(One Day Nearer Victory) THURSDAY, May THE WAYNESTTIXE MOUNTAINEER Section Two Page 1 t'4 : Capital Letters By THOMPSON GREENWOOD BLIND The shortage of cap able office help is extremely criti cal in Raleigh, foot it is having its good effect, too, for employees who would normally have a diffi cult time of it to find decent posi tions are now holding down good jobs. Around a score of blind men and women are working in Stale offices, and they are doing well, too. The stenographers are more thorough than many those who can see. CJo down the halls of State buildings and you will find the "Seeing eye" dogs patiently wait ing for their bosses. The blind workers do not want sympathy or pity, they just want to be Remarkable Treatment fur Stomach Distress From Too Much Stomach Acid smQyt!Xm An" -v"" ,,j,,lir'''' I III .1 '"" """I' '"'""' I ff. -a and? I - "t Iln' M rHiei in Iiuh'Iiv.N ol sui h i Sin t-ri'lv graO(nl l. II -.f w I III ' HI th 'M.ll.lr- ' Vill, ',ti- k-m hiivt' il'ini' for IIh'hi 1Iii ! t'.imu I;, aims In ciiiilili'rait surflilv nrilalini; ii jil .mil in t.i intr M ini iii'in nii'ii If Villi SIlfftT Fl "III IInhl'-lllMll. t'a. hi'.illlHini. t-lliilitf. Iiln.it Id:.', -.'iiii- -I'iiii ai ll Jllil (llll'T UII..lMI- -'I'l- III l-Ml'SS Ml ma. h ai i'l 'iii. I"", sli.nilil try V. i.'s ..r .i.Miil ii'litl rit'lil at In. tin- il,..ul riiri.l I I il"' Uel $125 Timl Size. Also available $2.00. $3.50 sizes. At SMITH S CUT RATE DRUG STOUE anil uttier flood drug stores. pl'iina'li nmlit iiiik treated as nearly as possible like everybody else, and that's the gen eral attitude which prevails in the places wtieje they are em ployed. TO UK Members of the State Hoard of Agriculture. Kred E. Miller, director ol test farms, and Agriculture Commissioner Kerr Scott, let! Kaleigh Monday morn ing for :i lour of the farms in the western part of the State. They are especially interested in to bacco and cattle projects at the ex periment stations in Ashe and Hay wood counties. CHANCK There is a good chance that one ol the State's best county supcrintcudcints who was recently tired from his position may go to Wilson as county su perinlendcyt there. Incidentally, it is aboul the best school job ill the Stale NOTt: Aside to I.. A Martin, executive director ol the Allied Church League. You are right in thinking the letter from Wineman John C'all'ey In Cttv. R Gregg Cherry appeared in this column before lindiug its way into other public print. Yes. it's the lull letter Hut don't think lor a minute that anybody, except Sec retary John Harden, and we are not always sine even of him. has entree mlo the files of fiov. Cher ry's mail The letter, however. whs worded exactly as it was wril- r; T D friends that I am earnestly and OSrVinCJ ill rGCHlC enthusiastically going down the line lor the teachers in this tight." ! AGAINST The above wolds are from the man whom teachers voted against by the thousands in the primary of lSiH, proving once again that we all make mistakes nuvv and then . . . f-rjf I . " i y i I THE OLD HOME TOWN By STANLEY TELL. ME WHEN THAT DUOAN KIpCOMESTOBAl- THEY SAY HE KILLS EM j WHEN THEY COME WAIST HIGH.' , K ONLY HALF WON To heat llic .(tips I'rixlmi ion in list keep rolling! K AVON WORKKRS are needed Tor Vital War Work A I The AMKRK'AN KNKA ( Oltl'OlC.Vi ION VI KN AND WOMKN COOl) PAY! no m;e limit: Apply I'. S. KMPLOY.MKNT SKKVK'K COMUH. CHARLES L. FERGU SON, medical officer, son of Mrs. Dollie Ferguson and the late II. C Ferguson, is serving aboard a new U. S cruiser somewhere in the I'acilic. according to itil'orni.v tiiiu received from the fleet home town distributing center of the Navy He was serving on hoanl the first time the new ship went into battle against the Japanese on March If) The guns of the ship sent two Japanese bombers crashing into the sea no! lar from Japan, anil the carriers she defended so well are tree to launch their planes Comdi' Ferguson graduated from the Wayncsville high school and University of North Carolina, and Harvard University, receiving his commission soon alter his gradua tion in Hie medical school at Har vard At Hie lime he entered the navy he received the highest grade out of 1, 200 faking the Naval ex aminations, lie also graduated from the University of North Caro lina with the highest scholastic rat ing in his class His wife is the former Miss ( . 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 ('omaii. daughter ol l.n ve (' ( 1 1 1 1 i;i ll and the late Mrs l oiiiaii of Lake Junaliislia tin A Mill I Fit As said sometime bark Senator Clyde It. Ilooy who as Governor was mil nearly as bad for nliu-.it ici 1 1 as Dr. Ralph Mehonald early in I 'XUi -promised lie uoold be, is for Federal aid lor schools Here is another let ter you teachers and school sym pathizers land aren't we all'.'i may be interested in reading: " . . I am strongly supporting the bill providing Federal aid to educa tion I have made a strong state ment in behalf of the bill, and 1 am actively contacting the various members of the committee and urging their support of it "You may advise my iiiiuiiiug j NOTHING There is less than notion lu uiiil lain ai-ri'ui uri iiici Governor J M. Hroughton's be coming your next Secretary of Ag riculture. However, he does stand in well with the national adminis tration. His strength under Roose velt was through Josephus Daniels, and his strength under Truman is through his very good friend, Senator .1. W. Bailey. 2114 The N. C. Agricultural F.x tension Sei vice has just issued the finest book fur agricultural work ers ever put out in this State at least of its kind. It has 204 I pages containing such information as how to measure lumber, general information on the construction of farm buildings, methods of irri gation, determining the age of hoics by looking at their teeth i it can be donei. and other similar dou n-to-cart li facts These fertilizer companies who put oul these little packet booklets will have to gel a real move on if they want to come up to this I () Scliatib publication But give Fdiloi I' II Jeter most of the credit, leaving goodly poll inns to assistants II T Maddux and 1.. P Watson. CHANGFS Speaking? of agri culture, you may expeel some changes in Hie Stale Department of Agriculture personnel There will he two big changes, and (hey will ifVolvr Western North Caro lina men No. they can't be an nounced yet. You will have to win! until about July I UNION John I.. Lewis, who is going bin k with the AF of L. be lieve il or not. is even now lay ing plans to organize office work ers in Southern states, figuring that I hey may be ready to join some organization as war-end cuts in salaries begin. The CIO has a fund of $5.1)0(1.000 set aside to begin unionizing Southern farms as soon as price cuts on various agricultural commodities begin making the farmer dissatisfied. if you want fads on these as sertions they can be supplied you. G.AKDKN One of the best Vic- j lory Gardens in North Carolina is in the yard of Josephus Daniels, j who Wiis H:t years old a lew days ; ago. The garden covers about a j half-acre. However. Mr. Daniels I doesn't work it. He doesn't believe in exercise, has never taken any. and gives this habit much of the , credit for his old-age Vigor. II. imiLnif h., SJiYlCi 'fsirsOl ft i ri r , . " v r -7" -i''u. r( sy-: ,. '! '5Srti'.L-i D U.n y.L A SPOdTUEWS AT THE CLARlOAJ - llSMT OFrVlHENBAT SHOKTMEWS AT THE CL ARnOAl - RflSHT Off Eye Examined Glasses fitted CONSULT DR. R. KING llARPi OPTOMETRIST 125 Main Street Wells Bld. Cpl. Leon E. Wold. IGiiidiiatcs From Army Air Field I Corporal Leon K. Webb, sun of Mr. and Mrs. Monroe (' Webb of Wayncsville. I! I' D No I was graduated last week at Boca Raton Army Air Fold. Fla . a technical school of the AAF Train ing Command, from an advanced coiniiiiiiucal ions course Cpl Webb lias a brother. Neal Webb, who is also scrum; in Un armed forces. S,l. Charlie Clemen! In Texas Hospital McK IM.KY. TF.XAS Sgl ( bar lie .1 ('lenient. Maggie, has .jus! arrived at the Army's Ashbiirn General Hospital. McKinlcy Texas from overseas. Before being returned In this country. Sgt Clement served in Hie Pacific Theater of operations, fie has been presented three lironz Star Medals. His mother. Mrs. Fannie Cle ment, resides in Maggie PI'c. Robert Brown Serving With Marines Private First Class 'Robert i Mrown. sou ol Fletcher Itrovvu. of Fines Creek. I'orinei ly of Lake Juualuska. has arrived in Oki nawa. PI'c. Brown is attached to the U. S. Marines. He entered the service in li(4:i and took his training at San Diego. Calif. Up on completion of boot training he was sent to the South Pacific the atre and then to Palau. From the latter he was transferred to his present station. SSgt. Lane Arlington Serving With 8th Air Forces In Europe Among the 1 B5.000 men and women of the Kighth Air Force congratulated on VF-I)ay by Lt Gen. James 11. Doolittle. who as sumed command in January, 1!)44. is SSgl. Lane Arringtoii, Jr.. of Wayncsville. II. F.I). No. I. Since August, 1942. when com bat operations began. Liberators anil Flying Fortresses of the Kighth dropped more than 7(H). OOt) tons of bombs on enemy tar gets. Fighter pilots shot down 5 250 Nazi planes and destroyed 4.250 others on the ground. Bomb er gunners shot (i.t)OO Gorman in terceptors out of the air. As the Kighth grew ill strength, il was assigned the powerful Lult wall'e. and proved the feasibility of an American ideaprecision day lit'lit bombing over the Reich. After healing the Luftwaffe in fo relative inipotcncy. the Kighth threw its growing weight against Germany's rail system and vital sources of oil. Those campaigns, in conjunction with British Royal Air Force and the U S. 15th Air Force disorganized all transports in Germany, restricted German military operation in the air. on the ground, and paved the way for the march of Allied armies across Europe. 1 Many Hard of Hearing Can Hear Tomorrow ivith Ourine1 drops ued with a wimplp syringe. If ,'Uii are deafened, bothered by rintjiiiK buzzing head lniwHdiic to hardrntMl or coagulated wax (eorumen), jy tlit Ourine Hmm Method test that ho many ;ay lias enabled them to hear well again. You must tear better alter making thin Hiruple test or you get oui money buck at once. We recommend Oiuiae. Smith's Cut-Kate Drug Store William O. Franklin Radio Service and Supplies Nexl Door To Hazelwood Cai-age Hazel wood, N. ( . Reasonable Rate? Work .u:n ,,.!ee, Have In Slock Tubes .Suitable For the si.Ut, Following Tillies: . 1 1 , . , , I2SA7 12SK7 !!-,; 351.6 SOI.ti :;, 1H5 1N5 11(5 - :h, VSI.U RAI)ltS I'Olt s A I I liriiif, Your Itadios In For Repairs i,r lil,, I'ick I'M and Delivery s i i. , I , Expert Polishing - Washing and Greasing T-1 T 1 TV E.very jod jriven rersonj Supervision All Experienced Men Complete Auto Service PURE OIL SIMM SCOTr RKKVKS. Owner Main SI reel Opposite Omrl IMPORTANT LAD QA F OF AT 45 CHOICE Annff Tr Also 8-Rooi HOUS Residential Lots 2 Blocks From Post Office. Most On Paved Street. Th is Is The Wi let WED, II NF 6t AT 2 P. M. - RfllH OR SHINE CONVENIENT TERMS M James Property East and Short Streets. ANY CASH -FRIZES Music By high SCHOOL BAND David Underwood and Holier! Sutton Owners. Medford Leatherwood, Auctioneer PICK OUT YOUR LOT TODAY

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