SDAT. S' 1945 (0n 'Dy Netrer Victory)" THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER ;tt Vanhook Swarded The nle Hean Johnnie L. Mattie Van- Ml- HiPn has rcii-""-' Hpari ombat on . 3 rent' i Ha- " bit ''' hi'.'' a., hv Briga- , Mil""- ,,,.i, Motiman. L-uiii- ilu- First Cav ,,.,,,,110(1 and is ',,, with his unit. 1!lt..i-m;iit" received !riii;irl"'s Neil livis 1 1. nlw'linrcccl loram t t, Davis, son s'..;'li- l''ank Davis, in.iilllis in the V 'r ,!,!.. theatre. was dis ' wrrk lrnm Camp Gor ,.nuwu the service " Kr 1Q41 1 111 M'l'11 . " ,,.,..(1 ;ii Fort Bragg. ! his basic train- , w.ilk'rs. Tex., ana .. in to Camp Liv IV! ore being sent IU,' id so stationed at m . . Iliirino his , ,IUI nllt'-KK' I lie oiaics (.,.ua. hi Australia, New NYUicrlamls East Indies, .!!:' a- ; nilippn"'-' jVh UilS UOllllUl'U 111 ii44 diiriiiK the invasion ii.. ;.. ....IIII...I ,),,. Pi-r-ivarl narDor riD- ,1 ... i ll.ii.ifin llipalrp (;,,il CiindiK't medal, I'res- iiIMi riiation, Inlanlry ;,t I'.Hilil' . mar he end-red the scr- . , .inii' eel al Hampton, U.ti Hi-mis .iinl Stamps; or Sale PAIR DRAFT HORSES TuJii :r I'm- Heavy Work. ( lir sera at IU A l l FARM I iiivn-H Itoud r drl.iils ,ni(l pi'ii cs, Sl-C I'ilhi-r . . . I, II MIAMI, ETT or III I I S SILER Sgt. Robt. M. Hawkins Stationed In Florida Sgt. Robert M. Hawkins, Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Hawkins, of Clyde, R.F D No 1. is now stationed at MacDill Field! Tampla. Fla.. where he is under going combat crew training as a gunner on a B-29 Superfortress MacDill Army Field is part of the Third Air Force, which trains heavy bomber crews in the Unit ed States. Among the instructors at the field are many officers aiU en listed men who have seen action in every theatre of operations. These veterans direct crews through ground and flight training which stimulates actual combat, stresses teamwork, formation fly ing, high altitude missions and other phases of combat training. Cpl. Mark Edwards Wins 3rd Battle Star Corporal Mark Edwards, of Waynesville, R.F.D. No. 1, has re cently been awarded his third bat tle star. He is serving with Com pany H. 119th Infantry of the 30th Division. Cpl. Edwards has been serving for sometime in the European the atre and participated in the Nor mandy, Northern France and Ger man campaigns. He also holds the Infantryman combat badge. Fred E. Martin, Jr., AAF, Returns To Tost Flight Officer Fred E. Martin. Jr., who has spent the past several days here with his parents at their home on Love Lane has re ported back to his post at Pheonix, Ariz. Flight Officer Martin entered the service in the spring of-1943 while he was a student at Western Caro lina Teachers College and has been trained at a number of air elds throughout the country. If, when your hair needs overhaul ing, a date calls up ... no time for stalling.! Use MINIPUU WW the dry shampoo Ten minutes does the job for you! Ford Motor Plans Large Expansion Plans for a $150,000,000 expan sion and production of cars by Ford Motor Company were receiv ed here this week by Henry Davis, manager ot Davis-Liner Motor Sales The first Ford this year rolled from the assembly 1 ine this week Mr. Davis indicated that the postwar line of Ford. Mercury and Lincoln automobiles would be greatly expanded to provide models and body styles to cover every price field from the lowest to the finest in style and perform ance in the automotive industry. Mr. Ford explained that "many of our war contracts have already been terminated, and more of Ihent will be soon, because we were principally engaged in manufactur ing material lor the European the atre. "As our services become less and effort, he said "we will complete elTofrrt. he said, "we will complete the shift from war work to mass assembly of automobiles just as rapidly as government restrictions are removed, "We will do everything in our power to shorten the transition period, and to prevent a serious slump in employment which would result from a prolonged postpone ment of passenger car production for civilian use." Marriage Took Place In St. Petersburg Ac J C?, - fir J( MB. AND MRS. SYLVESTKKK 1 AVA..O. whose niamage took place in Turner's Sunken Garden in SI I'ed-rsburg. I'la mi Sjlurdiiy. ! May 5. Mrs. Favazzo was before her marriage tin- humor Mi-.-. j Ferguson Tugman. daughter of Mr. and Mrs ,1. (.'. Ferguson, ol Way. nesville. Miss Vera Hosaflook To Head Typing Department At King's Miss Vera Hosaflook. daughtei of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hosaflook. of Waynesville, has accepted a position as head of the typing de partment in Kings Business Col lege in Charlotte. Miss Hosaflook left Thursday to resume her work after spending several days here with her parents, prior to which she had attended a ten-day house party at Myrtle Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kinsey had as their guests last week the fit ter's sister. Mrs. Charles Silter and her daughter. Mrs. Edward Broadl, of Berwick, Pa. Mrs. David Allen, of Raleigh, is visiting her daughter-in-law. Mrs. William E. Smith. Mrs. Smith is Hie former Miss Emelyn Haynes. daughter of Mrs. Claude C. Hay nes. FIRST CATTLE FOS FREED NATIONS I f iiiii(iiiiiim.i ' i, , 4t,, A I 3Q 8HWW,JMaUDWIMTT 0gM Smith's Cut-Rate Drue Store A I) MINI ST RATOK'S NOTIC E Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Mrs Hazel Har ris Eaton, late a resident of Clay ton County. Georgia, and seized of property in Haywood County, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate lo file same with me at my office in Way nesville. N. C. promptly or this notice will he pleaded in bar there of This June 2). 1 045. A. T.. WARD. Administrator. 1447 July 5-1 2-1 9-2G Aug. 2 . ah, mitt . .. Jd . s 1. I " S,JS V VM SURE" the new cars are coming BUT ecause of the tremendous demand, it may not be possible to get one as ' quickly as you think so Will Be Smart To Keep Your Present Car In Good edition ... For You May Have To Depend On It For Another Year Or So. Bring Your Ford "Back Home" For Service w p,":'llv 'rained Ford mechanics I '. r best. We have the irMY" K,vc vou reaI Ford factory f" mtv ire. We use Genuine u 1 ails . ... Li . . Mris mat are made -hi Ml, W ii 't , i i if j i ? s; i f -fc HEADED FOR GREECE, th first shipment of livcMo, k from the I NRUAj the liberated nations of Europe is shown hero being loaded on a sbp at Baltimore, Md. The shipment of 704 nniinals included r,:i.") 1m own Swiss heifers and some Swiss bulls for breeding. (IiiIli national Soumlvtioto) RADIO INTRODUCES TWIN TO TWIN . .,.1 . rvMn-iNiw.-w?imn I -i I -v, ' ,-S,'-!?''-! f 'S P. fl 1. ' -;i;LiirmmiiiiiiiiMi ' ' ' :cs '? t f . I Cpl. Woody Lackey Returns From Overseas Cpl. Woody Lackey has return ed from fifteen and one half months in the European theatre. He was attached to the 15th Re inforcement Depot, a replacement center, and he served both in Eng land and in France. Cpl. Lackey entered the service in September, 1941, and was in ducted at Fort Brags and from there sent to Camp Wolters, Tex., where he took his basic training. He was later sent to Barkley, Tex., and was there assigned to the 45th Division, with which he serv ed for 18 months. He was then sent to Fort Devens, Mass., later to Pine Camp, N. Y.. and then to Camp Picket, Va. At the latter he became a member vf the State Hospital Detachment. During February of 1944 he was sent to Camp Butner, and was assigned to the 15th Depot group. He embarked from Camp Kilmer, N. J. At the time he entered the ser vice he was serving as deputy register of deeds of Swain coun ty. He will spend 30 days here with his wife, after which he will re port to Fort Bragg and then later to Indian Town Gap, where he will rejoin his organization. He is entitled to wear the Pre-Pearl Harbor ribbon, Good Conduct medal, European theatre ribbon and one battle star. ACCUSTOMED TO ITS OWN MAGIC, radio used that of the Ai my s records ar.d brought together in the New York broadcasting studio of a network program Sgt Granville J. P. LeFebrve (left) nnd Cpl. Martial Ham':;, twin brothers born in New York but sep.ualed .since infancy. After the d'a'h of their parents, Martial was adopted by a family named Harris. Thereafter nriihrr brothrr .saw or even heard of the other unlil, as pic tured, tiuty met at the microphone. (nfen-attonal) nuht ast longer (THERE'S A FORD IN YOUR FUTURE) We are anxious (o help keep your pres ent Ford giving you thrifty, depend able service until we can deliver your new Ford because we know that's the best wav lo be certain . . . Wis-Liner Motor Sales Asheville Road JAPS FEAR AMAMI THRUST NEXT KUt OKINAWA ' .M.YAKO PACIFIC "ishigaki OCEAN jf OSHIMA M WHILE 3000 THIRST-CRAZED JAPS were reported caught m the last "death- : pocket" on Okinawa, Radio Tokyo was busy telling of U. S. bomber blasts j on Amami (1), shown on map at left. The Jap broadcasts expressed fear j of an invasion of Amami, which lies just south of K'-vshu. Map at right indicates tiny pocket r:.iinir.2 en Ok:::a " ", f -.t zi'.'.'j Phil M. Medford left Saturday to resume his studies at Emory University. Atlanta, after .spending ten days with his parents, Dr. and Mr. N..M. Medford. "If V ...MR10N 1TAM0AW KT-Vfl If -4.MERICA started on the road to freedom when the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. Today every man in America has an opportunity to start his own family on the road to freedom from financial insecurity with Jefferson Standard "Planned Protection". A Jefferson Standard Policy is a Decla ration of Independence for the family. There is a Jefferson Standard policy for every life insurance need. At no cost to you, we will be glad to help you work out your "Planned Protection" program. Call or write today, S. E. CONNATSER SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE ROUTE 2 WAYNESVILLE See Us For : - Fresh Choice FRUITS & VEGETABLES CANNING Housewives contact us for your produce needs for canning. Our quality will make your canning season pleasant and profitable. Farmer's Exchange PHONE EAST WAYNESVILLE WILL U. WORRY ASKS.. Are you sure you'll make il t " Sr k X . f "Tfee oat ifaortaje is awful... ani i to get worse. Your own right i probably the oldest car you erer owned. You may not get another for a long time. Will this one really see you through? "The answer may depend on what you do right now. July and August can be the hardest months of the year on your car's moving parts... battery... tires. They may suffer serious exrre wear..; unless they hare correct summer- attention . . . "So see your Eseo Dealer NOW for fresh, protective Esso Motor Oil and chassis lubrication. Be sure your battery or tires don't quit next winter through careless neglect right now. It's up to you and you alone. And it's mighty important..." Be safe, not sorry... see your Eeso Dealer and SAVE THAT CAR! COMPANY OF NET JERSEY nEsso) cor saves wear STANDARD, OIL Howell's Esso Service DILL HOWELL. Owver Washing Greasing Tire Repairing Main Street Leathervvood and Phillips Esso Sta. Irving Leatherwood and Ben Phillips, Owners Fast, Courteous Service Phone 9172 'Asheville Road Walker's Esso i Station CLAVTON WALKER. Owner "Complete One-Stop Service"