Bought THE Waynesville Eslr nd far OUNTAINEER ''ill M W ar iw" e - Drive -?JnI!lLCounty S1 of Htjwood Countj At The Etstern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park fYFuSTA" NO. 21 14 Pages WAYNESVILLE. N. C. THURSDAY, MAY 24. 1945 (One Day Nearer Victory) $2.00 in Advance in Haywood and Jackson Counties t ' WHILE W m M fl l i I onrfs SoZrf Lf Infantry Show M. JAWIES 269, 000 5s o)M iys mm 00 in j , Resigns : Smoky Mountains Trailways Will Build New Place Trancnnrrafinn Pirm Was Huge less From U Standpoint Idlers Will Leave s Morning For Can- To Stage Same Macular Event. .i... i..rnirv out all their tio the show, the people community put me r uu. L war bonds to make the show al the nign scnuui hen- last night a success ierv sianui"""11 ..'. ) 000 went into L last night, for one of est amounts ever sola u rti'f 111 i.,m iiw 111 Infantrymen Icpl more 5,000 spec- Ucll-hound with mourns L (heir bodies often cover- 'oose-pimplcs, while their , e uA laientcnea ai nnuj ui mc L the show, the Haywood tout their eyes gucd on (tail of action. Lncll of burnt powder, the luttlc. the acting of the men. made one feel that jbecn suddenly transplant- thc football stadium to a of battle in the South blistic was the sham bat he Infantrymen, that even of actual battles marvcl- hc display. Infantrymen arrived in lesday afternoon, and after signed to homes through community, were given a bid party at the Armory night. This event was id by employees of the Itional flank. day morning the men easy until they gave a cert and parade at eleven Every man was warm in fc of the hospitlity given d in turn, they put on an ormante last night. Massie, permanent war fi- iairman, was in charge of iicnts for the Infantrymen re and lie was assisted by of the women s division. k care of placing the men two-day slay In the corn 's in general suspended snow, with Wcllco Shoe ion turning out their sec- Itiitlnued on page 5 . M. Carter p From Italy In Hospital "tcrnoon at the Calvary 'hurch. f'anlnr, tlf. I. ' ..w,,, AyJL x At, plCKllllev Carton ,. - . v . . , ouil ll Mrs. Hobart Car; or, of ro aica at Moore Gcn P'tal last Thiirsrfav (ihb fw an illness of several wv. Doyle Milw t FCCn flllH ll.n !).. ' n ' t .... ltKy. IV. J. ""led. Burial was in j.Huic cemetery. r er was flown back to M Stain t I ,,, nauan 1 operations where he had wmbat with the division W'mately 500 days, ar- i 'ey Ueneral hospital, Ec - ' about two weeks r "vain, lie was rnn.- Moore Control Tl t.-i "er cnlkf.H A.1"""' r lue army 1942. and trained fco rth "I;-1'- ?- f - ...- m March, .e.h . in the North lnnued on page 5) ? Auxiliary (Observe y Day Sat. Hp?,- HaLiu C,ets of WJ e S7 ' The lowers fit 1 y veterans of PPy The wearing enewed elme a 8llent j ed I each year that the r1me"ca have not fVthe i!1"0- Every WUUtoTO" 8068 n m Uetr families of ' v Canning Sugar Allotments j Missing in Action Cut To 8 Pounds This Year ; Another pinch of the war -will i be felt in Haywood this summer, ; as housewives try to do their an- nual canning on the 8-pound-per- person allotment. The rationing board announced yesterday that the maximum of canning sugar for 1945 will be only eight pounds per person, as compared with twenty last year. The district office Just gave the allotment to the Haywood board. The task of mailing coupons to 14,000 people for eight pounds of sugar each will be some -job, and will take time. The first coupons will go Into the mails Frldav morning. 1 Haywood Spinach In Great! Purchases Large Lot DPTTianH rm Snn thorn Marti In Center Of Town MISS MADCrb L.KWIS. who has done splendid work here with Haywood County Baptist Associa tion, resigns to accept work in Wilkes county. Miss Madge Lewis Resigns Here To Accept Other Work Miss Madge Lewis, associational worker for the Baptist churches of the Haywood Association, has re Signed her work to accept a similar position with the Brushy Mountain Association in Wilkes county. She will also work with the Stone Mountain Association. Miss Lewis came to Haywood county in May. 1942, from New Or leans, where she had received her master's degree from the Baptist Bible Institute. She will assume her duties in her new field on June 16. Miss Lewis has done out standing work in Haywood county. Sgt.G. V. Howell German Prisoner Is Liberated Technical Sergeant firady Vin son. Howell. Jr.. son of Mr and Mrs. C. V. Howell, of the Jona than Creek section of the county, who has been a German prisoner since April, 1944, has been liberat ed, according to information con- Haywood Man Loses 63 Pounds In Four Months While Prisoner Of Nazis By HII-DA WAV GWYN "I never expected to get out alive. 1 wouldn't take a million dollars for my experiences, but 1 wouldn't give ten million to' go through it again." said Cpl. Paul Hcadrick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hcadrick, of Hazelwood. who was a German prisoner of war from October 1, 1944, to Febru ary 23, 1945, Cpl. Hcadrick knows a great deal about war and the cruelty of the German soldier. He did not 'get the information as you and I do on the home front from reading the newspapers. He learned it through the hard way, through fighting and going hungry in u prison camp. From the time he landed in France on D-Day to October 1, he was in combat every day, with the exception of two. as his group fought through France, Belgium and into Luxembourg. "There were a good number of Germans ready to greet us in France and I tell you they gave us quite a hot welcome as wc chased them through Europe lo their own country," he said with a smile. His story shows the griinest side of war with hard combat, months In prison camps, and end ing in a dramatic liberation by a Itussian regiment, commanded by a woman, and then back to I lie .safely and security of America and home to his own family.' Cpl. Hcadrick, like many others has Continued on page II' n J -J CPL. PAUL HEADR1CK Girl Scout Hut Is Being Built On Town Property Modern Hut Will Be Completed Within Six Weeks; Const ruction has started on a modern hut for the local Girl Scout unit. The building is be ing erected on the town lot, known as '.he Gudger lot on South Main street. The hut will be 3(1 by SO feet, and will feature a 4-foot fireplace. A large basement is being built to take care of storage. The building will' represent an expenditure of $2,000. Of this amount. $1,500 was raised in cash taincd in a letter to his parents , some months ago by Hugh Massie tlitori Miv " i :m(l Ralph Prevost, as a commit- Sgt. Howell was a flight cng lee from the Rotary Club. These two are supervising the construc tion of the building. Donations of materials amounting to $500 have been received. A priority has just been received to start construc tion. , It is estimated that six weeks will be required to complete the building. A road will be built to the hut. and a trail from Main Street will also be constructed. neer and a gunner and had been overseas with the AAF for nearly two years. He was first reported missing in action over Germany on April 29, 1944, and in June of the same year was declared a Ger man prisoner by the War Depart ment. In his letter to his parents this week he wrote in part: "I was liberated by the American Third Army a few days ago. It was a glorious event, one that I will never forget. The Germans march ed for 20 davs due west of our camp and wc were captured by ! Qn Memorial Day me Americans insieaa oi me nus sians." Sgt. Howell was employed by the Owens Illinois Glass Company Bridgton, N. J.. as a slapping clerk at the time he entered the service. He has one brother in the armed forces. Pvt. Gene How ell, U. S. Marines, now serving in the Pacific theatre. First National Bank To Be Closed The First National Bank will be closed here on Wednesday, May 30, in observance of Na tional Memorial Day, it was learned this week from Jona than Woody, president. This is in accordance with the rul ings affecting all banks in the state. Chambers Brothers Prisoners, Liberated Father Receives Mes sage Of Both Libera tions On Same Day. William Chambers received two messages on Saturday, both deliv ered at the same time from differ ent areas informing him that his two sons, held as German war prisoners had been liberated. SSgt. James Ralph Chambers, volunteered the' day after the at tack on Pearl Harbor and was trained at a number of air fields in this country prior to being sent overseas in November. 1942. He 5 ported he was a prisoner of war. The wire telling of his libcra i tion came direct from Sgt. Cham i bers. At the time he entered the service he was employed by a manufacturing plant in Mt. Holly, N. J. Private William M. Chambers, serving with the U. S. Infantry, has returned to military control, according to the war department. He had been a German prisoner since September 1, 1944, when he was taken a prisoner in Munich. He entered the service at Mt. Holly, N- J., in November, 1943, and was sent to Greenville, Pa. He had been serving overseas was serving with the Eighth Air since February, 1944 He was Force and was stationed in Eng land. He. was shot down on his 23rd mission over Brunswick, Germany, on February 10, 1944, and was first reported missing in action anrj later the war department re- first in Africa, then Italy and was also in the Invasion of France. He was attached to the 179th Infantry and at the time he en tered the service was employed by the Pennsylvania Railway in Trenton, N. i. Pfc. David Gibbs Among Liberated German Prisoners Private First Class David Gibbs, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gibbs. of the Eagles Nest Road, was lib erated from a German prison camp on May 21, according to a message received by the Haywood Chapter, Red Cross. Pfc. Gibbs entered the service on January 4, 1944, at Camp Croft, and from there was sent to Fort Bragg and received further train ing at Camp Shelby, Miss., and Camp Atterbury, Ind., prior to be ing sent overseas. He arrived in England on Octo ber 19, 1944, and from there was sent to Germany,, where he was reported missing since December 16. At the time he entered the service he was a student in school at Almond. Pfc. Gibbs has a brother in the service, Pvt. James P. Gibbs, who is also serving in Germany. PVT. WIN FRED PHILLIPS, son of Mrs. Cora Lee Phillips nad the late II .N. Phillips, who has been reported missing In action in Ger many since May 2nd Pvt. W. Phillips Wounded Twice. Reported Missing Private Winfred Phillips, son of Mrs. Cora Lee Phillips, and Hie late II. N. Phillips, has been re ported missing since May 2, 1945. according to a message received by his mother from the War De partment. Pvt. Phillips entered the service on April 12, 1943, and was first stationed at Fort Belvoir, Va, lie was sent overseas in July, 1943. He has been twice wounded, the first time in England, in June. 1944. and was confined to u hospit al for three months; the second time he was wounded in Germany in January, 194."). At the time he entered the serv ice Pvt. Phillips was employed by the Army engineers in Norfolk. He has a brother. Pvt. Sidney E Phillips, who is serving with the AAF and is now stationed al Grand Island. Neb Wanted-Charter Haywood Chapter Red Cross A search is being made for the charter of the Haywood Chapter of the American Red Cross by Miss Emily Siler. executive secretary of the chapter. The Haywood Chapter was organized In 1917 at the be ginning of World War I and the charter Is of special in terest because It was signed by President Woodrow Wilson. Anyone having Information about the early papers of the chapter are asked to contact Miss Slier. "This year's spinach crop is the best ever grown here." Walter Ketncr said yesterday, as he cited Instances of large cash incomes from small acreage. Erasmus Robinson, of Thiclveiy, has already sold $165 from iwo tcnths of an acre, and has now planted the plot in tobacco. Many farmers are planting their spinach ground in tobacco. An other good crop was Wiley Frank lin, with 3 tons from a quarter acre. The present price is $90 a ton. Mr. Ketncr has shipped spinach to all parts of the country and the demand has been far greater than the supply. "One order came through for more spinach than the entire Haywood crop. The weather here is favorable for spinach and turnips, but not near enough arc grown. Mr. Ketncr continued. FBI Will Hold Fall District Conference In Waynesville The FBI district group accepted an invitation from Mayor J. H. RntVtlinno Tc Way in Brevard Monday to hold 1 "UIUUUUC X 1st Haywood Man Out On Points New Bus Added To Inter-City Fleet By Lee A new 30-passenger bus has been added to the fleet of the Twin-City Bus Lines here, which is owned by Tom Lee. The new bus is a special city bus, with front and rear side en trances. Mr. Lee recently added a 46-passenger bus to his fleet, and in addition to these two. has four of the 21-passenger buses. The bus line here started opera tion last October. Mr. Lee said yesterday he plans to expand his routes in order to serve an even larger territory. WLB Makes New Ruling In Case Of Local Plant 190 Employes Are In volved By Ruling For A. C. Lawrence Leath er Company Plant. Intcr-plant inequity in bonus payments, the national war labor board said Friday, Is not sullicient basis for ordering a liberalization of such payments under an incen tive system. The WLB set aside an order by lis Atlanta regional board, to the A. C. Lawrence Leather company, Hazelwood. The regional board had ruled that the company must pay 100 per cent premiums, as most of the other companies in the region do. instead of 75 per cent premiums. The company, in appealing, con tended that any increase would constitute a new incentive plan 'which can not be ordered in a dispute casei, and that the hoard should remember this dealt with pay over the guaranteed or base pay. Labor members dissented in the national board's decision. Approxi mately 190 employes, represented by the United Fur and Leather workers, CIO, are involved. their fall meeting in Waynesville, the dale lo be announced later. Around 200 peace oflleers from Western North Carolina were pres ent for the meeting In Hrevnrd. which was said lo be the largest ever held. Edward Scheldt, special agent In charge of the Charlotte office, con ducted the session. T. B. Easter ling, special agent, demonstrated the taking of tire' and heel prints and Special Asnfc P jllwiurd Kon nerly showed slides of wanted men. Judge J. Will Picas, of Marion, made the principal ad dress. The conferences grew out of a proclamation by President Roose velt in 1939 'at which time he de signed the FBI as an agency re sponsible for Internal security of the nation, it was brought out in the Brevard meeting, according to Mayor Way. It was also request ed al the time that all law en force nt oflleers cooperate with the FBI. The conferences which were held quarterly until this year when they will he held semi-annually, were planned as educational courses for the police, and were foreignly inspired so that sabotage j could be kept out of the country. I Mr Scheldt complimented the j peace olficcrs of the area on their j cooperation. I The group toured the Ecusta i Paper Corporation plant in Brc- vard and were the guests of the company for lunch at the plant. I Conference have been held in j Jlryson City. Sylva, Fontana Dam, j Murphy and Canton. j Attending the conference from ! Way nesville were: Mayor J. H. i Way. G. C. Ferguson, city manager, i Chief of Police J. L. Stringfield. T L. Bramlett, member of board of aldermen, A. L. Noland, city police force, and Patrolman O. It. 1 Roberts. Welfare Workers To Attend Meet In Asheville Friday Mrs. Sam Queen, county wel fare superintendent, and Mrs. K. P. Lowe, from the local welfare office will attend a one-day con ference of superintendents and statisticians in Asheville on Friday. Corporal llarlcy Jack Rath bone, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rathbone, of the Fines Creek .section, is the first Hay wood county man to be dis charged under the point s.w tern, i Cpl. Hathbune has'tonis credit 101 points as follows; 42 for lime in the service; 39 for months overseas, and 20 for battle stars Cpl. Itallihnnc entered Hie service in ember. 1941. be fore the attack on Pearl Har bor, lie was inducted al Fort Bragg and from there sent to Camp Lee, Va., and then to Fort Hampton. N V He was attached lo the li!K!nil I'm) Company He took part in the billow ing battles. Sicily, Naples and Southern France. A I the time he entered the service he was a fanner in this county. Dayton Officials Here Making Plans Officials of The Dayton Rubber JYlanutacluring Company are com- : plcting final details for the formal acceptance of the Army-Navy E award on June 5th. Notice that the plant had won the award came last week. The flag and pins will be given the plant and employees at the formal ceremony in June. Several ollicials from the Day ton office have arrived to assist with the various phases of prep arations for the ceremony. These include Ray L. Wetzel, head of public relations. Miss Jean Thomp son, also of public relations. N. D. Baker, of the advertising depart ment, and R. M. Weimer of per sonnel. Others will be down be tween now and the ceremony. Frank Rogers, plant manager, announced yesterday that plans were going along satisfactorily, and that complete details would be ready for publication next week in The Mountaineer. For New Terminal. Waynesville will get a larg modern bus terminal Just as soon as materials are available, it was learned yesterday from C. W. Mor gan, secretary-treasurer of the Smoky Mountains Trailways. The firm recently bought a 311 by 180 foot lot which faces on three streets, at the corners of Haywood. Montgomery and Miller Streets This lot adjoins the new garage just built by Dill J. Howell Tin property was bought from Joe K Rose, but no purchase price was made public. In discussing the plans Mr. Mor gan pointed out tht details were being personally handled h- Joel Wright, president of the hi. t,.in pany. "The terminal will be '.keep ing with the progress! veness of Waynesville. and will be ,-t credit to the community, "Mr. Wright said. "Waynesville is a growing town, and deserves a fine, modern terminal for bus facilities," the president of the firm continued The bus company plans to build a terminal in Murphy, and in per haps several other places they serve. No information was given out as to the size of the terminal, but it w -Klerstood. tentative plans call for utilizing the entire lot for the new bus headquarters. No defi nite date has been set for starting construction, that depending on the time when materials are released for construction. Haywood Casualty List As of Today: Killed 9 Weonded 200 Prisoner 22 Missing in Action . .... 28 Total 338 Pfc. Mark lones Wounded In Action In Pacific Theater Private First Class Mark Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jones, of Canton, was reported wounded in action in the Pacific theatre on April 10 in a message from the War Department, which was re ceived by his wife, Mrs. Eline Liner Jones, of Canton. Pfc. Jones received shrapnel wounds in the back and is confined to a hospital in the Pacific thea tre, according to information re ceived. He entered the service .in March, 1942, and went overseas more than a year ago. At the time he entered the service he was employed by the 'Champion Paper and Fibre Company. Legion Groups To Sponsor Memorial Day Program The local post of the American Legion and the Legion Auxiliary will hold a special memorial ser vice here next Wednesday after noon at Greenhill Cemetery at 3:30. at which time 39 Gold Star Certificates will be presented to families of men killed in World War II. Flags will be given families of men killed in World War I, and also flags to Spanish American War men who died in action. Chaplain Ellis Youngdauhl, of Moore General Hospital, will be the speaker of the occasion, and W. H. Burgin, commander of the local Legion post will be in charge. Information on other men from this immediate vicinity who have been killed during this war is be ing sought by the Legion. Certificates will be given for the following men: Jack Rathbone. Joe Blaine James, David Stentz. James Shook Queen, Samuel H Sherrill. Grey Winchester, Fuller Roberson, Rufus Hunter Blackwell. Ralph Moody, Luther Buff. James A. Clark. J. A. Knight, Jack Gibson. William Med ford. Jr., Cecil Yount. Claude W. Underwood, Jule Welch Tate, Ken neth Moore, Oscar Howell. Willie Messer, Hillard McGaha. Richlyn Holt, James Clark. McKinley F. Paiton, Joseph Underwood. Clarence L. Scruggs, Thad O. Chafin, Haywood N. Smith, George Plott, Henry Clay Duna vant, Harry Noland, Marion Green, Floyd Thomas Grasty, Homer V. Conard, Willard Segle, Cecil R. Robinson, William Earl Leather wood, Richard Ciem Jenkins, Fer guson B. White. Commissioner Of Agriculture Here To See Test Farm W. Kerr Scott. State Commis sioner of Agriculture, spent Wed nesday in the county on officii) I business. He was accompanied by Bill Auston. ( of West Jcfferswi, newly appointed member of the State Agricultural Board. They were joined by D. Reeves Noland, also member of the board and together the three inspected the state test farm here and will also go to Ashe county to inspect the farm there. Electricity Off For For Four Hours The electric current will be off in the Waynesville area on Sunday from 2 to 6 o'clock, it was learn ed yesterday from G. C. Fergu son, city maanger. Mr. Ferguson stated that it was necessary to have the power off for this length of time in order that the lines going from the rail road area to the sub-station paired. ; Funeral Services To Be Held Today For Mrs. C. N. Sisk Last riles will he held thh afternoon at 2 o'clock at the First Methodist church for Mrs. Nan nie Robertson Sisk. wife of Dr. C N. Sisk, director of the district health department composed of the counties west of Asheville. Mrs. Sisk died at her home on Tuesday afternoon at 5:25 aflw an illness of several months. Rev. J. Clay Madison, pastor nf the church, and Rev. Robert (. Tatum, rector of Grace Episcopal church will officiate. Burial wlh be in Green Hill cemetery. Serving as pallbearers will be: Ben Sloan. Charles Ray. Jimmy Neal. Robert Livingston. J. E. Ma.--sic. W. R. Francis, Ralph Prcvo.!. and Dan Watkins. Mrs. Sisk was a native of Vienna. Md.. and had resided in Waynesville for the past eleven years. She was a member of thv Woman's Club, and other social and religious groups. She had made many friends during her res idence in this area. Surviving are her husband, one son, Dr. W. N. Sisk. former heaUh officer of Buncombe county, now a resident of Kalamazoo. Mich.; one daughter. Mrs. Helen Sisk ' Scott, of Waynesville; one grand son. George Scott, Waynesville, one granddaughter, Joan Sisk. Kalmazoo. Mich.; one sister, Mrs. A. F. Richardson, of SufTok. Va., and two brothers. Reginald Rob ertson. New York City, and Roy Robertson, Alexander, Va. Garrett Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements. .X T I - : i i i ; . i - A si -. - .- :'-f-. t ;( .- ,. , i 4 ," ' Hi ,m P 1

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