(One Day Nearer Victory) THURSDAY, MARCH r Page 12 ? THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Pfc. Gibson Serves "Chow" On PIdne Richard Bradley, FH.O., Now In England Richard I . Bradlev. Fll. O.. who Ing to information received from the headquarters in England. He has been given a brief orien tation course .it the station design ed to help hiin adjust himself to life in a combat zone. He will soon be transferred to a permanent sta tion from which America's fighting planes cover the advance into Ger many. At the time he entered the ser vice FH. O. Bradlpy was a student at Davidson College. Cpl. W. D. Smathers Serving In Philippines Corporal William D. Smathers, of Waynesville, who is fighting with the Philippine Liberation Army under General Douglas MacArthur, Allied Commander in the South west Pacific, has been overseas for more than 20 months. He is a mortar gunner in the 22nd Chemi cal Battalion. This 4.2 mortar battalion fought with the XIV Corps in several campaigns during the conquest of the Solomon Is lands, and in this battle is sup porting that corps in all its sec tors. Principal combat units for the corps in this operation are the 37th, 40th, and 6th Infantry Divisions, the 1st Cavalry Division, and the 11th Airborne Division. Fines Creek MRS. D. N. RATIIBONE (Correspondent) is serving in the U. S. Air Forces, recently arrived in the European war theater of operations, accord- Beautify T7ftnac,0 You will find yourself one of th I Mrs. Eula Green and daughter, Helen, have returned from Elon afler visiting with the former's sister-in-law, Mrs. Lee Green, at the home of (he latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lynch. ,J without massage? persons in your community when vnn ...j f Science Monitor regularly. You will find fr-u ""Ql George H. Gibson, of Waynesville. The meal is being packed to be taken on board. It is a breakfast for somewhere out over the Carri bean and into the unit goes fried eggs, hot crisp bacon, and hot rolls, along with chilled grape fruit juice, marmalade and coffee. Pfc. Gib son has 27 months in the Air Trans port Command in the African Middle East Division. Amaxinr new Kanrtte Cmm contain recount .! b'lentifn: ..II.. ..vi... u r- nJ estrogens ( female fctji ri'ir- unbiased news. Write for sample copies today r'l monesi wnitn may If your BuM Ik uiit tioim.it fiat due to Urk uf fcucily f JJ month trial subscription. U sufficient t ro N - - Stances. N.aneltw rvain Inhea, requires no tirer-rHno ilASSAGfc. No matUr f .1 viu have tried now tit N.n- rV Every town has a few queer kids who might have been normal if their parents had been too poor to provide tutor? and specialists. Tk CkrkllM ScKbm raklihiBC RMialy I OH Nvnr Slntt, ! li. Hut. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Allen and Mr. and Mrs. John Ful bright were the guests over the week-end flf Mr. and Mrs. Bobbie Carver at their home on Spring Creek. ettfc Cream on r'""riiee uf roi Dlete atUfrilon r mete- back. 30-.ly jar in pl'.ln tp forft.OO'PluuUx. SMITH'S DRUG STORE I ii PImm MM tn tampl eoplM ol Th r-1 rieu Mnd 0. . ' I copj of jour WMklj kUtmsttw SkUoo. lor which I endo.. k (NAME jJIDDHESS """"" Buy Bonds keep them. ft mT iuti aT 1 ar i u w - m in ii V Major Cecil Brown, of the Sal vation Army, has returii"d from a trip (o Florida. She was the guest of several officials of the Salvation Army including: Major and Mrs. Ernest Pickering, the divisional commander for the South Atlantic Division with headquarters in Jacksonville; Major Charlie John ston, commanding officers of the West I'alm Beach Corps: Captain Lillian Blackburn of Lake Worth Captain Frances White, also of Lake Worth, and Major and Mrs John Sharp, of Fort Lauderdale. Uncle Spencer Green is ver ill at the home of his son, Herman Green. Im mtmiili it wyiMW - jj ' A representative from the Home Leagues at Little Creek and Maple Springs attended the annual Home League Kally winch was held in Asheville on last Kridav. The guest speaker was Mrs. E. C. Hoff man, wife of Col. Hoffman, of the Atlanta Divisional, and Mrs. W Bouterse, the Divisional Home League secretary from Charlotte. A dinner followed the business meeting in the afternoon at which time a candle lighting service for 150 boys in the service. The can dles were lighted by a relative' of the man in service. The picture above shows the latest in "chow'' along Air Trans port Command airways, the new e'eetrically-heatcd food unit which is packed in the mess kitchen at the ATO's .Miami Air Field by Pfc. Rev. Ben Atkins, pastor of the Fines Creek Methodist church, de livered the sermon on the third Sunday at 3 p. m. at the Laurel Hill Methodist church. Uncle Joe Davis recently ob served his 83rd birthday anni versary at the home of his daugh ter, Mrs. Tommie Ledford. with whom he is living. He is said to be the third oldest living man on Fines Creek. The others are Uncle Doc Rogers. 93. and Uncle Spencer Green, 83. Many friends and neighbors wished the old gen tleman happy greetings on the day. WIGHT Cminus due to colds are eased, sticky phlegm loosened up, irritated upper breathing passages are soothed and relieved, by rubbing Vicks VapoRub on throat, chest and back at bed time. Blessed relief as VapoRub PENETRATES to upper bronchial tubes with its special medicinal vapors, STIMULATES chest and back sur faces like a warming poultice. ' Often by morning most of the mis cry of the cold is gone! Remember ONLY VAPORUB Gives You this SPe- cial double action. It's time-tested, home-proved ... the best-known home remedy for reliev- a mm m ing miseries of w I C m 9 children's colds. "w VAPORua NOTICE OF SSERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY IN SUPERIOR COURT HAYWOOD COUNTY VS. TOWN OF WAYNKSVILLE, a Cor poration, and JERRY BROWN, CALLIE MAY BROWN and SALLIE BROWN, Heirs at Law of Thomas Brown, Deceased, if living, and their respective con sorts, if any, whatever may be their names and whatever may be their residences, and if dead, all their unknown heirs, and their consorts, if any, by what ever names they may be called and whatever may be their resi dences, and THOMAS C. REEVES. The defendants. Jerry Brown. Callic May Brown, and Sallie Brown, Heirs at Law of Thomas Brown, Deceased, if living, and their respective consorts, if any, whatever may be their names and whatever may be their residences, and if dead, all their unknown heirs, and their consorts, if any, by whatever names they be called and whatever may be their resi dences, and Thomas C. Reeves, will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commenc ed in the Superior Court of Hay wood County, North Carolina, to foreclose liens for taxes due Hay wood County on a Lot of land in Waynesville, Haywood County. North Carolina, known as the Dow er Lot, allotted to Anna D. Love as her dower in the "Estate of Thomas Brown. Deceased; and said defendants will further take no tice that they are required to ap pear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, in the Courthouse in Waynesville, North Carolina, within 30 days after the 9th day of April, 1945, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demand ed Sn said complaint. This the 7th day of March. 1945. C. H. LEATHERWOOD, Clerk Superiort Court of Haywood County, North Carolina. o. 1418 Mar. 8-15-22-29. . I V Neighbors... Let's fix up our farm Telephone line... R IGHT now, neighbors, before the busy planting season is on us, let's get together and put our farm telephone line Sn good re pair. We can't afford the risk of having our telephone line go dead right when we'll be needing it most. So let's get together and do the job now while we can better spare the time. Call the secretary of your line tonight and f: J.. . i i Llr..i.lT"''. ma u uuy lojrurt ine worn. kjm A FREE BOOKLET! , "How fo Build and Repair Your farm Telephone Lineis yours for the asking at your telephone office. jj Pass Easter IGG DVS 10c SAVINGS THAT COUNT 5c For Headache Goody's $ for 10c $1.25 For Colds New Per una $1.25 Compound I.ydiu E. Pinkham - - - 89c $1.20 Tonic Scott's EMULSION - - 98c 15c Kird Seeds FRENCH 2 for 20c $1.25 For Constipation SERUTAN - 98( $1.50 Laxative AGAROL - - $1.09 10c For I'iiins Midol TABLETS - 29c Our EASTER BEST Sundae We're settin?, the fashion for feast inRvvith our FASTER SUNDAES dressedin the best of good taste with oodles of whipped cream and "toppings" covering the big por tion of ereamy-rich ire cream. Make a date for this Sundae at our Fountain. BABY NEEDS - 39c 50c Talcum Powder JOHNSON 50c Food For Baby PABLUM - - - 39c $1.20 Powder Milk S, M. A. 94c 25c Stained Oatmeal GERBER'S - - 14c 85c No. 1, 2, or 3 Dcxtri MALTOSE - - 63c Large Size Soap SWANN - 2 for 21c 50c Baby. Oil JOHNSON - - 39c 10n Strained Food Gerber's - 3 for 19c 40c Castoria FLETCHERS - 32c 35c Vaprorub VICKS 24c 25c Precooked Cereal GERBER'S - - 14c ,10 cc Cone. C. L. O. Oleum Percomphonim 67c We've dressed up our store in just , - - 59c $1.00 Value LIPSTICK - - pyp EASTER CANDY J We've dressed up our store in just about the prettiest values you'd see in a month of Easter Sundays. Toil etries . . . perfumes . . . sifts . . . novelties and plain every day needs are featured at prices that set the fashion for economy in your holi day buying. Seeing is believing and you'll see an rye-filled Easter Parade at your favorite quality mer chandise at SMITH'S DRUG STORE this week . . . and EVERY week. (ienuinc Leather Pocketbooks hp Uncle Sam Says Use V-MAIL - - - 49c Gifts For Baby Tinker Toys 39c Genuine Leather Belts 98c to $1.98 40c. Si'e Tooth Powder Squibb - 2 for 59c . $1.00 Value Tooth Brush TEK - - 2 for 51c A Gigt For Ladies Cigarette LIGHTER - 89c ftrc CHEN YU--$1.50 up 12 Months Supply Yardleys Sbavincr Bowl - - $1 00 Nail Polish Kits SI. 50 I-'i.r i'ili-s AM SOI. - - $1.09 '.If (111!) I 1)1 (0!l4iKlti(lll Fccna A Mint 19c 'l'n: Tubleis lor Headache ANACIN - - 16c ."5c. lor ( olds (.loves .TAILETS - - 25c ' Assorted Odors Tussy Toilet Water $1.00 Heartbeat and Poetic Dream Leighs PERFUME - - - $3.50 I J m 4' i Oounce Assorted jj WT FRESHNESS J39c " ' t - . , s t ' i Long and Short Hand Mirrors 98c up In Leather Case Maid of Honor Cutex Make Up $6.50 CREAM. OIL , FORMULA ntfe Self Polishing Johnson Floor Wax 59c 25c Furniture Polish Liquid VENEER - - 19c 75c Size For Piles Pazo OINTMENT -63c 25c For Headache BC or STANBACK - 19c $1.50 Double Deck Playing CARDS - - - $1.29 Toiletries Evening In Paris Gift Sets $5.50 Plus Tax The Compart That Hollywood CARRIES - - - $2.75 $1.00 Dusting' Powder AMORY - - - 79c Liquid Stocking Tussy Leg Make Up - - 50c $1.00 Size Hand Care Jergens Lotion - 79c Makes Full Pint Pinnex Couli Syrup 49c "5c .size lor Kirlncvs Doans Pills - 49c 7.V- Sic For Toe Itch Blistosol 69c l m .,u di niii". Aches W hile LINIMENT - 25c hAMPAX 1 SANITARY PROTECTION i Bond Street Perfume With A Lasting Odor $2.50-$5 Purse Size Evening In Paris PERFUME 60c 75c For Constipation Carter's (Little Liver - 59c 'Sl.00 Milk Magnesia Tablets PHILLIPS - - 79c T5c For Poison Oak Hobsnn ILOTION - - - 49c SHAVING NEEDS 25c Bushless f ream GILLFH 50c Brushless Cr Jar MOLLE -. . 50c Brushless . jar BARBASOL. 25c Lather Cream LIFEBUOY 50s Brushless ( ream HiU GLIDER - - 39s Brushless Cream TrtJ Burma Shave! $1.25 Value Shavinr BRUSH - - Giant Size Brushless Palmolive - - 50e Brushless Cream MENNEN'S J Cahw CniiiM' uui Jiuait witn Your Healtli Every prescription is coibm of two parts the writtn mula, as set down by the M cian, and the mrasuriv mixing of the prescribed N by the pharmacist. Whti bring the prescription toe skill and painstaking cart si that the medicine will be Fll SQUARE with your hnS Qualitylngredients . . . A perfect Compounrlins . cise Strength . . . Prom vice. VITAMIN PRODUCTS 50 ec Cone. C. L. Squib NAVITOL-52 Full Pint Flavored C.L.O. - - - $1 PintOrancc Flavored C l Vi-Delta - 51 rnn Powder Vitamins CAL-C-TOSE Pint P. L. O. UPJOHVS41 250 Cone. Capsules SqwjH NAVITO LM 15 re rone.. Drops VIPENTA 51 1 HA Tahlpts C. I.. 0 McCOYS--- $2.25 Value Tablets VIMMS - - fl Mint or Plain C. t. 0- SQUIBB - en a T q h 1 r 1 s SQUIBB - - $1' Values THE HOME OF REASONABLE DRUG PRICES For THURSDAY FRIDAY and QATiinnAY ,ifuv ALnaia n'UJlK AT SMITH'S P ? A Men!1 Women.' P,50,60!;Wantrj Wan! to Feel Years i bi Tboixsada ""ued u what '"'Sri bu. 0. (nrhodroW tol.lv tw""'" Si SropbTlactU! Oom tnln hi. (minj urtory now emu 2 . .'jj. IM! V. ADD 20 Federal exti Cosmetics, Jewelry,