The Waynesville Mountaineer li ,y By His Side By ving Generously The Red -ross Published In The County Seat Of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smokv Mountains National Park 1 3 r, y.FlRST YLAU i. it i ages WAYNESVILLE, N. C. THURSDAY. MARCH 22. 1945 (One Dav Nearer Victor '. - . n fc 1 1 ft . $1.75 in Advance in Haywood and Jackson Counties 1 - tf r J: - I i rare"!? mm Ml BE . I topOBsBs M IF ESsiSse aynesville Baptists ive Started Huge pansion Program ative Plans Call For re, Modern Plant Of ch As Soon As Con ns Warrant. First Baptist church here officially launched a $100, lding campaign program, re to enlarge the entire plant as soon as conditions ng specialists haVe been d and tentative plans are ng prepared with the view ing definite plans soon and ig for the day when actu truction can be started, e to have a picture of the' 1 plant drawn and placed estibule of the church, nothing definite in the plans has been decided is felt by some of the that the new plant would the present church and School building, and per end back and take in the ;e lot. cial committee named by con board to raise the innounced this week that $7,500 had been raised, the money is being pledg lgh Building and Loan bile cash contributions are ig handled by the commit- Patrick is chairman and r of the special committee, s assisted by W. Roy Fran Brown, W. H. Burgin and Esser. . G. Elliott, pastor of the spoke briefly on the plan morning after it was pre y Mr. Patrick. Linotype On To Plant Of Mountaineer ew Linotype machine re jught by The Mountaineer ce the one destroyed by anuary, was shipped from sry in New York on the liis is two weeks ahead of ich as the printing depart Thc Mountaineer is on t. every means was taken completion of the machine it shipped. take a Linotype engineer veek to erect the machine arrives here. The new is not as large as the roved by fire, but is the hat would be available nonths. With two Lino operation in the plant. n will again be near nor- Ferguson-Cagle Win In Tobacco Sales Contest First National Offered $.") To Farmers (Jetting Musi Dollars Per Acre. Last fall the First National Hank offered $50 in cash to the three tobacco farmers getting the most dollars per acre for their tobacco grown in Haywood county. The winner to receive $25, and the sec ond and third prizes to be $15 and $10 respectively. Jonathan Woody, president of the First National Bank, announced yesterday that after chocking all of the sale bills from the various warehouses that bad been tin nod in, it was found that Karl Ferguson and Jesse Caglc of Route 2 wore the winners of the first prize, with Forrest Justice of Canton, Route 3, second winner; and Fred Alli son of Waynesville, Route 2, as winner of the third prize. Honorable mention was given .1. H. James of Clyde, Route 1; K. W. Chambers, Waynesville, Route 2; R. M. Fisher, Clyde, Route 1, .villi John Palmer of Waynesville, Route (Continued on page 6) Hudson Is ing Paper -To 'tal Groups inS '"day. all patients and J the staff of the Hay- Jnty Hospital will receive ine Mountaineer every through the courtesy of son Company. jr the paper to be sent m Were comPlcted this PlkH "arrison- manager e,K-Hudson store here. Sgt. Roe Hill Reported Seriously Wounded In Action Sergeant Roe Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hill, of Waynesville. R.F.D.- No. 2, has been reported seriously wounded in action in Germany on February 26, accord ing to information received by his wife, the former Miss Elizabeth Ruff. Sgt. Hill' left here in 1940 with the local unit of ttie National Guard and was stationed at Fort Jackson for 16 months and was discharged from the army on De cember 5, 1941. He Was recalled to the service on October 19, 1942. and was inducted at that time at Fort Bragg. Sgt. Hill took his training at Camp Maxey and Camp Swift, Tex., before going overseas, where he ha sserved for the pats six months, Prior to entering the service he was employed by the A. C. Law rence Leather Company. He has three brothers in the ser vice: Sgt. Ed Hill, who is in Bel gium, Pvt. Nathan Hill, now in France, and Pvt. John Hill, twice wounded, who is a patient in a hospital in France. Power Will Be Off Sunday P. M. The power in this area will be off Sunday afternoon from 1.30 to 6:30, according to J. F.. Tate, district manager for the Carolina Power and Light Company. There are some necessary icpairs to be made on the lines between Wasncs ville and Canton, and Sunday is the only time that the repairs can be made without interrupting work in war plants in this section. The REA lines will be included in Sunday's cut-off. ins Underway To wt Baseball League H "fig pushed for the .e in ,1" j,?dustrial base , " tms rea. with the director, yesterday l;"?" ' two teams e so? hf ,eague- an" seriously considering iR"bbhc r Manufaetur- as won aVC 8 team in Co8 Dairy layp Six-team kague, we. ams from "ther merinnnHey .nted out. SaKPUstrial baseball everal years ago to soft- ball and now that Softball has be come so fast, many players prefer to have baseball and leave soft ball for the women and other groups that do not want to play as strenuous game as baseball. The present tempo of Softball will be slowed down to permit older players to participate, and to leave the more active ones seek ing recreation to participate in, baseball. Mr. Tenney also pointed out that tentative plans are underway to organize an American Legion Jun ior baseball club, with players coming Under the terms of the national organization and playing in inter-sectional games. Wounded In Italy " IM C. ROBERT W. SUTTON, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Sutton, of Waynesville. who was reported wounded on February 22 in Italy, according to information by his parents. He entered the service on March 19. 1943, and was induct ed at Fort Jackson. He has serv ed in the European theatre for the past three months. At the time he entered the service he was employ ed by the TVA at Fontana. New CPA Rulings To Go On Merchandise Plans Completed For Pre-Easter Sen ices In City The annual Pre-Easter services will be held at 12 noon each day next week, Monday through Fri day. Only 30 minutes will be given to these noon day meetings On Monday the place of meeting will be the Methodist church, and L. G. Elliott, pastor of the First Baptist church, will be the speak er. Tuesday's service will be held at the Baptist church, with Mr. Tat urn, rector of the Episcopal church, as the speaker. Wednes day J. C. Madison will be the speaker at the Presbyterian church. On Thursday the service will go back to the Methodist church, and M. R. Williamson will be the speaker. On Friday the Episcopal church will be engaged in a special service from 12 noon till 3 o'clock. All the local min isters will participate will appear on the program. Semi-Finals In All Star Tournament To Be Played At Armory Former Banker Buys Every War Bond Offered James R. Boyd, former pres ident of the First National Bank and well known financial leader in the county, has set a fine patriotic example for Haywood folks this month At least for the citizens who can afford to follow his ges ture. During the month of March Mr. Boyd lias bought a war bond of every denomination offered by the treasury de partment, a $25. a $50. a $100, a $500 and a $1,000 Totaling $1,675. Rationing Office Will He Open Again Friday The rationing offices of the state were ordered close two days by the district office in order to get out some important records. All nlliccs were ordered closed for the 21st and 22nd. The local office will remain closed all day today, and open as usual on Friday. Gets Purple Heart 1 fX&JtXaiZZLtoJ ,-,1-r 1 PVT. HAROLD G. HALL, son of Mrs. Essie Hall, of Hazelwood, and Jim Hall, of Jackson county, who was seriously wounded in ac tion in France on December 21, 1944. has been awarded the Purple Heart, according to information re ceived by his mother. Pvt. Mall who entered the service in January. 1944. received his basic training at Camp Blanding, Fla., and has been serving overseas since September, 1944. He is now at a hosDital in England, where he is making satisfactory progress according to a message received by his mother this weelc Much Interest Being Known In All-Star Tournament At The Armory Here. The semi-finals of the All-Star tournament will be played tonight, and the finals tomorrow night, with interest running high, and a large number of fans attending at the Armory. The Sylva All-Stars, one of the favored teams in the tournament, knocked the Waynesville Indepen dents out of the running Monday niRht by winning. 33 to 21. In the opening game of the tourney the Waynesville All-Stars eliminated the Bethel All-Stars. 32 to 25. The, Canton All-Stars defeated (Continued on page 6 Pfc. J. C. Chambers Listed Wounded On Iwo Jim a Pfc. Jarvis Cordell Chambers. U. S. Marines, son of Mr. and Mrs C. C. Chambers, of Portland, Ore , formerly of Clyde, has been wounded in action on Iwo Jima. on February 27, according to in formation received by his family. Pfc. Chambers entered the ser vice in February. 1943, and was in ducted at Fort Jackson. He took his boot training at Parris Island and from there was sent to New port. R. I., later to New River, and Camp Pendleton. Calif., before be ing sent to Pacific theatre. At the time he entered the ser vice he was employed by the New port News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company. Pfc. Chambers has a brother in the service. Dewey Chambers. parachute rigger, 3-c, U. S. Naval Air Force, who is in training at Grosse He, Mich. Pfc. Chambers is the brother of Mrs. Marion T. Bridges and Mrs. Harriett Chambers Leatherwood, of Waynesville. Merchants Of Area To Meet Next Thursday Night and Hear Specialist On Matter. Haywood merchants wil Ireeeive today from the local War Price and Rationing Board new regula tions regarding the "freeze" put on mark-up of men's wearing ap parel, shoes, dry goods, and house furnishings. The regulations set out that no higher mark-up can be put on these items than was in force on March 19th, Instructions for preparing the new charts are included in the list of information being sent out. All merchants ban'1. ing this type mer chandise will he required to list the items, cost, the percentage of mark-up and attach the invoice. All this information must be in the Charlotte office of OPA by the 201 h of April. W. A. Bradley, chairman of the price apncl. announced yesterday that a special meeting would he held al the rationing office next Thursday night al eight o'clock for all merchants of this area, at which time a specialist of the Charlotte office would explain de tails of preparing these records. Merchants are asked to study the informational matter that hould reach them today, and pre pare a list of questions to be asked at the meeting next Thursday night. Lions Club To Conduct Kye Clinic Next Week An eye clini will be conducted in the auditorium of the Hazel- wood school on Monday and Tues day of next week, according to an announcement by Francis Massie chairman of the sponsoring com mittee from the Lions Club The clinic has been arranged through the district health depart merit by the Lions Club, and tin hours will he from 8.30 to 5 on the two-day period on the 26th Hid 27th. The clinic is being conducted for (he benefit of the children in the Waynesville area of the county. All parents of children with de fective eye:;, who feel that they are unabla to pay for either ex animations or glasses for their children are asked to bring them to the clinic, where these services will be given free of any charge This is one of the major phases of work conducted by the Lions Club and a large number of rhil dren with defective eyes have been beneficiaries of this service. Ladve Fayre Is Sold To Miss Cabe And Mrs. Burns Announcement was made this week of the sale of the Ladye Fayre Beauty Shoppe by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moseman to Miss Jose phine Cabe and Mrs. Kathleen Boyd Burns. The new owners are now in charge of the business. Miss Cabe managed the shop for the former owners for many years, and is an experienced opera tor. Mrs. Burns is also well known here as a beautician. Mr. and Mrs. Moseman bought the shop in 1939, and will now de vote all their time to their business next to The Park Theatre. Weatherman Gets Ahead of Calendar Now It Is Spring Mother Nature has disregarded the arrival of spring in this section and while the season officially started after 7 o'clock Tuesday night, she had decked out her chil dren in a verdant green shade not usually seen until three or four weeks later. The sudden drop in temperature from 79 degrees Tuesday to 56 Wednesday, may mean that the tender green will be faded soon to a dull and withered color. The vernal equinox, the instant when the sun's center crosses the equator, occurred after 7:30 Tuesr day evening, and marked the be ginning of spring. Vegetation is reported in many cases from three to four weeks ahead of the season. Many old timers have stated that it is the earliest spring they have known in Haywood county. Late yesterday afternoon no damage had been noted, but grave danger was lurking in the down ward trend of the thermometer which had lowered 23 degrees in 24 hours. Cherry trees, plums, peaches and pears have burst into bloom during the week. Maples are budding and (Continued on page 6) , Rhine Bridge Hero f P I it i it V -" , i 4v HEM IS , the daring young fellow who prevented the Germans from blowing up the Ludendorf Bridge at Remagen and thus made possible the spectacular Rhine crossing. He is Lt John Battenfleld Mitchell, Pittsburgh, Pa., who provided a ten minute margin between life and death when ha disconnected the enemy wires. (International) Loaded Bus Turned Over During Heavy Rain Storm Tuesday Pfc. 11 .T. Noland Reported Killed In Action, March 1 Private I ii .t ( la .b Hai ry T. No land. Min of Mr and Mrs W. B. Wiley Noland. of Clyde, R.F.I). No. 1 was killed in action on March 1 in Germany, according to a mes sage received by his parents from the War Department. Pfc. Noland entered Hie service .n August. I !)!, and was inducted at Fort Bragg and from there sent to Camp Blanding. Fla . for his basic training From the latter he was transferred to Fort George Meade, and I hen overseas. Before cnteiiug the service Pfc. Noland was employed by the New port News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company, where lie had worked for the past four years. Surviving are his parents, three sisters, Mrs. Ruby Leatherwood, of Clyde, Mrs. Jack Redmond, of Newport News. Va.. air , "" died Ross, of Peoria, 111.;"." three brothers, Cpl. Lyle Noland, of Camp Blanding, Fla., Gerald No land, I.i. S. Navy, stationed in San Diego, Calif., and Ruel Noland, of Clyde. District Boy Scouts Hold Largest Court of lienor hi Months Red Cross Is $2M) Behind With The Quota . The Red Cross drive Is lag Klne to the tune of $2,500, ac cording to a report murie by the treasurer, Milliard Atkins, yrstrrday. The quota for this chapter Is $7,800, and through yesterday $5,300 had been turned in to Mr. Atkins. The chapter has never failed to make the quota, and offi cials re making plans to make a fast last-minute drive to bring the drive to a success ful end. Betsy L. Quinlan Featured In Red Cross Book Miss Betsy Lane Quinlan. daugh ter of Mrs. Charles E. Quinlan. an Ameiican recreation worker of Waynesville, is featured in George Korson r. book. "At His Side ", pub lished this week. With the first small Red Cross 'Continued on page 61 DAR State Winner MISS JANE WYCHE, member of the senior class of Waynesville Township high school ,who has beci announced as the winner of the' $100 war bond offered by the Nofth Carolina Society of the Daiiohter of the American Revo lution in the 1945 good citizenship contest. She was sponsored by he lcal Dorcas Bell Love chapter. ! (Story on page six) Monday evening. March 19, the Scouls of this district held their largest Court of Honor for some mouth:! under (lie direction of the advancement ( Ininnaii, W. B. Whitessides. of li.thel. Scout Billy Ray of Troop I, Canton, served as com! clerk. Scouts Wayne Prrssley, (ieiie Yai borough, and Karl Caldwell were Hie color bear iCouliiuicd on page 6l Four Room House On Med ford Farm Burns To Ground A four room tenant house on the farm of John Burnett Medford. Dcllwood Road, was completely destroyed by fire around 11:30 on Wednesday morning. The house was occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bradley and their two chil dren. The father was working on his farm neaiby and the mother was out in the garden when the latter discovered the blaze. She rdshed to the house and got her two small children out, ages, one and three years, and thru gave the alarm. It was thought the fire started from a defective due. The Wavnesville fire truck ar rived, but tlirre was no water con nection so the Ureet water truck was sent for hut the fire was not extinguished in lime to save the building In, the meantime the home of Mr Mrdf""d. .'!) feet away, was in danger, foil the water truck was used to sav it The Bradle: family lost prac tiealfv all lh"ii household furnish ings, save only a bed, a couple of mat! i esses and a stove Three Pupils Remain In Serious Condition At Hay wood County Hospital. Twenty-one students of the Bethel school, all residents of the Love Joy section of the county, who were returning home from school on Tuesday afternoon, were injured when the bus in which they were riding skidded and went over a 15-foot embankment ami landed on Its top. Three of the children were . er lously injured and their condl' i were reported to be unchanged yesterday afternoon. They a. Thurman Goodson, six, son of I and Mrs. Rube Goodson. who su. fered a possible skull fractur ind a scalp injury; Louise Pink c six, a complete fracture of th a lacerated chin and a knee in., and Gerald Owen, eleven, sor Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Owen, ir nal injuries, lacerations ar broken arm. They are all pat f'v the Haywood County Hosr " Othe brought here for treat ment fM.ude: Troy Hargrove, seven, V Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Hargrove, lacerations about tfce head, condition reported unchang ed; Cloe Pinkerton, eight, brother of Louise Pinkerton, lacerations about the head, better; Frank Sor rells, Jr.n 16, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sorrells, possible fracture of the neck; Morris McNeil, six, son of Mr. and Mrs. Brown McNeil, broken eight, forearm, better; Lela Stuart, 11, daughter of Mr. and Mm. Jack Stuart, Injuries about the head and a possible fractured skull, rtf Ortfed bttei and Lorine Ledford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kell Ledford, who was discharged yesterday from the hospital and allowed to return to her home. The other students injured were taken to the Medical Center in Canton and with the exception of three were treated and sent home Tuesday night; Maxine Hargrove. 15. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Hargrove, head and arm injuries, (Continued on page 3i Sgt. Caldwell Wounded, In U. S. Hospital, England Technical Sergeant Jesse F. Caldwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Caldwell, of Waynesville. was shot in the right arm and right leg by Nazi shrapnel while leading his armored infantry com pany in repulsing German attacks on its positions near St. Vith. Bel gium. He is reported to be recov ering at the United States Army General Hospital in England. Sgt. Caldwell was also wounded in an earlier action. He has been fighting on the European continent since August with the armored in fantry regiment which had spear headed many of the Third Army's drives through France. His or ganization had gone into combat in Holland in September and was brought to Belgium to aid in the repulse of the German offensive in that area. He has three brothers in the service. Lloyd Caldwell, serving with the armored division and an other brother. Pock Caldwell, in Europe with an antiaircraft artil lery battalion and a third brother, Tommie, in the Navy. Haywood Man Tells of Horrors Along Rhine "I thought il was tough when wc invaded France on D-Day. but it was nothing to what we have had to .stand in the light in Ger many," said Pvt. John N. Sutton, son of Mrs. Krwm Sutton, of Way nesville. who has just returned from the European theatre, where be was attached to the First Army. "lt is pitiful what our men are having to take as they fight, in Germany. A fellow who gets back alive from there will be a lucky guy." he continued. "I was in a hospital in Liege, Belgium, when it was bombed. Thirteen were killed outright. I happened to be a walking patient at the time so I was able to get out and when I heard the bombs I ran in the opposite direction," he said. "I hope that I am not sent back overseas, for I feel like I have seen all I can take. I was a medical aid man and we were placed right behind the infantry in combat. The minute they moy ed forward we covered the ground picking up the wounded, for we had to work fast. You see the Germans always fought back and would regain the area for a time so the wounded would not have had a chance," he explained. "We could not take care of the dead, for the time would be too short and we knew we must look after the wounded who might have (Continued on page 6) 1 ; t- - i t t . i i: v 1 J4 a i