j to .in r's - ivi, r. ! Mrs. .i. i;. i;,,y,i To ii' lloste.-s Ul Ahuvh V)C .Meetine; The Haywood Chapter of the i I intcd I)au"liU'is of the Confed eracy w ill hold the March meeting j i:h the president. Mrs. J. H. j Hod, instead of Mrs C. K. Kirk- i Patrick at the Hotel LeFaiue, as previously announced. Mrs. K. G. Kippi'tod" will have the paper of 'lie alternoon, the subject being, ".lames A. Kedilon." Methodist Circles To Meet Tuesday The Circles of the Woman's So ciety of Chrislian Service of the First Methodist Church will meet on Tuesday, March (ith, as follows: Number one, wilh Mrs. Grady i'.ovd at :i::i(J in the afternoon; Number Two with Mrs. Hoy l'ark i i.iii at ;:'M) in the afternoon; Number Three, with Mrs. Sam Striiu;Mcld and Mrs. S. II. liush uell as associate hostess; Number Four, with Mrs. C. While at 7::so p. in.; Number Five, with Mrs. J. Clay Madison iit 7:30 p. in. .lames Thomas, who has been employed on an engineering pro jot t in llanlord, Wash., has arriv ed lo visit bis molher, Mrs. .lames K. Thomas. Mr. Thomas visited his sister. Mrs. Odin Buell, in Buelllou, Calif., and friends in Manhattan Uoacli. Calif, lie will it main here Vmtil he is sent by Ins company to another project. If or Vou To Feel Well 24 hours every day, 7 days rvpry wi-cki, never stopping, the kidneys filter Wiislir matter from the blood. 1 f , mure people were aware of how the kidneys must constantly remove Bur pin's fluid, excess acids and other waste niijttcr that cannot stav in the wii.'hc.ut injury to health, there would he In 1 1 it undent! and in g of why t he wUtile system is upset when kidneys fail tu function properly. (turning, scanty or too frequent urina tion sornei imes warns that somel hinR V wronp. You may Buffer naKt-'iriK hack ftche, heudru'hes, dizziness, rheumatic pains, getliriK up at nights, swelling. Why not Iry houn'g I'ills'! You will lie using a medicine recommended the count rv over. I hum's stimulate t he funr ition uf 4 he kidneys and help them to ' flush out poisonous waste from Ihe ''-i. They contain nothing harmful. 0t Doan's today. Use with confidence. At all drug store. EXPKKIEiN'CED DRIVERS February Bride .si v ! sxW f iff MHS. WILLIAM U 1IOY1L. who before her marriage in Clay ton, Ga.. was Miss l'atsv Sheehan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Sheehan, of Waynesville. X" i SA 1" t I Y": ,h.(h fed CwM wPtee GO vAiV , ' $ . . , . .... Vfvv a "? jv li Mi, I If f,JM jmtf'i.. f "' '(Trf. Jn)'is Is just an ik r f.'. . j . c .' He's vours sun, brothvr, ctrect hrutt (ir hii!,bmul'. M cio eallnl hin Ji nks but bin name is Iraiou! 4 A The wife's doing fine after her operation. N. Y. Red Cross Field Director brought the good nqws. Back to civilian life. The wise veteran goes to the Red Cross! There they know the answers and are eager to help au cx-scrvke uiau with. Lis problems. .mil ft ' -j i'y $1 "7 Atr . i -0 , . vnf- " 'I '.w5AtLmct miP yam cross 4ths$& Patsy Sheehan Becomes Bride Of Wm. B. Hoyle Mr. and Mrs. Hohart Sheehan. of Waynesville, have annoimceil the marriage of their tlaurhter. Miss Patsy Sheehan, to Wiliiam li. Hoyle. E. M. 3c, U. S. Navy, which took place on Saturday, February, 10th, in Clayton, Ga. The bride wore -a dress of navy blue with accessories in white and her eorsaire was of carnations. The couple were accompanied to Clayton by Mrs. Harry West, sister of the bride, Mrs. Voburn Styles, Miss Edith Moss, ami Eu irene Gibson, M. M. 3c, U. S. Nuvy, home on leave. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. ami Mrs. Tom Hoyle, of New port News, Va., formerly of Ha zelwood. He has served with the 1'. S. Navy for the past two years and at the time he entered the service was a student in the Way nesville Township high school. The couple are spending the re mainder of the bridegroom's leave with his parents in Newport News, , and the bride plans to make her home with them for the present, i The bridegroom will be stationed in Norfolk. Major Cecil Hrown is spending a three weeks vacation at points in Florida. r FIRST tlGN Of A S66 TABLETS. SALVE. NOJE DROPS ILETT 1PVTP. YOUJ When pop go! tick the Red Cross was a.sketl to AntL, thanks to their report, I Rot Lome! r ar -sew A home overseot. Just stepping inside a Red club docs a guy good. Home seems nearer! GIVE NOV- GIVE MOM IF you've got a man in service if you know a man in Bervicc give for his sake. Give eo that the Red Cross can give to him! Your money may help to get a message home to you. It may pay the cost of collecting Mood plasma for him! It may pay the cost of delivering a Red Cross package to an American prisoner of war. It will help pay for the thou sand and one 6erv ices'the Red Cross performs to keep up the spirits of our fighting men to help save their lives. The more you give the more the Red Cross can give! Let your heart he your guide ! Don't delay give today! "Home Of Better Values" i l mm & co. INCORPORATED Insurance - Real' Estate Since 1904 PRONE 100 ft WAITER, THERB , fl , SO VVHAT P VI HAVE : lSOUO- N' ( v HORSE MEAT IW vi-- T' I) OUC HORSE RADISH ( r I V' DO WE? M 1 IIIIMIIMIlfyTtl : t-i. !&t.stm JOE JEMKS TBLSi WHERE TOW Mi if e"'V verify. The second day out. Wc smk f. H ' (jot those Red Cross dilty niy -. Cross Thanks for your blood fclkj. V. 1 ' u medical corps, and the Kcd Cross ui. kc! : i ? V".'-' 1 iv-i. v Fv 1 I 'cm : . Wrr'''''' MASN SrHErZT CAM tfu -'r, rr -ri. " SWELL StKcivi; tmi.V K. ' J J WW n aw You, 'V i -a BsasaBBMBBm