14 'sp4T, 12, 1945 (0ne Daj Nearer Victory) Chapel led In Ln Section ,.,led in the , iiNll.,i m honor Ward, was mi.nmig at '".Vrial service, .'.pupal of the r,',,mi!C School ..t,,;n speaker. , till' pro- V,i i Veil Brown. . ,1. Mountain ir: C'apt. V. Wci-v. and Lt. ml to Ma- ;,;,-(-. will be r;;iii,.! which :,;:,, near the ; but has . .. riiureh. on Miniinn and ,,.s,!,, nwht of .in, j id an an ,i!ni Biuwn. Ke. Hie seventh inMin Division v, ,n this irea, . inc inanage- with the M..pie Springs liuirlers. The1 organized : mmi's ago. ,r;,ii service I, Auuust lias . ihe fust Sun will In- held ,i, ! u ii h an all ,i,ii liy lum- i in i is Iviiss had i i iir week-end ,,( i and Miss I , i ,i h i Minville. THE WAYNESVIUS5 MOUNTAINEER Section On Patrr Marriage Takes Place In Revere, Mass. ;;i ill I II WKS niir many . i i : i j I lloral pre-sions of iuiMiLi the ill i:r loved one. Kaiiuly. : Give Complete Money 8nck I tJ Bethel Church To Have 2-Week Revival Service Revival services are to be held at Bethel Baptist church July 16 29 The pastor. J. Howard Hall, will have as guest minister the Rev. Hobart D. Goolsby, pastor of Temple Baptist church. Chatta nooga Mr. Goolsby is also direc tor of Sunrise Hadio Service, heard over station WAPO. Chattanooga. He is also editor and publisher of semi-monthly paper, the Sunrise Crusader. Rev. Mr. Goolsby comes highly recommended as pastor-evangelist. His ministry has reached out to several different states by means of radio and also through the numerous revival services conduct ed across the country. Two services will be held daily, at 10:30 a in. and at 8 o'clock Local Market (l uinislici by Farmer I Aili.iiifcr, July llthl Krks, grade A. large Kggs. ungraded Irish Potatoes. 100 Rw Sweet Potatoes, bushel Heavy Fryers Roosters Leghorn hens, 'A lbs up Heavy Hens Corn, bushel Green beans, pound Ureen onions, do bum In Beets, do bunches Greens, pound Radishes, do, bunches 12V if.ii $;i oo $2 f0 10c $ 1 Ml He Mr DtV I' je Hoc llev. John Finger To Conduct Revival At Richland Church The Rev. John Finger will begin a series of revival services at the Richland Baptist church on July If) at 11 o'clock a. m , according to an announcement made yesterday. The public is cordially invited to attend. TURNER T. FRANKLIN. JR.. Machinisl USNR, and Mrs. Franklin, whose marriage wa so The bride is the former Miss Lucy Parisi, ol Ho bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin, . Second Class, lived on June 1 Mass , and I he H.i I '..mi Road Guests Of Hotel LeFaine; Legion ami Auxiliary Entertained With Picnic! To Hold Alerting i Supper Party Sunday Friday , , u I ,!. . Iff r. : I . i . im'"n i ill -K.ite Dnii; Store Mrs. C. F. Kirkpatrick entertain-J ed with a picnic supper at Balsam on Sunday evening, compliment ing j the guests ol the La Faine Hotel After returning to the hotel, the; party was further entertained by i a group of Negro singers who gave j a number of spirituals. i It. F. Henry, of Franklin, spent several days here last week visit ing his daughter, Mrs. Ernest Duval!. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our deep appreciation for the kindness and flowers sent during the illness and death of Charles R. White. The Familv. lve The regular inoiillilv meeting of1 the American Legion and Auxiliarv will he held al I he I .onion Home : on Friday evening at U o'clock, ae-1 cording to an announcement yes- terday. A special program has been plan ned for the evening which will take place after the business ses sions ol both groups which are held separately, 1 Members are urged to attend and visitors in tow n, members of sim- ! iliar groups, are invited to be present for the meetings. t. j Sgt. and Mrs. Ben S. Atkins, of j Surphur Spring Road. Waynes- J ville. were recenl visitors at Sil ver Springs. I'la. Miss Juanita Noland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs John C. Noland. of Lake Junaluska. has arrived from Berea College to spend two months vacation with her parents. Miss Noland will be registered' as a member of the junior class up on her return to college. Mrs. Rudolph Carswell and chil dren, Jackie and John, who arc making their home in Morganton while Mr Carswell is in service, are spending several weeks in Hazel wood. LOST-Hation Book No. 3. Either on Allen's Creek or Plott Creek. Name of Sam Boone Milner. 2()ti Randolph St., Ferguson Park, Newport News. Va. Return to II. C. Robinson for reward. July 12 FROZEN FOC No, not snow, sleel, nor frost, just frozen I'or, as the warmer clouds cross the higher mountains and strike the cold tree tops. We have many photographs showing frozen fog 5c to 50c. TIIK AIKKN (JIFT SHOP Miss Helen Nicholas, daughter ot .Mr and Mrs Steve Nicholas, of Wav ni'sv ille. has arriv ed to spend two months vacation with her par ents. Miss Nicholas has recently completed her sophomore year at Berea College and plans !o reliirn in the tall to enter the junior class. mic i n Nor i mi m Mr and Mrs linv liurh. ol Way ursville. R F IV No L' an nouiice Ihe birth of a son al Iheir home on July .'llh Do You Hekh Up Gas Sour Risings After A Good Meal? Sull'erers who have to pay the penalty of stomach distress, indi gestion, gas pains. heartburn, burning sensation, and other syin tomatic conditions caused by e ess acid, should try Ihi In hall i glass of real hot water stir up tcaspoonful of Neuliaoid and Ii i ilk slowly right alter meals vi'eulracid has been specially made for just this one purpose In imin terael and neulralie ecc-s slum ach acid .Never have you bail lasler more soothing comforting relict Gel a box today: ask lor N El TR Al 1 1 ) Smith's Cut Rate Drug Vitoic and all good druggists vvill he glad In supply you on our guarantee of satisfaction or money hack A 1 M I N 1 ST It A TK 1 X ' S NOTKT Having qualified adiniiiiMra trix of the eslale ol .1 W Sum mers, deceased, late ol llavvvood County, North Carolina, this is to utility all persons having claims against Ihe eslate of said deceas ed lo exhibit thetn to the under signed al Way iiesv ille North Car olina, on or before Ihe 1 01 b day of July. HMii. or this notice vvill be pleaded in bar ol their recov ery. All persons indebled to said estate will please make iminediale payment . This the Kith day ol July . I!)4.rv MRS. .1. W SI MM KliS, Administratrix of the Eslale of J. W Summers, deceased. No 14-II) July Li-Alig Ki IfM-ft'caCriKlftirtirav' to relieve monihlt ,FEUAl'PAin LTdla E. Ptnkham's Vegetable Com pound Is omoiu not only to relieve iwrlodic pain but also accompanying nervous, tired, hlgnstrung feelings when due to functional monthly dis turbances. Taken regularly It helps build up resistance against such symp toms Ptnkham's Compound helps iia ture! Follow label directions. Try ltl ACTS ON THE KIDNEYS To increase flow ol urint and relieve irritation of the bladder from excess acidity in Ihe urint Ar you suffering unntcnury dittr, backache, run-down feeling and discom fort from excess acidity in the urine Are you disturbed nights by frequent desire to pass water Then you should know bout that famous doctor's discovery DR. KILMER'S SWAMP ROOT thai thousands say Kes blessed relief. Swamp Root is a carefully blended combination of 16 herbs, roots, vegetables, balsams. Dr. Kilmer's is not harsh or habit-forming in any way. Many people say Ha mrveoa gftect is truly amazing. Send (or free, prepaid sample TODAY t Like thousands of others you'll be glad that you did. Send name and address te Department D, Kilmer 4k Co., Inc., Bos 1265, Stamford, Conn. Offer limited. Send at once. All druggists aell Swamp Root. You Will Find hi Bay's- In An i'nusualiv Nice Assortment SPORT SHIRTS For Boys and Men A 1 Ml N I ST K A T O R 'S NOTICE Having qualified us administra tor ol the estate of W. A. Hyatt, deeeaseti. late of Haywood County, North Carnlin. this is to notify all persons haviiiK claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Way ni'sville. North Carolina, on or bc I'ore the Hth day of June. 1946 or this notice will he pleaded in bar ol their recovery. Al! persons in clohted to said estate will please make iminediale payment. This the Htli day of June, 11145. f I. 1. HYATT. Administrator of the Estate of W. A. Hyatt, deceased. 111 June 14-21-20 July ft-12-1!) Locations Have Been Changed We Have Moved To Our New Home t'ome To See U.s. SIMS TIRE & BATTERY CO. Main Street -ALSO SLACK SUITS- Men's $4.95 up Small Boys' Longie Suits $3.95 up Small Boys' Short Suits $2.25 up Boys' 12 to 18 size $5.95 RAY'S DEPT. STORE Illustrated Lecture rc- i iiiiiHiiiMiMSiiiMisnwiTwwinwMiaiMiii 1 1 ihi m if 1 1 1 1 1 ei u i ACTUAL COLOR PHOTOGRAPHS Of The An 111 -w -us 'V MOUNTAINS NATIONAL PARK By The Park Naturalist Arthur Stupka n Co MdM, J0L Eight O'Clock At The urt Ho WAYNES VILLE No Admission Charges use Sponsored By he Chamber of Commerce i J VJ Sj teWlef-HeiwWeJW eseMeeuieXMMei eeMHel May p.; en? Our Tenth Season In Waynesville This Season We Have Our TWO SALES DAILY 11:00 A. M. 8:00 P. M. Largest, Finest Collection Offered At Auction Daily Fine Diamond Jewelry Imported Porcelains Watches Clocks Antique English Silver Sterling Silver Genuine Paintings Antique Furniture Art Goods TWO SALES DAILY 11:00 A. M. 8:00 P. M. IT Hundreds Of Items Too Numerous To Mention And The Finest Collection Of Lace Dresden Figures Ever Offered To The Public For Sale. Valuable Gin at I I " ' iVl 1 1 1 . " :':' Two Sales Daily 11:00 a.m.8:00p.m. s FREE Waynesville Art Gallery Main Street 2 Doors From Theatre Each Sa e I Two Sales Daily 1 1 ll:00a.m.-8:00p.1n. . I