(One Day Nearer Victory) THURSDAY, APRIL THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER ? fV . , A r:ft:.?i.ii ? 1 4 3 1 "3 .1 ". M . f M t I s 'J i 1 1 1- : 1 1 ' hi1 ? I'.;; 1 V''i' 5? i -Si i V ,Vf I ill, ! li i 'IV 1 4 !. 1 ' h ' ! ,1. 7? iff it ft: ' 1 ill 1 1 it ! Mrs. Myra Harrell Chairman Cancer Control Campaign Mrs. Myra Harrell, of the Wellco Shoe Corporation has been named commander of the Canter Control Campaign for Haywood county, ac cording to an announcement made thjs week by the state campaign chairman, John Keer, Jr., of War renton. W. E. Graham, of Clyde, has been named chairman of the drive for funds in the Clyde area. An nouncement v.ill be made next week of the committees to be sel up in the Canton and V'a nesville areas of the county, it vsas learned from Mrg. Harrell. Jonathan Woody and Chas. K. Bay, Jr., are assisting Mrs. Har rell in the organization of various committees who will make the drive to raise the $1.392. Hi quota assiigned to Hawood county. The quota was based on a four cents per capita of the population according to the 1940 census. Drives will be made in all the industrial plants and also through the organizations of the community, it was learned from Mrs. Harrell. You ran plan now to modernize your kitrhpn USK GAS Cooking Water Heating Refrigeration BRADINT. (JAS SKRVICE for all gas appliances Kemarkahle Treatment for Stomach Distress From Too Much Stomach Acid l. I. .11 I,.' I. Nil .ii i.l : I -I,,., n i I u:i I' I - .M Ii. I- ! (tr.iii'fMl I . 1 1 ' ' ' ! ' ..h ,1 Iii. i lh' .t I ,.. 1. Is love .lone f..r thrill I I.l- a.-, I .. : .in. . i.l i.itns l.i i 'iiiFil.'i.i' I Mirj.lu-. . iil.lii' I.I.IIM.I. Il II. i.l .. In I.UIIL- I' '.'I I.... . .... II I .'II. lilt" IK. Il V.'ll illl-l I' ..Ml II. I I 1 1 t I,'..-. I,.-nll.iin.. . I, hma. I.;...!.i . - ...... nrli ;m.i .itli.i r , i . -. i .i.i. i 1 ... 1,1. , I, i:i. h :n i.l v.. il. ..... -ill. I l'i '. i ' I.. r iii.iii.I l.-li. l . . . I ' I ' ' i' Ii uilhuiit hbi.I li.ui.i il"' lilt $1.25 Trial Size. Also available $2.00. $3.50 sizes. At SMITHS CUT RATE DRUG STORE and other oood drug stores. PICTURES 3 for 25c Deas Foro Booth Nice To Enclose In Your Letter HENDERSON'S CORNER How women and girls maiy get wanted relief from functional periodic pain Cardul Is a liquid medicine which many women say has brought relief from the cramp-like agony and ner vous strain of functional periodis distress. Here's how It may help: f Taken like a tonic. I JL It should stimulate appetite, aid diges tion, thus help build re sistance Xor the "time" to come. 2 Started 3 days be fore "your time", it should help relieve pain due to purely func tional periodic causes. Try Cardul. If It helps, you'lV b glad you did. CARDUI f e i Ate i DtHCCTtON? i i, i I " A I f, INTO lhls 2-wau Just Received RELK-HUDS In Germany I'l'C. W V. r,II. !. SWIFT. .I'!., son ul (. iiptuin :i)i(i Mi . V. F. Swift, of Wayne-vtMe is now serv ing in (ici'inans. and i.. attached In the Kill Armored Division of the Third Arms. Pic. Suitt ent ered the service mi July 10. 1944 and a- inducted at I nil (leorge Mea.de and from there was cnt to Camp Uniterm Te . tor his basic training, atid lal. r n turned to Fort Cieorge Meade and n'.erseas. He v.as lira -taiioned in l-'ranee and then in ( let man'. . At the time lie entered the service 1'1'c Swift was einploN I'd by the New-j port News Shipbuilding and Dry Duck C'oii;pai . where he had held a posiliiui lur tiie i.. I seven years. Haywood Baptist Women's Group To Meet In Canton The Woman's Missionary I'nion oi the ila wood liaplist Assnci;i- j lion ill limd iK reciilar annual meeting at ihe I i - liaplist church. ( anion, on Thursday. April i!(ith. J boidnniiv.'; at 1 M:(Hl a. in. A .state wide worker will be present audi make an address and .Miss Haltiej Gardner, returned miss ionary from j Alrica. w ill lei! nt her work in Nigeria. I In addition to these two speak ers the program v.ill include other ' interesting feature1- pertinent to j the woik ni the i.r.iaiiial ion. Km- j nhasis will he put on the goals of the Centennial ear celebration. All members including the Young People's ( (Hin.--o!nrs are urged to attend. Pastors of the churches in the county are also invited to the all-day session. I'nloosen Caps Keep a nutcracker in a kitchen drawer, handy for budgim; stubborn little screw top bc-'ile caps. And Other Household Insects Here' nwer t your problem ol what to use to kill bum la th hom without IW 80 60 90 pet, food or yourself I Gel new, non-Doisonout PIk-KIU powder. Sprinkle as directed. Bugs walk through lt-crwl way-dic! BuyDII-KlLtoday. Smith's Cut-Rate Pru? Store ACTS ON THE KIDNEYS To increase flow of urine and relieve irritation of the bladder from excess acidity in the urine Are you suffering unnpress.iiy distress, baxkache, run-down feeling and discom fort from excess acidity in the urine ? Arm you disturbed nights by a frequent desire to pass watcr Then you should know about that famous doctor's disrovery DR. KILMER'S SWAMP ROOT that thousands say gives blessed i t-lirf. Swamp Root is a carefully blendrd combination of 16 herbs, roots, vegetables, balsams. Dr, Kilmer's is not harsh or habit-forming in any way. Many people say its marvelou effect is truly amazing. Send for free, prepaid sample TODAY! Like thousands of others you'll be glad that you did. Send name and address to Department D, Kilmer & Co., Inc., Box 1255, Stamford, Conn. Offer limited. Send at nce. AU druggists aeli Swamp Root -mt.i" Beautiful Assortment Of CHENBILE PMEAD Single and Double "Home Of Better Values" iJ. C. Summerrow Awarded The Bronze Star.Medal Cpl. John C. Summerrow, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Summerrow. ol Ha.elwood, who is serving with the armed forces in Germany, has recently been awarded the Bronze Star medal for heroic achievement. Cpl. Summerrow entered the ser vice in February, 1943, and has been overseas since October, 1944. He was first in England, and since then has served in France, Belgium. Holland, and later in Germany. At 'he time he entered the service he was connected with the Home Security oflice here. Excerpts from the citation which accompanied the presentation of the Bronze Star medal follow: "In anticipation of an attack by the enemy, the battalion bad establish ed defensive positions in a village in Germany. These men actively participated in the laying of mines, anti-personnel mines, and trip flares for six days in the coldest weather experienced by them in combat. Enemy observation was clear because of the flatness of the terrain and their artillery, mor tar and sniper fire constantly en dangered the lives of these men. Regardless of the lack of defilade and cover, they conscientiously ap plied themselves to the accomplish ment of the mission. The courage in the face of incessant danger and the love of duly reflect the highest credit upon themselves and the military service," War Manpower Commission Is Checking Area Representatives from the state area oflice of the War Manpower Commission are in the Western Area checking linns for compt'nnce under Ihe War Manpower Ci .omis sion Stabilization Program. Every employer must establish through the local L1. S. Employ ment Service Olliee an employ ment ceiling in essential and non essential business, it was learned lrom the local olliee. Firms in Waynesville-Canlon area are being cheeked this week to ascertain that all male employ ees are cleared and referred through the Li. S. Employment Ser- ice olliee; I hat linns hire only within their ceiling and in com pliance with other War Manpower Commission Stabilization Regula tions. Every employer is warned that each new male hired must have a referral from the U. S. Employ ment Service oflice. Also each female hired should present a Cer tificate of Prior Employment un less she is an inmigrate worker. She must then he cleared and re ferred by the United States Em ployment Service Office. Church School Day To Be Observed At Methodist Church Church School Day will be ob served nt the First Methodist church with an appropriate pro gram next Sunday, April 22. Teachers and officers are mak ing an effort to promote a record attendance for the Sunday school hour. In the morning service Chinch School ollicers and teach ers will he given special recogni tion and the pastor will speak on the subject. "A Teacher from God." From 12:00 till 1:00 and from 7:30 to 8:00 the teachers and class Do you suffer from'JnONTHLYjLv, IIERVOUS TEIlSIOl t with Its weak, fired feelings? 1 If functional periodic disturbances make you feel nervous, tired, restless at such times try this great medicine Lydia, E, Plnkham's Vegetable Com pound to relieve sucb symptoms. Taken regularly it kelps build up resistance, against sucb distress. Also a grand Stomachic tonic, follow label directions. I I Decorated . , 55 I? s J i LT. SAM K. STKINC5FIELD re ceiving decorations from Hrig (Jen James V. Crabb, head of the bomb er command of the Fifth Air Force. Lt. Stringfield has served as a navigator. Lt. Stringfield Serving In Pacific AAF Decorated Second Lieutenant Sam String field, son of Drand Mrs. S. L. Stringfield. of Wa nesville, was re cently decorated by Brig. General .lames V. Crabb. head of the bomber 'command of Fifth Air Force, lie is shown above receiv ing the award. I.t. Slringficld lias been serving with the famous .lolly Koger Lib erator outfit of the Fifth Air Force as navigator. Alter -i'.i bombing missions lie has been retired from combat duty u be rehabilitated and reassigned in America. I.t. Smngfielcl received his dec orations in an outdoor ceremony al Ihe .lolly linger bomber base in the Philippines. He received the second and third oak leaf clusters to the Air Medal for meritorious service during bis final 2m) hours of aerial action. Previously he had received the Air Medal with a single cluster. He wound up his overseas tour of duty vulh 411! cotnbal hours, in which he navigated his plane to such targets as Gorrcgidor. Hataan. Mindenso, Borneo and Formosa. He participated in a raid on the Balikpapan oil refineries in Bor neo. That mission, a round (rip flight of 18 hours, was one of the longest on record. He repeated the mission later an his 24-plane formation in a 40-minute encounter with 50 Zeroes shot down 17 of them, itself returnine intact On both missions the oil refinery tar get was left in flames. In combat two and one half years, the Jolly Rogers, oldest Liberator organization in the Pa cific, have spearheaded the aerial drive on Japan. They have de stroyed more than 400 Jap planus in the air, close to 800 on the ground and sunk nearlv n half million tons of enemy shipping. i ney nave struck the opening day light blows on numerous objectives, including Hollandia, the Admir alties, Borneo and the Philippines. Lt .Slringficld made his first day light flight on the Philippines. At the time he entered the ser vice. I.t. Stringfield, an alumnus of the I'niversitv of North r was a U. S. civil service employee working with the Army Engineers in airport construction. He has three brothers in the service: Lt. Thomas Stringfield. recently re turned from the Pacific now at Fdenton; Ensign James Stringfield, recently returned from Europe, now in Pacific, and SSgt. William Stringfield. AAF gunner of nn missions over Europe who holds the Air Medal and four clusters. officers will be in their respective rooms to greet members of the congregation who are invited to visit the different departments of the Church School plant. NOTICE SERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY IN TIIE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK MARY BUMGARNER. VS ELLTS BURRELL, EDWARD BUR RELL, H. C. BURRELL, SID NEY BURRELL, ICA BURRELL, JESS BURRELL. JETHRO BUR RELL, MURPHY BURRELL, AGNES CREASEMAN, ARDITH BUMGARNER, ALMA BUM GARNER, ELLA MAY BUM GARNER, GLENN BUMGAR NER, LILLIE BUMGARNER and JOHN HENRY BUMGAR NER. The defendants, H. C. Burrell, Sidney Burrell, lea Burrell, Jesse Burrell, Jethro Burrell,. Murphy Burrell and Agnes Creaseman, will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commenc ed in the Superior Court of Hay wood County, North Carolina, to sell lands for partition; and the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County at the court house In Way nesville, N. C, within ten days after the 16th day of May, 1945, and answer or demur to the peti tion in said action or the plaintiff petitioner will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said petition. This the 16th day of April, 1945. GERTRUDE P. CLARK, Asst. Clerk Superior Court. No. 1427 Apr. 19-26-May 3-10 Commissioners Draw Jury For May Term Court The Haywood county commis sioners at their regular meeting on Monday drew the jury for the May term of Superior court, civil term, which will convene here on May 7, with Judge J. Will Pless, Jr., of Marion, presiding. Those drawn for the first week include: S. J. Moody, Ivy Hill; James B. Medford, Beaverdam; Frank Sorrells, Pigeon; Bob Gos--.'lt. Beaverdam; J. B. Hill. Way nesville: C. M. Crawford, Iron Duff; Lloyd Kirkpatriek. Waynesville; John C. Trantham, J. M. Paxton, Beaverdam; Edd G. Moore, Way nesville; Guy Wells, Piseon; Wiley B. Green, Fines Creek; Forrest Queen. Beaverdam; M. C. Miller, Beaverdam. Weaver Patton, Beaverdam; Cromer J. Green. Jonathan Creek; Joe J. Davis, Waynesville; Edd Hill, Crabtree; Bob Fish, Crabtree; L. Z. Messer, Fines Creek; W. M. Crawford, Cecil; J. B. Poston. East Fork; Lush Leatherwood, Jonathan Creek; and Barty McGaha. Cata loochee. Drawn for the second week were: Hardy Medford, Clyde; Vaugh Rhinehart, Waynesville: Henry Norman. Waynesville; Luth er Smathers, Beaverdam; C. P. Clark. Clyde; Glenn Campbell. Ivy Hill; Harry L. Liner, Waynesville; R. V. Erk, Waynesville; C. A. George. Waynesville: D. G. McEl reath, Beaverdam. Lawrence Brown. Iron Dun"; Gid A. Francis, Waynesville; Robert Hawks, Crabtree; J. S. Harrell, Jonathan Creek; Zeb Price, Way nesville; Furman Noland. .Fines Creek; Harley McElroy, White Oak; and Charlie Messer, Fines Creek. For You To Feel Well 24 hours every day. 7 days every week, nfiver stopping, the kidneys filter waste matter from thu blood. If more people were aware of how the kidneys must constantly remove sur plus fluid, excess acids and other waste matter that cannot stay in the blood without injury to health, there Wuuld he better understanding of why the whole system is upset when kidneys fail to function properly. Tiurning, scanty or too frequent urina tion sometimes warns that something is wrong. You may suffer nagging back ache, headaches, dizziness, rheumatic pains, getting up at nights, swelling. Why not try Doan'e Fill'! You will be using a medicine recommended the country over. Doan'e stimulate the func tion of the kidneys and help them to flush out poisonous waste from the jJoad They contain nothing harmful. Gt Doom's today. Use with confidence. At all drug stores. I 1 Buy Bonds keep them. And Now, We Can We Have Just Enable Us Af QUALITY Mystery Comedy To Be Given By St. John's Cast The latest novel mystery comedy ever to be presented here vvll be performed on the evening of .-ipnl 26th. at 8:15 al St. John's auditor ium. The cast ot the play has been sworn to secrecy and not oue Will breathe a word as to Un real identity of the murderer o: the reason for the many strange crimes that take place during tin progress of the play. The following cast uill present the play: Alvina Kb-man. Dolores Gass. Marilyn McMillan. Dorothy Martel. Fiances Fraier. Alice Mc Millan, Grace Furtado. Dorothy Giddis. Nancy kirkpatriek. and Jolene Elders. 3 Students From Couny On Brevard College Honor Roll Three students from Haywood county made the mid-semester honor roll nt Brevard college, it was announced by the registrar's office yesterday. These students are Miss Mary Deas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Deas. of Canton, sophomore; Miss Lucy Williamson, daughter of Mloire We will be slad to help linanre your project to enable you to produce more (Irade "A" Milk. Consult us any time. PHKSUNT PRUTS IIHiHKST PAID FOIt MILK Pet Dairy Products Co. Phono 10 ikeca: raciK Installed Equipment To To Recap Tires From 6:00 x 20 to 8:25 x 20 Waynesville Gulf Service & Tire Recapping Co. PHONE 486 Mr and Mrs. W. M. Williamson, oi Canton, freshman; and Miss Mar garet Palmer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Palmer ,of Waynesville, freshman. A total of thirty-six students made the honor roll at the college. In this group 16 were sophomores, nine were freshmen and 11 were pre-eollege. Crisping Food Use as much stored heat as you can, to warm over and crisp up food. TODAY IMIONK 77 Oracle A Milk S ID ED SIMS, Owner JUres Lemon Juice Recipe! 'Rheumatic Paint? .It you utl fwai fl"S tis at uuiini .... '"u.! aeuiitu Pirn. ,"t inexpensive Lome Compound today. M 3 ! Ol water, idd th ju,.t .7" ll easy. Pie ot all. You I'ccl "7, i 1,1 pooniuis two tm.ti "' i within 48 houu fight splendid ,.J!,!W and il you do r will cost you noih.n? ' fold by your dn,. s! , , " lute ' money back 3 compound u lor 1 ...-. Smith's Cut-Kate 1 Hi more than cut W fore property owners need dependable in surance and the co operation of a t)e pendahle agency. L. M. Davis & Co, Waynesville, Waynesville, N. ('. All Work ; Guaranteed Highest Quality Rubber Used MAIN STREET v )

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