LgDAf. C3fE 23, 1945 (0n Day Victory? locations ed UP This THE WATNESVtttE BfOUNTAINEEH' Pag 3 Second Section in' local . during the i'J ' , . ,.i i-iehty- V !t!l " .V. in mf'' 1; ,. i L.nk Leon . r ,it. Lawrence J V;'"1!- , ,'.! Frank i' ", , iciubree, , i;.','.,,.. Walter i' .X. rt Lee Cor- PV k;,,,.. Miller. N"1' , , ..u-hariied) :n .t!S'i,1',' ,i'.n Wiggins, f1 Vl,, n.l Robert ucrc: Hil ,,,,, William Hubert Aus- I ,;, ',. , Kilhy. Leet ManninC '"'"' . ' , !.- , I : ,,ui i- -' , ,,i 11, hi rllislllll'll. i u,is John , '.' l; v rl j'V-k iL.dL Howard ,(,d i i;..v Nelson ; i' v.t ic t.niH'ii 1 ,,, I,., i Julius Her- lll'll- " i 1 were: ...,! ,i,,i' Duck- 'II 1 ,1 i: ilin rri i! h ri ll ! ! I! i i i' Sid- l'i;1 ,,r . I, lines Wil li,,, i :.,iiil,' William ,, , ,i 1 1 1 it ' l!;iy Van I !,!,, . I d in Dol- l iirrr Ern- I ( arlelon , i was llow- , - :' were: I ill. is Claude U , . ni' Rogers, ,11,-1, , ,ii ( I. mile I'.dllion I ,i, k si. ii ilm Bradley, n) :,i .' K' were: Hi.:,.. Plrminons, Jack ("is.i'iKi- 1. i ndsey, I Hp.- ('ill l.nilicr Rog- !, ! I'.i adshaw. ,d 1 1., .s 2-H were: .n-.s,:' !Imii. Mack , II"' !n Sim Wiley Li m'h-i'i iini'i'. lloy I'l'inii- mil' naivcy Ic l.rr I " i -1 n r . Clarence Birk ln ,ih, mi Lincoln (ii "i Lr Cuero lloope, h,.iii"iil I ' li i: ,'Hiu.s. Jo- H iii'iiv Kdgar Den- ta& William Tavlnr Wil- ,ii Miisr .l.iini's Trumen pi ii i' lliihis ( 'ngdill. Vin- il riiiill. anil OrVllle J;i!i;r "d Mi H:iv. :'(' . K were: 'ii1 ii.,! iMiiuir. (i rover in,:.,'. !n K.ii I is if .lames, T.i if ( '.iiiiiiIk'H. si si :.-:. 2 C was ' k.'lll.T Hiiiiii- liir keeps. Mile Treatment for ach Distress Much Sloniaeh Acid BJ& li.rluif.1 with i.'itiiu miM'iy ol ' Ii lM '' fl'Ili;Il'll ' I "f tin, fa M'N T.UII.KTS M ' 'i ' " liuii'lrrils of ,''-, SiiiM'iely tWl fill I I'll' (I'll Mf ,' ' 'nil (lie In..." Vni, Tub ''"'"" ' 'fiil!,' formu " . ', , , -iii!.!,) irritating . ' ' ' " " " I (mm KiH'h ' ,' ' ' 'M ' ,r"l,i i',Hii;istion, "' 1 ' - i !, , , i,,-, :,,uir stoni 'r ' ' i ' '" ,ir i rxi'esB ' .IiiiiM tiy Vim's '' 1 -: 1 'I lll'llll' . . . ' t $125 Trial ;-'n" tVSO sizes. At EATf HRUG STORE and koocl STURE or Rent f; :'"r " Mr;,,) 0f w ? 111, .1,1 1 1 "! longer. h ",iKi,i,.lri M'Plv in 1"U I) wis Itoilli- Ho Fill-Mill,, V r ' E3RLNKS ARE 0N THE marines Legal Advertisements ;.-..;::::::. . " " C mriki 5-;r - C'JA' . " . AN OKINAWA BABY, found abandoned in Nuha when the 6th Division Marines entered the capital city, gets milk rations from Pharmacist's Mate J. W. Wood, Atlanta, G a. U. S. Marine Corps pho to. ( n I c ni a tionu I ) SOLDIERS MAN CHICAGO TRUCKS AFTER THE GOVERNMENT STEPPED IN to insure steady truck operations during the strike of two Chicago unions, Mi's are shown in that city as they took over the job ol driving civilian trucks. More than 15U0 Military Police were on hand to "keep 'em rolling." (International .Soiindplioto) MET BY HIS GREATEST ADMIRER THE NATION'S OUTSTANDING WAR HERO in Kun jir, Gen. Dv. icht P. Ki senhowcr is met by his wife at the Nation.il Airport in U'.ishinejon, 0. Cn following his arrival from Germany, on his first trip home ;incc the pre European invasion days. (7itvnt:rmnl Sminlpluito) Pfl'D LIKE TO ) 1 RETJRE SOME DAY, I : vg:7 YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE RICH. YOU CAN HAVE MONEY, AND BE ABLE TO RETIRE AND ENJOY LIFE IF YOU PROVIDE NOW WITH A JEFFERSON STANDARD OPTIONAL RHIRthW PLAN. S. E. CONNATSER SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE hlTE 2 - WAYNESVILLE YOUR JEFFERSON STANDARD AGENT WILL BE HAPPY TO GIVE YOU COMPLETE DETAILS AT NO COST. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having qualified as administra lor of the estate of W. A. Hyatt, deceased, late of Haywood County, I North Carolin. this is to notify, all I persons having claims against the j estate of said deceased to exhibit i them to the undersigned at Waj j nesville. North Carolina, on or be Ifore the 14th day of June. 1946 or this notice will be pleaded in bar I of their recovery. All persons in I debted to said estate will please , make immediate payment. This the 14th day of June, 1945. L. L. HYATT, Administrator of the Estate of W. A Hyatt, deceased. 1442-June 14-2128 July 5-12-19 f KXKCl'TOR'S NOTICE j Having qualified as Kxecutor ot j the estate of J A Parks, deceased. I late of Haywood County. North I Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit same to the undersigned at Route 2. Waynesville. N. C. on or before the 26th day of April, 1946, or this notice will be plcadod in bar of their recovery. All persons in dented to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This the 26th day of April, 1945. GLKNN A. BOYD, Kxecutor. Estate- of J A. Parks, Deceased. 1429-May 31 - June 7-14-21-28 July 5 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tors of the estate of Mrs. Laura Howell, deceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased lo exhibit them to the undersign ed at box 253, route 2, Waynes ville. North Carolina, on or before the 31st day of May. 194fi or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery All persons in debted lo said estate will please make immediate payment This the 301 h day of May, I94.Y Will Howell and Guy Howell, Administrators of the Estate of Mrs. Laura Howell, deceased. 1439 -May 31 June 7-1 4-21-28 July 5 PiitiHiiwmiW t-wiiiww t ' I t f .... jk .9a3TO?ffi3s8gwf&watiwa . Hfc. f lwlininw ini'i mii'i"'""-"'- i it: irar TRUSTEE'S SALE NOTICE is hereby given that under the power ol sale given in a deed in trust executed by Way nesville Masonic Temple Company to the undersigned Trustee, dated i March 16, 1945. and recorded in Hook of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust 30, page 174 in the olliee of the Register of Deeds for Haywood County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the debl secured thereby, and the holder of said debt haiing de manded that the undersigned Trus tee exercise said power of sale, and sell he property thereby conveyed, as provided in said deed in trust, THEREFORE, on July 23, 1945, at Twelve o'clock Noon at the Court House door of Haywood County, North Carolina, the undersigned will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for casji, that cer tain lot of land in the Town of Waynesville, County of Haywood, State of North Carolina, more par ticularly hounded and. described, iis follows: Lying and being In the Town of Waynesville, Haywood County, North Carolina, .bit thti.Soirtti Side of Church Street, in said Town, and more particularly described and defined as follows: BEGINNING at a slake on the West side line of Church Street, said slake being the Northeast corner of the United States Gov ernment Lot; thence with Church Street, North 69 deg. 'MY West, 74 feet lo :i stake; thence South 18 deg. West 114.7 feet to a stake; thence South 68 deg. East 74 feet to a stake; corner of the United States Government Lot; thence with said Lot, North 18 deg. East 1 16. Z leel to the BEGINNING, con taining 8545 square feel, more or less. Purchasers at the sale other than the note holder will be required lo deposit five per cent of the amount bid in cash at the time of the sale or the bid will not he considered, and the properly will he re-sold This sale is subject to outstand ing reservations, restrictions and rights of way and such taxes and assessments as may now be a lien against the property. This the Kith day of June, C M. FORTUNE", Trustee 1444 June 21-28 July 5-12. 1945 NOTICE OF SALE Pursuent to an oider of the Superior Court of Haywood t'oun t '. made in the Special Proceed ing entitled "Mary Bumgarner vs Ellis Burrell. Edward Burrell. H C. Burrell, Sidney Burrell, lea Burrell, Jess Burrell, Jcthro Bur rell, Murphy Burrell, Agnes Creas man. Ardith Bumgarner. Alma Bumgarner. Ella May Bumgarner. Glen Bumgarner, I .ill io Bumgar ner. and John Henrv Bumgarner," I will on Monday. July 23rd. 1945. at eleven o'clock a. m. at the Court House door in Waynesville. N. C. offer for sale at public outcry to the highest bidder, upon terms of one-half cash balance one and two years,, the following described lands and premises, situate, lying and being in Waynesville Town ship. Haywood County. Ninth Caro lina VI. BEGINNING on a dogwood on the West bank ol Aliens Crook, old Lyman and Massie corner, and runs N. 15 W 43 poles to an ivy bush. Mi.lliee's corner; thence with old Mulliee line S tUt' j E. 58 poles to a small chestnut oak; theme S 70" E. 91 poles to a stake, thence South 96 poles; thence with old Wyalt line to Ly man Wahoo's corner al branch, passing W'yatl's back coiner at 36 poles, thence with Lyman line to the BEGINNING, containing Filly acres, more or less, and being a tract ol land conveyed lo Mary Bunigarner by William T. Thoinjii, et al Executors of James Ii Line, deceased, by instrument dated April 13. I8H6. and recorded in Book page , Haywood Counts liegislry This June 2Lsl, 1945 A. T. WARD. ( 'olllllllsliiiii-l No I I ir, j,,,,,. Hit-July in i;i ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as ailimnisli a II ls ot Hie estate ol I 111 i Kotlia Sr. deceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina. Ilns is In notify all persons having claims against Hie estate of the said llartv liollia. Sr. deceased, to exhibit same to the undersigned adminis Iratrix In Waynesville. N C . on or before the 21st day ol June, l!llti or Ibis notice will be pleaded in bar of their recorvcry All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate sell lenient This June 14. 1945 GEORGIA K BOTH . Administratrix, estate ol llariy Botha. Sr., deceased 1443 June 21-2)1 Julv ! 12 19 26 SERVICE UV ri UI.ICATION NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA. HAYWOOD COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK OBER1A ROGERS PADGETT. PAULINE PLO'IT, KATE MOR RIS. JOSEPHINE DUNCAN. JACQUE COIN. WILLIE EDNA LSENIIOUR. DOROTHY ROG ERS. ROY McCHAOKEN. AND E D G A R PERSON, ET AL PLAINTIFFS VS. URANNER GILMER. HI', HE GIL MER. TO MM IK II AMBLE. JR.. MARGUIHTE GAMBLE, ROB ERT GAMBLE. AND T. A. GAMBLE. GENERAL GUARD IAN OF MARGUIHTE AND MARGUIHTE GAMBLE, IN FANTS. The defendants. Brainier Gilmer, Behe Gilmer. Tommie Gamble, will lake notice that a special pro ceeding entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood county belorc the clerk to sell certain land for par tition amongst the plaintiffs and defendants as tenants in common, said land consisting ot 6 lots in Waynesville, N. C . on Daisy Ave nue; and the said defendants. Brainier Gilmer, Bebe Gilmer and Tomniie Gamble, will further take notice that I bey are required to appear al the olliee of the clerk of the Superior court of Haywood county in the court bouse in Way nesville, N. C. on the 7lli day of July, 1945. and answer or demur lo the complaint of Hie plaintiUs in said special proceeding, or the plaintiffs will apply to Hie court for the relief demanded in said complaint This the 4lh day id June. IDI.i C. II. LEATHERWOOI), Clerk of the Superior Court, Haywood County. No. 1440 June 7-14-21-28 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE On Monday, Julv 9th, 1945. at j eleven o'clock. A M., at the court i house door in the Town of Way nesville, N. C. I will offer for I sale at public outcry to the high- est bidder for cash, the following i described reI estate situate in I said Town and State, to-wit: Being Lot No 76 of Grand View : Sub-Division in the Town of Way I nesville. as per plat recorded in ! the Olliee of the Register of Deeds ; of Haywood County. I Sale made pursuant to power I and authority conferred upon me j by that certain Deed of Trust dat ed July 14, 1943, executed by R. II. Clark and wife, Gertrude P. Clark and recorded in Book 52, uage 115, Hay wood County Regis try, to which Deed of Trust and record reference is hereby made tor all the term- and conditions thereof, and also pursuant to Or der of Resale made by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County, June 22. 1945. This 22nd day of June, 1945. A. T. WARD, Trustee. No. 1446 June 28-Julv 5 F E E D 8f DAIRY da a DOUBLE JOB Fd improprly balonctd can itimulal milk flow yt wrock the health of a cow throuah lowering hep vitality and reiielance to disease. You can avoid such rieki by using LIFE GUARD Dairy Feeds. These ieeds are designed lo do a double job. They economically provide the necessary milk mak ing materials and Rt the same time guard the health ol your he'd with their balanced blend of mineral i, vitamins and other health protecting nutrients. LIFE GUARD Dairy Feeds assist both health and production. Ask for free booklet. Hyatt & Company PHONK I ! AT Till: DKl'OT M ore GRADE A Milk Producers Needed To Fill Ever Increasing Demand F. o r PET PASTEURIZED MILK I We Are Paying Top Milk Prices Pet Dairy Products Co. l'liunc 10 Waynesville, N. ('. Announcing : : - Convenient Daily Twin-City mm For Waynesville and Lake Jnnaloska SCHEDULE WANTED AT ONCE Man or Woman As hi It hen Helper and Dishwasher. j (,'ood Pay. S DUNHAM HOUSE V Dr. H. M. Clarvoc J GENERAL PRACTICE 'VETERINARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY OFFICE PHONE 93 RESIDENCE PHONE 485-K OFFICE DEPOT STREET Lv. Waynesville 8:30 A. M. 10:00 A. M, 12:00 A. M. 3:00 P. M, 4:00 P. M. 5:00 P. M. 9:10 P. M. Ride Our Fires Lv. Jimaluska . 1 1 9:00 A. M. 11:00 A. M. 2:00 P. M. 4:00 P. M. 6:30 P. M. 9:30 P. M. MODERN BUSES Single Fare 20c Round Trip 35c Fare on Grounds 10c GOOD DRIVERS The buses leaving the Lake at 9:00 A. M. and 2 P. M. will go through to Hazelwood for the benefit of any golfers. RIDE OUR TIRES Twin-City B us Service TOM LEE. Owner M ill 1 1 uilfUlM KM?

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