THE WAYNESVILLElMOCNTAINEfin One Day Nearer, IJ !U A 4 J J U i '.til '! ? v.n .i r "i t Si I1 ,11 r4 4 t 'Hi, i1 M i 1 'I 1 ' 1 IH - .11 :. "Victory In Europe Edition III If I . '-a (vll$j w -l3 fife . 'm V . ' jr ! .. afl vf JtJ.;-r :irf;!i. ulf$$ f mm mm 0 0 We broughi the barking Mussolini to a whimperingdefeat. Then Uncle Sam cut the first notch in his trusty rifle. Now Hitler haT bitten" the dust of the conquered, and Uncle SarrTnicked another V-for-Victory in hisun'-stock? There'splenty of room for the third and final scoring - that will bring this war's horrors to an nd. America has gone about this business of stalking and slaying the beasts of Rome, Berlin and Tokyo with steadfastness and courage. But to us such dealings are not sporr. We The Dayton are not a people who feel our destiny is in murder and pillage. We are not militar istic fanatics. Our destiny, we believe to be the right to live in peace and freedom with those we love: well housed, well fed, well clothed secure of livelihood and rich in freedom of speech and worship - from fear and want. That is for what we fight -not for the vain glory of being feared as mighty warriors. Neve has man's liberty been so menaced as by the event which precipitates?! this war. Never has liberty- loving man rallied more zealously to safe guard what he holds dear. Now, at last -it's on to Tokyo to destroy the last world marauder: and that means to our battle stations for each and every one of us! Tojo Hirohito & Co. are going to put up a stiff fight: we're going to lose many more pre cious lives. Yet we can lose less lives . . . , win a speedier Victory ... if all of us con tinue waging war against the final enemy, and buying War Bonds as faithfully as when here were three to exterminal' .Rubber .Manufacturing Jhorobred division. V "j Co.