J f ... H"'uon One Page 2 (One Day Nearer Victory) THURSDAY, ,)( Ne ,, THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER DEATHS Taylor Giliett Funeral services were conducted at Parker's Chapel. Methodist Church, on Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock for Taylor (lillctt. 6(1. Haywood county fanner, who died at his home on the Glenn Palmer farm at 4 p. m. Monday alter a short illness Kev. W. M. l!ol bins, pastor, assisted hy Hev. For rest Ferguson, officiated. Hurial was in the church cemetery. Surviving are his widow, the former jYIiss Althi;' Clark; lour sons, Elmer of Clyde. I! I' D No 1, Walker, of Newport News. Va , Pvt. Giirshain (lilletl. now wtth the armed force in (icrin.iny. and Pfc, l.atliani (Illicit, scrvine. in England: three hrothii. Charlie Glilett, of Clyde I! I- l No. I. .ohnn:e (lillett, of Lake .limaltivka. and Carver (iillett. ol Waynes ville; I hive sisters. Mis Miami Janey, Clyde, KM) No I. Mrs Pvt. Thomas T. Norris Transferred To Ninth Air Force Command Private Thomas T. Norris. son of Kred Norris, of Waynesville, R. K. U. No 2. has heen transferred from the 11th Armored Division, lird Army, to the Ninth Air Force Service Command, according to information received from the base in France Norris has been in the Knropcaii theatre since January of this year and he fought with the lllh Ar-nored Division in Belgium, llavtogne and at Luxemburg. He is now serving as a tire repairman with an ordnance company assign ed to the Ninth Air force service command At the tune he ( ntered the ser vice in .Inly, Itl-H. lie was a silk i. 'II spinner lie. wife and daugh ter. Christine reside in U'avnes-Vllle Waller Wilson. Waynesville. and Mrs George Green. Monroe. N .1 The Garret I Funeral Home was in charge ot the arrangements Commended 1 gHWw"( MMIHIHI IMIlllHllllill I if hlfWilff M Deserter From Army Gives Up After Hiding Two Years (Continued from patre I) juvenile judge. Hugh I.eatlierwood, and have been released The Messers have two other sons in the service. While Pvt. Mcssci had been tak en to Asheville. officers were un able to state what the government would eventually do with the case. Rotarians Enjoy Visit To Test Farm Sixty Hotarians and guests had luncheon at the new State Test Farm la-re last Friday, and were shown ovei the t arm by Dean Col- Seaman' Comoton Has Returned To Norfolk Kenneth L. Compton, seaman first class, has returned to Norfolk, Va., after spending several days in Haaelwood with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Compton. Seaman Compton entered the service in May, 1944, and has re ceived training at the following places: Camp Peary, Va.. Bain bridge, Md., and Manhattan. N. V. He is a graduate of the local high school and was a student at Stale College, Raleigh, prior to entering the service. vard, assistant director in charge At the meeting Friday, Charles E. Ray will turn the office of president over to W Roy Jjjranci:, who will assume office July first You Can Get Good Shoes For Chili AT RAY S -AND THERE ARK REASON'S . 1 Vt carry good shoes in reliable brands. X We do a ijood job i llt 2. We carry children's shoes in widths. 4 We have today an assrlriie exfent innyl muL,. .... V1 P'csefii war V WHV pees 1-eui.Y 5HCOTS OF f A FlRt l-HAl I IK efciAubt- n s out tiu-i J I I t KY-- AND 1 1 IHL bluOtSl DATA p(k $w fMMB is t"t hi M Pi aCE AND tACltltNl ityvlC an raiL'o PRIVATE FIRST CLASS TDK It Y POTTS CAMPUELL. on ol Mrs .1 A Campbell and the late Mr Campbell, of Haywood county, has recently been commended from l.t Col John P lireckenridge com inaiiding ollicer John II Payne Field Cairo, for the part he play ed in the recent elimination of a .iO(i-loii backlog of vital cargo which was to he moved by air transport to the China lilo ma In dia theater The movement of through the huge .or! h African Division of the USAAI- An Trans port Command, reached a peak when li 1 ( i tons of ecpiipmenl were mined through Payne Field in a pei ind of 24 hours It was neces sary for men at the airfield near Cairo. Egypt . to unload the ship ments from C-4f;s arriving horn Casablanca, load the supplies on other planes headed lor Kaiaeh s India and supply major iii.iinten ance to all the planes Pfc Campbell entered Ihe sit vice in November, Ifl-IH and was in ducted at Camp Croft and from I there sent to Camp Coidnn ( ia Want Ads FOR SAI.I. One pair of tine Hay mares, weigh! about H.OOO pounds toi pair l( N Marlier Company. June 21-28 SEE US UK FORE HUYINti Show ers, sinks, lavatories, closet com binations :tli gallon extra heavy range boilers, electric pumps, pipe and litlnrgs of all kinds. Also guttering ami down spouts. We st II and install Cive us a trial I lael wood Plumbing Co., Phone '12 Man. St , llazelwood, N C TRUCKERS WANTER for haul ing wood from Soco to Canton See (Jrady W. Henry or write Box lf3. Houte 2 Waynesville June 21-211 I.OS'I l.argi white hi ea name .loe moi iuug in to Mrs. R July 12 i yellow shepherd dog, .t and feel Answers lost Wednesday Rateiitf Cove Return N Caddy, Ratcliir Cove Reniai d July 5 We Can Show You Micely Hi RAY'S BROWN AND WHITE OXFORDS For Girls - Small Boys - and Women In The Two Ever Popular Styles The hrnwn and whife saddle. 7'he hrown and while moccasin. ol.foui '-,e, lint, the solid uhile iiiori H'-.iii hoth lace and loaler st vie. FOR SAKE One hundred acres, lour room house and barn, mile and one hall fiom eolirl house Tobacco il lot nienl U'ell worth Ihe eight thousand we ask tor it. II II Noll ,,1 Rovd Furni ' tuie Co June 211 PI .A VIS foil SAKE Cabbage, collaids ami tomato plants; field grown now ready York's Plant I-arm (let del Road June 28 . I Oh SAKE Two camp sites, one ha-, i vi ial buildings and other impi ovemeiils A number of good l.'oui'. in a high state of culti vation also several mountain pastiues See II Holt, at lioyd Furniture Co June 28 WANTED TO LEASE Small furn ished home or apartment with two bedrooms within two or three miles of Waynesville July to Nov or Dec Write P O Box T,i, Cairo, Ga June 21 -2H : . . . . FOR SALE Two camp sites, one has several buildings and other improvements A number of good farms in a high stale of culti vation, also several mountain pastures See H. II Holt, at Boyd Furniture Co WANTED Experienced parts man, body man and mechanics Splendid opportunity in these three openings. See Watkins Chevrolet Company. ft WANTED AT ONCE skilled mJ semi-skilled workers. Also truck drivers and farm help. Houses furnished. See Jerry Liner, hi Lake Junaluska. WANTED Two colored women, one waitress and one to assist Inquire Adger House. June 28 rook FOR SAKE Modern home and live choice acres, several miles out on paved highway. II. H. Holt at Boyd Furniture Co. June 211 WANTED woman to work. Mrs. Love Lane, Middle aged white do general house R. N. Barber, 4.ri Telephone 85 If CHOICE LOTS FOR SALE City convenience Telephone !i(!4, T C. Norris. June 3(1 CHARM-KURK PERMANENT WAVE. fi9c! Do your own I'e rnanent with Cliarin-Kiul kit. Easy to do, absolutely harmless Requires no heat, electricity or machines. Safe for every type of hair. Praised by millions in cluding June Lang, glamorous movie star. Eagle Stores Com pany. July 12 Weather-Bird W,i4.0IAMW BRAND Strata f on tort AND Sltlt FOR RENT Two room furnished garage apartment; running water Near hospital. FOR SALE 5 room house and lot. and small orchard near Hael wood Garage on Balsam Road. See Derry Norman or Phone 171-J. Julv 2(i and electricity. See Mrs Annie Route I Waynesville McCracken, June 28 '" BROWN WssSCW H I T E ilH Mffi FOR SALE business II II Ih ( o Two very neat ions on II at Rovd desira ble Main St Furniture June 28 FOR SLIP COVERS, button holes, covered buttons, buckles and belts, also hemstitching, see Mrs T. L. Campbell at 11 Masonic Temple, phone S25-.L' be WANTED Used trunk, must in good run. hi n. i Call 2:)2. June 28 FOR SALE Wood winter's now phone 170-W. Get your next Fred Marcus, July 1!) lo R SAKE in the cit Furniture ( Sevi II ral nice homes 1 II Roll, at Boyd j June 28 FOR SAKE cowhide bag $2:ll(l Call I NT 1 1 Brown Gladstone Practically new. 1 89 J .Inn,. 28 HAVE YOUR SEWING MACHINE repaired at Campbell' Slip Cover and Repair Shop. 11 Masonic Building, Phone 525-J. tf CASH PAID for all old typewriters and adding machines, bring them to us, CHOWDER'S TYPEWRIT ER EXCHANGE, phone 24117, 74 Main St., Canton Aug 2 I' KRTIIER NOTICE we will close every Wednesday at one o'clock American Fruit Stand June 28 wag- You Will Find Thai We Can Show You An Excellent Group Brown and White Women's Moccasins $2.29 up Hrown and White Women's Saddles $2.98 up Hrown and White Misses Oxfords $1.59 up Your Shoe Stamp and Money Can Be Wisely Spent In KAY'S SHOE DEPART1T -Remember that a loose shoe stamp cannot be accepted, r This is the rule of our government Not ours. F'JR SAKE Cloud one horse on See Felix Stnvall j.i A.ni can Fruit Stand Jllue 28 FOR SAKE K'sed baby bedand high cbair. in goo, condition C'all 1 Hi-W ,)une 28 WANTED To buy large Victrola. must be later than lH4n rnwl condition Oct in Robert F. Jones. N C. 2R WANTED To buy lawn mower. Wellco Shoe Corporation, Phone K'll. T I. Campbell, Jr. TYPEWRITER REPAIRS Type writers and adding machines overhauled and adjusted. We also carry typewriter ribbons, all manes anu adding machine paper CHOWDER'S TYPEWRITER EX CHANGE", phone 2487, 74 Main St., Canton. Aug. 2 and in good touch with Mrs Lake Junaluska. ATTENTION TRUCKERS 50 acres Hiley Belle peaches, large size, orchard run, ready last week in June and first week in July. Dr. E. B. Gray, Telephone 3161. Laurens, S. C. July 5 h V- jlV 1 -com w 4 ' r patterns for stvleS . . . ISSK 7 &t 'I f I WEAR LNGER LWn fr J addition to the lainu of cltiltlrcnV sli June 28-July 5 LOST Light tan hat band mark ed Jensen. Inc.. Tampa, Fla. In Hazel wood or Waynesville. If found notify THE MAPLES, care Mrs. Manuel Jones. July 19 'ART STUDIO) I will paint any scenery from Post Card. Snap shot or Nature at a reasonable price, or if you are interested in painting in oil let me teach you how to paint your own pictures in a lew inexpensive simple les sons. Studio at 305 Carolina Ave., Hazelwod, N. C. Visitors welcome. June 28-July 5 WANTED Electric fan for inva lid. Call Mrs. Taylor at B6 June 28 LOST Brown' leather cigarette case, containing about $100.00; also white button, meat tokens, etc. Lost Thursday, June 21, between 10:30 and 11:00 a. m., somewhere between Jean Taxi and Mrs. Carver's boarding house. Reward of $20.00. Call 323, St. John's Church. Mrs. Charles Curtis, Jr. June 28 FOR SALE Fresh cow, also reg istered Poland Chin brood sow 3 years old. Se Mrs. W. R. Arrington, Route 1, Waynesville, Balsam Road. June 28 FOR SALE 150 acre Henderson County farm, long terms, well located, good grain, hay and pro duce section. S. C. markets close by. You won't beat it, and will have to act quickly Price, 000. J. C. Cole. Biltmore. N. C". phone 5918-W. June 28 EVELYN C. REED Teacher of Piano Best American and Eu ropean training. Apply 901, Asheville Road. June 28 FOR SALE Set of brass chimes suited to solo work or for or chestra. Range of two octaves. Apply 901 Asheville Road. 28 WANTED Hogs and shoals. Will pay top prices. Junaluska Sup ply Co., Lake Junaluska. 28 FOUND Black raincoat in our office. Owner may have same by calling. Pet Dairy Products Company. June 28 "WANTED IMMEDIATELY SEVERAL GOOD MEN FOR INSIDE FEED MILL WORK. PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT, GOOD PAY. CALL IMMEDI ATELY BY PHONE COL LECT." EARLE-CHESTERFIELD MILL COMPANY ASHEVILLE. N. C. We Are Proud To Call Your Allenl To Anolhei Group INFANTS N D ( NIL M I N CS SHOES FOR Playpoise Shoes Caier Mot BuiToQualiiy ToPri -And they have built into them exceptional Qualities of appearance and wear. fit Ray's Shoe Department t'ul I

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