(One Day Nearer VJeiory) 'THURSDAY THE WxtNESTILLt: MOUNTAINEER Mrs. Hazel Ferguson Tugman Weds Salvatore Favazzo In St. Petersburg Announcement lius been made of the marriage ol Mrs. Hawl Ferguson Tubman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. I'eryuson, of Waynesville, to Sy I vest ore Favazzo, formerly of Covington. Ky.. which took place in Turners Sunken Gar den in St. Petersburg. Fla.. on Saturday afternoon. May 5, at four o'clock, with Orville Harris, coun ty Judge, officiating. Music included t In- traditional wedding inarches and two solos by Miss Flise Kelleher. soloist. "Oh Promise Me" and "I l.ove You Truly". The bride won- an aqua gown trimmed with fuchsia and orchid sequins, and her accessories were in while Her eorsnge was of or chids. Mrs. John It. tiree. daughter of the bride, was matron of honor She wore a gown ol chart cause crepe, with while accessories and a gardenia corsage Mrs. Kut ti Haydeii served as bridesmaid, and wore a white and yellow flowered silk dress. Her accessories were also in white and her corsage was of gardenias. Mrs. Ferguson, mother of the bride, Wore a bloc erepe dliss With white accessoi ics and gai -denia corsage Following the ceremony the mother of the bride was hosless of a reception held In I he gal dens. The relresluuenl table was centered with a three tired wed ding cake topped with mini i ture bride and In idegi ooie. Mrs. J Waller Perry presided at the punch bowl and was assist ed in serving by Mrs A Knowl ton and Mrs II (' Urunish. for merly of Covington. Ky Out of town guests included Ma jor anil Mrs ,1m- Complon. Avon Park. Fla.. Mrs John li Crecu. Washington. I) ( . Mi - .1 ('. I'n guson, Wasnesvil le. ami I )i and Mrs. I! II l.inilbe ol liirinine ham. Ala. Mr. and Mrs Fava.vo will make llieir bolne at 1-14 I'lltl, Awniie.! St. Petersburg. I I. i U hen travel conditions peimil lliev plan to' visit Mr. Favazzo'-. home in. Sicily ; His parents. I he late Mr and Mrs Conn Favazzo. resided al Capo I )' ' Orlando and his sister resides; there. Mr Favazzo was in liusi iiess in Covington for Hi years prior to coining to Si Petersburg, j Fla. He was a builder eoulraclor in Kenlueky. I A number of affairs were given : me tji'ide and bum-groom prior Many Hard of Hearing tan Hear Tomorrow I Miss Rosalie Cochran : Becomes Bride Of Wm. Lee MeClure, Jr. Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss liosalie Cochran, ol this county, to Wil liam l.ee MeClure. Jr.. coxswain, son of Mr. and Mrs. W I.. Me Clure. of Waynesville. K F.I). No. 1 The marriage look place in Clayton, (la., on Wednesday. June ' 'Z(i The ruupie were accompanied by Miss (.'liarlnie MeClure and llur rus Swangei The bridegrooiu entered the ser vice in May. 1!I42. and enlisted al Norfolk. Va. lie has reeentlv re I timed froni three yeais overseas dulv in the Pacilic theatre At the tune be entered 1 1 it- ser vice he was employed by the Auagusla Manufacturing Company, lie will spend a I h irly -day leave al home Mrs MeClure will re side in llaelwnod Mr and Mrs Hugh .1. Sloan have as llieir guest their daughter in-law. Mrs Hobert I. Sloan Mr. and Mrs. T. I. lirainlett had as their guests last week Mr and Mrs 1( I. Fowlei . and Hobble and Donna Marie Fowler, ol Chapel Hill Mrs Fowler was before her marriage the former Miss Alma I lo lirainletl. daughter ol Mr Hrainhlt. Mrs Kuilolpli Carswell and chil dren, .lackee and John, of Morgan ton, are visiting Irieiids here this week Mrs Carswell and children are making their home in Morgan Ion while her husband is set v lug in t he navv . Sgt. Ilatsuiiii Yaniatla. of Wash ington. I) '. spent a few days in Haolvvood last week at Hie home ol Mrs W A Wlulner Sgt Ya mada is an Auierieaii-born Japa nese This was his second veil in llaelwood. Ifev. and Mrs Kverett Murray had as I heir guests last week the formers brother and sisler-in law. Mr and Mrs Fred Murrav. and Mr Murrav 's mother. Mrs. Mabel Murrav . all ol Raleigh, Mrs Mur rav will spend a few weeks here before returning home Charlotte Chastain Becomes Bride Of Andrew Thiebeau i Mr. and Mrs Thomas Jefferson Chastain, of H.F.D. No. 2, for merly of Waynesville, have an nounced the marriage of their daughter. Miss Charlotte Centry Chastain. of Newport News. Va.. to Andrew Nelson Thiebeau. RM, ! first class. U.S.N.. of Boston. Mass. , I and New York City. ; j The wedding took place on I March 27 at 9 o'clock in the eve- ning at Clayton, (la . with the ' i double ring ceremony being used I The bride wore a suit of light I melon and black and her acces- sories were in while. Her corsage : was of yellow roses and lilies of1 ; the vallev. I The bride is a graduate of the I Waynesville Township high school ; in the class of IIIHI and attended SI John's llusiuess School For ; I be past four years she has been making her home in Newport ; News. Va.. where she first held a j position with the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Com-' i I 'any and al the tune of her mar riage was connecled with the K. I.. ' Wilson Realty Company. The bridegroom is the son of Mrs Anna M Thiebeau. of Hoston, Former Waynesville Girl Weds In Ga, ith Ourinr drops i,-ed with UMf-dur toh.iril,-u'il ,ir t b,iI.,i .ly tl. Online Hum Mr-il,.,.! i but enut'lrj On-til lu lir il w,- teal betrri li,-i n,.,uriB n,,. ,H1, ini't'' intr. If Ikuium hrurt I -v.n I, rnifiK.m, t (l,:if o ni.n, Mrs. Fred MeMahail and Smith's Cut-Kale Oruif Store We Will llepair Vc.nr Alarm Clocks ALSO .IFWFI.Itv AND WATCH RIl'AIIts DAVIS SMITH (Jewelers Since I.SCf.i Coniplele Stuck Opposite Masonic Irinplr Hldg. Telephone 5 14 H ( htircli St. son. Roger, of ( Ireenville, S. ('., are spending a few days here with Mrs McMahan's father. James Da vis and other relatives. - Mr. and Mrs Havinou Stovall 1 anil two children. I.vnda and John ; ' David sient a few tlavs lieie last , week visting relatives and lijcmls Mrs. Richard (larrmger and two ' daughters. Marv autl llean. of lirunswuk. (la. have arrived lo spend a lew weeks al their home in llazelwood. lo their marriage. Mrs (Ireen entertained with a dinner prior! lo the rehearsal. Mrs Haydeii; was hostess of a picnic luncheon i at her beach cottage on Treasure 1 Island. Mr Favazzo was host of I a supper party al the Columbia! Restaurant . Tampa, for the wed ding party. Mass.. and was- educated in the schools of Ibal city. lie enlisted in Hie Navy in I DIM and has served in the Pacific theatre having tak en part in twelve major engage uieiiK Al the tune lie entered the service lie was employed by , the I.'. S. Postal Service. New York. Following their marriage Un couple look a welding trip to i points of interest in Western i North Carolina, alter which they Went to Newport News, where the , bridegroom was stationed The latter has since then been assigned to duly ill I he Soul h Pacilic and Mr;. Tluebeau is making her home with her parents in Whittier IMelliodist Circles To Meet On Tuesday i The circles of I he Woman's So eielv of Christian Service of the Fiist Methodist Church will meet as liilloMs: on Tuesday, July H. Circle Number One. with Mrs. Frank Turner on lialsaiu Road, the members leaving town al 12 o'clock noon for a picnic dinner Circle Number Two with Mrs .lai us Palmer al li .'til o'clock in the afternoon; Circle Number Three, with Mrs. Jack Way al :i:HO in the afternoon; Circle Number Four with Miss Bessie and Miss Daisy Hoyd, with Mrs. W. C. Boul well as associate hostess, id 7:1111 o'clock: and Circle Number Five, with Mrs. Wayne Corpening al 7 ::ill.. Mr and Mis Sam Knight had as their guests during last week Mr and Mrs M. M. Massingill and three children and Mr and Mrs llenslev and son. all of ('ireenville. S. C. t Mr. and Mrs Fred Tate and young daughter, of Newton, spent the week-end ill llazelwood with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs Joe M Tale. Mrs. .lames Knight, who is at lending King s Business College in Charlotte, spent the week-end here with relatives. She hail with her a friend. Miss Marjorie Hoard ANDRFW NKI.SO.N TtflEBK'AU. R.M. I C AND MRS. TIIIKUKAU. whose marriage look place in Clayton. Ga . on March 27. The bride was belore liei marriage Miss Charlotte (lentr.v Chastain. of New port News, formerly of Waynesville. Program At Lake Junaluska Assembly l'riii;riull .lone SJK-.fillv I Sermon. IIC- Cllll- Jiiii- Thursdav H:Hll p. m Dr .1 Wallace llamillon Fritlav. June l!!l Moving lure. "Passage lo Marseille " Sal urday, June ltd Populai ci rl : Harold Dickensheels and aluska Singers. Sunday. July 1. II a. in. Ser mon: Dr Albert Shirkey; ti:!ll) p. hi Sermon: Dr Shirkey. Monday. July 2, il:.'l() a. in. -12 in. Young Mimslers Seminal Rev. Arlluir Kale. Hickory, "Modern Approach to Fvangelisni; 12 m Sermon: Dr. Shirkey; H:H() p. in Sermon: Rev. Wallace Fridy, l.y man, S. C. Tuesday, July It. !):30 a. in. Seminar, Rev John Iv Myers, Nor folk. Va.. "Spiritual Knrirhmenl of the Miuislei"; 12(10 in. Sermon: Dr. Shirkey; ll:H(l p. in. Sermon. Rev J. S Curry. I lardinsburg. Ky. Wednesday, July 4, Indepen dence Day - Sports and games on athletic lields, K. R Riedel. recre ational director; SI HO a m. Sein i'nar. Rev. K. D. C. Brawer, Ba- liev F. I). C. Brewer, Ha Sermon: Dr. Shirkey; 8:110 Sermon: Rev. W. C Cnnmn Oxford. Miss. Captain and Mrs. W. C. Jensen; and small daughter, Karen, id' ; Washington D. C. are visiting Mrs Kugene C. Jones, grandmoth er of Mrs. Jensen Before her j marriage Mrs. Jensen was Miss Katherine Justice, daughter of Mr. ; and Mrs J. F. Justice, of Hthel. Captain Jensen, who has been serving for the past III months with the AAF in the Furopeati I theatre, has reecnlly returned ' home from overseas j Miss Kathryn Knighl has re-1 turned to Kings Business College; in Charlotte where she is a student after spending a week with rela-j lives in llazelwood. She was ac-j compiinied back by her sister, Miss Betty Knight, who spent several days with her. I Asheville Road - Next To Hospi COMPLETE of (inrnVn Fresh PRODUCE FRUI T S and GROCERIES Staple aiifl Ihiicv Drive Out for Choice Selection?; a nil Save Always The HQ1X-T Asheville Road '.--'-Vy 9 Any- I 'Mm Mo a e v TO Very Best ll I I litli Next To H( mar. noon p in bain Joe Davis, of Wilmington, has arrived to spend several days in llazelwood with his parents Mr and Mrs. C S. Davis. Just Received -Lovely Fast Color 1 C 1 opreaas 9 4C4 Floral Designs Double Bed Si IP $16.95 Also Chenille Spreads .v5: n Remember Our BLANKET SALE Stock Up Now -MUDS "Home Of Better Values" ON Mr. and Mrs. and daughter. Alexandria. Va.. llazelwood with Kennel b Davis Minnie Lou. of spent last week in the former's par- ;i i nt Mrs. Spiirgeoii Da- i4 cuts, Mr. vis. Famous to relieve MONTHLY FEMALE MISERY ( Als fin Sttnwdiic Tonic I ) Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound Is famous to relieve not only monthly .pain but also accompanying nervous, tired, hlghstrung feelings when due to functional periodic dis turbances. Taken regularly it helps build up resistance against such dis tress. Pinkham's Compound helpa na iuret Follow label directions. Try itl JjjdUa. ?. (flvnAAamb compound A COWT (9 BOON WITH TVtl SAMS. LENGTH LEGS AS HE WllL ALWAYS HAVfc . MASSIE HARDWARE CO. has always had the finest farm and home supplies al the lowest prices, and will continue this policy as lone as there are buyable sup plies. Your correct judg ment will be quick to rec ognize championship cali bre. Thus .... we have won and will keep first place in favor. iUUIilif;V,lfl J " Wl ll .Jill , -n-ym r H APT i Deck your home with Su mer's breeziest cui tciins tl: lub fresh as new! P'e! lianainqs for every toon crisp panels, pnscilKc H IJJV OUIO 111 loiv cottons - all vci thriftpriced! You Can Always Depend On BELK-HUDSON Home Of Better Values" t . 1 1

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